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Contagion (2011 film)

Contagion is a 2011 American medical disast er t hriller film direct ed by St even Soderbergh. It s
ensemble cast includes Mat t Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Elliot t Gould, Jude Law, Marion
Cot illard, Kat e Winslet , Bryan Cranst on, Jennifer Ehle, Sanaa Lat han, and Gwynet h Palt row. The
plot concerns t he spread of a highly cont agious virus t ransmit t ed by respirat ory droplet s and
fomit es, at t empt s by medical researchers and public healt h officials t o ident ify and cont ain t he
disease, t he loss of social order as t he virus t urns int o a worldwide pandemic, and t he
int roduct ion of a vaccine t o halt it s spread. To follow several int eract ing plot lines, t he film
makes use of t he mult i-narrat ive "hyperlink cinema" st yle, popularized in several of Soderbergh's
films. The film was inspired by real-life out breaks such as t he 2002–2004 SARS out break and t he
2009 flu pandemic.[2]

Following t heir collaborat ion on The Informant! (2009), Soderbergh and screenwrit er Scot t Z.
Burns discussed a film depict ing t he rapid spread of a virus. Burns consult ed wit h represent at ives
of t he World Healt h Organizat ion as well as medical expert s such as W. Ian Lipkin and Larry
Brilliant . Principal phot ography st art ed in Hong Kong in Sept ember 2010, and cont inued in
Chicago, At lant a, London, Dublin, Geneva, and San Francisco Bay Area unt il February 2011.

Contagion premiered at t he 68t h Venice Int ernat ional Film Fest ival on Sept ember 3, 2011, and
was t heat rically released on Sept ember 9, 2011. Commercially, t he film made $136.5 million
against it s $60 million product ion budget . Crit ics praised it for it s narrat ive and t he performances,
as did scient ist s for it s accuracy. The film received renewed popularit y in 2020 due t o t he
emergence of t he COVID-19 pandemic.[3][4]


Ret urning from a Hong Kong business t rip, businesswoman Bet h Emhoff meet s a former lover
during a Chicago layover. She feels slight ly ill; t wo days lat er, back home in Minneapolis, she
suffers a seizure and dies from an unknown illness. Soon, her husband Mit ch finds t hat his 6-year-
old st epson, Clark, has also died. Mit ch is isolat ed but found t o be nat urally immune. Aft er being
released, he prot ect ively keeps his t eenage daught er, Jory, quarant ined at home.

In At lant a, Depart ment of Homeland Securit y represent at ives meet wit h Dr. Ellis Cheever of t he
Cent ers for Disease Cont rol and Prevent ion (CDC) over concerns t hat t he disease may be a
bioweapon. He dispat ches Dr. Erin Mears, an Epidemic Int elligence Service officer, t o Minneapolis,
where she t races everyone having had cont act wit h Bet h. She negot iat es wit h reluct ant local
bureaucrat s t o commit resources for a public healt h response. Lat er, Mears becomes infect ed
and dies. As t he novel virus spreads, cit ywide
quarant ine orders cause panic buying, Contagion

widespread loot ing, and violence.

At t he CDC, Dr. Ally Hext all det ermines t he

virus is a combinat ion of genet ic mat erial from
pig and bat -borne viruses. Scient ist s are unable
t o discover a cell cult ure t o grow t he newly
ident ified MEV-1 (Meningoencephalit is Virus 1).
Cheever det ermines t he virus t oo virulent t o
be researched at mult iple labs and rest rict s all
work t o one government sit e. Hext all orders
Universit y of California, San Francisco
researcher Dr. Ian Sussman t o dest roy his
samples. Believing he is close t o finding a
viable cell cult ure, Sussman rebels and Theatrical release poster

ident ifies a usable cell cult ure from which

Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Hext all develops a vaccine. Scient ist s
det ermine MEV-1 is spread by respirat ory Written by Scott Z. Burns

droplet s and fomit es, wit h a basic Produced by Michael Shamberg

reproduct ion number of four when t he virus Stacey Sher
mut at es; t hey project t hat 1 in 12 people on Gregory Jacobs
Eart h will be infect ed, wit h a 25–30% mort alit y
Starring Marion Cotillard
rat e.
Matt Damon

Conspiracy t heorist Alan Krumwiede claims t o Laurence Fishburne

Jude Law
have cured himself of t he virus using a
Gwyneth Paltrow
homeopat hic cure derived from forsyt hia.
Kate Winslet
People seeking forsyt hia violent ly overwhelm
Bryan Cranston
pharmacies. Krumwiede, having faked being Jennifer Ehle
infect ed t o boost sales of forsyt hia, is Sanaa Lathan
arrest ed for conspiracy and securit ies fraud,
Cinematography Peter Andrews
t hough he is immediat ely bailed out by his
fanbase. Meanwhile, Hext all inoculat es herself Edited by Stephen Mirrione
wit h t he experiment al vaccine and t hen visit s
Music by Cliff Martinez
her infect ed fat her. She does not cont ract
MEV-1, and t he vaccine is declared successful. Production Participant Media
The CDC awards vaccinat ions by lot t ery based Imagenation Abu
on birt hdat es. By t his t ime, t he deat h t oll has Dhabi
Double Feature Films
reached 2.5 million in t he U.S. and 26 million Distributed by Warner Bros.
worldwide. Pictures

Earlier in Hong Kong, World Healt h Organizat ion Release dates September 3, 2011
(WHO) epidemiologist Dr. Leonora Orant es and (Venice)

public healt h officials comb t hrough CCTV September 9, 2011

(United States)
foot age of Bet h's cont act s in a Macau casino
and ident ify her as t he index case. Government Running time 106 minutes
official Sun Feng kidnaps and holds Orant es for
Country United States
mont hs as leverage t o obt ain a vaccine for his
village. WHO officials provide t he village wit h Language English
fake vaccines, and she is released. When
Budget $60 million
Orant es learns t he vaccines were placebos,
she goes t o warn t he village. Meanwhile, life Box office $136.5 million[1]
begins t o ret urn t o normal, wit h public venues
accessible for t hose wit h a vaccine bracelet .

In a flashback t o t he spillover event , a bulldozer from Emhoff's company cleared a t ree in China,
dist urbing bat s, one of whom found shelt er in a pig farm and dropped an infect ed piece of banana
t hat a pig t hen consumes. The pig is t hen slaught ered and prepared by a chef in a Macau casino,
who, wit hout washing his hands, t ransmit t ed t he virus t o Bet h via a handshake.


Matt Damon, a frequent

collaborator of
Soderbergh's, portrays Mitch

Mat t Damon as Mit ch Emhoff

Damon viewed his charact er as t he embodiment of t he "everyman"—an individual who is seen as
one of t he human faces of t he supervirus following his wife and st epson's deat hs.[5]
Soderbergh also not ed Mit ch's "common individual" lack of medical and scient ific knowledge,[5]
t hough keeping t he sit uat ion dynamic and compelling was challenging for t he direct or, as he
was concerned t hat Emhoff would be a one-dimensional charact er. Soderbergh felt t hat
Damon underst ood t he concept and addressed t he producers' concerns. "You never cat ch him
act ing", said Soderbergh. "There's no vanit y, no self-consciousness in his performance; it 's as if
t he cameras aren't t here."[5] Writ er Scot t Z. Burns sent him a copy of t he script wit h a "read t his
and t hen go wash your hands" not e at t ached t o it . Damon recalled: "I just really want t o be in
t his movie. It was a t errific, rivet ing, really fast read and really excit ing and really horrifying, but
managed t o be really t ouching."[6]

Laurence Fishburne as Dr. Ellis Cheever

Soderbergh admired Fishburne's abilit y t o port ray an emphat ic and assert ive figure in previous
films.[5] To Fishburne, Cheever was a "smart ", "compet ent " physician who oft en epit omized a
"voice of reason".[5] Once he conferred wit h W. Ian Lipkin, a virologist and professor at Columbia
Universit y,[7] t he charact er's complexit ies were nonexist ent for t he act or. Fishburne st at ed,
"The personal st uff t hat I have as Ellis Cheever was t elling my fiancée, soon-t o-be wife, Sanaa
Lat han, t o get out of t own, t o leave, t o pack up, t o not t alk. That 's really easy. Any human being
in t hat sit uat ion is going t o do t hat , I t hink."[8]

Although the conspiracy

theorist Alan Krumwiede
(played by Jude Law)
appears to be an antagonist,
producer Gregory Jacobs
thinks that "in [a] sense [he
also] represents the
audience's point of view."

Jude Law as Alan Krumwiede

Krumwiede is an ardent conspiracy t heorist who, according t o Law, is t he so-called index
pat ient for "what becomes a parallel epidemic of fear and panic".[5] "We definit ely want ed him
t o have a messianic st reak", said Soderbergh, whom Law t alked t o during t he charact er's
creat ing process. The t wo men discussed t he appearances and t he behaviors of a t ypical ant i-
government conspiracy t heorist .[5] Producer Gregory Jacobs comment ed t hat "what 's
int erest ing is t hat you're not really sure about him. Is t he government really hiding somet hing
and does t he herbal remedy he's t alking about really work? I t hink we all suspect at one t ime or
anot her t hat we're not get t ing t he whole t rut h, and in t hat sense, Krumwiede represent s t he
audience's point of view."[5]

Gwynet h Palt row as Bet h Emhoff

A "working mom", as described by Palt row, Bet h is t he cent ral figure in t he det ect ive process.
Despit e being among t he virus' first vict ims, Palt row believed t hat Bet h was "lucky" as she
t hought t he disease's survivors were being left t o deal wit h t he newly difficult condit ions of
everyday life, such as finding food and pot able wat er.[5] When on locat ion in Hong Kong, Palt row
was inst ruct ed by Soderbergh t o t ake phot ographs t o be used in t he film and admit t ed she
was apprehensive about t he assignment . "I was just anot her t ourist t aking pict ures", she said,
and added, "I did feel a lit t le pressure. When St even Soderbergh gives you a phot o assignment ,
you had bet t er come back wit h somet hing decent ."[5]

Kate Winslet researched her

character at the Centers for
Disease Control and

Kat e Winslet as Dr. Erin Mears, an Epidemic Int elligence Service officer
In researching her charact er, Winslet t raveled t o t he Cent ers for Disease Cont rol and
Prevent ion (CDC), current ly in At lant a, Georgia, where she consult ed wit h current and former
officers of t he Epidemic Int elligence Service t o receive insight on not only t he daily life but on
t he t ype of person qualified for t he occupat ion. "These are people who can be sent int o war
zones where t here's been an out break of a new virus. Fear is not an opt ion. If t hey feel it , t hey
learn t o push it aside."[5] Winslet felt t hat Mears was able t o bring t he epidemic "down t o t he
layman's level" so t he viewer could comprehend t he scope of it wit hout t he science dragging
t he st ory down.[5][9]

Bryan Cranst on as Rear Admiral Lyle Haggert y, Unit ed St at es Public Healt h Service
Commissioned Corps
Jennifer Ehle as Dr. Ally Hext all, a research scient ist wit h t he Cent ers for Disease Cont rol and
Prevent ion
Soderbergh had seen Ehle's performance in Michael Clayton (2007), t hough it was ult imat ely
cut prior t o t he film's release, and it prompt ed him t o offer her a role in Contagion. He "had
known who Jennifer was for a long t ime, and t his didn't t ake a lot of t hought , honest ly".[8]

Elliot t Gould as Dr. Ian Sussman, a scient ist at t he Universit y of California San Francisco

Chin Han as Sun Feng

Han spoke of his charact er's development : "He st art s off as a but t on-down, serious ...
government official, and t hen as t he movie progresses ... you find out a different side of him and
his secret agenda."[10]

Marion Cotillard was

enthusiastic in joining the
project due to her fear of

Marion Cot illard as Dr. Leonora Orant es, an epidemiologist wit h t he World Healt h Organizat ion
Orant es' main object ive is t o t race t he origins of t he MEV-1 pat hogen. Cot illard, a fan of
Soderbergh's work, first met wit h t he direct or in Los Angeles, California.[11] The French act ress
was ent hralled wit h t he script because she was "very concerned about germs. I've always been
... scared, in a way, by all of t hose disease[s]. So ... it was really somet hing I was really
int erest ed."[11] Soderbergh said t hat Orant es "get s dropped int o sit uat ions and has t o deal wit h
cult ural as well as scient ific issues t hat are somet imes at odds", and not es t hat she has a
"professional" yet st ubborn, "remot e", and "dispassionat e" demeanor, t hough "somet hing
happens t o her in t he course of t he st ory t hat causes a significant emot ional shift ."[5]

Addit ionally, t he film also st ars John Hawkes as Roger, CDC cust odian and acquaint ance of Dr.
Cheever; Anna Jacoby-Heron as Jory Emhoff, daught er of Mit ch Emhoff; Josie Ho as t he sist er
of Li Fai, who was t he first t o be infect ed wit h MEV-1 in Hong Kong; Sanaa Lat han as Aubrey
Cheever, fiancée of Dr. Cheever; Demet ri Mart in as Dr. David Eisenberg, CDC colleague of Dr.
Hext all; Armin Rohde as Damian Leopold, a WHO official; Enrico Colant oni as Dennis French, a
Depart ment of Homeland Securit y official; Larry Clarke as Dave, a Minnesot a healt h official
working wit h Dr. Mears; and Monique Gabriela Curnen as Lorraine Vasquez, a print journalist for t he
San Francisco Chronicle.


Conception and writing

St ory development for Contagion coincided

There's a scene in The Informant! where Mat t
wit h Burns' collaborat ion wit h Soderbergh in
(Damon) is wat ching Scot t Bakula's charact er
The Informant! (2009).[7] The duo had init ially
t alk on t he phone and Scot t coughs on t he
planned t o creat e a biographical film on Leni
phone, and t here's t his whole ramp [sic ] t hat
Riefenst ahl, a t railblazer in German cinema
Mat t goes off on of Oh, great , now what
during t he 1930s and a figure in t he rise of
happens? He get s sick and t hen I'm going t o
t he Nazi Part y. Soderbergh lat er cont act ed
get it , my kids are going t o get it ." I've always
Burns t o cancel t he project , as he t hought
been fascinat ed by t ransmissibilit y, so I said t o
t hat a film about Riefenst ahl would st ruggle
St even, "I want t o do an int erest ing t hriller
t o at t ract an audience.[7] Int rigued wit h t he
version of a pandemic movie" and he said,
field of t ransmission, Burns suggest ed t hat
Great ! Let 's do t hat inst ead."
t hey inst ead creat e a film t hat cent ered on
a pandemic sit uat ion—"an int erest ing t hriller Scot t Z. Burns[7]
version of a pandemic movie". His main
object ive was t o const ruct a medical t hriller t hat "really felt like what could happen".[7]

Burns consult ed wit h Larry Brilliant , renowned for his work in eradicat ing smallpox, t o develop an
accurat e percept ion of a pandemic event .[7] He had seen one of Brilliant 's TED present at ions,
which he was fascinat ed by, and realized t hat "t he point of view of people wit hin t hat field isn't 'If
t his is going t o happen', it 's 'When is t his going t o happen?' "[7] Brilliant int roduced Burns t o
epidemiologist W. Ian Lipkin. Wit h t he aid of t hese physicians, t he producers were able t o obt ain
addit ional perspect ives from represent at ives of t he World Healt h Organizat ion.[7] Burns also met
wit h t he aut hor of The Coming Plague, Laurie Garret t . Her 1995 book helped Burns consider a
variet y of pot ent ial plot s for t he film. He want ed t o feat ure an official from t he CDC, and
ult imat ely decided t o use an epidemiologist , since t hat role requires int eract ing wit h people while
t racking t he disease.[7]

Alt hough he had done research on pandemics six mont hs prior t o t he 2009 flu pandemic, t hat
out break enhanced his underst anding of t he societ al apparat us t hat responds during t he onset
st ages of a pandemic. To him, it was not solely t he virus it self t hat one had t o be concerned
about , but how societ y handles t he sit uat ion.[7] "I saw t hem come t o life", Burns said, "and I saw
issues about , 'Well, do you close t he schools and if you close t he schools, t hen who st ays home
wit h t he kids? And will everyone keep t heir kids at home?' Things happening online, which is where
t he Jude Law charact er came from, t hat t here's going t o be informat ion t hat comes out online
where people want t o be ahead of t he curve, so some people will writ e t hings about ant i-virals or
different t reat ment prot ocols, and so t here's always going t o be an informat ion and t hat
informat ion also has sort of a viral pulse."[7]


Some of Chicago's landscape

provided for the setting of
Minneapolis and Atlanta.

The hostage exchange scene was

filmed in Tsuen Wan Chinese
Permanent Cemetery, Hong Kong.

In addit ion t o direct ing, Soderbergh was t he cinemat ographer of Contagion.[5] The film was wholly
shot using Red Digit al Cinema's RED One MX digit al camera, which has a 4.5K image
resolut ion.[5][12] Since he hoped for t he premise t o be aut hent ic and "as realist ic as possible",
Soderbergh opt ed not t o film in t he st udio. "There's, t o me, not hing more sat isfying occasionally
t han making someplace look like someplace else on film and having nobody know t he
difference."[13] For choosing cit ies, Soderbergh felt t hat t hey couldn't "go anywhere where one of
our charact ers hasn't been", since he want ed t o port ray an "epic", yet "int imat e" scenario.[8] He

We can't cut to a city or a group of extras that we've never been to that
we don't know personally. That was our rule. And that's a pretty
significant rule to adhere to in a movie in which you're trying to give a
sense of something that's happening on a large scale, but we felt that all
of the elements that we had issues with prior, when we see any kind of
disaster film, we're centered around that idea.[8]

Principal phot ography st art ed in Hong Kong in Sept ember 2010,[5] and cont inued for
approximat ely t wo weeks.[7] Soderbergh was originally hoping t o also film in mainland China,
t hough Moviefone journalist David Ehrlich believed t hat permission from t he Chinese government
was unlikely t o be fort hcoming.[14] Alt hough producers also int ended t o est ablish a filming
locat ion in one of t he many casinos in Macau, t he Jumbo Float ing Rest aurant in Hong Kong's
Aberdeen Harbour was used inst ead for t he casino set t ing, as filming wit hin t he vicinit y of a
gambling est ablishment is prohibit ed by law.[5] To move t he equipment for t he casino scenes t o
t he on-t he-wat er locat ion, producers hired a number of locals t o carry out t he t ask, as t hey were
accust omed t o "using sampans like t rucks".[5] Addit ional locat ions included t he Hong Kong
Int ernat ional Airport , Int erCont inent al Hong Kong, and t he Princess Margaret Hospit al.[5]

Principal phot ography relocat ed in t he following mont h t o Chicago, Illinois, which served as t he
nexus for product ion.[5] Much of t he cit yscape and it s surrounding suburbs were used t o emulat e
Minneapolis, Minnesot a, and At lant a, Georgia, in addit ion t o serving as backdrop for Chicago
it self.[5] Since principal phot ography occurred during t he wint er mont hs, snowfall was a
prerequisit e in simulat ing a "persist ent coldness" t hat encompassed "a hypersensit ive kind of
glare".[5] Wit hin t he cit y limit s, filming locat ions included t he Shedd Aquarium,[15] O'Hare
Int ernat ional Airport , and Midway Airport .[5] Arguably t he largest set s were at t he General Jones
Armory, which was convert ed int o an infirmary, and a major locat ion shoot occurred in Waukegan,
about 40 miles nort h of Chicago, where a port ion of t he Amst ut z Expressway was used t o
simulat e t he Dan Ryan Expressway.[5][16] Product ion also t ook place at Sherman Hospit al in Elgin
and Cent ral Element ary School in Wilmet t e, and also in Downt own West ern Springs, where t he
grocery st ore scene was filmed.[5]

Filming moved once again in January 2011 t o t he Druid Hills quadrant of At lant a, which cont ains
t he headquart ers of t he Cent ers for Disease Cont rol and Prevent ion. The rest rict ed nat ure of t he
CDC campus meant t hat producers were only allowed t o shoot ext erior scenes of t he area, as
well as wit hin t he parking garage and recept ion area for t he CDC's museum onsit e.[17] Principal
phot ography t hen proceeded int o At lant a's cent ral business dist rict and Decat ur,[17] before
advancing t o London, Geneva, and last ly San Francisco, California, in t he ensuing mont h.[18] The
San Francisco Film Commission charged filmmakers $300 per day for product ion wit hin t he cit y
limit s.[18] In t he Nort h Beach and Pot rero Hill sect ions of t he cit y, product ion designer Howard
Cummings scat t ered t rash and discarded clot hing on t he ground t o depict t he rapid decline of
civilizat ion.[5] For t he Civic Cent er set , over 2,000 ext ras were sought for in background roles;
act ors who were a part of t he Screen Act ors Guild were paid $139 per day, while nonunion
workers received $64 per day for t heir work.[19] Ot her filming locat ions were est ablished at
Golden Gat e Park, Chinat own, and Candlest ick Park; it cost $60,000 t o rent t he foot ball st adium
for six days.[5][18] Genent ech Hall at t he Universit y of California, San Francisco Mission Bay
campus was used for filming also, renamed Mendel Hall for t he occasion.[20]


Cliff Mart inez composed t he film's soundt rack, which was his first big-screen score for
Soderbergh since Solaris in 2002.[21] Given t hat t he pacing of t he music was one of Soderbergh's
biggest concerns, Mart inez needed t o maint ain a brisk pace t hroughout t he soundt rack, while
also conveying fear and hope wit hin t he music.[21] "I t ried t o creat e t he sound of anxiet y. And at
key, st rat egic moment s I t ried t o use t he music t o conjure up t he sense of t ragedy and loss."[21]
Mart inez incorporat ed orchest ral element s, and fused t hem wit h t he predominant ly elect ronic
sounds of t he score. He not ed t hat t he "sound palet t e for Contagion came by way of combining
t hree very different approaches St even went t hrough as he was cut t ing t he film."[21] Mart inez
received a rough cut for t he film in Oct ober 2010, which cont ained music t hat was imbued wit h
element s of The French Connection (1971) and Marathon Man (1976). He "loved" t hose t wo
soundt racks, and composed a few pieces in t heir st yle.[21] A few mont hs lat er, he acquired a new
cut , which included music influenced by German elect ronic group Tangerine Dream.[21] Toward t he
end, Soderbergh changed again and used cont emporary soundt rack music t hat was "more
energet ic and more rhyt hmic".[22] Ult imat ely, Mart inez used aspect s of all t hree approaches: "I
reasoned t hat combining t hem would not only be effect ive but would give t he score a st yle all
it s own."[21] The score was released by Wat erTower Music in Sept ember 2011.[23]

Themes and analysis

An electron microscope image of the

H1N1 influenza virus. The 2009 flu
epidemic was a key inspiration and
influence on the creation of
An electron microscope image of the
SARS virus. The 2003 SARS outbreak
was also an inspiration and influence
of Contagion.

Soderbergh was mot ivat ed t o make an "ult ra-realist ic" film about public healt h and scient ific
response t o a pandemic.[24] The film's "hyperlink st yle" (oft en quickly moving back and fort h from
geographically dist ant places and persons) emphasizes bot h t he hist orically new perils of
cont emporary net worked globalizat ion and t imeless qualit ies of t he human condit ion (recalling
famous lit erary t reat ment s of epidemics, such as Albert Camus's The Plague).[25] The movie
t ouches on a variet y of t hemes, including t he fact ors which drive mass panic and collapse of
social order, t he scient ific process for charact erizing and cont aining a novel pat hogen, balancing
personal mot ives against professional responsibilit ies and et hics in t he face of an exist ent ial
t hreat , t he limit at ions and consequences of public healt h responses, and t he pervasiveness of
int erpersonal connect ions which can serve as vect ors t o spread disease.[26] Soderbergh
acknowledged t he salience of t hese post -apocalypt ic t hemes is height ened by react ions t o t he
Sept ember 11 at t acks and Hurricane Kat rina.[26] The movie was int ended t o realist ically convey
t he "int ense" and "unnerving" social and scient ific react ions t o a pandemic.[2] The real-life
epidemics such as t he 2002–2004 SARS out break and t he 2009 flu pandemic have been
inspirat ions and influences in t he film.[2] The chain of cont agion involving bat s and pigs is
reminiscent of t he t rail of t he Nipah virus (which infect s cells in t he respirat ory and nervous
syst ems, t he same cells as t he virus in t he movie) t hat originat ed in Malaysia in 1997, which
similarly involved t he dist urbance of a bat colony by deforest at ion.[27] In fact , t he film uses a
Nipah virus prot ein model in a scene describing t he recombinat ion found in t he fict ional

The film present s examples of crowd psychology and collect ive behavior which can lead t o mass
hyst eria and t he loss of social order. The bafflement , out rage, and helplessness associat ed wit h
t he lack of informat ion, combined wit h new media such as blogs, allow conspiracy t heorist s like
Krumwiede t o spread disinformat ion and fear, which become dangerous cont agions
t hemselves.[26][29] Dr. Cheever must balance t he need for full disclosure but avoid a panic and
allow t he t ime t o charact erize and respond t o an unknown virus.[30] The movie indirect ly crit iques
t he greed, selfishness, and hypocrisy of isolat ed act s in cont emporary cult ure and t he unint ended
consequences t hey can have in t he cont ext of a pandemic.[31] For example, t he Cent ers for
Disease Cont rol and Prevent ion recommends social dist ancing by forcibly isolat ing t he healt hy t o
limit t he spread of t he disease, which st ands in st ark opposit ion t o cont emporary demands for
social net working.[31] Responding t o t he pandemic present s a paradox, as t he cont agiousness and
let halit y of t he virus inst ills deep dist rust of ot hers but surviving and limit ing t he spread of t he
disease also requires individuals t o work t oget her.[32]

Against t his exist ent ial t hreat and fraying social order, t he film also explores how individual
charact ers bend or break exist ing rules for bot h selfish and selfless reasons.[33] Dr. Hext all
violat es prot ocols by t est ing a pot ent ial vaccine on herself, Dr. Sussman cont inues experiment s
on a cell line despit e orders t o dest roy his samples, Dr. Cheever not ifies his fiancée t o leave t he
cit y before a public quarant ine is imposed, Sun Feng kidnaps Dr. Orant es t o secure vaccine
supplies for his village, Dr. Mears cont inues her cont ainment work despit e cont ract ing t he virus,
and Krumwiede is paid t o use his blog t o peddle snake oil cures so as t o drive demand and profit
for invest ors in alt ernat ive medicine. Soderbergh repeat edly uses t he cinemat ographic st yle of
lingering and focusing on t he it ems and object s which are t ouched by t he infect ed and become
vect ors (fomit es) t o infect ot her people.[34] These object s link charact ers t oget her and reinforce
t he mult i-narrat ive hyperlink cinema st yle which Soderbergh developed in Traffic (2000) and
Syriana (2005), which he produced.[32][35]

The st ory also highlight s examples of polit ical cronyism (a plane t o evacuat e Dr. Mears from
Minneapolis is inst ead divert ed t o evacuat e a congressman), plat it udes and rigid t hinking (public
healt h officials consider post poning t he closing of shopping malls unt il aft er t he Thanksgiving
shopping season), federal responders t rying t o navigat e 50 separat e st at e-level public healt h
policies, and t he heroism of federal bureaucrat s.[26][29] Soderbergh does not use t ype-cast
pharmaceut ical execut ives or polit icians as villains,[36] but inst ead port rays bloggers such as
Krumwiede in a negat ive light .[29] Social media play a role in Krumwiede's accusat ions against Dr.
Cheever and in Emhoff's daught er's at t empt s t o carry on a relat ionship wit h her boyfriend t hrough
t ext messaging.[32] Ot her responses in t he movie, such as Emhoff's appropriat ing a shot gun from
a friend's abandoned house t o prot ect his home from loot ers, imposit ion of federal quarant ines
and curfews, t he allocat ion of vaccines by lot t ery, inadequat e federal preparat ion and responses,
and use of bar-coded wrist bands t o ident ify t he inoculat ed highlight t he complex t ensions
bet ween freedom and order in responding t o a pandemic.[30] Soderbergh uses Emhoff t o illust rat e
t he micro-effect s of macro-level decisions.[37]



Contagion premiered on Sept ember 3, 2011, at t he 68t h Venice Int ernat ional Film Fest ival in
Venice, It aly,[38] and a wider release followed on Sept ember 9.[39] In t he Unit ed St at es and
Canada, Contagion was shown in 3,222 t heat ers, of which 254 were IMAX venues.[40]
Home media

Contagion was released on DVD and Blu-ray in Nort h America on January 3, 2012,[41] and in t he
Unit ed Kingdom on March 5, 2012.[42] In it s first week of release, t he film t opped t he DVD chart
wit h 411,000 unit s sold for $6.16 million.[43] That same week it sold 274,000 Blu-ray copies for
$4.93 million, t opping t hat chart as well.[44] DVD sales dropped during t he second week of
release, wit h 193,000 unit s sold for $2.89 million.[45] As of early July 2012, Contagion had sold
802,535 copies in DVD, for $12.01 million in revenue.[41]


Box office

Various American commercial analyst s ant icipat ed t hat t he film would have t icket sales of
bet ween $20–$25 million during it s opening weekend,[39][40] which it did, grossing $8 million on it s
first day,[46] and $23.1 million for t he ent ire weekend.[47] Of t hat t ot al, t en percent ($2.3 million) of
t he gross came from IMAX screenings.[48] By out grossing compet it or The Help ($8.7M),
Contagion became t he highest -grossing film of t he week.[47] Demographically, t he opening
audience was evenly divided among gender, according t o Warner Bros., while eight y percent of
spect at ors were of t he age of 25 and over.[47][49] Contagion did well t he following weekend,
generat ing a $14.5 million box office, but came in second t o t he re-release of The Lion King
(1994).[50] The t hird week saw t he box office drop by fort y percent , for a t ot al gross of $8.7
million.[51] By t he fourt h week, Contagion had dropped t o nint h place at t he box office wit h $5
million, and t he number of t heat ers narrowed t o 2,744.[52] The film complet ed it s t heat rical run on
December 15, 2011, at which point it s t ot al domest ic gross was $75.6 million.[1]

Contagion made it s int ernat ional debut in six foreign market s t he same weekend as it s American
release, including It aly, where it achieved $663,000 from 309 t heat ers.[53] The first week saw
Contagion gross $2.1 million from 553 est ablishment s—a per-t heat er average of $3,797.[53]
Foreign grosses for Contagion would remain relat ively st agnant up unt il t he weekend of Oct ober
14–16, 2011, when t he film expanded int o several addit ional European market s.[54] Out of t he $3.9
million t hat was generat ed from 1,100 venues during t hat weekend, nearly 40% of t he gross
originat ed from Spain, where t he film earned $1.5 million from 325 t heat ers.[54] Wit h t he growing
expansion of t he film in seven addit ional market s, t he weekend of Oct ober 21–23, 2011 saw
Contagion t ake in $9.8 million from 2,505 locat ions, increasing t he int ernat ional gross t o $22.9
million.[55] In t he Unit ed Kingdom, one of t he film's significant int ernat ional releases, Contagion
opened in t hird place at t he box office wit h $2.3 million from 398 t heat ers;[55] it subsequent ly
garnered t he highest debut gross of a Soderbergh film since Ocean's Thirteen (2007).[56]
Int ernat ional grosses for Contagion t ot aled $60.8 million.[1]
Critical response

Contagion has received posit ive reviews by film comment at ors. Review aggregat or Rot t en
Tomat oes report ed t hat 85% of crit ics have given t he film a posit ive review based on 278
reviews, wit h an average rat ing of 7.10/10. The websit e's crit ics consensus st at es, "Tense, t ight ly
plot t ed, and bolst ered by a st ellar cast , Contagion is an except ionally smart – and scary –
disast er movie."[57] On Met acrit ic, which assigns a rat ing out of 100 based on t he crit iques from
mainst ream crit ics, t he film received an average score of 70 based on 38 reviews, indicat ing
"generally favorable reviews".[58] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave t he film an average grade
of "B−" on an A+ t o F scale.[59]

The Guardian journalist Pet er Bradshaw felt t hat Contagion blended well t oget her as a film,
alt hough opined t hat Soderbergh was somewhat unsuccessful in channeling t he fears, fright s,
and "t he massive sense of loss" of "ordinary people".[60] To David Denby of The New Yorker, t he
"brilliant " film was "serious, precise, fright ening," and "emot ionally enveloping".[26] Despit e
applauding Soderbergh for "hopscot ching" t idily "bet ween t he int imat e and int ernat ional", The
Atlantic 's Christ opher Orr was disappoint ed wit h t he film's det ached and "clinical" disposit ion,
which led him t o conclude t hat Contagion should have gone wit h a more inflexible rat ionale, or a
lesson "beyond 'wash your hands oft en and hope you're lucky'."[61] "For all t he craft t hat went int o
it , Contagion is ult imat ely beyond good or bad, beyond crit icism. It just is," professed The Atlantic
writ er.[61] Describing it as a "smart " and "spooky" inst allment , Manohla Dargis of The New York
Times wrot e, "Mr. Soderbergh doesn't milk your t ears as t hings fall apart , but a passion t hat can
feel like cold rage is inscribed in his images of men and women isolat ed in t he frame, in t he blurred
point of view of t he dying and in t he insist ent st illness of a visual st yle t hat seems like an
exhort at ion t o look."[34] Regarding t he st ory, Salon columnist Andrew O'Hehir avouched t hat t he
"crisp" and succinct narrat ive mat ched up t o t he "beaut ifully composed" visuals of t he film.[29]
Todd McCart hy of The Hollywood Reporter proclaimed t hat Soderbergh and Burns effect ively
creat ed anxiet y in t he "shrewd" and "unsensat ionalist ic" film wit hout becoming exaggerat ed,[62] a
sent iment echoed by Jeannet t e Cat soulis of NPR, who insist ed t hat t he duo "weave mult iple
charact ers int o a narrat ive t hat 's complex wit hout being confusing, and int elligent wit hout being
baffling".[37] Writ ing for The Village Voice, Karina Longwort h t hought t hat Contagion reflect ed t he
"self-consciousness" and "experiment at ion" of some of Soderbergh's previous effort s, such as
t he Ocean's t rilogy and The Girlfriend Experience (2009).[31]

The performances of mult iple cast members were frequent ly ment ioned in t he reviews. The
Boston Globe journalist Wesley Morris praised not only Ehle's performance, but t he work of t he
"undercard" such as Cranst on, Gould, and Colant oni, among ot hers.[35] Similarly, Pet er Travers of
Rolling Stone called Ehle t he "best in show".[63] As Los Angeles Times ' Kennet h Turan summed up,
"Two-t ime Tony-winning act ress Jennifer Ehle comes close t o st ealing t he pict ure wit h t his
quiet ly yet quirkily empat het ic performance."[64] Wit h regard t o Law, The Philadelphia Inquirer 's
St even Rea st at ed t hat t he act or port rayed t he charact er wit h a "nut t y" confidence;[65] Mick
LaSalle from t he San Francisco Chronicle agreed wit h Rea's t hought s.[66][67] Damon provided t he
film's "relat able heart ", according t o Forrest Wickman of Slate, who concluded t hat even wit h her
cont rolled performance, Winslet "lives up t o her head-of-t he-class reput at ion even in an unusually
small role".[32]

The charact er development of mult iple charact ers produced varying response from crit ics.
Cont rary t o Mit ch's st ance as t he main prot agonist , Michael O'Sullivan of The Washington Post
felt t hat Contagion "t reat s him wit h an oddly clinical det achment ".[68] In part icular Law's
charact er, Alan Krumwiede, at t ract ed comment ary from Roger Ebert of t he Chicago Sun-Times ,
who wrot e, "The blogger subplot doesn't int eract clearly wit h t he main st ory lines and funct ions
most ly as an alarming but vague dist ract ion."[69]

Scientific response

Ferris Jabr of New Scientist approved of Contagion for accurat ely port raying t he "successes and
frust rat ions" of science. Jabr cit es st ory element s such as "t he fact t hat before researchers can
st udy a virus, t hey need t o figure out how t o grow it in cell cult ures in t he lab, wit hout t he virus
dest roying all t he cells" as examples of accurat e depict ions of science.[70] Carl Zimmer, a science
writ er, praised t he film, st at ing, "It shows how reconst ruct ing t he course of an out break can
provide crucial clues, such as how many people an infect ed person can give a virus t o, how many
of t hem get sick, and how many of t hem die." He also describes a conversat ion wit h t he film's
scient ific consult ant , W. Ian Lipkin, in which Lipkin defended t he rapid generat ion of a vaccine in
t he film. Zimmer wrot e t hat "Lipkin and his colleagues are now capable of figuring out how t o
t rigger immune react ions t o exot ic viruses from animals in a mat t er of weeks, not mont hs. And
once t hey've creat ed a vaccine, t hey don't have t o use Eisenhower-era t echnology t o
manufact ure it in bulk."[71] Paul Offit , a pediat rician and vaccinat ion expert , st at ed t hat "t ypically
when movies t ake on science, t hey t end t o sacrifice t he science in favor of drama. That wasn't
t rue here." Offit appreciat ed t he film's usage of concept s such as R0 and fomit es, as well as t he
fict ional st rain's origins, which was based on t he Nipah virus.[72]


The film received renewed popularit y in 2020 due t o t he emergence of t he COVID-19

pandemic.[3] By March 2020, Contagion was t he sevent h-most -popular film on iTunes, list ed as
t he number t wo cat alog t it le on Warner Bros. compared t o it s number 270 rank t he past
December 2019,[73] and had average daily visit s on piracy websit es increase by 5,609 percent in
January 2020 compared t o t he previous mont h.[74] HBO Now also report ed t hat Contagion had
been t he most viewed film for t wo weeks st raight .[75]
As t he film cont inued t o regain popularit y, t he cast reunit ed t hrough an infomercial t ype public
service announcement in part nership wit h t he Columbia Universit y Mailman School of Public
Healt h in March 2020.[76] Regarding it s resurgence in 2020, screenwrit er Scot t Z. Burns
responded in an int erview wit h The Washington Post saying, "It is sad, and it is frust rat ing. Sad
because so many people are dying and get t ing sick. Frust rat ing because people st ill don't seem
t o grasp t he sit uat ion we are now in and how it could have been avoided by properly funding t he
science around all of t his. It is also surreal t o me t hat people from all over t he world writ e t o me
asking how I knew it would involve a bat or how I knew t he t erm "social dist ancing". I didn't have a
cryst al ball — I had access t o great expert ise. So, if people find t he movie t o be accurat e, it
should give t hem confidence in t he public healt h expert s who are out t here right now t rying t o
guide us."[77]

In February 2021, Brit ish Healt h Secret ary Mat t Hancock revealed t hat wat ching t he scramble
for vaccines in Contagion inspired him t o order a much larger quant it y of COVID-19 vaccines for
t he Unit ed Kingdom t han his advisers recommended, accelerat ing t he UK's event ual rollout of it s
vaccinat ion programme ahead of ot her European count ries.[78][79]

In December 2020, Soderbergh announced t hat a "philosophical sequel" for t he film was in t he


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External links

Wikiquote has quotations related to Contagion (film).

Official websit e (ht t p://www.cont

Contagion (ht t ps:// it le/t t 1598778/) at IMDb

Contagion (ht t ps:// at AllMovie

Contagion (ht t ps://www.t cmdb/t it le/823653/enwp) at t he TCM Movie Dat abase

Contagion (ht t ps://cat alog/moviedet ails/67676) at t he AFI Catalog of

Feature Films

Contagion (ht t ps:// m) at Box Office Mojo

Contagion (2011) (ht t ps:// agion_ (2011)) at t he Int ernet Movie

Firearms Dat abase

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