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Feasibility Report

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Introduction and Background 4

3 Corporate Vision, Mission and Goals 4

3.1 Mission Statement 5
3.2 Corporate Goals 5
3.2.1 Positioning and Awareness 5
3.2.2 Brand Loyalty 5
3.2.3 Market Share 5
3.2.4 Diverse Workforce 5

4 PESTEL Analysis
4.1 Political Environment
4.1.1 Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement 6
4.1.2 Comprehensive Strategic Partnership 6
4.2 Social Environment
4.2.1 Demographic Characteristics 7
4.2.2 Travel & Food Culture 8
4.2.3 Power Distance and Class Division 8
4.3 Economic Environment
4.3.1 Economic Growth 9
4.3.2 Income of Customer and Unemployment Rate 10
4.3.3 Exchange Rates 10
4.4 Technology Environment
4.4.1 Social Media 11
4.5 Environment
4.5.1 Weather 12
4.5.3 Pollution & Climate Change 12
5 Competitive Audit
5.1 Existing Competitors 13
5.3 Competitive Audit Chart 14
6 SWOT Analysis

6.1 Strengths 18
6.1.1 International Relations 18
6.1.2 Reputation 18
6.1.3 Attractive tour packages 19
6.1.4 ** 19
6.2 Weaknesses 19
6.2.1 Current Digital Marketing Plan 19
6.2.2 Lack of financial resources 19
6.2.3 Website 20
6.2.4 *** 20
6.3 Opportunities 20
6.3.1 Tourism Industry 20
6.3.2 Singaporean Economic Growth 20
6.3.3 Digital Marketing 21
6.3.4 Student family package 21
6.4 Threats 21
6.4.1 Competition 21
6.4.2 Collective culture 22
6.4.3 Economic Changes 22
6.4.4 Australian weather 22

7 Marketing objectives 22
7.1 Product Objectives 22
7.2 Price objectives 23
7.3 Distribution Objective 23
7.4 Promotion Objectives 23

8 Market Segmentation Profile 24

9 Marketing Strategies 28
9.1 Product Strategies 28
9.1.1 Repositioning Strategy 28
9.1.2 Branding Strategy 29
9.1.3 New Product Development Strategy 29
9.2 Distribution Strategies 31
9.2.1 Direct distribution strategy 31
Direct distribution strategy is a method in which organisations gets its products
and/or services straight to the consumers without the use of intermediaries. As Perth
Tours WA currently operate online through their booking system, this strategy would
be the most appropriate strategy to them as it is a method of minimal risk and
absolute control. Furthermore, direct distribution strategy would give Perth Tours WA
complete control over the services that they want to advertise to the consumers, in
conjunction with the right to take all of the profits. While this ensures total control, it is
imperative for Perth Tours WA to be aware of their segmentation’s consumers’ needs
and wants. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial for Perth Tours WA to be able to provide
exemplary customer service to maintain a sustainable relationship with their
consumers. 31
It is recommended for Perth Tours WA to utilise Rottnest Island as a method of
achieving their marketing objectives within now until October 2020, as it is a popular
place with a wide array of unique ecology and breath-taking scenery. As it is a
protected nature reserve, it is home to unique animals such as the quokka (a small
wallaby-like marsupial species), an animal that’s a native to the island and rarely
found anywhere else due to their classification of a vulnerable species. Furthermore,
these animals are known to be extremely friendly creatures, and are known to
frequently interact with people. This unique factor, alongside exciting activities such
as whale-watching, surfing and other exciting activities would allow consumers to
enjoy Rottnest Island’s features, which increases Perth Tours WA’s competitive
advantage. 31
Inclusive distribution strategy 32
Inclusive distribution strategy is a distribution method that focuses on approaching
low-income consumers, distributors and retailers. In doing so, companies will be able
to engage with low to middle-income consumers, increasing the accessibility of their
products and services to their markets. By diversifying their target market, companies
will not only have an increase in sales, but also an increase in awareness. 32
Adhering to their all-inclusive tour packages services, Perth Tours WA will undertake
an inclusive distribution approach in order to become a primary tourism agency for
Perth in Singapore. Furthermore, this strategy will be an effective tool in targeting
Perth Tours WA’s 4 main market segments, especially as these segmentations are
inter-correlated with one another. For instance, the young professional segment may
also be a part of young couple segment while university students may be a part of
the family segmentation. Therefore, it is recommended that Perth Tours WA
implement an inclusive distribution strategy, as the strategy will cover Perth Tours
WA’s main target markets. 32
9.3 Pricing Strategies 32
9.3.1 Seasonal Pricing Strategy 32
9.3.2 Product Bundle Pricing Strategy 33
9.3.3 Relationship based Pricing Strategy 33
9.4 Promotion strategies 33
9.4.1 Digital Marketing Strategy 33

9.4.2 Social Media Strategy 33
9.4.3 Personal Selling Strategy 33
9.4.4 Advertising Strategy 33

10 Implementation Chart 34

11 Evaluation Chart 34

12 References 36

1 Executive Summary
This feasibility report outlines the opportunities for Perth-Tours WA to enter into the
Singapore market with two core travel packages; 1. The Big Adventure to a World of
Natural Wonders Tour; and 2. Iconic Margaret River Tour. Investigation of
Singapore, as a potential market, was conducted through the development of
corporate goals, analysis of the country’s environments, analysis of competitors and
the analysis of the country’s’ strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. It is
concluded that Perth-Tours WA should enter the Singapore market using the
developed marketing objectives and strategies, targeting specific markets identified
in the market segmentation profiles. The aforementioned entry into the Singapore
market will be implemented and evaluated over a period of November 2019
December 2020.

Singapore’s convenient proximity and pre established relationship with Australia,

evident in the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) and the
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) agreement, aids the intended increase
in tourism for Perth-Tour WA. Perth-Tours WA additionally will benefit from
Singapore and Australia’s mutual appreciation for multicultural food, as this
influences customers, however, Perth-Tours WA needs to acknowledge cultural

Singapore is considered a high-income country with a gross national income (GNI) of

US$ 54.530 per capita in 2017, a GDP of 7.7% and an economic growth of 3.2% in
2018 (The World Bank 2019). This positions Singapore as a stable and low risk
market to enter and indicates that Singaporeans, on average, have high purchasing
power. Furthermore, the exchange rate between Australia and Singapore is roughly
0.93186 Singapore Dollar (SGD) per Australian dollar (AUD) (CurrencyConverter
2019), making it ideal for Singaporeans traveling to Western Australia.

Perth-Tour WA have taken into consideration existing and emerging competitors and
examined threats such as their current digital marketing plan and lack of financial

A repositioning and brand strategy will be implemented immediately (November

2019) to establish a strong position and brand image. A new product development,
inclusive distribution and digital marketing strategy will be implemented at the start of
2020 (February) after the implementation of the repositioning strategy to better
convey a clear message. Additionally, a seasonal pricing and a personal selling
strategy will be implemented periodically through the 12-month timeframe when
appropriate. Lastly, continual direct distribution, product bundle pricing and
relationship-based pricing strategies will run simultaneously. The developed
marketing strategies will target key Singapore segments including young
professionals, families, young couples and university students.

2 Introduction and Background

Perth-Tours WA was established in 2017 “to offer relaxing adventures exploring
Perth stunning natural surroundings and the variety of food available in Perth’s
multicultural restaurants” (Gamero 2019). They currently operate from an online
booking system and have a head office in Perth Western Australia (Perth-Tours WA

Perth-Tours WA focus on being trustworthy, safe and reliable allowing customers to

experience a stress-free and relaxed holiday (Perth-Tours WA 2019). They offer a
range of all-inclusive tour packages which include accommodation, tour guides, entry
fees and transport (Perth-Tours WA 2019). Additionally, they also offer day tours to
iconic Perth destinations such as the Pinnacles, Fremantle, Swan Valley and
Rottnest (Perth-Tours WA 2019).

Perth-Tours WA has developed a strong identity within the WA tourism industry,

therefore, propose to expand internationally. They will be offering two, all-inclusive
5days/4nights packages the first being “The Big Adventure to a World of Natural
Wonders Tour and the “Iconic Margaret River Tour” (Perth-Tours WA 2019). The Big
Adventure to a World of Natural Wonders Tour explores Perth’s Coral Coast, Pink
Lake, the Pinnacles, Cervantes, Yanchep, Geraldton, Caversham and Swan Valley
(Perth-Tours WA 2019). The Iconic Margaret River Tour explores, Margaret River,
Mandurah, Scarborough Beach, Kings Park and Fremantle (Perth-Tours WA 2019).

3 Corporate Vision, Mission and Goals

3.1 Mission Statement

Perth-Tours WA’s current mission statement is “to provide relaxed holiday
experiences and superior quality customer service to discover Perth stunning natural
attractions, seen nowhere else in the world, following ethical and environmentally
responsible principles” (Gamero 2019).

3.2 Corporate Goals

Perth-Tours WA aims for it’s corporate goals to:

· Increase profitability through the development of new markets

· Increase market share

· Increase brand awareness

· Increase workforce

We have developed the following corporate goals.

3.2.1 Positioning and Awareness

1. Devoting at least 5% of annual gross profit towards brand positioning strategy,
ensuring high levels of awareness in Asia within 1-2 years

3.2.2 Brand Loyalty

1. Developing brand loyalty by increasing customer satisfaction by 15% within 1

3.2.3 Market Share

1. Increase profitability by 20% within the end of the year to gain market share

3.2.4 Diverse Workforce

1. Adding 100 qualified and diverse employees into our workforce within 6
months to ensure quality and flexible services

4 PESTEL Analysis
4.1 Political Environment
4.1.1 Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement

The Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) was signed in 2003 and
made it possible for both countries to benefit from the ability to sell goods and
services across borders (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2019). Moreover,
the SAFTA helps to handle the business environments including areas such as

“competing policy, government procurement, intellectual property, e-commerce,
customs procedures and business travel” (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
2019, para.2). This agreement is supposed to enhance market opportunities and to
aid in giving investors a more assured business environment (Chia, Taskunas, and
Dick 2004). However, the SAFTA also handles the educational sector, which makes
it possible for Singaporean students to choose to study in Australia since its
government permitted to use its overseas scholarships at Australian universities
(Chia, Taskunas, and Dick 2004). Additionally, the trade agreement was amended in
2016 bringing more benefits concerning service suppliers and the education sector
(Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2019).

This is a great opportunity for international trade. Perth-Tours WA can make use of
this agreement due to the fact that it makes it easier to enter into Singapore´s market
and strengthen the relationship to Singaporeans. Especially, the agreement on the
education sector can be of interest since Perth-Tours WA can target international
students from Singapore and their families. Therefore, this can lead to an increase of
customers. Moreover, the SAFTA allows to maintain a competitive price being
appealing to overseas customers.

4.1.2 Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) was launched in 2015 and is

supposed to help the cooperation between the two countries “in the areas of
economic, foreign policy, defence, security, and people-to-people links” (Graham
2016, page 2). The agreement especially deals with “economic integration, expands
defence cooperation and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship” (Tam 2017,
page 8). This should lead to increased tourism, cultural exchange and educational
opportunities (Graham 2016). Moreover, the partnership was expanded in 2016
(Graham 2016). Whereas, both prime ministers of both countries agree that the
relationship between Singapore and Australia contributes to their countries ́ interests
being “regional stability and security” (Graham 2016, page 2).

This is a great advantage for Perth-Tours WA. Since both countries have a good
connection to each other, this will make it easier to link the brand to Singapore. It is
also a good foundation for a long-term relationship between Singapore and Australia.

Moreover, this partnership also implicates that Perth-Tours WA benefits from the
increased cultural exchange and tourism which lets it appear to be less risky to
expand to Singapore´s market since the connection of both countries is already very

4.2 Social Environment

4.2.1 Demographic Characteristics

In order to understand how culture can have an impact on companies´ international

marketing activities, it is necessary to understand key cultural concepts and cultural
differences being apparent in the international business environment (Fletcher and
Crawford 2014). Singapore identifies itself as a multicultural and multiracial country
(World Population Review 2019). Chinese population makes up 74.2%, whereas
Malays makes up 13.2% and Indians 9.2% (World Population Review 2019). In
Singapore four languages are spoken which are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English
(World Population Review 2019). Although English is the main language since it is
mandatory in school and the main working language (World Population Review
2019), it is not considered as the official mother language (Jain and Wee 2015, page
73). Moreover, religion plays an important role in Singapore. Especially, Buddhism is
with 33.2 % the most common religion, followed by 18,7 % Christian, 14% Muslim,
11% Taoist, 5% Hindu, 0,6% Sikhism or other religions and 17,5% with no religion at
all. In addition, according to the Factbook Singapore counts to “the fourth best in
terms of world life expectancy” with an average life expectancy of 82 years (World
Population Review 2019, para.8).

On the one hand, cultural differences of both countries can be an opportunity for
Perth-Tours WA as they can learn from each other and gain an understanding of
new cultures. But on the other hand, this can also be a threat. It must be considered
that Singapore is shaped through many cultures and religions which makes it more
difficult not to offend or disrespect any of them. Moreover, language barriers can be
a problem for Perth-Tours WA since English is not the only language spoken in
Singapore. Furthermore, Singaporeans high life expectancy means longevity for the

4.2.2 Travel & Food Culture

According to the Department of Statistics families are willing to spend more on travel
since traveling is seen “as a part of their lifestyle” (Lock 2019, para. 5). As a result,
Singapore citizens are expected to invest more money on a long weekend trip (Lock
2019). Especially, Asia, Australia and New Zealand became the target for a potential
travel destination (Lock 2019). In addition, Singaporean food culture has significant
meaning within the Singapore lifestyle. It is a communal activity where friends and
family come together to either go out or eat at home (Nus 2016). Moreover, “Have
you eaten?” is a common phrase asked since Singapore can be described as a food
obsessed country (Nus 2016, page 21). The food culture of Singaporeans is shaped
through the influence of Chinese, Malays and Indians cuisine (Henderson 2017).
Throughout the whole country one can also find so-called food courts and hawkers
which offer quality dishes at reasonable prices (Cramer 2019).

Since travel willingness is increasing this is a great opportunity for Perth-Tours WA.
By setting the right incentives it will be easier to gain customers. But the importance
of Singapore's food culture can be a threat. Perth-Tours WA has to ensure
Singaporeans do not suffer a culture shock due to the fact that food is not the
highest priority on their trip throughout Western Australia.

4.2.3 Power Distance and Class Division

Power distance is the way in which power is distributed and the extent to which the
less powerful “in a culture accept the existence of inequality and unequal distribution
of power as a normal situation” (Fletcher and Crawford 2014, 134). Singapore,
having a score of 74, is defined as a country with high power distance (Hofstede
Insights 2019). This relates to the fact that not all individuals in a society are equal
(Hofstede Insights 2019). Singapore´s society is “based on unequal relationship
between the people” (Hofstede Insights 2019, para. 3). Moreover, the gap between
poor and rich people becomes bigger which results in a class division (Yong 2017).
This leads to separate groups where one group contains of citizens that have been
to elite schools and the other group contains of non-elite citizens (Yong 2017).
Furthermore, Singaporeans tend to be with people of their own kind (Yong 2017).

Accordingly, Perth-Tours WA needs to be aware of the fact that the budget and
demand vary among Singapore´s society. This means it has to adjust its offer to

attract both upper and middle class. The upper class may have other demands such
as exclusive hotels and trips, whereas the middle class is more interested to just
cover the most important experiences. Therefore, Perth-Tours WA has to be clear
which market they want to target and how they want to position their company.

4.3 Economic Environment

4.3.1 Economic Growth

Singapore had a gross national income (GNI) of US$ 54.530 per capital in 2017 and
therefore is assigned to a high-income country (The World Bank 2019). Moreover,
Singapore is one of “the world´s most competitive economies” (The World Bank
2019, para. 1). The gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 7.7% can be
considered as one of the highest around the world (The World Bank 2019). In 2018
the economic growth of Singapore was 3.2%. Thus, electronics, precision
engineering, and service sectors are the main contributors to Singapore´s growth
(The World Bank 2019). But in 2019 it is expected that the growth slightly declines
and lies by 1.5% to 3.5 % which would be the slowest expansion Singapore has
seen in decades. (The World Bank 2019).

Furthermore, this is a significant chance for Perth-Tours WA. Singapore´s growth

being one of the highest around the world indicates that Singaporeans are willing to
invest in new goods and services. Therefore, this can lead to higher and longer
travel trips. Additionally, since Singapore´s economy supposed to stay sable Perth-
Tours WA does not have a high risk to expand to the market and thus a feeling of

4.3.2 Income of Customer and Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate in Singapore consists of the number of unemployed people

as percent of the labor force, including people who are employed and unemployed
(The Global Economy 2019). In June 2019 Singapore´s unemployment rate
remained the same as in the last two periods at 2.2% (CEIC 2019). Since the typical
unemployment rate of developed countries usually lies between 4% and 12% (Index
Mundi 2018), the unemployment rate of Singapore is considered very low. In
addition, the median monthly household income from work per household member

grow by 3.4% being $2,792 in 2018 (Department Of Statistics Singapore).
Furthermore, the average monthly net salary currently comes to 4,324.82 S$,
whereas the cost of living is considered 10.65% higher than in Australia (Numbeo

Perth-Tours WA can benefit from the low unemployment rate of Singapore. This
indicates that a majority of the population has enough purchasing power to afford
trips to Australia. Especially, due to the high average income in Singapore, this is a
huge opportunity for Perth-Tours WA. However, Singapore has higher living costs
than Australia, which can be an opportunity as well as Singaporeans may perceive
Australia as a cheaper expense for making holidays.

4.3.3 Exchange Rates

Since “exporting does not usually occur unless money changes hands”, exporters
have to consider the challenges of foreign currency (Fletcher and Crawford 2014,
93). The exchange rate between Australia and Singapore was 0.93186 Singapore
Dollar (SGD) per Australian dollar (AUD) on the 22th of September in 2019
(Exchange-Rates 2019). Moreover, it is expected to stay like that since the currency
did not vary around that number in the last years (CurrencyConverter 2019).
Because the exchange rate is in favour of Singaporeans, Australian organizations
benefit of this since Singaporeans get more Australian Dollars for their money.

Thus, Perth-Tours WA profit of the exchange rate as it shows stability and is in

favour of business co-operations in Singapore. Moreover, it is unlikely that Perth-
Tours WA encounters the risk of volatile exchange rate fluctuations as the exchange
rate is stable for many years.

4.4 Technology Environment

4.4.1 Social Media

One of the reasons for the change in lifestyle and quality of life is Singapore´s
technology advancement, especially for social media (Singapore Business 2018).
4.83 million Singaporeans, which are 84% of the population, are using the internet

and thus the number of social media users increased by 9% in 2018 (Singapore
Business Review 2018). Moreover, the leading social networks of Singapore are
Youtube with 87%, Facebook with 82% and Instagram with 59% (Statista 2019).
Furthermore, 95% of the population uses mobile phone devices for browsing the
Internet spending on average 2 hours and 6 minutes on social media (Singapore
Business 2018).

Due to the fact that the majority of Singaporeans are using social media this is a
great opportunity for Perth-Tours WA since social media can be used as their main
advertisement for their products and can lead to increased brand awareness (CNA
2017). Therefore, Perth-Tours WA can expand and emphasize their social media

4.4.2 Internet connection

The internet connection of Singapore is one of the fastest in the world (CNA 2017).
Therefore, Singapore has an average fixed broadband download speed of 180.61
Mbps and an average mobile download speed of 44.37 Mbps (CNA 2017).
Moreover, it has the fastest average mobile upload speed being 17.46 Mbps (CNA
2017). In addition, Singapore has many free public Wi-Fi areas where one can
access the internet easily (SG 2019).

This can be a threat for Perth-Tours WA since traveling along the West coast, a
stable Internet connection is not guaranteed. Singaporeans will not be able to stay
connected to friends and families and moreover to share their experience right away.
However, they need to purchase, for example, Telstra being one of the most reliable
providers (Canstar Blue 2019). This can be a disadvantage for Singaporeans as they
are used to having a fast and stable connection at all times.

4.5 Environment

4.5.1 Weather

Singapore ́s climate is equatorial which means it is hot, humid and rainy (Climates
To Travel 2019). The hottest month with an average temperature of 27 degrees is
February (holiday-weather 2019). But in December Singapore has the rainiest days
with 25 days and 269 mm (holiday-weather 2019). Furthermore, the temperature
does not drop below 20 degrees at night and even the humidity does not go below
70% (Climates To Travel 2019). The best month to visit Singapore is February being
one of the sunniest months of the year (Climates To Travel 2019).

Perth-Tours WA has to consider the climate differences in both countries. Due to the
fact that Singaporeans are used to warm weather, Perth Tourism needs to think
about the availability of their trips throughout the year since Australian summer starts
in December and ends in February.

4.5.3 Pollution & Climate Change

The CO2 emission in Singapore used to be one of the highest levels among
countries and main factors have been the high number of tourism and transportation
in the country (Azam et al. 2018). Nevertheless, Singapore tries to control its CO2
emission by gardening and planting more flora and fauna (Azam et al. 2018). This is
why Singapore is now also known as “the Garden City” (Azam et al. 2018). As a
result, the pollution index has fallen to 32.88 being a moderate level (Numbeo 2019).
Furthermore, Singapore ́s government works relentlessly to maintain air quality and
other environmental factors (Azam et al. 2018). Singapore takes the increased threat
of climate change very seriously (Yong 2019). 9 out of 10 Singaporeans are worried
about climate change and are willing to contribute to minimize the impact (CAN

Singaporeans can either get to Australia by sea or air. Since flying is one of the
biggest contributors to CO2 emissions (Clark 2010), this could be a threat for Perth

Tourism. Although traveling to Australia by sea would be the environmentally friendly
option, it takes way longer than traveling by air. Thus, Singaporeans increased
concern about global warming can result in higher flight prices or even resistance of
Singaporeans to travel by air.

5 Competitive Audit

5.1 Existing Competitors

Rottnest Express offers a multitude of experiences, such as boat tours, biking and
their most popular experience, skydiving (Rottnest Express 2019). The exotic,
thrilling experience they provide is one of the major aspects of their success. They
are a popular selection to domestic and international visitors alike, due to the highly
positive reviews they get from multiple travel websites, in conjunction with their
massive social media presence (Rottnest Express 2019). Having a rich
understanding of Perth and its culture, Explore Tours Perth is a current competitor
due to their experience and quality service in the industry (Explore Tours Perth
2019). Their simple but effective services cover a broad range of unique areas and
scenery at a relatively low price in comparison to their rivals. Last of their current
competitors is Best of Perth Tours, who limits their amount of consumers to a limit of
10 per tour (Best of Tours Perth 2019). This ensures the highest quality of services
that could be provided, in conjunction with a personal, authentic and engaging
experience for the consumers (Best of Perth Tours 2019).

5.2 Emerging Competitors

Aussie Perth Tours focuses on bus tours and cruises, in conjunction with extra
services such as airport transfers and hotel accommodation (Aussie Perth Tours
2019). Their flexible services ensure that their consumers get the maximum
convenience possible. This also ensures that they would be as independent as
possible, which allows them to maximise their profits instead of outsourcing various
components of the trip. A unique approach in contrast to the other competitors,
Segway Tours WA, providing consumers with the use of segways for the duration of
the tour (Segway Tours WA 2019). This ensures that consumers are exposed to
nature, enabling maximum immersion of the experience. Lastly, Perth Explorers
cover a lot of iconic Perth location with their bus tour and cruise services (Perth
Explorers 2019). While their scope of services may be small, it is proven to be highly
impactful due to the positive reviews they receive internal and external of their
website. In conjunction with their low pricing, these combinations turn them into an
emerging threat for their competitors.

5.3 Competitive Audit Chart

Competitor’s Core Facilitati Strengths Weaknesses Value

name products ng
(Current) services

Rottnest 1. Boat tours Experiencin 1. Massive 1. Focused Prices vary
Express g the thrill social media entirely on depending on
of the presence: Rottnest and no services:
experience. Facebook – other place.
2. Skydiving

Instagram – 1. Biking:
Transportati (10900) 2. Services are Around $30
3. Biking
on provided more expensive
along with in comparison to
schedules other providers.
2. Excellent 2. Skydiving:
All inside and
reviews in $439
Rottnest Island discount
opportunitie their website
s and other
trip 3. Boat tours:
websites. Around $70

Explore Tours 1. Bus tours Understand 1. Cover a 1. Average Prices vary

Perth ing Perth’s broad range social media depending on
rich and of places. presence: services:
diverse Facebook -
2. Cruises
culture. (6325)
2. Known for Instagram – $20 - $200
high quality (1091)
Iconic places
Adventurou and
such as
s locations organised
that could services.
Margaret river 2. Potential to
be explored
and Swan be
valley overshadowed
by providers
who are more

Best of Perth 1. Bus tours Website 1. Small 1. Extremely Prices vary
Tours has an amounts of small social depending on
easy to use people media services and
booking assists in presence: location:
2. Cruise
system in quality Facebook (133)
which deliverance and Instagram $160-$200
customers (259).
tours can pick a
date and
Iconic places 2. Services
such as Kings includes 2. Potential
park, Swan popular and challenges in
valley and iconic getting
Fremantle. Max places of customers due
of 10. Perth to fierce

Competitor’s Core Facilitati Strengths Weaknesses Value

name products ng
(Emerging) services

Aussie Perth 1. Bus Flexible 1. Cover a 1. Small social Prices vary

Tours tours services broad media depending
and range of presence on services
2. Cruises options locations Facebook and
that and (531) and location:
3. Hotel Instagram
allows services
accommod (1076)
$80 - $250
4. Airport convenie
2. Flexible 2. Services
transfers nce for
with their such as
service accommodati
packages on or transfers
Iconic can be
places provided by
such as other
pinnacle, services.

wave rock,
and much

Segway Tours 1. Segway A unique 1. Allow 1. Limited Prices vary:

WA tours method customers options for
of touring to customers in
Through that thoroughly terms of tour
Perth, enjoy the experience. $70-$120
Kings Park, tour in a
Rottnest relaxing
rs to
Island and manner
have a 2. Very limited
Fremantle unique options in
experien terms of
ce. 2. Small location.
amount of
options =
Free ion
for tour

Perth Explorer 1. Bus Able to 1. Small 1. Decent Prices vary:

tours make scope of social media
online services presence:
payment assist in Facebook
high (3291), Twitter $40-80
s to get
2. Cruise quality (154) but can
tours services easily get

Perth, 2. Covers
Website a lot of
easy to location 2. Little to no
navigate and social media
Swan river,
Fremantle options updates or
difficult to


6 SWOT Analysis

6.1 Strengths

6.1.1 International Relations

The international relationship between Singapore and Australia acts as a strength in

the journey into the Singapore market. One of the strengths associated with the
company, as mentioned in the PESTLE analysis is the current international
relationship between Australia and Singapore. The international relationship is
bilateral and there are a range of agreements between the two governing bodies set
in place which influences tourism, education and the arts in both countries
(Singapore Embassy 2019). In 2015, the relationship was strengthened with the
signing of the comprehensive strategic partnership (Singapore Embassy 2019). The
transparent and highly publicised relationship between the two creates a consumer
perspective that’s positive in trust and also results in positive attitudes towards
Australia in terms of tourism and economics.

6.1.2 Reputation

Although Perth Tours WA has only been operating for two years, they’ve quickly
become a desirable and reputable tour company (Perth Tours WA 2019) having won
awards such as Sustainable Tourism, Quality Tourism, China Ready & Accredited,
WA Small Business Award and an Industry & Export Award (Perth Tours WA 2019).
As mentioned in the PESTLE analysis, Singapore is a highly environmentally
conscious and proactive country. By being awarded with the Sustainable Tourism
Accredited Business Certificate, Perth Tours WA satisfies the environmental value
held by Singaporeans. In addition to being a largely awarded business, the website
currently showcases a series of in-depth reviews describing the routes, meals,

entertainment and wildlife experienced on the tours (Perth Tours WA 2019). The
culmination of relevant awards and in-depth reviews increases consumer confidence
and guarantees exceptional service quality as the result of a strong reputation
(Chang Et Al 2006).

6.1.3 Attractive tour packages

As of 2019, Perth-Tours WA has a selection of three travel packages and six Perth day tours
which offer delicious meals, gorgeous scenery and interesting history (Perth-Tours WA
2019). According to a survey by Tourism Australia in 2019, the main motivators for travel in
regards to Singapore tourists were nature, wildlife and local cuisine. The variety of
experiences offered by Perth-Tours WA satisfy all these motivators and therefore acts as a
strength of the company.

6.1.4 Location
Perth-Tours WA is situated in Perth, Western Australia. The location of the company acts as
a strength for two reasons; distance and communication. From Singapore to Perth, the
distance is 3.912km (Google Maps 2019) which results in a flight time of just under six
hours. This provides a strength to the company as shorter flights are more comfortable and
preferred. Additional to this, Singapore and Perth also have the same time zone. This is
beneficial as it means that the company will be able to communicate to potential consumers
and future partners, live and during business hours so there’s no excessive gaps between
emails or calls.

6.2 Weaknesses

6.2.1 Current Digital Marketing Plan

The most prevalent weakness of Perth WA Tours is their current digital marketing
strategy. The company uses most platforms including Facebook, Instagram and
twitter. Although it’s postings on Instagram and Facebook are on average three
times a month, there are little consumer interactions in terms of comments, tags or
likes. The twitter account is moderately inactive, with as little as one post every two
months and the content posted on the channels has little to no information regarding
their actual services and features. The current digital marketing strategy may result
in low trust from potential consumers as they might question the legitimacy of Perth

Tours as a company. With a stronger plan and higher utilization of their digital
marketing, they will be able to exceed their overall potential as a tour company.

6.2.2 Lack of financial resources

Targeting international marketing is an expensive and time-consuming task which
requires market analysis, communications and efficient capital (Tilak 2007). Before
entering into the market it’s important for Perth Tours WA to evaluate their current
budget and what they’re able to spend towards marketing since most small business
owners have found that it’s difficult to create an affordable international marketing
plan. Since Perth Tours WA is a small and local business, it will have less capital
than others. Although, since the company is marketing for a service in Australia they
may be able to develop a successful and cost effective plan through social media
marketing and hopefully organic word of mouth.

6.2.3 Website

Perth-Tours Wa’s current website is unappealing and outdated. In regards to the

landing page, the menu selection is not mobile friendly and distorts unless the
browser is at full screen. Another feature which results in the websites placement as
a weakness is the logo at the top left corner which not only doesn’t seem to provide
any insight into the companies branding or what services they provide, it also
seemingly appears as a childish and simple drawing. The implication of this is that it
may reduce potential consumers perspective on the legitimacy of the brand and the
professionalism of the company.

6.3 Opportunities
6.3.1 Tourism Industry
The current Singaporean tourism industry acts as an opportunity for Perth Tours WA
as Singapore currently takes up 35% of the overall tourism for Perth (Tourism
Australia 2019). The main drivers of destination choice for Singaporeans are nature
and wildlife, food and wine, and aquatic and coastal (Tourism Australia 2019), all
which are components of the tourism packages available at Perth Tours WA (Perth
Tours WA 2019). If Perth Tours WA were to channel their marketing strategy to

focus on the food, wine, landscape and wildlife that Perth offers, they would be
effectively utilising a strong strategy.

6.3.2 Singaporean Economic Growth

As mentioned in the PESTEL analysis, the stable increasing growth of the Singapore
economy presents an opportunity to Perth Tours WA to infiltrate the international
tourism market. A growth in the economy, national income and GDP of Singapore
means that there will be more individuals with more money to spend on goods and
services. The stability of the Singaporean economy also provides an opportunity.
This is due to the fact that it’s unlikely the Singaporean dollar with either rise or fall
sporadically based on past economic history (Abeysinghe 2007). This creates an
opportunity as it’s low risk due to the stability and likely the tourism industry will
increase, along with the Singapore economy.

6.3.3 Digital Marketing

Although the current digital marketing strategy of Perth Tours WA acts as a
weakness for the company, it does provide them with the opportunity to better the
marketing plan, specific to their target market. The top social media channels used
by Singaporeans are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (Techinasia 2019).
Developing a strategy which showcases the landscapes, food, wines and wildlife
through a series of both paid and unpaid media such as YouTube advertisements,
Facebook lead generation ads or Instagram stories will satisfy the main drivers and
motivators of the target market, ultimately creating stronger consumer trust and

6.4 Threats
6.4.1 Competition
One of the biggest threats that Perth Tours WA is facing is competition, as
mentioned in the competitive audit. Branching out internationally to the Singapore
market means that competition will no longer be interstate or local, but international
too. Internationally, the competition arises from other popular Singapore tourism
destinations. China is the country with the highest visitation from Singaporean
travellers, reaching one million as of September 2019, followed by Hong Kong and

Taiwan with 500,000 visitors and lastly Australia, with 400,000 (Tourism Australia
2019). In terms of interstate competition, Melbourne is the most visited with 35% of
the total visitors, followed by Sydney with 32% and lastly, Perth with 26% of overall
visitors (Tourism Australia 2019). Additionally, to the international and interstate
competition faced by Perth Wa Tours is also local competition deriving from Explore
Tours and Rottnest Express which both feature wildlife, landscape and aquatics.

6.4.2 Collective culture

Singapore is a collective culture where most individuals belong to groups in their own
society and when travelling, whereas Australia is highly individualistic culture where
individuals care mostly for themselves (AIFS 2019). Another strong component in
Singaporean culture is the close business and personal relationships in which the
individuals have with brands and companies, which poses a threat to Perth Tours
WA as it’s a new company in terms of the Singapore market. They may be able to
combat this by implementing a promotional plan where they team up with popular
and long-lasting Singaporean stores such as a competition with “FairPrice” a grocery
store in Singapore or even “Daiso” a dollar store in Singapore.

6.4.3 Economic Changes

Entering into any foreign market is a tedious and risky task due to the possibility of
future economic changes in the chosen country. Although, as mentioned in the
PESTEL analysis, Singapore’s economy is stable and is slowly increasing, however
if either the SGD or AUD were to rapidly rise or fall, it would cause implications for
the company.

7 Marketing objectives

7.1 Product Objectives

● Increasing our online marketing budget by 30% and increase our

spend on awareness activities by 50% for a year in order to meet our
brand positioning objective within a year.

● Increase online word of mouth marketing by 10% by inviting
Singaporean vloggers and influencers to experience Perth Tours WA
services within 6 months.
• Increase brand awareness and product identification by 40% at the end of
April 2020 by repositioning the brand through a new slogan.
• Increase brand engagement by 30% at the end of January 2020 by
increasing the number of likes, comments and shares on social media
platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
• Increase word-of-mouth marketing by 20% in the first year by inviting
Singaporean vloggers and influencers to experience Perth-Tours WA
measured by website traffic and reviews

7.2 Price objectives

● In order to meet out gross profit objective, we will increase the number of
people who make a complete purchase while browsing our website by 20% in
● This will be achieved by utilising the penetration pricing strategy, in which we
will reach 15% of the target market by reducing the prices by 30% over a 3
month period.
● Maximise Customer Lifetime Value by increasing long term relationship
through a relationship based pricing strategy which offers 15% off bookings of
6+ people
● Increase off season demand by 20% by the end of year 1 (2020) through a
seasonal based pricing strategy
● Increase profit by 5% by April 2020 through product bundle pricing strategy
that combines packages and day trips (day trips)

7.3 Distribution Objective

● Achieve 5% of market share by October 2020 by focusing our services on

Rottnest Island via direct distribution strategy.
● Reducing total distribution costs by 30% for our service outputs by May 2020
by implementing a labour cost reduction strategy.

● Positioning Perth-Tours WA for Singapore as the primary option for tourism
agency in Perth by November 2020 through inclusive distribution strategy.

7.4 Promotion Objectives

● Introducing a new digital marketing strategy to boost the current website traffic
by 17.5% within the year.
● An increase of 10% in the total number of Singaporean customers by 2020
through the use of a public relations strategy.
● Developing an effective sales promotion strategy surrounding international
travel expositions in order to increase online bookings by 8% during the
Australian winter period of June-August.

8 Market Segmentation Profile

Segments Young Young University

Professionals couples Student

Geographic Locals Locals Locals Domestic and


Expatriates Visitors Tourists


Urban areas
Urban areas Urban areas Urban areas (100%)
(100%) (100%) (100%)

Demographic Majority are Majority of Both males May or may

male workers workers are and females not work
male are working casual or part
citizens time job,
depending on
Around 25 parental
years of age Males are income.
around 30 Approximate
while females 22-26 years of
are around 27. age
Around 18-23
years of age

Socioeconomi Avg. Income: Avg. Average Spending

cs $67152 household income: capabilities:
income of $67152 Approximately
$9293 $1000

Psychographic · Cause · Saving · Fun · Thirst for

oriented oriented oriented adventure

· Critical in · Critical in · Critical in ·

their their their Opportunists
purchases purchases purchases
· Values
· Value for · Value for · Value for high quality
money money money products and
· Active · Strict on · Two way
Social media reviews relationship in · Easily
users terms of influenced

Behaviour Will generally Will generally Will generally Will generally

purchase purchase purchase purchase
goods/service goods/service goods/service goods/service
s when: s when: s when: s when:

1. 1. It is 1. Good or 1. When
Organisation education, services is goods and/or
has been in affordable, trending, services are
the industry for fun, safe popular or unique and
a long time and/or unique. exciting
and have a promotes
great track exercise.
2. Company 2. Persuaded

2. Pressure has a good or pressured
from families reputation and by their circle
2. Great or friends reviews of friends.
reviews of among the
products and populace.

Benefits Free This Similar to the Easy to

advertising segmentation young spread
through the will be able to professional awareness, as
use of social tell their segments, university
media, in the connections they will be students are
form of about the able to do free extremely
reviews or experiences of advertising in active with
personal the services, social media, technology
posts. increasing as they will and their
brand post about the social circle.
awareness. experiences Furthermore if
they had as a there are
couple. students
currently living
in Perth, it will
be a perfect
opportunity for
them to invite
their relatives,
Perth Tours

· • Information retrieved from Ming Feng (2019), Ministry of Manpower (2018),

Celine Roque (2018), Department of Statistics Singapore (2018), Louis Chandler
(2017), Mark Gurley (2015), Experian Marketing Services (2012), and Strategy
Group Singapore (2012).

Young Professionals

The first market segment is young Singaporean professionals, consisting of local and
expatriate workers. Young professionals tend to be more lenient and relaxed with
their work schedule, due to the predominant belief that it is best to travel the world
while they are adolescents, before they invest a large portion of their time into their
work (Roque 2018). They are also very familiar with current trends, as they are

frequent social media and technology users (Roque 2018). This means that they are
prone to travel around the world, especially the less well-known areas, as these
areas would most likely pique their interests. Furthermore, professional
Singaporeans have a deep and interconnected network with one another. This
ensures that should they be satisfied with our services, it is most likely that they will
not only be our loyal customers, but also spread awareness in relation to the
organisation via word of mouth within their families, friends and fellow employees.


The second market segments would be Singaporean families, consisting of locals

and visitors. This segment values services that are educational, fun, safe, affordable
and/or promotes exercise, as it is beneficial to both parents and children (Gurley
2018). Singaporean Families would be an important segment for Perth-Tours WA to
invest in as families tend to go out and travel overseas during the holiday season to
have fun and create memorable experiences with their loved ones. Additionally, their
main influencers would be their children, as they want to provide their children with
fun and memorable experiences (Gurley 2018). This could be an advantage for
Perth-Tours WA to target this market, since the lack of awareness of Perth could be
utilised as a tool to pique the interests of this segmentation as a holiday destination..
Similar to the young professionals segment, Singaporean families would also have
an extended network reach through, a parental guardians involvement in the
workforce. This ensures Perth-Tours WA would be able to have more brand
awareness in Singapore, should they be able to successfully satisfy this segment
with the quality of their services.

Young Couples

The third market segment would consist of young Singaporean couples, such as the
locals and tourists. Aside from starting their relationship, this segment generally
enjoy vacations in which they are able to sight see or do unique types of sports
(Experian marketing services 2012). They also share multiple similarities with the

young professional segmentations, as they are both segmentations that are
generally quite young in their career. Furthermore, aside from financial stability, their
primary focus would be to create many memorable experiences with their significant
other. As one of the most popular and simple method in doing so would be travelling
around the world and visiting other countries, this segmentation would be an
important one for Perth Tours WA. Should Perth-Tours WA be able to attract this
segment with its marketing capabilities and quality services, it would be a massive
benefit for the organisation as this segment will be able to spread awareness of
Perth-Tours WA via their connections in Singapore.

University Students

The final market segment would consist of Singaporean University students, mainly
consisting of domestic, international and exchange students. They are generally
current with general trends, as they are the early adopters of technology due to
assessments, social media and entertainment (Chandler 2017).This segment are
young and adventurous, therefore they would use this opportunity to travel around
the world either by holiday and student exchange to get as much experience and/or
enjoyment possible (Chandler 2017). Furthermore, they would worry less about their
spending and focus more on their own personal enjoyment. However, the services
that they are accessible to them heavily depends on their parents’ income, as they
are the main financial providers of this segmentation. In saying so, this segmentation
focus more on the uniqueness, reputation, ethics and quality of the services that
organisations provide, which would make it an important segment for Perth-Tours
WA. They are an important segment for the organisation to satisfy, as they are an
effective facet for the organisation to utilise in spreading awareness in Singapore, as
they are technologically active (Chandler 2017). Lastly, should the Singaporean
students currently reside in Perth due to study or student exchange, it may cause
them to invite their family or friends for holidays. This would be especially important
for Perth-Tours WA, as they would be potential customers that could spread
awareness in regards to the organisation in Singapore, once they return.

9 Marketing Strategies

9.1 Product Strategies

9.1.1 Repositioning Strategy

A strong repositioning strategy leads to the ability to differentiate oneself from

competitors in the customers´ minds (Crawford and Fletcher 2014). Perth-Tours WA
should develop a strong positioning strategy to gain a competitive advantage and
increase brand awareness. Therefore, Perth-Tours WA should better connect to
Singaporeans in order to increase brand awareness. The current slogan “Relaxed
holidays to discover Perth stunning natural surroundings” is too complex and does
not resonate in the customer mind. That is why it is recommended to change it to
“Endless discovery. Endless food. Make your memorable holiday today” being more
enticing. As mentioned in the PESTEL analysis, Singapore has a huge food culture
and the repositioning of the brand better showcases the element of food discovery
also offered in the packages. Moreover, Perth-Tours WA should have a clear
position as a medium brand mid range?, appealing to young professionals and

This strategy should be implemented straight away to ensure that the message
about the brand is received as soon as possible, hence it is advocated to implement
the strategy in November 2019 to ensure a consistent message of the brand.

9.1.2 Branding Strategy

To build a successful brand one has to consider a long-term plan to achieve specific
goals (Van Gelder 2004). One issue found during the SWOT analysis is the lack of a
clear brand strategy concerning the social media content. Perth-Tours WA does not
use its social media platforms effectively and efficiently as seen by the lack of
number of followers. By improving the social media content and especially customer
engagement Perth-Tours WA can establish a clear representation of their company.
Therefore, it is recommended to post more stories that will engage with customers
by asking questions and answering questions leading to an emotional connection to

its customers. Moreover, the social media content will be more consistent and in line
with the new positioning of the brand.

The new branding strategy will be employed throughout the year and will be
implemented through Perth-Tours WA website and social media accounts by
October 2020.

9.1.3 New Product Development Strategy

A new product development strategy helps to improve existing products and capture
customers´ needs and wants to increase the success in Singapore (MacCormack et
al. 2012). Since Singaporeans have a culture of food appreciation, it would be a
good opportunity to use this as a chance to expand the travel packages on this
behalf. Perth-Tours WA can offer a package which especially focuses on visits to
high-end modern Australian restaurants. Moreover, due to the fact that
Singaporeans appreciate a good and stable internet connection to be online, Perth-
Tours WA can include a SIM-card of a reliable provider in their package and make
themselves unique. Therefore, Singaporeans will be able to share their experiences
and memories right away leading to increased brand visibility and awareness.

The new product development strategy should be carried out after the
implementation phase of the repositioning strategy to better convey a clear message
and avoid confusion of consumers. Hence, it is suggested to be continued
throughout the year.

9.2 Distribution Strategies

Direct distribution strategy

Direct distribution strategy is a method in which organisations gets its products

and/or services straight to the consumers without the use of intermediaries (Natter
2018). As Perth-Tours WA currently operate online through their booking system,
this strategy would be the most appropriate strategy to them as it is a method of

minimal risk and absolute control (Natter 2018). Furthermore, direct distribution
strategy would give Perth Tours WA complete control over the services that they
want to advertise to the consumers, in conjunction with the right to take all of the
profits. While this ensures total control, it is imperative for Perth-Tours WA to be
aware of their segmentation’s consumers’ needs and wants. Therefore, it is
absolutely crucial for Perth-Tours WA to be able to provide exemplary customer
service to maintain a sustainable relationship with their consumers.

It is recommended for Perth-Tours WA to utilise Rottnest Island as a method of

achieving their marketing objectives within now until October 2020, as it is a popular
place with a wide array of unique ecology and breath-taking scenery. As it is a
protected nature reserve, it is home to unique animals such as the quokka (a small
wallaby-like marsupial species), an animal that’s a native to the island and rarely
found anywhere else due to their classification of a vulnerable species (Traveller,
n.d). Furthermore, these animals are known to be extremely friendly creatures, and
are known to frequently interact with people (Traveller, n.d). Aside from this unique
factor, consumers can also do exciting activities such as whale-watching, and surfing
(Traveller, n.d). These activities would allow consumers to enjoy Rottnest Island’s
features, which increases Perth-Tours WA’s competitive advantage.

Labour cost reduction strategy

Labour cost reduction strategy is a method that organisations use in order to cut
costs derived from utilising employees (Logistics Bureau 2014). This is usually
achieved by focusing on cross referencing the needs and criteria of the job to a
handful selection of employees that have the skills and experiences that has the
most suitable for the job (Logistics Bureau 2014).

As Perth-Tours WA’s current mission statement is, as quoted on their website “to
provide relaxed holiday experiences and superior quality customer service to
discover Perth stunning natural attractions, seen nowhere else in the world, following
ethical and environmentally responsible principles”, delegating their services to the
most suitable employee is absolutely imperative to ensure high quality services. As
Singapore is a very diverse country that has a complex culture and multiple

languages, it is imperative for Perth-Tours WA to choose an appropriate number of
employees that are fully knowledgeable and experienced in this complex target

Inclusive distribution strategy

Inclusive distribution strategy is a distribution method that focuses on approaching

low-income consumers, distributors and retailers (Masud, n.d). In doing so,
companies will be able to engage with low to middle-income consumers, increasing
the accessibility of their products and services to their markets (Masud, n.d). By
diversifying their target market, companies will not only have an increase in sales,
but also an increase in awareness (Masud, n.d).

Adhering to their all-inclusive tour packages services, Perth-Tours WA will undertake

an inclusive distribution approach in order to become a primary tourism agency for
Perth in Singapore. Furthermore, this strategy will be an effective tool in targeting
Perth-Tours WA’s 4 main market segments, especially as these segmentations are
inter-correlated with one another. For instance, the young professional segment may
also be a part of young couple segment while university students may be a part of
the family segmentation. Therefore, it is recommended that Perth-Tours WA
implement an inclusive distribution strategy, as the strategy will cover Perth-Tours
WA’s main target markets.

9.3 Pricing Strategies

9.3.1 Seasonal Pricing Strategy

A seasonal pricing strategy involves changing prices based on the seasonal demand. Prices
are raised in high demand and lowered in low demand in order to smooth the overall
demand. As mentioned in the PESTEL analysis Singaporeans are familiar with an average
temperature of 26º year round. Perth however, fluctuates in the temperature throughout the
year depending on the season. Weather conditions therefore impact the level of comfort and
safety experienced on trips, with some activities not being available or accessible in extreme

weather. Demand therefore decreases in off seasons. By lowering the price in off seasons it

will make it more attractive to customers and increase profit. (temperature figures)

9.3.2 Product Bundle Pricing Strategy

Product bundle pricing encompases combinding seperate products into a set and selling
them at a discounted price, than if all individual pieces were sold separately. Increases
product by enticing customers with discounts that inevitably make them buy more.

9.3.3 Relationship Based Pricing Strategy

Maximise Customer Lifetime Value by increasing long term relationship through the
implementation of a relationship pricing strategy. Flexibility to modify pricing (e.g. group

9.4 Promotion Strategies

9.4.1 Digital Marketing

Perth-Tours WA currently have an ineffective digital marketing strategy in place, as
mentioned in the SWOT analysis. By introducing a new consumer-centric approach
across their current social media channels such as; Instagram, FaceBook, and
Twitter. Another method of digital marketing would be to develop and utilise a
Google AdWords account and increase SEO through a blog with keyword-specific
content. Implementation of this new strategy will result in increased website traffic.

9.4.2 Public Relations

Through the development and communication of media kits which include press
releases and backgrounders to relevant Singaporean journalists and news outlets
specialising in tourism, cuisine and international relations. Potential outlets include;
“Travel Guide Singapore”, “Singapore Travel Magazine”, “The Frugal Singaporean”
and “DestinAsian” which are all local to Singapore and relevant to the target market.
With a strong focus on publicity through various tourism outlets, Perth-Tours WA will
successfully boost the current number of Singaporean customers.

9.4.3 Sales Promotion

By targeting travel expositions in Singapore such as The National Association Of

Travel Agents Singapore or the Travel And Tourism Trade Show, Perth-Tours WA
will be able to meet their ideal customer and discuss any questions or queries they
may have in regards to the company or the country. Expositions are a great way of
increasing brand awareness and developing relationships with potential customers.
By including competitions and discounts in information packets made specifically for
Singaporean customers, Perth-Tours WA will not only be able to create meaningful
customer relationships and increased brand awareness, but also increase online
bookings by 8% in the first quarter.

10 Implementation Chart

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Arp May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov


Repositioning strategy x x x x x x x x x x x x

Brand strategy x x x x x x x x x x x x

New product x x x x x x x x x
development strategy


Seasonal x x x x x x x x x x x x

Product Bundle

Relationship x x x x x x x x x x x x


Digital Platform x x x x x x x x x x x


Direct distribution X X X X X X X X X X X X

Labour cost X X X X X X X X
reduction Strategy

Inclusive Distribution X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Digital Marketing

Public Relations

Sales Promotion

11 Evaluation Chart
How 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Who?


Repositioning Number of x x x x Perth-Tours

positive WA
reviews and Marketing,
number of Sales, and
followers, likes, Accounting
shares, and Team
comments on
Twitter and

Brand strategy Analysing x x x x

website traffic
and number of
followers, likes,
shares, and
comments on
Twitter and

New product Amount of x x x x
development booked tours
strategy measured
through the
website and in-
store bookings





Distribution Perth-Tours
Direct Number of X X X X Marketing,
distribution booking Sales,
purchases Accounting and
made by Human
Singaporean Resource
population Team

Labour cost Reducing the X X X X

reduction amount of
workers in the
service field
and allocating
it to those
more suitable
for the job

Inclusive Number of X X X X
distribution special
purchased by
(such as family
packages and
the like.

Promotion Perth-Tours
WA marketing
Digital Using Google x x x x teams, finance
Marketing Analytics to team and
measure the public relations
website traffic tream.
and it’s origins

Public Creating and x x x x

Relations distributing
media releases
and measuring
the amount of
new customers

Sales Communicatin x
Promotions g with
getting visas
and purchasing
the equipment.

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