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Complex Engineering Project Report

Subject: Signal and System

Lab Instructor: Sir Zohaib Hassan

Subject Instructor: Sir Waseem Khan

Title: Development of a Matlab GUI for Lab Assignments

Group Members: Muhammad Ali (220623)

Muhammad Hamza (220666)
Maryam Razaque (220644)

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Problem Statement :

Create a Matlab GUI to address the questions outlined in your lab

Incorporate Lab Task questions ranging from Lab 1 to Lab 11.
Key Features:
1. Include 25 distinct lab task questions.
2. Distribute 10 questions across Lab 1 to Lab 5 and another 15 across Lab 6
to Lab 11.
3. Implement 25 push buttons for various tasks.
4. Utilize 25 display buttons as required.
5. Incorporate the necessary number of input buttons.
In this project, we designed and developed a Matlab GUI that
incorporates 25 lab task questions from Lab 1 to Lab 11. The GUI features
25 push buttons, 25 display buttons, and input buttons as required. The
objective of this project is to provide an interactive platform for users to
access and complete lab tasks.

Objective :

The objective of this project is to design and develop a comprehensive

Matlab Graphical User Interface (GUI) that:

1. Integrates 25 lab task questions from Lab 1 to Lab 11, covering a range of
topics and concepts.
2. Provides an interactive platform for users to access and complete lab
tasks, with clear instructions and feedback.
3. Utilizes push buttons, display buttons, and input buttons to facilitate user
interaction and input.
4. Demonstrates the effective use of Matlab GUI development tools and
5. Offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, with clear navigation and
minimal errors.

By achieving this objective, the project aims to create a valuable resource for
students and educators, enhancing the learning and teaching experience in
Matlab programming and related fields.

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Background :

Matlab is a high-level programming language and environment widely used

in various fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. It offers a
range of tools and techniques for numerical computation, data analysis, and
visualization. Graphical User Interface (GUI) development is an essential
aspect of Matlab programming, enabling users to create interactive and user-
friendly interfaces for various applications.

In recent years, there has been a growing need for interactive and engaging
learning tools in Matlab programming and related fields. Traditional
teaching methods often rely on textbooks and lectures, which can be limiting
in terms of student engagement and understanding. GUI-based applications
offer a promising solution, providing an interactive platform for students to
explore and learn Matlab concepts and techniques.

Lab assignments and tasks are an essential part of learning Matlab

programming. However, creating and managing these assignments can be
time-consuming and challenging for educators. A comprehensive GUI that
integrates lab tasks and questions can help streamline this process, providing
a centralized platform for students to access and complete assignments.

This project aims to address these needs by designing and developing a

Matlab GUI that incorporates 25 lab task questions from Lab 1 to Lab 11.
The GUI will provide an interactive platform for students to access and
complete lab tasks, with clear instructions and feedback. By leveraging
Matlab's GUI development tools and techniques, this project aims to create a
valuable resource for students and educators, enhancing the learning and
teaching experience in Matlab programming and related fields.

Design and Development:

The GUI was designed using the Matlab GUI development environment
(GUIDE). The layout was organized into sections, with Lab 1-5 on the left
and Lab 6-11 on the right. Each lab task question was assigned a push
button, which when clicked, displays the question and input fields (if
required) in the display button. The user can enter their answer in the input
field and submit it for evaluation.
Each question was assigned a push button and display button, with input
buttons added as required.

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Implementation Details:

The Matlab code used to implement the GUI consisted of:

- GUI layout and organization using GUIDE

- Push button callbacks to display questions and input fields
- Input button callbacks to evaluate user answers
- Display button updates to show user answers and feedback

Testing and Results:

The GUI was tested by clicking each push button and verifying that the
correct question and input fields were displayed. User answers were entered
and submitted, and the feedback was displayed in the display button.
Screenshots of the GUI in action demonstrate the functionality of the push
buttons, display buttons, and input buttons.

Code Pics :

Hardware Pics :

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In this project, we successfully designed and developed a Matlab GUI that

incorporates 25 lab task questions from Lab 1 to Lab 11. The GUI provides
an interactive platform for users to access and complete lab tasks. The
project demonstrates the effectiveness of Matlab GUI in creating interactive
and user-friendly interfaces.

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