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Class : XI Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions :
1. This question paper contains two sections:
Section A – Statistics for Economics
Section B – Introductory Micro Economics
2. This paper contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions of 1 mark each.
3. This paper contains 4 Short Answer Questions of 3 marks each to be answered in
60 to 80 words.
4. This paper contains 6 Short Answer Questions of 4 marks each to be answered in
80 to 100 words.
5. This paper contains 4 Long Answer Questions of 6 marks each to be answered in
100 to 150 words.
1. Primary data can be collected by: [1]
a) Personal investigation b) Telephone interview
c) Mailing questionnaire d) All of the above
2. The series in which lower limit of the class interval or the upper limit of last class [1]
interval is missing:
a) Cumulative frequency
b) Exclusive
c) Open-end series
d) Frequency array
3. A characteristics or a phenomenon which is capable of being measured and changes [1]
its value overtime is called ----------------.
a) Sample
b) Vector
c) None
d) Variable
4. Read the following statements carefully: [1]

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 1
Statement 1: Arithmetic mean cannot be located graphically.
Statement 2: Averages helps in making decisions and in planning in various areas.
In the light of the given statements, choose the correct alternative from the

a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false

b) Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false
c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true
d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false
5. The formula to find out mid value: [1]
a) Lower limit – upper limit / 2 b) Lower limit + upper limit / 2
c) Lower limit x upper limit / 2 d) Both B and C
6 The coefficient of correlation is independent of: [1]
a) origin but not scale
b) scale but not origin
c) both origin and scale
d) neither origin nor scale
7 When variables change in a constant proportion, it is called -------------. [1]
(a)linear correlation (b)simple correlation
(c)zero correlation (d)negative correlation
8. Which average is affected most by the presence of extreme items? [1]
a) Median b) Mode
c)Arithmetic mean d) None of these
9 Correlation means ---------------------. [1]
a) causation
b) indefinite connection
c) change in one variable accompanied by change in the other
d)none of these
10 The range of simple correlation coefficient is ------------- . [1]
a) 0 to infinity
b) Minus one to plus one
c) Minus infinity to plus infinity

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 2
d) All the above
11 What are the uses of Statistics in Economics? [3]
Define Statistics in plural and singular sense.
12 Calculate mode from the following data: [3]
Marks 0 -10 10 -20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50
Nuber of 10 20 30 20 10
13 Distinguish between primary data and secondary data [4]
What are the qualities of a good questionnaire.
14 With the given data below, draw a histogram and a frequency polygon: [4]
Marks 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50
Number of 2 12 17 21 16
15 Calculate median from the following data: [4]
Class 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50
Frequenc 11 7 16 14 12
16 Calculate the coefficient of rank correlation from the following data: [6]
X 60 48 49 50 55
Y 85 60 55 65 75

Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data:
X 15 18 21 24 27
Y 25 25 27 31 32

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 3
17 Calculate Arithmetic mean from the following data by step – deviation method:
Weight 0 -20 20 -40 40 - 60 60 -80 80 -100
Number of 81 40 66 49 14 (6)

18 Increase in quantity supplied due to rise in price is called [1]

(a) Increase in supply

(b) decrease in supply

(c)extension of supply

(d) none of these

19 Marginal rate of substitution indicates the slope of: [1]
a) budget line b) price line
c) indifference set d) indifference curve
20 There are two statements marked as Assertion (A)and Reason (R). Read the [1]
statements and choose the appropriate option from the options given below.
Assertion (A) Demand curve shows the inverse relation between own price of a good
and its quantity demanded.
Reason (R) Law of diminishing marginal utility advocates that consumer gets lesser
satisfaction for each additional units consumed.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A) (b)Both Assertion(A) and Reason (R) are true but
Reason(R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion(A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 4
21 Which of the following is related to the problem how to produce? [1]

a)Factoral distribution of income b)The choice of technique

c)The choice of product d)None of these

22 At the point of saturation (satiety), total utility becomes: [1]

a) minimum
b) constant
c) maximum
d) negative
23 When production is zero, total cost will be: [1]
(a)zero (b)equal to variable cost
(c)equal to fixed cost (d)equal to marginal cost .
24 As we move down the indifference curve, the slope of IC tends to: [1]
a) maximize
b) remain constant
c) rise
d) decline
25 Demand curve of a firm is perfectly elastic under: [1]
a) Perfect competition b) monopoly c) Oligopoly d) Duopoly
26 Read the following statements carefully: [1]
Statement 1: MR can never be equal to price of the commodity.
Statement 2: When MR is constant, TR should be increasing at a constant rate
In the light of the given statements, choose the correct alternative from the following:
a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
b) Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false
c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true
d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false
27 Stage of negative returns sets in when [1]

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 5
(a)MP is diminishing

(b)MP is rising

(c)MP is negative

(d)MP is constant

28 Explain the properties of a production possibility curve. [3]

Explain how to produce as the central problem of the economy.
29 What is maximum price ceiling? Use diagram and explain its implications [3]
30 A consumer consumes only two goods. Explain the conditions of consumer’s [4]
equilibrium using indifference curve analysis. Use diagram
31 Price elasticity of supply of a good is 5. A producer sells 500 units of this good [4]

at Rs. 5 per unit. How much will he be willing to sell at the price of Rs. 6 per
Complete the Table
1 60 20 ---- 80
2 --- --- 19 49
3 20 ---- 18 ----
4 ---- 18 18 33
5 12 ---- ----- 31

32 a)Explain the implications of ‘ freedom of entry and exit of firms ‘under perfect [4]
b)Is a firm under perfect competition a price taker, or a price maker? Justify your

F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 6
33 Explain the law of variable proportions with the help of total product and marginal [6]
product curves
State and explain the concept of extension and contraction of supply with the help
of diagram

34 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions 1 and 2 [2+4]

Cardinal utility analysis assumes that level of utility can be expressed in numbers. For
example, we can measure the utility derived from a shirt and say, this shirt gives me
50 units of utility.
In real life, we never express utility in the form of numbers. At the most, we can rank
various alternative combinations in terms of having more or less utility. In other
words, the consumer does not measure utility in numbers, though she often ranks
various consumption bundles. This forms the starting point of this topic – Ordinal
Utility Analysis.
A curve joining all points representing bundles among which the consumer is
indifferent is called an indifference curve. The law of Diminishing Marginal Rate of
Substitution causes an indifference curve to be convex to the origin
a) Differentiate between cardinal and ordinal utility
b) Explain 4 main features of indifference curve


F 195, Rev O, Dated 16th March 2010 (This Question Paper contains 1 Page) Page 7

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