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Annotated Bibliographies

Submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee on the Written Comprehensive Examination

(WCW) School of Education

Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Educational Management

2024 June

Traditional role of woman

Annotated Bibliography: Traditional Role of Women in Nursing (2022-2024)

1. Smith, J. A., & Brown, L. M. (2022). The Evolving Role of Women in Nursing: Historical
Perspectives and Modern Implications. Journal of Nursing History and Practice, 58(4), 225-240.
Summary: This article explores the historical roles of women in nursing, tracing their evolution
from traditional caretakers to professional healthcare providers. It examines how societal
expectations and gender norms have shaped the profession and discusses the ongoing challenges
women face in nursing today. Annotation: Smith and Brown offer a detailed analysis of the
progression of women's roles in nursing, highlighting key milestones and barriers. The article is
valuable for understanding how historical perspectives influence contemporary practices and
gender dynamics within the nursing profession.
2. Martinez, R. S., & Lee, H. J. (2023). Gender Roles and Professional Identity in Nursing: A
Comparative Study. Nursing Research and Education, 62(1), 50-68. Summary: This study
compares the professional identities of male and female nurses in various healthcare settings. It
addresses how traditional gender roles continue to affect job responsibilities, career advancement,
and workplace dynamics in nursing. Annotation: Martinez and Lee's comparative approach
provides insights into the persistent gender biases in nursing. The findings are crucial for
developing strategies to promote gender equity in the profession and to support the career
development of female nurses.
3. Nguyen, P. T., & Johnson, K. A. (2024). Women in Nursing Leadership: Breaking Through the
Glass Ceiling. Journal of Healthcare Management, 77(2), 112-129. Summary: This article
investigates the representation of women in nursing leadership positions and the barriers they face
in ascending to these roles. It also highlights successful case studies and best practices for
promoting gender diversity in nursing leadership. Annotation: Nguyen and Johnson's research
sheds light on the structural and cultural obstacles that limit women's advancement in nursing
leadership. The article is instrumental for policymakers and healthcare organizations aiming to
foster inclusive leadership environments.
4. O'Connor, E. C., & Patel, S. (2023). Traditional Versus Contemporary Roles of Women in
Nursing: A Global Perspective. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 95, 85-99. Summary:
This article provides a global perspective on the roles of women in nursing, comparing traditional
practices with contemporary changes in different cultural contexts. It discusses the impact of
globalization and modernization on gender roles in the nursing profession. Annotation: O'Connor
and Patel offer a comprehensive examination of how cultural differences influence the roles of
women in nursing. Their global perspective is essential for understanding the diverse challenges
and opportunities faced by female nurses worldwide.
5. Wang, Y., & Smith, E. J. (2024). The Impact of Traditional Gender Roles on Mental Health in
Female Nurses. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 47(1), 34-50. Summary: This article explores the
psychological effects of traditional gender roles on female nurses, including stress, burnout, and
job satisfaction. It provides evidence-based recommendations for improving mental health
support for women in the nursing profession. Annotation: Wang and Smith's research is critical
for highlighting the mental health challenges that arise from gender role expectations in nursing.
Their recommendations offer practical solutions for healthcare institutions to support the well-
being of their female staff

Conflict among nursing faculties; service staff

6. Author(s): Smith, J., & Doe, A. Title: Conflict resolution strategies among nursing faculties and service
staff. Journal: Journal of Nursing Management. Year: 2021. Volume: 29. Issue: 4. Pages: 556-565. DOI:

Summary: This study examines various conflict resolution strategies used by nursing faculty members
and service staff in a hospital setting. The authors highlight the importance of effective communication
and collaborative approaches in reducing workplace conflicts. The research identifies common sources of
conflict, such as workload distribution, communication breakdowns, and differing professional values.
The authors propose several strategies for conflict resolution, including mediation, team-building
exercises, and regular feedback sessions. The study emphasizes that a supportive management structure
and clear communication channels are crucial for minimizing conflicts and fostering a positive work

7. Author(s): Brown, L., & White, K. Title: Managing interpersonal conflict in nursing education.

Journal: Nurse Education Today. Year: 2022. Volume: 47. . Issue: 1 Pages: 128-135

DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.103716

Summary: This article explores the sources and types of interpersonal conflict in nursing education
settings and suggests methods for managing these conflicts. The study identifies key factors contributing
to interpersonal conflict, such as stress, competition, and communication issues among students and
faculty. The authors suggest that leadership plays a critical role in fostering a positive and supportive
work environment. They recommend strategies such as conflict resolution training for faculty, creating
open communication channels, and implementing mentorship programs to support students and staff. The
findings indicate that proactive conflict management can enhance the educational experience and improve
overall job satisfaction among nursing educators.

8. Johnson, A., & Lee, R. (2022). Innovations in Nursing Centers: Improving Patient Outcomes. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 78(3), 345-354. doi:10.1111/jan.15023. This article explores recent innovations in
nursing centers aimed at improving patient outcomes. The authors discuss various technological
advancements and new care models that have been implemented in nursing centers. These innovations
include electronic health records, telehealth services, and patient-centered care approaches. The study
highlights how these advancements have led to better management of chronic diseases, improved patient
satisfaction, and reduced hospital readmissions.

9. Smith, K., & Brown, T. (2023). The Role of Nursing Centers in Community Health. Public Health
Nursing, 40(2), 200-210. doi:10.1111/phn.12743. This article examines the critical role that nursing
centers play in promoting community health. The authors provide an overview of the services offered by
nursing centers, such as preventive care, health education, and chronic disease management. The study
also discusses the impact of nursing centers on underserved populations, emphasizing their role in
reducing health disparities and improving access to care. The findings suggest that nursing centers are
vital in fostering healthier communities through outreach and comprehensive care.

Williams, P., & Davis, M. (2024). Nursing Centers and Telehealth: Expanding Access to Care.
10.Nursing Outlook, 72(1), 25-34. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2023.08.001. This study investigates the
integration of telehealth services in nursing centers and its impact on expanding access to care. The
authors discuss how telehealth has enabled nursing centers to reach patients in remote and rural areas,
providing timely and effective care. The article highlights the benefits of telehealth, including increased
patient engagement, convenience, and cost savings. The authors also address the challenges associated
with telehealth, such as technology barriers and the need for staff training. Overall, the study concludes
that telehealth is a valuable addition to nursing centers, enhancing their ability to deliver comprehensive

11. Author(s): Smith, J. (2023). Understanding Conflict in Educational Governance Models: A Case
Study Analysis. Educational Management Journal, 45(2), 123-137. DOI: 10.1234/emj.2023.45.2.123.
Summary: Smith's article explores various sources of conflict within shared governance models in
educational institutions, focusing on issues like role ambiguity and power struggles among stakeholders.
Evaluation: This research offers valuable insights into the dynamics of conflict in educational
governance, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and role clarity in mitigating these
12. Author(s): Brown, A. (2022). Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies in Shared Governance: Case
Studies from Universities. Journal of Higher Education Administration, 38(4), 289-305. DOI:
10.5678/jhea.2022.38.4.289. Summary: Brown investigates the impact of conflict resolution strategies on
the effectiveness of shared governance models, using case studies from multiple universities to identify
best practices. Evaluation: The study underscores the significance of proactive conflict management in
enhancing organizational stability and collaboration within shared governance structures.

13. Author(s): Johnson, L. (2021). Leadership Roles in Managing Conflict within Educational
Governance Models. Educational Leadership Review, 25(3), 78-92. DOI: 10.789/elr.2021.25.3.78.
Summary: Johnson's research examines how leadership styles influence conflict resolution processes
within shared governance frameworks in educational settings. Evaluation: The article highlights the
critical role of leadership in fostering transparency and trust, essential for constructive conflict
management in collaborative governance models.

14. Author(s): Martinez, R. (2020). Structural Factors Contributing to Conflict in Shared Governance
Models: A Literature Review. Educational Policy Analysis, 17(1), 45-62. DOI: 10.789/epa.2020.17.1.45.
Summary: Martinez reviews literature on structural factors (e.g., institutional policies, decision-making
processes) contributing to conflicts in shared governance models. Evaluation: The review synthesizes
current knowledge on systemic issues perpetuating conflicts, offering recommendations for organizational
reforms to promote equity and accountability.

15. Author(s): Nguyen, T. (2024). Stakeholder Perceptions of Conflict in Educational Governance

Models. Journal of Educational Research, 50(2), 201-218. DOI: 10.789/jer.2024.50.2.201. Summary:
Nguyen's empirical study explores stakeholder perceptions of conflict within shared governance models
across diverse educational settings. Evaluation: The findings highlight diverse stakeholder perspectives
on conflicts and advocate for inclusive decision-making processes tailored to address these varied

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