BSF Head Constable (Ministerial) & ASI 2024 MOCK 01

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Q1. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Interrogate
(b) Alienate
(c) Deserve
(d) Assasinate

Q2. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Bend over backwards
(a) Working hard to try to impress
(b) Working slowly and lazily
(c) Going backward
(d) Using wrongful means

Q3. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word from the highlighted words in the following
This was a blatent disregard to the advisory by the host against it and in violation of
norms of the meeting.
(a) advisory
(b) disregard
(c) blatent
(d) violation

Q4. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Agregate
(b) Accomplish
(c) Adjacent
(d) Allure

Q5. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘moving’ in the given sentence
and choose the correct option.
The old grandfather clock chimed loudly, marking the passage of time with its steady
(a) Steady
(b) Marking
(c) Chimed
(d) Passage

Q6. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

The best of both worlds
(a) Good things come after bad things
(b) Make people comfortable
(c) Better to show than tell
(d) An ideal situation

Q7. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Sociable
(b) Random
(c) Aggressive
(d) Confident

Q8. You are preparing a speech for the upcoming function. Select a synonym for the
highlighted word to make it better.
Despite the advancement in technology many rural areas in developing countries still
lack access to basic necessities.
(a) Desist
(b) Avenue
(c) Disguise
(d) Apathy

Q9. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom.

Students often burn the midnight oil to qualify for competitive examinations.
(a) work until late at night
(b) want to be at a place full of light
(c) put the things on fire at night
(d) sleep well

Q10. Select the word which means the same as the group of words highlighted in the
given sentence.
The pandemic deeply affected small business owners, as they have no means of
livelihood left.
(a) Unemployed
(b) Worker
(c) Pauper
(d) Mason

Q11. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Comparsion
(b) Triumph
(c) Serene
(d) Unveil

Q12. In the following passage some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully
and select the most appropriate option for each blank.
The Ganges River, a vital water source and sacred river in India, ________ (1) through
several states, including Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal before it
________ (2) into the Bay of Bengal. Recognized for its ________ (3) cultural significance and
historical importance, the river supports a dense population along its banks. However, it
faces significant environmental challenges due to ________ (4) pollution levels from
industrial waste and religious offerings.

(a) decreasing(1), manageable(2), increasing(3), minimal(4)

(b) evaporates(1), plunges(2), flows(3), merges(4)
(c) profound(1), negligible(2), temporary(3), minimal(4)
(d) meanders(1), trickles(2), leaps(3), plummets(4)
Q13. In the following passage some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully
and select the most appropriate option for each blank.
The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the planet," ________ (1) a vast
area across several countries including Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. It is known for its
incredible biodiversity and ________ (2) role in global climate regulation. Despite its
importance, the rainforest is under threat due to ________ (3) deforestation and illegal
logging activities, which are ________ (4) at an alarming rate.

(a) diminishes(1), negligible(2), occasional(3), stable(4)

(b) decreases(1), minimal(2), controlled(3), reducing(4)
(c) covers(1), critical(2), rampant(3), accelerating(4)
(d) spreads(1), limited(2), sporadic(3), decreasing(4)

Q14. In the following passage some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully
and select the most appropriate option for each blank.
The Sierra Nevada mountain range, spanning the western United States, ________ (1)
across California and Nevada, offering vital ________ (2) for water, wildlife, and
recreation. This region is celebrated for its picturesque landscapes and diverse
ecosystems. However, it is increasingly vulnerable to ________ (3) climate change impacts
and wildfire risks, which ________ (4) the natural habitat and human settlements.

(a) diminishes(1), support(2), minor(3), improve(4)

(b) narrows(1), assistance(2), slight(3), enhance(4)
(c) reduces(1), help(2), negligible(3), benefit(4)
(d) stretches(1), resources(2), significant(3), threaten(4)

Q15. In the following passage some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully
and select the most appropriate option for each blank.
Western Uttar Pradesh, including towns like Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, and Saharanpur, is
a key area for making CBG because it ________ (1) a lot of feedstock. Most of the state’s
current and future CBG plants ________ (2) in this area. Uttar Pradesh could probably
________ (3) 1,000 of the 5,000 CBG projects planned across the country under the
Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation scheme with just a fifth of
the extra fuel ________ (4) on hand.

(a) harnesses(1), are situated(2), finalize(3), it possesses(4)

(b) accumulates(1), stand(2), implement(3), remaining(4)
(c) has(1), are(2), complete(3), it holds(4)
(d) secures(1), operate(2), execute(3), it retains(4)

Directions (16-20): Read the given passage and answer the question that follows.
We started our research into organisational and personal excellence by studying a
slightly different topic. We figured that if we could learn why certain people were more
effective than others, then we could learn exactly what they did, clone it and pass it on
to others. We asked people to identify who they thought were their most effective
colleagues. In fact, over the past twenty-five years, we have asked over twenty thousand
people to identify the individuals in their organisations who could really get things
done. We wanted to find those who were not just influential but who were far more
influential than the rest.
Q16. Which real life situation can be the most appropriate to be inferred from the
(a) Jassie is an efficient employee whose work ethics can be a case study to learn more
about organisational and personal excellence.
(b) If we do something wrong to decent people, the same comes to haunt us even after
many years.
(c) People nowadays do not have patience and want quick success and does not matter
what path they choose to obtain their targets.
(d) Inflation has direct influence on the morals and ethics of an individual.

Q17. Select the most suitable structure for the above passage.
(a) Chronological
(b) Cause and Effect
(c) Pragmatic
(d) Compare and contrast

Q18. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(a) Deniable
(b) Fruitless
(c) Harmonious
(d) Courteous

Q19. Select the most appropriate title to the given passage.

(a) Research Grants in Organisations
(b) Learn, Clone and Pass
(c) Most Effective Colleagues
(d) Different Topics

Q20. Select the statement that most appropriately sums up the passage given.
(a) Some people cannot be identified due to their most effective ways in 25 years.
(b) Some people are more effective and more influential than others to get things done.
(c) It takes 25 years of research to make people more effective and influential.
(d) Research grants in an organisation should be increased for personal excellence.


S1. Ans. (d)

Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (d) "Assasinate."
The correct spelling is "Assassinate," which means to murder (an important person) for
political or ideological reasons.
Meanings and spellings of the options:
• Interrogate: Correct spelling, means to ask questions of (someone) closely,
aggressively, or formally.
• Alienate: Correct spelling, means to cause someone to feel isolated.
• Deserve: Correct spelling, means to do something or show qualities worthy of a
reward or punishment.

S2. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct meaning of the idiom "Bend over backwards" is (a) "Working hard to
try to impress."
This idiom means to make a great effort, especially to be helpful or fair. It implies going
out of one's way to do something helpful or to please someone.

S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (c) "blatent."
The correct spelling is "Blatant," which means done openly and unashamedly or
completely lacking in subtlety.
Meanings of the options:
• Advisory: Correct spelling, means an official announcement or warning.
• Blatant: Correct spelling, means obvious or conspicuous.
• Disregard: Correct spelling, means pay no attention to; ignore.
• Violation: Correct spelling, means the action of violating someone or something.

S4. Ans. (a)

Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (a) "Agregate."
The correct spelling is "Aggregate," which means a whole formed by combining several
Meanings and spellings of the options:
• Adjacent: Correct spelling, means next to or adjoining something else.
• Accomplish: Correct spelling, means achieve or complete successfully.
• Aggregate: Correct spelling, means formed or calculated by the combination of
several separate elements; total.
• Allure: Correct spelling, means the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously
attractive or fascinating.

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. The most appropriate antonym of the word ‘moving’ in the context of the sentence
is (a) "Steady."
Moving refers to the motion or action, implying something that changes or is not static.
Synonyms: stirring, touching, emotional, poignant, affecting.
Antonyms: stationary, static, still, immobile, inert, steady.
Meanings of the options:
• Steady: Firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving.
• Marking: Indicating, specifying, or showing.
• Chimed: (of a bell or clock) make a melodious ringing sound.
• Passage: The act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the
way from one place to another.

S6. Ans. (d)

Sol. The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "The best of both worlds" is (d) "An
ideal situation."
This idiom means enjoying the advantages of two different things at the same time.
Example: Working from home allows me to spend time with my family while also
maintaining a successful career, it's truly the best of both worlds.

S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. The most appropriate synonym of "Haphazard" is (b) "Random."
Haphazard: means lacking any obvious principle of organization.
Synonyms: Random, unplanned, arbitrary, erratic, chaotic.
Antonyms: Organized, systematic, methodical, orderly, planned.
Meanings of the options:
• Random: Happening by chance, not planned or prearranged; irregular.
• Sociable: Willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.
• Aggressive: Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from
• Confident: Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Access: means the ability, right, or opportunity to use or benefit from something.
Synonyms: entry, admittance, approach, availability, entrance, avenue.
Antonyms: restriction, denial, barrier, blockage, exclusion.
Meanings of all options:

 Desist: To stop doing something; cease or abstain.

 Disguise: To alter one's appearance or hide the identity or nature of something.
 Avenue: A wide street or thoroughfare, or a means of approaching a problem or
making progress.
 Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct meaning of the highlighted word.
 The idiom 'burn the midnight oil' means to work late into the night. This is
derived from the practice of using oil lamps late at night before electric lighting.
 Example: Jane had a major presentation due at work the next day, so she decided
to burn the midnight oil to make sure every detail was perfect.

S10. Ans. (c)

Sol. The appropriate word for the group of words 'no means of livelihood left' is (c)
Meanings of all options:
 Unemployed refers to individuals who are not employed and do not have a
source of income.
 Pauper refers to a very poor person.
 Worker is a general term for someone who works.
 Mason specifically refers to a person who works with stone.

S11. Ans.(a)

Sol. Option (a) is incorrectly spelt word.

Correct spelling is “Comparison”.

 Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.

 Triumph: A great victory or achievement.
 Comparison: The act of evaluating two or more things to discover similarities
and differences.
 Unveil: To remove a covering from; to make something visible or known for the
first time.

S12. Ans. (d)

Sol. Let's analyze the best word choices for each blank:
 The word that fits best in the first blank is "meanders," which means to follow a
winding and turning course. This is appropriate for describing the river's path
through various states.
 For the second blank, "trickles" is a verb that typically refers to a small, gentle
flow. However, in this context, it's not the best choice, but it fits better than other
options given. A better term could have been "flows" or "empties," but among the
provided choices, "trickles" will be selected.
 The third blank is ideally filled with the word "profound," which means deep or
intense, correctly capturing the cultural and historical significance of the Ganges.
 The fourth blank requires a word that reflects the severity of pollution. None of
the options provided directly fit the context of escalating pollution levels, but by
elimination, "plummets" will be chosen, even though it's not an ideal match. The
term means to fall or drop straight down at high speed, which metaphorically
could describe the rapid increase in pollution, though it typically has a different

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. Analyzing the appropriate options for each blank in the given passage about the
Amazon Rainforest:
 The word "covers" is the most suitable choice for the first blank as it accurately
describes the Amazon Rainforest spanning a vast area across multiple countries.
 "Critical" perfectly fits the second blank, highlighting the essential role of the
Amazon Rainforest in global climate regulation.
 The third blank should reflect the ongoing severe issues affecting the rainforest.
"Rampant," which means flourishing or spreading uncontrollably, is apt for
describing the situation of deforestation and illegal logging.
 For the fourth blank, "accelerating" is the correct choice, indicating that the rate
of these harmful activities is increasing quickly, posing a significant threat to the

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. For each blank in the passage about the Sierra Nevada mountain range:
 The correct verb for the first blank is "stretches," which effectively describes the
extensive span of the mountain range across California and Nevada.
 "Resources" fits well in the second blank, reflecting the essential supplies the
mountain range provides, such as water and habitat for wildlife.
 "Significant" is the appropriate adjective for the third blank, emphasizing the
major impact of climate change and wildfires on this area.
 Finally, "threaten" in the fourth blank accurately describes the negative effects
these environmental issues have on both the natural habitat and human
communities in the region.

S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. Each blank in the passage about Western Uttar Pradesh and its involvement in CBG
production should be filled as follows:
 The word "has" is the simplest and most straightforward verb that fits the
context, indicating possession of a large amount of feedstock.
 "Are" fits naturally into the structure of the sentence, referring to the location of
the CBG plants in the area.
 "Complete" is the most appropriate verb for the third blank, suggesting the
potential achievement of setting up a significant number of CBG projects.
 "It holds" correctly completes the fourth blank, referring to the extra fuel
available that could support the completion of the CBG projects.

S16. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option (a).
The passage suggests that the research into organizational and personal excellence
aimed to identify individuals who were more effective and influential than others in
getting things done. Jassie, as an efficient employee whose work ethics can be a case
study, aligns with this objective.

S17. Ans. (c)

Sol. The most suitable structure for the passage is "Pragmatic" because it focuses on the
practical approach of identifying effective individuals and learning from them to
improve organizational and personal excellence.

S18. Ans. (b)

Sol. The most appropriate antonym for the word "Effective" is "Fruitless," as "effective"
means achieving results or success, while "fruitless" means achieving no results or
being unsuccessful.

S19. Ans. (c)

Sol. The most appropriate title for the given passage is "Most Effective Colleagues"
because the passage primarily discusses the research conducted to identify individuals
who are more effective and influential in organizations.

S20. Ans. (b)

Sol. The statement that most appropriately sums up the passage is option (b): "Some
people are more effective and more influential than others to get things done."
This reflects the main theme of the passage, which is focused on identifying highly
effective individuals in organizations.

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