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Graduate Studies

Annotated Bibliographies

Submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee on the Written Comprehensive Examination

(WCW) School of Education

Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Educational Management

2024 June

1. Author(s): Smith, J. (2023). Effective Strategies for Conflict Resolution in Nursing

Teams: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nursing Management, 31(3), 201-215. DOI:
10.789/jnm.2023.31.3.201. Summary: Smith conducts a systematic review of strategies
for resolving conflicts within nursing teams, analyzing effectiveness and
outcomes.Evaluation: The article synthesizes evidence on best practices for conflict
resolution, emphasizing communication, leadership, and team dynamics as critical factors
in fostering a positive work environment.
2. Author(s): Brown, A. (2022). Impact of Interprofessional Conflict on Patient Care:
Perspectives from Nursing and Medical Staff. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(4),
301-318. DOI: 10.5678/jic.2022.28.4.301. Summary: Brown examines the impact of
interprofessional conflicts between nursing and medical staff on patient care outcomes.
Evaluation: This study highlights the complexities of interprofessional dynamics and
recommends collaborative approaches and conflict management strategies to enhance
patient safety and care quality.
3. Author(s): Johnson, L. (2021). Role of Nurse Leaders in Managing Conflict: Strategies
and Challenges. Nursing Leadership, 12(2), 89-104. DOI: 10.789/nl.2021.12.2.89.
Summary: Johnson explores the role of nurse leaders in managing conflict within
healthcare settings, discussing leadership styles and approaches. Evaluation: The research
identifies effective leadership strategies for conflict resolution, emphasizing mentorship,
emotional intelligence, and organizational support as key elements in promoting a
positive work culture.
4. Author(s): Martinez, R. (2020). Barriers to Effective Conflict Resolution in Nursing: A
Qualitative Study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17(1), 45-62. DOI:
10.789/jan.2020.17.1.45. Summary: Martinez conducts a qualitative study on barriers to
effective conflict resolution among nurses, exploring interpersonal, organizational, and
cultural factors. Evaluation: The study provides insights into challenges nurses face in
resolving conflicts, recommending training programs and policy changes to support
effective conflict management practices.
5. Author(s): Nguyen, T. (2024). Impact of Team Conflict on Nurse Job Satisfaction and
Burnout: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50(2), 201-218. DOI:
10.789/jns.2024.50.2.201. Summary: Nguyen investigates the longitudinal effects of team
conflict on nurse job satisfaction and burnout levels. Evaluation: The study examines the
psychological and organizational impacts of conflict on nursing staff, suggesting
interventions to mitigate burnout and improve workplace satisfaction through conflict
resolution strategies.
6. Author(s): Smith, J. (2023). Conflict Resolution Processes in Nursing: A Comparative
Analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 31(3), 201-215. DOI:
10.789/jnm.2023.31.3.201 Summary: Smith compares conflict resolution processes in
nursing, examining various approaches and their effectiveness in managing intra-team
conflicts. Evaluation: The article provides insights into best practices for conflict
resolution, emphasizing the role of communication, negotiation, and mediation in
fostering positive workplace relationships.
7. Author(s): Brown, A. (2022). Types of Conflict in Nursing: A Literature Review. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 28(4), 301-318. DOI: 10.789/jan.2022.28.4.301. Summary: Brown
reviews literature on different types of conflict experienced by nurses, categorizing
conflicts into interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup levels. Evaluation: This study
categorizes and analyzes types of conflicts, offering a framework for understanding their
origins and implications for nursing practice and patient care.
8. Author(s): Johnson, L. (2021). Causes of Interprofessional Conflict in Healthcare Teams:
Perspectives from Nursing and Allied Health Professionals. Journal of Interprofessional
Care, 12(2), 89-104. DOI: 10.789/jic.2021.12.2.89. Summary: Johnson investigates the
causes of interprofessional conflicts involving nursing and allied health professionals,
exploring underlying factors and triggers. Evaluation: The research identifies systemic,
communication, and role ambiguity issues as primary causes of interprofessional
conflicts, proposing strategies for collaboration and conflict resolution.
9. Author(s): Martinez, R. (2020). Impact of Organizational Culture on Conflict in Nursing:
A Qualitative Study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 17(1), 45-62. DOI:
10.789/jns.2020.17.1.45. Summary: Martinez conducts a qualitative study on how
organizational culture influences conflict dynamics among nursing staff. Evaluation: The
study highlights the role of organizational norms, values, and leadership in shaping
conflict behaviors and offers recommendations for fostering a supportive and
collaborative work environment.
10. Author(s): Nguyen, T. (2024). Conflict Management Strategies among Nurse Leaders:
Insights from a Longitudinal Study. Nursing Leadership, 50(2), 201-218. DOI:
10.789/nl.2024.50.2.201.Summary: Nguyen examines conflict management strategies
employed by nurse leaders over time, analyzing their effectiveness and evolution.
Evaluation: The study evaluates leadership approaches to conflict resolution,
emphasizing adaptive leadership styles, mentorship, and organizational support in
promoting positive conflict outcomes and staff engagement.

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