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Q1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Attractive
(b) Instinctive
(c) Exhaustive
(d) Acquisitive

Q2. Some words in the following sentence have been highlighted and given as options.
Select the option that contains a spelling error.
The rolling waves on the beach were so trainquil and soothing.
(a) beach
(b) rolling
(c) soothing
(d) trainquil

Q3. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select the option that
contains an error.
Rani was extreme upset with her results this year.
(a) extreme upset
(b) this year
(c) with her results
(d) Rani was

Q4. Four words have been highlighted in the given sentence of which one word has a
spelling error. Identify the incorrectly spelt word.
The tiger thrshed against his chains in the cage at the circus but nobody paid him any
(a) thrshed
(b) circus
(c) chains
(d) heed

Q5. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom.

We’ve sent a very strong protest letter. That should make them sit up and take notice.
(a) Follow
(b) Attend
(c) Observe
(d) Consider

Q6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(a) Stoicism
(b) Redundant
(c) Convoluted
(d) Extant

Q7. You are preparing a speech for the upcoming function. Select a synonym for the
highlighted word to make it better.
The education system must evolve to keep pace with the rapid changes in the job
(a) Demolish
(b) Censor
(c) Emanate
(d) Conceal

Q8. Select the option that will improve the highlighted part of the given sentence.
The village Seoni is located 113 km away from the capital city of MP, Bhopal.
(a) adjacent from city capital of MP, Bhopal
(b) far from the capital city of MP, Bhopal
(c) near from the city capital of MP, Bhopal
(d) approximate from capital of MP, Bhopal

Q9. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the highlighted word in the
given sentence.
The new professor is liked by his students for his amiable approach.
(a) simple
(b) friendly
(c) academic
(d) strict

Q10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of
Spoken or done without any previous thought or preparation
(a) Inaugural
(b) Maiden
(c) Initiative
(d) Extempore

Q11. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of
A place where coins are made
(a) Mint
(b) Post Office
(c) Grove
(d) Trough

Q12. In the following given question, there are three blank spaces. Below each question
there are some options and each option consist of three words which can be filled up in
the blanks in the statement(s) to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the
correct alternative among the options given below.
While bilateral ties have been _________for decades, the defence and security partnership
is clearly the new driver for ties between the two governments; the signing of the
strategic partnership agreement was the highlight of the UAE leader’s visit. The
_________of this partnership are now being set: joint military exercises, joint
manufacturing and purchase of equipment and spare parts from India, as well as
__________on fighting terror.
(a) vigorous, configuration, contention
(b) frail, profile, collaboration
(c) robust, contours, cooperation
(d) sturdy, affection, synergy

Q13. In the following given question, there are three blank spaces. Below each question
there are some options and each option consist of three words which can be filled up in
the blanks in the statement(s) to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the
correct alternative among the options given below.
Despite __________interest in the putative benefits of free trade and globalization in the
West amid a ____________in economic nationalist leaders, demand for trade liberalization
persists in the Asia-Pacific. Though there are no other multilateral arrangements
__________to the complexity of nontariff provisions included in the TPP, two
arrangements are notable for at least including a comparably large collection of

(a) declining, disappear, ambitious

(b) fading, rise, apathetic
(c) waning, surge, aspiring
(d) burgeoning, deteriorate, yearning

Q14. In the following given question, there are three blank spaces. Below each question
there are some options and each option consist of three words which can be filled up in
the blanks in the statement(s) to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the
correct alternative among the options given below.
An organised retail chain across the country _______________ small producers of the need
to ______________ their own distribution network, and ______________ investment in them.
(a) mitigates, ameliorate, adduce
(b) relieves, build, boost
(c) acquits, anticipate, recommend
(d) exempts, design, decline

Q15. In the following given question, there are three blank spaces. Below each question
there are some options and each option consist of three words which can be filled up in
the blanks in the statement(s) to make the sentence grammatically correct. Choose the
correct alternative among the options given below.
The decision to ______________ with government approval for investment into regulated
financial firms that will invest in other companies should make it _______________ for
private equity and venture funds to increase capital ________________ to India.
(a) dispense, easier, deployment
(b) provide, favourable, alignment
(c) imparts, feasible, arrangement
(d) confer, tolerant, compositions

Directions (16-20): Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that
As a society, we have come a long way in terms of progress and development. We have
eradicated diseases, explored space, and created technological wonders that were once
thought impossible. Yet, there is still one issue that continues to plague us: stupidity.
Yes, stupidity. The thing that seems to be contagious and has been spreading faster than
the common cold. It's everywhere you look-on social media, in politics, in the
workplace. You can't escape it.
It's as if we've all collectively decided that intelligence and common sense are no longer
important. Why bother using your brain when you can just rely on your gut feelings and
conspiracy theories?
Take politics, for example. It used to be that politicians were expected to be
knowledgeable and well-informed about the issues they were dealing with. Now, it
seems that all you need is a catchy slogan and some empty promises to win an election.
And don't even get me started on social media. It's a breeding ground for stupidity.
People will believe anything they read as long as it confirms their preconceived biases.
And don't even think about trying to present them with actual facts and evidence. That's
just a waste of time. But it's not just individuals who are to blame for this epidemic of
stupidity. Our education system is failing us as well. We're teaching our kids how to pass
tests instead of how to think critically and solve problems. It's no wonder we have a
generation of adults who can't even find their way around a basic math problem.
Of course, there are some who would argue that stupidity is just a different way of
thinking. That it's a valid perspective that deserves to be respected. To those people, I
say this: if you want to be stupid, go ahead. Just don't expect the rest of us to respect
your opinions when they're based on nothing but ignorance and misinformation.
It's time for us to take a stand against stupidity. We need to start valuing intelligence
and critical thinking again. We need to hold our leaders accountable for their actions
and demand that they be knowledgeable and well-informed. We need to teach our
children how to think, not just how to memorise.
It won't be easy, but it's a fight worth fighting. Because if we don't, we'll be stuck in a
world where stupidity reigns supreme, and there's no telling what kind of damage that
could do. So, let's all do our part and start using our brains again. It's time to put an end
to the epidemic of stupidity once and for all.

Q16. Which of the following techniques has been used by the author of the passage to
convey the message?
(a) Examples and anecdotes
(b) Humour and exaggeration
(c) Factual and chronological account
(d) Parody and mimicry

Q17. According to the passage, what is the solution to the issue of stupidity in society?
(a) Embracing ignorance and misinformation
(b) Teaching students how to pass tests
(c) Electing politicians with catchy slogans
(d) Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Q18. What is the tone of the passage?

(a) Joyful
(b) Serious
(c) Melancholic
(d) Sarcastic
Q19. According to the author of the passage, who among the following is NOT
responsible for the spread of stupidity?
(a) Politicians
(b) Education system
(c) Children
(d) Individuals

Q20. What could be a suitable title for the passage?

(a) The Evils of Social Media
(b) The Benefits of Stupidity
(c) The Joy of Living in a World of Ignorance
(d) The Importance of Critical Thinking


S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct synonym of the word "Spontaneous" is (b) "Instinctive."
Spontaneous: Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse without
Synonyms: Instinctive, Impulsive, Unplanned, Natural.
Antonyms: Planned, Calculated, Deliberate, Premeditated.
Meanings of all options:
• Attractive: Pleasing or appealing to the senses.
• Exhaustive: Including or considering all elements or aspects.
• Instinctive: Based on instinct; done without conscious thought.
• Acquisitive: Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. Option (d) is incorrectly spelt word.
Correct spelling is: “tranquil.”
Meanings of all options:
• Beach: A pebbly or sandy shore by the ocean or other body of water.
• Tranquil: means calm, peaceful, and free from disturbance or agitation.
• Soothing: Having a gently calming effect.
• Rolling: Moving by turning over and over on an axis.

S3. Ans. (a)

Sol. Option (a) contains an error.
 The correct phrase should be "extremely upset" as "extreme" should be used in
its adverb form to modify the adjective "upset."
 An adverb is a word that can modify or describe a verb, adjective, another
adverb, or entire sentence.

S4. Ans. (a)

Sol. Option (a) is incorrectly spelt word.
Correct spelling is: “thrashed.”
Meanings of all options:
• Thrashed: beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.
• Circus: A large public entertainment, typically presented in one or more very large
tents or in an outdoor or indoor arena.
• Chains: A series of linked metal rings used for fastening or securing something, or for
pulling loads.
• Heed: Pay attention to; take notice of.

S5. Ans. (d)

Sol. Option (d) is the correct meaning of the given idiom.
Take notice - to cause someone to pay attention or consider.
Example: When she started volunteering at the animal shelter, her dedication and hard
work quickly made everyone take notice of her contributions.

S6. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct antonym of the given word "Defunct" is (d) "Extant."
Defunct: No longer existing or functioning.
Antonyms: Extant, Existing, Alive, Operational.
Synonyms: extinct, obsolete, and no longer in existence.
Meanings of all options:
• Stoicism: The endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and
without complaint.
• Extant: Still in existence; surviving.
• Convoluted: Extremely complex and difficult to follow.
• Redundant: Not or no longer needed or useful.

S7. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct synonym for "evolve" in this context is (c) "Emanate."
Evolve - develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Synonyms: Emanate, Develop, Progress, Advance.
Antonyms: devolve, regress, and deteriorate.
Meanings of all options:
• Emanate: Issue or spread out from a source.
• Censor: Examine officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.
• Demolish: Pull or knock down.
• Conceal: Keep from sight; hide.

S8. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct substitution is (b) "far from the capital city of MP, Bhopal."
 The phrase "far from the capital city of MP, Bhopal" correctly indicates the
distance of Seoni from Bhopal, which is 113 km away.
 Although, the highlighted part is not wrong and correctly explains the meaning of
the given sentence and there is no option of “No substitution” therefore, option
(b) is the better substitution of the highlighted part.
S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct substitution for the highlighted word "amiable" is (b) "friendly."
"Friendly" is synonymous with "amiable," which means having a pleasant and friendly
Meanings of all options:
 Simple - not complex or complicated; easy to understand.
 Strict - characterized by a rigid or severe adherence to rules or standards.
 Academic - related to or associated with education and scholarship.
 Friendly - displaying warmth, kindness, and a pleasant disposition towards

S10. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct one-word for the given group of words is (d) "Extempore."
Extempore: Spoken or done without preparation.
Meanings of other options:
• Inaugural: Marking the beginning of an institution, activity, or period of office.
• Maiden: First or earliest.
• Initiative: The ability to assess and initiate things independently.

S11. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct one-word for the given group of words is (a) "Mint."
Mint: A place where coins are made.
Meanings of other options:
• Trough: A long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of.
• Post Office: A public department or corporation responsible for mail services and (in
some countries) telecommunications.
• Grove: A small wood or other group of trees.

S12. Ans. (c)

Sol. "Robust" means strong and healthy, which appropriately describes the bilateral ties
that have been maintained for decades. "Contours" refer to the outlines or boundaries of
something, fitting well in describing the framework of the partnership being set.
"Cooperation" is suitable for the context of working together on fighting terror.
 Meanings of the other words:
 "Vigorous" means strong, healthy, and full of energy.
 "Configuration" refers to the arrangement of parts or elements in a particular
form or structure.
 "Contention" means disagreement or competition.
 "Frail" means weak or delicate.
 "Profile" refers to a brief description or representation of something.
 "Collaboration" means working together to achieve a common goal.
 "Sturdy" means strongly and solidly built.
 "Affection" means a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
 "Synergy" refers to the interaction of elements that when combined produce a
total effect greater than the sum of the individual elements.

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. "Waning" means decreasing or diminishing, which correctly describes the declining
interest in free trade benefits. "Surge" means a sudden increase, fitting well with the
rise of economic nationalist leaders. "Aspiring" means aiming or striving for something,
which is suitable for describing multilateral arrangements that are ambitious or
 Meanings of the other words:
 "Declining" means becoming smaller, fewer, or less.
 "Disappear" means cease to be visible.
 "Ambitious" means having a strong desire to succeed or achieve something.
 "Fading" means gradually growing faint and disappearing.
 "Rise" means an upward movement or increase.
 "Apathetic" means showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
 "Burgeoning" means beginning to grow or increase rapidly.
 "Deteriorate" means to become progressively worse.
 "Yearning" means having an intense feeling of longing for something.

S14. Ans. (b)

Sol. "Relieves" means to free from a burden, correctly indicating that an organized retail
chain can free small producers from the need to create their own distribution network.
"Build" means to develop or construct, fitting the context of building a distribution
network. "Boost" means to increase or enhance, which appropriately describes
increasing investment in small producers.
 Meanings of the other words:
 "Mitigates" means to make less severe, serious, or painful.
 "Ameliorate" means to make something better.
 "Adduce" means to cite as evidence.
 "Acquits" means to free someone from a criminal charge.
 "Anticipate" means to expect or predict.
 "Recommend" means to suggest as a good option.
 "Exempts" means to free from an obligation.
 "Design" means to create or plan something.
 "Decline" means to decrease.

S15. Ans. (a)

Sol. "Dispense" means to proceed without something, which correctly fits the context of
proceeding without government approval. "Easier" makes the process less difficult,
fitting the context of facilitating investment. "Deployment" refers to the allocation or
distribution of resources, suitable for describing the increase in capital allocated to
 Meanings of the other words:
 "Provide" means to make available for use.
 "Favourable" means expressing approval.
 "Alignment" means arrangement in a straight line.
 "Imparts" means to make information known.
 "Feasible" means possible to do easily.
 "Arrangement" means a plan or preparation for a future event.
 "Confer" means to grant or bestow.
 "Tolerant" means showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions.
 "Compositions" means the nature of something's ingredients.

S16. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct answer is (b) Humour and exaggeration.
The author uses humour and exaggeration to discuss the issue of widespread stupidity
in society. This is evident in the way the author phrases certain comments, like
"stupidity... has been spreading faster than the common cold," which is an exaggeration
meant to humorously emphasize the prevalence of stupidity.
S17. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct answer is (d) Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The passage emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
as solutions to combat the spread of stupidity. The author criticizes the current
education system for focusing on test-passing rather than teaching children how to
think critically and solve problems.

S18. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct answer is (d) Sarcastic.
The tone of the passage is sarcastic, which is evident in the way the author addresses
the topic of stupidity in society. The author uses sarcasm to criticize and mock the
current state of affairs, particularly in politics, social media, and the education system.

S19. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is (c) Children.
According to the passage, children are not responsible for the spread of stupidity. The
author blames politicians, the education system, and individuals on social media, but
not children. Instead, the passage implies that children are victims of an inadequate
education system.

S20. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct answer is (d) The Importance of Critical Thinking.
A suitable title for the passage is "The Importance of Critical Thinking" as the central
theme of the passage revolves around the need to value intelligence, critical thinking,
and informed decision-making to combat the epidemic of stupidity in society.

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