Exercise 3-4, Seminar 2

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Exercise 3.

Arrange the following noun-forming suffixes into groups

according to their origin and productivity into: A: a) native, b) foreign; B: a)
productive, b) non-productive.

-ade = Latin, -ics = Latin,
-age = French, -ine=Greek,
-ance/-ence= French, -ion=Latin,
-ancy/-ency= Latin, -ism=Greek,
-ant/-ent= French, -ist = Greek,
-ar=Latin, -let= Latin,
-ard/-art=French, -ling = Native,
-asm – Greek, -ment = French,
-ast – Greek, -ness = Germanic,
-ate/-at = Latin -oid = Greek,
-су = Romanic, -or = Latin,
-dom = Native, -ory = Latin,
-ee= French, -our/-eur = French,
-eer= French, -ship = Native, (semi-productive)
-er=Native, -ster = Middle Low German,
-ess=French, -th = Native,
-hood=Germanic, -tion = Latin,
-ier/-yer=French, -tude = French,
-ing=Native, -ty = French,
-ie/-y=Germanic, -ure = French,
-ic= Greek or Latin, -y = Latin,Greek,French,Germanic.

-ade = Latin, -age = French, -an/-ian= French, -ance/-ence= French, -ancy/-

ency=Latin, -ant/-ent=Latin, -ar=Latin, -ard/-art=French, -asm=Greek, -ast = greek, -
ate/-at = latin, -су = Romanic, -dom = Native, -ee= French, -eer= French, -er=Native,
-ess=French, -ful, -hood=Germanic, -ier/-yer=French, -ing=Native, -ie/-y=Germanic,
-ic= Greek or Latin, -ice=French, -ics = Latin, -ine=Greek, -ion=Latin, -ism=Greek, -
ist, -ite, -let, -ling, -ment, -mony, -ness, -oid, -or, -ory, -our/-eur, -ry/-ery, -ship, -ster,
-th, -tion, -tude, -ty, -ure, -y.

Exercise 4. Comment on the meaning of the diminutive suffixes -ette/-et, -let, -

kin, -ling, -y/-ey. Form diminutive nouns from the following nouns.
Diminutive suffix - a group of letters that are added to the end of a word to
show that something is smaller than things of that type usually are, for example
'ling' added to 'duck' to make 'duckling'.

-ette/-et: novel= novelette, cigar = cigarette, kitchen = kitchenette, room =

-let: book = booklet, circle = circlet, cloud = cloudlet, drop = droplet, king =
kinglet, lake= lakelet, root = rootlet, stream = streamlet, flat= flatlet, leaf= leaflet,
eye= eyelet;
-kin: cat, lamb, wolf, boy;
-ling: duck, duke, cat, gift, first, week, under, lord, prince, king; ash, oak; year,
seed, squire;
- y/-ey : aunt, bud, dog, girl, mum.

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