sem 3, ex

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Exercise 1. Arrange the following words into three lexico-semantic fields. Give the
names to these fields.

Lexico-semantic field of body, field of education, field of emotions

Affection, back, backbone, chest, curriculum, calf, calmness, chin, colleague,

contentment, delight, dictionary, drill, elbow, empathy, eyelash, exhilaration,
faculty, fee, forehead, frustration, heel, ignorance, indignation, jealousy, journal,
knee, knuckle, lecturer, limb, malice, master, notebook, palm, professor, passion,
pedagogy, postgraduate, principle, rapture, relief, sadness, scholar, schooling,
seminar, session, smattering, staff, sympathy, syllabus, syntax, temple, tenderness,
thigh, thumb, toe, tutor, university, unrest, wrath, zeal.

Exercise 2. Arrange the following ideographic synonyms according to the degree

of intensity.
1. Ask, beg, implore.
2. Desire, long, wish.
3. Annoy, irritate, vex.
4. Alarmed, frightened, terrified.
5. Delight, happiness, pleasure.
6. Affliction, despair, sadness.
7. Astonishment, consternation, surprise.
8. Excuse, forgive, pardon.
9. Accident, disaster, misfortune.
10.Capability, genius, talent.

Exercise 3. Find a denotative meaning on which each of the synonymic groups are
based. What shades of meaning make synonymic words idiosyncratic?
1. Attractive, beautiful, elegant, glamorous, pretty.
2. Blaze, blink, flash, flicker, glow, shine, sparkle, twinkle.
3. Ache, hurt, painful, sore, sting, throb.
4. Commandeer, confiscate, deprive, grab, impound, seize, strip.
5. Construct, fabricate, forge, invent, manufacture.

Exercise 4. Give synonyms

A) of Germanic origin to the following words.
Beverage - drink, cease - stop, educate- teach, enemy-foe , error-brick, faith-hope,
inquire-ask, reply-answer.

B) of Romanic origin to the following words.

Book-volume, corner-region, deem-rate, end-epilogue, freedom-emancipation,
friendship-attachment, happiness-satisfaction, holy-divine.

C) of Scandinavian origin to the following words.

Elevate-advance, heaven-paradise, mate-partner, present-treat, sick-bilious, shine-
luminous, throw-launch, weep-cry.

Exercise 5. Give derivational and/or absolute antonyms to the following words.

Active, alert, alive, amity, appearance, arrange, artless, attentive, aware, bad, big,
begin, brave, busy, careful, comfortable, competent, consistent, continue,
convenient, correct, courage, descend, discord, distinct, employed, enemy,
expensive, faithful, faulty, final, free, frequent, gay, hostile, kind, legal, low,
misfortune, normal, painful, polite, post-war, preceding, progressive, rational,
revolutionary, rough, safety, sane, slow, sufficient, temporary, timidity,
underestimate, uniformity, wet, white, wrong.

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