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Ajinkya S. Karmarkar

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Zeeshan Anwar


In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the award of


In Digital marketing


Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society's

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management
& Research, Sant Tukaram Nagar,
Pimpri, Pune - 411018

BATCH 2023 - 24


I Undersigned the student of MBA in Digital Marketing hereby declare that the project report is my
own work on To Study the social media portal management and content creation for social media

in fulfillment of Masters of Business Administration Degree course of Savitribai Phule University and
has carried out under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Zeeshan Anwar

Further I declare that it has not been submitted to any other university for the fulfillment of any degree
or diploma.

I have prepared this project for MBA curriculum 2023-24.

Place: Pimpri, Pune Ajinkya S. Karmarkar



A summer internship program is golden opportunity for us. It is improving our ability of learning and
self-development. I consider to myself to have had this opportunity and so many people help me to
complete my project. I sincerely would like to show my gratitude towards all those persons who have
helped us throughout my project work.

I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have
helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete.

I am thankful to Prof. Zeeshan Anwar for his continuous guidance throughout the project period. He
gave me great support to prepare this project. And all who directly or indirectly helped me in preparing
this report.

At any attempt it was difficult to complete the project without all teachers and family.

Thank you!


Chapter Topic Page

No. No.















Summer training is an important part of MBA Digital Marketing course which acts as bridge
between the theory and practical.

analyze the importance of social media marketing in our business and to study recent and
different trends of social media in today's market. Social media is art of using visual
information to convey a message or information to audience. It has great impact on brand
recognition and conversion. Social Media plays important role to promote business using
trending poster, post, logos, etc. A good and high quality graphic design portfolio can assist
organizations in meeting important marketing objectives.

The use of social media has increased substantially over the past decade, which has also
created many new opportunities for research. Social networks can be used for research
planning, recruitment of specific populations to research studies, and dissemination of results.
In addition, many studies have used social media as a source of observational data or a
platform within which to conduct experimental studies. Some studies have leveraged social
media to study other issues such as cancer survivorship, whereas in other studies, the research
question is about social media itself.

While creating any strategy we need to take care of many things like color combination,
patterns, text, and many more. Our advertising should be appealing so that large number of
viewers will attracted towards the design. Design should tell about the product and services
business offers.

The objective of the study: -

social media portal management and content creation for social media marketing can
contribute to a comprehensive understanding of effective strategies in the dynamic and
influential world of social media.



2.1 Technical and historical background

Shortly after social media gained widespread use, social media marketing's early history got
underway. Social media marketing is made possible by Facebook. A young Harvard student
launched the website The Facebook in 2004. Later on, it changed its name to Facebook, the
massive company that it is today.

It was the second social networking website that Mark Zuckerberg had attempted to create.
He founded Smash face the previous year, a website where students' images were uploaded
against their will so that others could rate them according to how gorgeous they were. After a
few days, the website was taken down, and Harvard University made Zuckerberg issue a
formal apology.

Facebook, though, was different. It quickly gained popularity among college students and
garnered a $500,000 investment from PayPal founder Peter Thiel the same year it launched.
The social media platform opened their membership to people outside of colleges in 2006.
That year, by October, there were fifty million users on it. Facebook Ads would debut a
month later.

Zuckerberg declared at the time that Facebook Ads were:

"A whole new approach to internet marketing. Media has been pushed to consumers for the
past century, but now marketers will be having a conversation. And they will accomplish this
by exploiting the social graph in a manner similar to that of our users." - In 2006, Mark

Brands and business across the globe began to create brand pages to engage with their
customers. Thus began the age of social media marketing.

2.2 History Of Social Media

As digital marketing becomes more and more popular, many companies are looking at how
social media may help them advertise their goods and services to both current and new
clients, according to Watson et al. (2002), quoted by Sheth and Sharma (2005). Many firms
now view advertising differently as a result of social networking platforms like Facebook and
Twitter. A number of firms send more traffic to their social media pages than to their own
websites. While using social media for marketing has some benefits, there are also some cons
(Watson et al. 2002; Sheth & Sharma 2005). Reach and cost reduction are the two main
benefits of social media marketing.

Compared to traditional marketing tools like in-person salesmen, middlemen, or distributors,

social media platforms are usually less expensive.
Social media marketing also gives businesses access to customers that they might not have
otherwise because of the geographical and temporal constraints of their current distribution
channels. According to Watson et al. (2002) and Sheth & Sharma (2005), social media
platforms offer three benefits to users that enhance reach and lower expenses. First, without
the need for human intervention, the marketing company can give clients access to an infinite
amount of information. Because so much more information can be shared than with any other
kind of communication, this has an edge over other forms of contact. Additionally, and more
importantly, the information can be provided in a form that customers can easily process and
understand. For example, airline scheduling and reservation systems are very difficult to
create and maintain to serve individual needs. Furthermore, there are a lot of options in this
context, making it challenging to create any format that is superior to a web-based format

(Watson et al. 2002; Sheth & Sharma 2005). Second, social media marketing companies can
foster relationships by tailoring information to each individual client, enabling them to offer
goods and services that are tailored to their unique needs. Online seat assignments and
checks, for instance, are possible. Lastly, as in the case of prosperous companies like Dell
and amazon.com, social media platforms can facilitate interactions between clients and
businesses that would normally require human interaction (Watson et al. 2002; Sheth &
Sharma 2005). There are five primary benefits to succeeding in the field of social media
marketing, which will help you better comprehend its benefits.

Social Media Marketing's importance for Businesses -

The internet has made the world smaller, and social media is a part of millions of people's
daily lives everywhere. Social media is quickly rising to prominence in the field of digital
marketing, which has enormous advantages due to its ability to reach millions of consumers
globally. They facilitate customer interaction, raise brand awareness, and generate more leads
and sales.

Here are the five reasons of importance of social media marketing in business:

• Cost-effective

Social media marketing may be the most cost-effective type of advertising since anyone can
do it, even with a significant financial investment. Nearly all social networking sites offer
free account creation and registration. Being cost-effective is crucial as it helps you
accomplish a greater return on investment and helps you to hold a larger budget for other
marketing and business payments.

• Engaging Customers

The fact that your customers are already using social media platforms for business purposes
makes it an excellent choice to market your brand on these channels. It's a useful method for
having personal interactions and engagement with customers. You can find out which social
media platforms are most popular with your target audience by conducting basic market
research. You may also capture your customers' attention and spread your brand message by
interacting and conversing with them. In this manner, you can expand your audience instantly
and establish your reputation in the industry.

● Improves Brand Loyalty

Having a social media presence makes it easier for your customers to find you and connect
with you. This will help in improving customer retention and customer loyalty. Since
developing a loyal customer base is one of the main goals of any business, social media
should be in your strategy. Usually, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction go hand in hand.
Social media is not limited to just introduce your product; it can also be used for promotional
campaigns. A customer considers these to be as service channels where they can directly
communicate with the business.

● Increases Traffic

Increasing your website's traffic is one of the main advantages of social media. You are
encouraging people to visit your website and browse through its content by posting it on
social media. You will increase inbound traffic and convert more prospects the more high-
quality content you post on social media.

● Enhances SEO Rankings

In calculating rankings, presence in social media is becoming an essential factor. The
algorithm that secures a successful ranking keeps evolving. Nowadays, it is no longer enough
to simply optimize your website and update your blog regularly. Successful brands tend to
have a healthy social media presence. This presence act as a signal to the search engines that
your brand is valuable, credible and trustworthy.

• Final Words

Today, it is almost impossible for any business to thrive without a social media presence. It is
a low-cost method of connecting with customers and creating brand awareness. Regular
updates of the right social media marketing strategy will lead to an increase in traffic, a better
SEO, improvisation in brand loyalty and much more. So take the first step and create a
profile, the earlier you start, the faster you will see growth in your business.

Components of Social Media Marketing

● Goal-setting and objectives

Once you've got a good idea of who your audience is, you'll then need to identify key goals
for your social media marketing efforts. What do you actually hope to achieve with your

The top goals for most SMB social media marketing programs are:

⮚ Building brand awareness (74%)

⮚ Getting website traffic (53%)

⮚ Lead generation (41%)

Whatever goals you choose need to align with various metrics that you can use to measure
your success later on:

Without goals and associated metrics, you won't be able to measure ROI, and determine if
your efforts are actually effective.

• Budgeting

With your goals set, next, you need to determine how much money you can allocate to your
social media marketing strategy.
The share of overall marketing budgets devoted to social media is expected to increase from
about 10% on average to nearly 25% in the next 5 years.

How much of your budget you allocate to social media will depend on a lot of factors. Maybe
you'll need to get buy-in from higher-ups, or maybe your budget is limited because you're a
small business. Itemizing your potential expenses will
show you (or your boss) where all the money goes.

You'll need enough funds to invest in:

⮚ Your campaign content

⮚ Paid social promotions

⮚ Social media management tools

⮚ Community engagement efforts

⮚ Analytics tools

Resourcing/team building

According to research by Simply Measured, enterprise companies encounter major

difficulties in obtaining sufficient internal resources to implement social media strategies,
even though small businesses find it more difficult to develop social media strategies in the

first place. This is most likely due to SMBS's increased receptivity to the notion of using
outsourcing to grow their teams.

Here, the key choice you must make is whether to assign the management of your social
media marketing strategy to internal staff members or to external contractors. You could use
both in combination; it's simple to locate independent contractors on Upwork or Guru who
can handle your social media accounts. It's more difficult to find someone who can create
social media campaigns that appeal to your target market, though.

Some of your social media marketing tasks will be easier with the help of tools - for example,
PicMonkey and Canva are photo editing tools you can use to make your visual social media

Other tools that you or your team can use to streamline social media campaigns are as

⮚ Blog aggregator tools: To compile all of your blog feeds in one location, use a tool

like Feedly. From a single platform, choose what content to share with your audience
with ease.

⮚ Tools for social media automation: Schedule your social media posts using Hootsuite,

Buffer, or another tool, and publish them at the best times. They will also assist you in
analyzing your outcomes.

⮚ Tools for social media following To find and follow your target audience, use

Follower Wonk or ManageFlitter.

● Research

Once you know who's going to run your campaigns, and what tools they'll use to create it all,
it's time to research:

⮚ Your campaign content (What resonates with your audience?)

⮚ Your posting strategy

⮚ Your social media campaigns will likely involve using a combination of your own

native content and sharing content of others.

For this, you'll need to spend some time finding relevant blog posts, memes, and other social
content to share. You can do this using a tool like Buzzsumo, or by following social groups
and lists related to your niche. You should also take this time to identify which types of
content generate the best response from your target audience.
Next, research your posting strategy - how often should you post, and on what platforms?
Research by Hubspot found the best times to post on Facebook are:

⮚ 3 PM on Wednesdays

⮚ 12-1PM on Saturdays and Sundays

⮚ 1-4PM on Thursdays and Fridays

How often you should post your content will also depend on your platform:

● Producing content

A variety of content will be necessary for your social media strategy to succeed, so you'll
need to establish a procedure for producing this content and optimizing its value.

To guarantee your content performs at its best, make sure it's:

⮚ Visual: Compared to other content types, visual content has a 40X higher chance of

being shared on social media. One of the best practices for social media marketing is
to include images in your posts.

⮚ Emotional: Although most brands are reluctant to share content that is divisive or

opinionated, this is the type of material that people respond to on social media the

most. To promote interaction and shares, produce content that inspires wonder,
excitement, or humor.

⮚ Useful: People enjoy sharing links to content that they believe would be instructive or

useful to others. According to a study by Berger and Milkman, people enjoy sharing
helpful content for social exchange, self-help, and helping others. So figure out how
to provide your social media followers with something worthwhile. Make engaging
social media content and devise an effective marketing plan to promote it.

● Integrating with the rest of your digital plan

Brand awareness isn't the only goal of social media marketing. Making the most of social
media is strategy because over half of marketers who use it claim that it increases sales.
Social media marketing should be incorporated into your overall digital marketing strategy.
It's simple to assign different marketing channels to different web traffic and site behavior
because of tracking tools like Google Analytics. Your overall marketing objectives will
benefit from this data. Imagine how these various tactics can be combined to achieve your

The following are a few marketing tactics you should incorporate:

⮚ Email marketing

⮚ Search engine marketing

⮚ PPC and display advertising

⮚ Content marketing

⮚ Marketing offline

All of these strategies can work in combination to nurture your leads and help them move
down the sales funnel.

● Tracking analytics

Analytics tracking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your social
media marketing strategy over time. Tracking analytics gives you a detailed picture of what
kind of content and promotion strategies work - along with the ones that don't enabling you to
adjust and improve.

So how can you measure the success of your campaigns? While 80% of marketers use
engagement metrics (likes and shares) to evaluate success, 56% base social media marketing
success on website traffic. You may want to use a combination of the two - the specific
metrics you focus on will be relative to your goals (raising awareness might better align with
social metrics, while referral traffic is a better indicator of sales).

Types of Social Media Marketing

● Content Marketing/Content Creating:

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach. It's a process of developing and

distributing content in order to attract and retain customers. Creating blog posts, videos,
podcasts, Emails, or infographics you want, and sharing them. It's not only about creating
good content when it comes to content marketing. The information should be well-written
and logical. knowing what your audience exactly wants. And it's even better when your
content helps your company to achieve its objectives.

● Advertising/Sponsorship:

Advertising is a type of audio and visual marketing communication that uses public funding,
non-personal messages to promote or sell a product, service, or concept.

Advertising is generally considered to be a paid message you control. Common methods
include messages placed in magazines and newspapers, and on TV, radio, websites, and
different social media platforms.

Unlike public relations efforts, you decide, create and place the exact message you want.
Advertising expenses include the cost of creating your ads and placing them on different
social media platforms.

● A person or Content Marketing/Content Creating:

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach. It's a process of developing and

distributing content in order to attract and retain customers. Creating blog posts, videos,
podcasts, Emails, or infographics you want, and sharing them. It's not only about creating
good content when it comes to content marketing. The information should be well-written
and logical knowing what your audience exactly wants. And it's even better when your
content helps your company to achieve its objectives.

● Influencer Marketing:

Influencer marketing is one of the best social media marketing types. But what exactly does
the term "influencer" mean? A social media influencer is a person who has built a loyal
audience through social media. This influencer can be a YouTuber, a blog writer, or someone
from other communities. However, the product. creation of content, they have the potential to
convince the audience to buy the

Hence, Influencer marketing is a type of marketing in which a company connects with an

influencer who has a loyal audience for the same product or speaks for the same goods.
Therefore as a result of this, influencers share their material with into buyers. their audience,
raising brand visibility and assisting in the conversion of followers
The following are examples of influencer marketing:

⮚ Sharing a coupon code so that the influencer's audience can get a great deal.

⮚ Social media product reviews.

⮚ The brand's promotions and new product launches are shared.

⮚ Creating a co-branded product or campaign in collaboration with the influencer.

⮚ Using influencers to create content for your brands, such as videos, blog posts, and

social media adverts.

Social media Management is an organic approach. You must interact with the people in your
social media community. So, if you keep working on it and putting up effort, you can gain
more followers. But this happens over a long period of time. The advantages are enormous,
but this is a long-term strategy.

● Social Media Management:

So when you start with social media management it may not give you more followers at the
initial stage but after a year or so, you can have a large number of loyal followers. This can
bring a significant amount of revenue to your business. This social media marketing helps in
achieving higher ROI.

● Paid Media Marketing:

Paid media refers to inorganic marketing efforts that are handled by the paid placement
agency. It means you have to pay for your advertisement. Paid media has become an
important component of online businesses. To advertise a product to a larger audience,
therefore, it is necessary to purchase online ad space. Paid media is a part of a brand's overall
strategy to boost traffic, sales, and conversions by clicks, resulting in increased revenue.

Types of Paid Media

⮚ Paid Social Media

⮚ Search Engine Ads

⮚ Banner Ads

⮚ Native Ads

Types of Paid Pricing Models

⮚ Cost Per Click (CPC)

⮚ Cost Per Thousand/Mille (CPM)

Organization that pays for or contributes to the costs of organizing a sporting or artistic event
in exchange for advertising is known as a sponsor.

Social Media Sponsor is a type of collaboration where a brand is giving products or money to
a user account for promotion or selling purposes. The sponsor can be a person or an
organization that offers money to another social media account (influencer, personal brand, or
authoritative accounts) in exchange for other benefits

2.3 Current Scenario:

As per Statista and Insider Intelligence 2022 report, INR 537 Bn is the expected value of the
digital media markets across India by 2024. The global digital advertising and marketing
market is projected to reach $786.2 billion by 2026. With over 900 million internet users,
India is the second largest online market in the world, behind China.

As per Business Insider report, India is the fastest-growing Internet Advertising market in the
world at a CAGR of 18.8% during 2020-2025. In 2020 revenue from mobile internet
advertising in India was INR 7331 Cr and will rise to INR 22350 Cr in 2025 – increasing at a
25.4% CAGR.

2.4 Scope of study:

3.3 Scope of study:

As the scope of digital marketing technologies evolves, companies are staying current by
adding online components to their brick-and-mortar stores or combining various digital
marketing strategies to create an internet presence. Because most consumers use smartphones
and research products online before buying, digital marketing strategies are crucial to
businesses. But companies audiences online and via mobile devices across the globe also
employ digital marketing to more easily target their audiences online and via mobile devices -
and many are seeing a significant return on investment (ROI).

3.4 Importance of Social Media Marketing for Marine Drive Resto and Skybar:

⮚ Social Media Marketing Is Important For Promoting Events.

⮚ Social Media Marketing Is Important For Making Announcements.

⮚ Social Media Marketing Is Important For Showcasing Company.

⮚ Social Media Marketing Is Important To Reach More Costumer


Digitize Brand is a dynamic and innovative digital marketing company dedicated to

transforming brands into digital success stories. Established with the vision of navigating
businesses through the complexities of the digital landscape, we specialize in comprehensive
digital marketing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
At Digitize Brand, their mission is to empower businesses with the digital tools and strategies
needed to thrive in the ever-evolving online environment. They believe in leveraging the
power of digital marketing to enhance brand visibility, engage target audiences, and drive
measurable results.

Services Offered:
1. Digital Strategy and Consultation
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
3. Social Media Management
4. Content Marketing
5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
6. Email Marketing
7. Website Design and Development
8. Analytics and Reporting

They are committed to your Advancement, Growth and Success. Digitize Brand, a creative
team of individuals who are focused on providing creative services to those in need.
The company was formed in 2016, and we are based in Pune, India. They host an
experienced team of professional experts in the house. Those having many years of
experience in the industry.

Digitize Brand's mission is to help businesses scale new heights by turning them into a brand.

We at Digitize Brand pledge to provide unique and innovative solutions to our clients based
on their needs. For the sake of it, we design tailor made strategies that help in the growth of
our client's business in today's aggressive market.

Our vision is to provide innovative and unique quality solutions on a timely basis, to ensure
fullest client satisfaction.

CEO & Founder of Digitize Brand


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Email: contact@digitizebrand.com

Website: https://www.digitizebrand.com/



4.1 Review of literature

Review of literature is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a selected
topic. This provides a critical review of miscellaneous studies, researches, books, scholarly
articles, blogs and all other sources related with social media marketing strategies.

1. Brendan James Keegan and Jennifer Rowley (2017) contributes to knowledge

regarding social media marketing strategy by developing a stage model of SMM evaluation
and uncovering the challenges in this process. The research paper has developed a Social
Media Marketing Evaluation framework.

This framework has the following six stages: setting evaluation objectives, identifying key
performance indicators (KPIs), identifying metrics, data collection and analysis, report
generation and management decision making. Moreover, the paper also identifies and
discusses challenges associated with each stage of the framework with a view to better
understanding decision making associated with social media strategies. Two key challenges
depicted by the study are the agency- client relationship and the available social analytics

2. Rodney Graeme Duffett (2017) examines the influence of interactive social media
marketing communications on teenagers" cognitive, affective and behavioral attitude
components in South Africa. The paper also studies the impact of a number of additional
factors such as usage (access, length of usage, log-on frequency, log-on duration and profile
update incidence) and demographic (gender, age and population group) variables on young
consumers" attitudes toward social media marketing communications.

The study ascertained that social media marketing communications had a positive influence
on each attitude component among adolescents, but on a declini ng scale, which correlates to
the purchase funnel model. Thus this investigation also makes an important contribution to
attitudinal research in developing countries, where there is a lack of research in social media
marketing communications.

The practical implication of the study is that the companies and their brands should consider
using and/or adapting their strategies based on the declining impact of social media
marketing communications on the hierarchical attitude stages among young consumers and
the divergent influence on usage and but capricious, Generation Z consumers. demographic
variables when targeting the lucrative and technologically advanced,

3. Priyanka P.V and Padma Srinivasan (2015) in her research study identified various
factors that determine the purchase of a product using social media from a customer's point of
view. A model from the retailer's perspective has been developed that explains how social
media can be used for increasing customer loyalty. The study concludes that continuous
customer support services will result in improvement of customer retention. New applications
and social platforms will engagements in media. flourish and allow even greater
personalization and real-time, location-based engagements in media.



1. To develop the brand awareness.

2. For Increasing the size of social communities and accurately target audiences.

3. To strengthen engagement strategies to increase customer loyalty.

4. To convert social media followers into footfall.



6.1 Introduction:

In common language, research is the search for ideas or knowledge. It can also be described
as a methodical, scientific search for relevant data on a given subject. Research methodology
is a process for methodically resolving the research problem. A method for determining the
outcome of a particular problem on a particular matter or problem is research methodology. It
refers to the methodical approach to conducting research as a whole. It explains what
research is, how to do it, how to track advancement, and what success looks like. Research
methodology can be thought of as a science that studies how scientific research is conducted.
It is the methodical approach to solving a research problem. In it we study the various step
that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the
logic behind them. In research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also
consider the logic behind the methods we use in the content of our research study and explain
why we are using a particular method and why we are not using others so that research results
are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others.


The collection of techniques and protocols used to measure and evaluate the variables listed
in the research problem research constitutes a research design. The structure developed to
address research questions is known as research design. Research plays a unique role in
helping business and industry solve a variety of operational and planning issues. One
approach to methodically addressing the research problems is through research methodology.
It might be the method used in scientific research. recognized as a field of study Additionally,
researchers must comprehend the underlying presumptions of different techniques and be
aware of the standards by which they can determine which methods and procedures are
appropriate for a given set of circumstances.

Type of Data Descriptive Research

Sampling Method Random Sampling Method

Sample Size 15

Data Collection Primary: Questionnaire

Secondary: Internet

Data analysis tools and technique Pie chart

Bar Chart
Doughnut Chart

6.2.1 Sources of primary data collection:

The sources of Primary Data collection used in the study conducted at Sahil photo studio
were as follows:

• Questionnaire

6.2.2 Sources of secondary data collection:

The sources of Secondary Data collection used in the study conducted were as follows:

● Books

● Websites

● Research Papers.

● Business Magazines.

● Blogs


The limitations of the study:

● Limited access to information.

● Limited area of study.



7.1 Graphical Representation of Data

1. Select Your Age Range

18-24 25-44

400.00% 26.67%




1100.00% 73.33%



respondent percentage

Sr. No. Opinion Respondent Percentage

1. 18-24 11 73.33%

2. 25-44 4 26.67%

From above graph we can interpret that maximum number of respondent were from age
group 18-24 that is 73.33% and 26.67 % of respondent were from age group 25-

2. Which Social Media Platform You Found Us?


1 Linkdin
2 Facebook
3 Instagram


Sr No. Opinion Respondent Percentage

1 LinkedIn 2 13.33%

2 Facebook 9 60%

3 Instagram 4 26.67%

From above pie chart we can say that 60% of respondent found us on Facebook more oftenly
which is maximum followed with Instagram with 26.67% and LinkedIn with

3. Do You Believe On Influencer Suggestion?

1 No 2 Yes



70% 900% 60%





20% 600.00% 40.00%


respondent Percentage

Sr No. opinion respondent Percentage

1 No 6 40%

2 Yes 9 60%

From above graph we can interpret that the maximum number of respondents do believe On
Influencer Suggestion 60 % but 40 % of respondent don't.

4. Which Social Media Platform You See More Ads?

1 No
2 Yes

Sr No. opinion respondent Percentage

1 Linkdin 2 13.33%

2 Facebook 9 60%

3 Instagram 4 26.67%

From above doughnut chart we can say that 60% of respondent see more ads on Facebook
more oftenly followed by instagram with 26.67% and Linkdin with 13.33%.

5. How Much Time You Spend On Social Media?

respondent Percentage
60% 40%




9 6




No Yes
1 2

Sr No. opinion respondent Percentage

1 30mins-1hr 4 26.67%

2 1hr - 2hrs 5 33%

3 2hrs - 3hrs 6 40%

From above graph we can interpret that maximum number of respondent 2hrs - 3hrs on social
media (40%), 33.33% of respondent spends 1hrs - 2hrs mins and 26.67% of respondent
spends 30 mins- I hr.

6. Do You Click On Sponsored Ads?

respondent Percentage
60% 40%




9 6




No Yes
1 2

Sr No. opinion respondent Percentage

1 No 5 33.33%

2 Yes 4 27%

3 Sometimes 3 20.00%

4 If Indeed 3 20%

From above bar diagram we can interpret that 33.33% of people do not click on sponsored
ads, 26.67% do click on sponsored ads where as 20% of respondent click on ads if necessary
and 20% respondent click on ads sometimes.

7. Have you visit any Website through Instagram link in bio?

1 No 2 Yes


80% 600% 40%





30% 900% 60%



respondent Percentage

Sr No. opinion respondent Percentage

1 No 9 60%

2 Yes 6 40%

From above bar diagram we can interpret that 60% of respondent didn't visit any website
through instagram link in bio, where as 40% of respondent booked table through instagram
link in bio



8.1 Findings

Management of Social Media Portals:

Platform Choice:

Examine well-known social media sites (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
LinkedIn) and consider their features, user bases, and content compatibility.

User Involvement:

Examine methods such as using images, hashtags, contests, and partnerships to increase user

Metrics and Analytics:

Examine the metrics and tools for monitoring social media performance (likes, shares,
comments, and click-through rates) and how portal management is impacted by them.

Content Automation and Scheduling:

Look into tools and best practices for automating some social media management tasks, such
as scheduling posts.

Building Communities:

Examine strategies for establishing and maintaining online communities, such as answering
questions from users, resolving comments, and fostering a sense of community.

Advertising and Monetization:

Examine social media advertising tactics and methods for monetizing content via sponsored
posts, partnerships, and other sources of income.

Crisis Management:

Examine instances of social media emergencies and the efficient ways in which businesses
handle and bounce back from bad press.

Content Development:

Audience Research:

Recognize the preferences and online habits of the target audience on social media.

Visual Content

Analyze the value of visual content (pictures, videos, infographics) and the resources
available for producing eye-catching visuals.

Calendar of Content:

Examine the idea of a content calendar and how it can be used to plan and arrange content for
maximum impact and reach.

Techniques for Telling Stories:

To write stories that captivate an audience, learn effective storytelling techniques.

Content Created by Users (UGC):

Examine the effects of user-generated content, tactics for promoting it, and its function in
content production.

Hashtag and SEO Techniques:

Examine the ways that hashtag tactics and search engine optimization (SEO) can improve the
way that content is found on social media sites.

Influencer Marketing:

Examine how influencers contribute to the creation of content, as well as how to measure the
effectiveness of influencer partnerships and collaborate with them.

Adaptation to Trends:

Keep up with the latest developments in platform evolution and content creation trends, such
as the popularity of short-form videos, live streaming, and other new formats.



9.1 Suggestions:

Analysis of Social Media Content:

Select a particular social media network (such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) and
examine the kinds of content that are most successful there.
Determine trending hashtags, engagement patterns, and trends.
Analyze the effects on user engagement of various content formats (text, video, and image).

Optimizing the Content Calendar:

Create and refine a content calendar tailored to a particular social media platform.
Examine which posts, when they are posted, and what kinds of posts get the most interaction.
Try out different scheduling tools and evaluate how well they work.

Targeting and Segmenting Audiences:

Look into social media audience segmentation tactics.

Examine the impact of targeted content on various audience segments' levels of engagement.
Examine methods and resources for delivering content in a personalized way.

Impact of Influencer Marketing:

Examine how influencer marketing affects social media networks.

Examine the effectiveness of sponsored content and how it affects user engagement and
brand awareness.
Examine various approaches to influencer marketing.

Comparison of Social Media Analytics Tools:

Examine and contrast different tools for social media analytics.

Examine their features, accuracy, and usefulness for social media managers and content
Make suggestions in light of your findings.

Design aesthetics and content creation:

Examine how design aesthetics affect the production of content for social media.
Examine how visually appealing content affects users' engagement.
Try out various design components and gauge how successful they are.

Crisis Management on Social Media:

Examine case studies of social media emergencies and the responses given to them.
Create a crisis management strategy for a fictitious situation.
Examine how social media affects reputation management.

Recent Trends in Social Media:

Examine and evaluate new developments in content production and social media
Investigate subjects like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), live streaming, and
interactive media.
Forecast possible future advancements in the area.



10.1 Conclusion:

In conclusion, the study on social media portal management and content production has shed
light on the dynamic and constantly changing world of online platforms. The quick
development of social media has changed how people communicate as well as how
companies, organizations, and individuals handle their online presence. The project explored
portal management's many facets, looking at the opportunities and problems that come with

The project also clarified how important strategic management is for social media portals.
Portal management must take a proactive stance due to the dynamic nature of algorithms,
user preferences, and the competitive environment. A combination of community
involvement, data-driven decision-making, and a dedication to keeping up with new trends
are necessary for successful strategies. In order to remain competitive in this ever-changing
landscape, social media managers and content producers need to embrace innovation and
have an open mind.








Impact of online marketing on teenagers in India", Veena Tripathi (2010), Deen Dayal
Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University.

The application of digital marketing strategies to increase profits of the organization" by

Anastasia Sotnikova, Hame University of Applied Science.


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