SSC CPO 2023 T-1 PYP 1

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Q151. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Interrogate
(b) Alienate
(c) Deserve
(d) Assasinate

Q152. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Bend over backwards
(a) Working hard to try to impress
(b) Working slowly and lazily
(c) Going backward
(d) Using wrongful means

Q153. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word from the highlighted words in the following
This was a blatent disregard to the advisory by the host against it and in violation of
norms of the meeting.
(a) advisory
(b) blatent
(c) disregard
(d) violation

Q154. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select the option that
contains an error.
The dancers swayed dainty on the stage last night.
(a) last night.
(b) on the stage
(c) The dancers
(d) swayed dainty

Q155. Select the most appropriate one-word substitution of the given group of words.
A notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper.
(a) Obituary
(b) Oblivion
(c) Elegy
(d) Advertisement

Q156. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Adjacent
(b) Accomplish
(c) Agregate
(d) Allure

Q157. Select the most appropriate idiomatic expression that can substitute the highlighted
segment in the given sentence.
Both Nitin and Uday are of the same interests.
(a) under the weather
(b) birds of the same feather
(c) blowing smoke without fire
(d) different kettles of fish

Q158. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘moving’ in the given sentence
and choose the correct option.
The old grandfather clock chimed loudly, marking the passage of time with its steady tick-
(a) Steady
(b) Marking
(c) Chimed
(d) Passage

Q159. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the highlighted segment in the
given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution required’.
Her paintings are way better then her sketches.
(a) off
(b) than
(c) more
(d) No substitution required

Q160. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom in the given sentence.
I hate to get off on the wrong foot.
(a) To start something with positive factors
(b) To start something with neutral factors
(c) To start a relationship or activity badly
(d) To start something with an injury on the wrong foot

Q161. Select the most appropriate phrasal verb to fill in the blank.
Arunima _______________ a lot during her vacation time.
(a) gets on
(b) gets after
(c) gets about
(d) gets along

Q162. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

The best of both worlds
(a) Good things come after bad things
(b) An ideal situation
(c) Better to show than tell
(d) Make people comfortable

Q163. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the highlighted group
of words.
How did you become interested in learning the art of producing beautiful handwriting?
(a) Lexicography
(b) Demography
(c) Calligraphy
(d) Graphology

Q164. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Random
(b) Sociable
(c) Aggressive
(d) Confident

Q165. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. One of them may contain
an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don’t find any
error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
We feed the horse oats for a week because it had eaten all the hay.
(a) No error
(b) it had eaten all the hay.
(c) We feed the horse oats
(d) for a week because

Q166. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that
contains a grammatical error.
They will not attend the event as they’re going away at end of April.
(a) away at end of April.
(b) as they’re going
(c) the event
(d) They will not attend

Q167. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the highlighted group
of words.
Ms. Scarlet was indifferent to pain and pleasure, she never complained.
(a) Hypocrite
(b) Stoic
(c) Versatile
(d) Amateur

Q168. You are preparing a speech for the upcoming function. Select a synonym for the
highlighted word to make it better.
Despite the advancement in technology many rural areas in developing countries still lack
access to basic necessities.
(a) Desist
(b) Disguise
(c) Avenue
(d) Apathy
Q169. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom.
Students often burn the midnight oil to qualify for competitive examinations.
(a) put the things on fire at night
(b) want to be at a place full of light
(c) work until late at night
(d) sleep well

Q170. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom.

More people in Turkey are on the breadline now than thirty years ago.
(a) Be very poor
(b) Are well educated
(c) Be very expensive
(d) Earn a lot of money

Q171. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Indefensible
(b) Neutral
(c) Maintainable
(d) Reasonable

Q172. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Left out in the cold
(a) To serve stale and cold food
(b) To leave in hurry
(c) To bear extreme weather condition
(d) To be ignored

Q173. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of
Fear of water
(a) Hydrophobia
(b) Bibliophobia
(c) Microphobia
(d) Botanophobia

Q174. Select the option that can substitute the bracketed word segment correctly and
complete the following sentence meaningfully.
Lots of kids (was visualised) crossing the road when the bus arrived.
(a) were seen
(b) have been seen
(c) are seen
(d) was seen

Q175. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Feeble
(b) Terrible
(c) Auspicious
(d) Propitious

Q176. Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom.

We dodged a bullet when we didn’t fall for the agents’ words.
(a) To give something a try
(b) To narrowly avoid situation
(c) To be out of your comfort zone
(d) To start performing better

Q177. Select the word which means the same as the group of words highlighted in the given
The pandemic deeply affected small business owners, as they have no means of
livelihood left.
(a) Pauper
(b) Worker
(c) Unemployed
(d) Mason

Q178. Select the option that will improve the highlighted part of the given sentence.
The use of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides began after the Green Revolution.
(a) A practice of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides
(b) The custom of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides
(c) Consumption of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides
(d) The usage of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides

Q179. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(a) Calamity
(b) Fortuitous
(c) Fiasco
(d) Sabotage

Q180. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

An arm and a leg
(a) To ask for too much
(b) A large amount of money
(c) Everything is ready
(d) To be lost and bewildered

Q181. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that
contains a spelling error.
He wrote his dairy in code so that nobody could understand it.
(a) so that nobody
(b) could understand it
(c) in code
(d) He wrote his dairy

Q182. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM for the highlighted word.
The negligent attitude of the cops was criticised.
(a) attentive
(b) reluctant
(c) amplify
(d) bored

Q183. Select the most appropriate one-word substitution of the given group of words.
A person engaged in or trained for spaceflight.
(a) Astute
(b) Astronomer
(c) Astronaut
(d) Atrocious

Q184. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Lap
(b) Location
(c) Globe
(d) Pull

Q185. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Serene
(b) Triumph
(c) Comparsion
(d) Unveil

Q186. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that
contains a grammatical error.
She will have participate in the dance competition by the time her father returns from the
(a) in the dance competition
(b) She will have participate
(c) by the time her father
(d) returns from the tour

Q187. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of
Working or operating quickly and effectively in an organised way.
(a) Efficient
(b) Extensive
(c) Excellent
(d) Effusive

Q188. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Perish
(b) Desert
(c) Prolong
(d) Retain

Q189. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(a) Misty
(b) Arid
(c) Tropical
(d) Soaked

Q190. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A leopard can't change his spots
(a) Someone who is cherished above all others
(b) A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words
(c) Something good that isn't recognised at first
(d) You cannot change who you are

Directions (191-195): In the following passage some words have been deleted. Read the
passage carefully and select the most appropriate option for each blank.
The Amazon rainforest is an awe-inspiring natural wonder that (1) _________ across several
South American countries, including Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. Covering an (2)
________ area of 5.5 million square kilometres, it is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.
The Amazon jungle is (3) _________ for its remarkable biodiversity, harbouring an
astonishing array of plant and animal species that are still being discovered and studied.
The dense vegetation of the jungle creates a (4) ________ and complex ecosystem, supporting
countless species and providing crucial ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration
and climate regulation. It is also home to (5) __________ communities that have thrived
within its rich confines for centuries, preserving their traditions and deep connection to the

Q191. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.

(a) reaches
(b) lengths
(c) amounts
(d) spans

Q192. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.

(a) gauged
(b) rated
(c) estimated
(d) evaluated

Q193. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.

(a) great
(b) acclaimed
(c) renowned
(d) pre-eminent

Q194. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.

(a) vigour
(b) spirited
(c) vibrant
(d) lavish

Q195. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.

(a) late
(b) ancient
(c) indigenous
(d) organic

Directions (196-200): Read the given passage and answer the question that follows.
We started our research into organisational and personal excellence by studying a slightly
different topic. We figured that if we could learn why certain people were more effective
than others, then we could learn exactly what they did, clone it and pass it on to others. We
asked people to identify who they thought were their most effective colleagues. In fact, over
the past twenty-five years, we have asked over twenty thousand people to identify the
individuals in their organisations who could really get things done. We wanted to find
those who were not just influential but who were far more influential than the rest.

Q196. Which real life situation can be the most appropriate to be inferred from the
(a) Inflation has direct influence on the morals and ethics of an individual.
(b) If we do something wrong to decent people, the same comes to haunt us even after
many years.
(c) People nowadays do not have patience and want quick success and does not matter
what path they choose to obtain their targets.
(d) Jassie is an efficient employee whose work ethics can be a case study to learn more
about organisational and personal excellence.

Q197. Select the most suitable structure for the above passage.
(a) Chronological
(b) Cause and Effect
(c) Pragmatic
(d) Compare and contrast

Q198. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(a) Deniable
(b) Harmonious
(c) Fruitless
(d) Courteous

Q199. Select the most appropriate title to the given passage.

(a) Research Grants in Organisations
(b) Learn, Clone and Pass
(c) Most Effective Colleagues
(d) Different Topics

Q200. Select the statement that most appropriately sums up the passage given.
(a) Some people cannot be identified due to their most effective ways in 25 years.
(b) Research grants in an organisation should be increased for personal excellence.
(c) It takes 25 years of research to make people more effective and influential.
(d) Some people are more effective and more influential than others to get things done.


S151. Ans. (d)

Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (d) "Assasinate."
The correct spelling is "Assassinate," which means to murder (an important person) for
political or ideological reasons.
Meanings and spellings of the options:
• Interrogate: Correct spelling, means to ask questions of (someone) closely, aggressively,
or formally.
• Alienate: Correct spelling, means to cause someone to feel isolated.
• Deserve: Correct spelling, means to do something or show qualities worthy of a reward
or punishment.

S152. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct meaning of the idiom "Bend over backwards" is (a) "Working hard to try
to impress."
This idiom means to make a great effort, especially to be helpful or fair. It implies going out
of one's way to do something helpful or to please someone.
S153. Ans. (b)
Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (b) "blatent."
The correct spelling is "Blatant," which means done openly and unashamedly or completely
lacking in subtlety.
Meanings of the options:
• Advisory: Correct spelling, means an official announcement or warning.
• Blatant: Correct spelling, means obvious or conspicuous.
• Disregard: Correct spelling, means pay no attention to; ignore.
• Violation: Correct spelling, means the action of violating someone or something.

S154. Ans. (d)

Sol. The part of the sentence that contains an error is (d) "swayed dainty."
 The correct form should be "swayed daintily."
 "Daintily" is an adverb modifying the verb "swayed," whereas "dainty" is an
adjective and cannot be used to modify a verb.

S155. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct one-word substitution is (a) "Obituary."
An "Obituary" is a notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief
biography of the deceased person.
Meanings of the options:
• Oblivion: The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening.
• Elegy: A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
• Advertisement: A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product,
service, or event.

S156. Ans. (c)

Sol. The incorrectly spelled word is (c) "Agregate."
The correct spelling is "Aggregate," which means a whole formed by combining several
Meanings and spellings of the options:
• Adjacent: Correct spelling, means next to or adjoining something else.
• Accomplish: Correct spelling, means achieve or complete successfully.
• Aggregate: Correct spelling, means formed or calculated by the combination of several
separate elements; total.
• Allure: Correct spelling, means the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously
attractive or fascinating.

S157. Ans. (b)

Sol. The most appropriate idiomatic expression for the highlighted segment is (b) "birds of
the same feather."
The expression "birds of the same feather" means people of similar character, background,
or taste tend to associate with one another.
Meanings of the options:
• Under the weather: Feeling ill or unwell.
• Blowing smoke without fire: Making claims or accusations with no support or evidence.
• Different kettles of fish: A completely different matter or issue.

S158. Ans. (a)

Sol. The most appropriate antonym of the word ‘moving’ in the context of the sentence is
(a) "Steady."
Moving refers to the motion or action, implying something that changes or is not static.
Synonyms: stirring, touching, emotional, poignant, affecting.
Antonyms: stationary, static, still, immobile, inert, steady.
Meanings of the options:
• Steady: Firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving.
• Marking: Indicating, specifying, or showing.
• Chimed: (of a bell or clock) make a melodious ringing sound.
• Passage: The act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the
way from one place to another.

S159. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct substitution for the highlighted segment is (b) "than."
The sentence should read "Her paintings are way better than her sketches." The word
"than" is used in comparisons.
Meanings of the options:
• Off: Incorrect, does not fit in the sentence.
• Than: Correct, used in comparisons.
• More: Incorrect, does not fit grammatically in the sentence.
• No substitution required: Incorrect, as the original sentence has a grammatical error.

S160. Ans. (c)

Sol. The most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom "get off on the wrong foot" is
(c) "To start a relationship or activity badly."
The idiom means to begin a relationship or process in a bad way, which could lead to
ongoing difficulties.
Example: Starting a new job by accidentally offending a coworker can be described as
getting off on the wrong foot.

S161. Ans. (c)

Sol. The most appropriate phrasal verb to fill in the blank is (c) "gets about."
"Gets about" means to travel to different places, especially socially or for enjoyment, which
fits well in the context of vacation time.
Meanings of the options:
• Gets on: To continue doing something, often despite difficulties.
• Gets after: To reprimand or chase.
• Gets about: To move around, travel.
• Gets along: To have a good relationship.

S162. Ans. (b)

Sol. The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "The best of both worlds" is (b) "An ideal
This idiom means enjoying the advantages of two different things at the same time.
Example: Working from home allows me to spend time with my family while also
maintaining a successful career, it's truly the best of both worlds.

S163. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct one-word substitute for the highlighted group of words is (c)
"Calligraphy" refers to the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen
or brush.
Meanings of the options:
• Lexicography: The activity or occupation of compiling dictionaries.
• Demography: The study of statistics, such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of
• Graphology: The study of handwriting, especially as a means of analyzing character.

S164. Ans. (a)

Sol. The most appropriate synonym of "Haphazard" is (a) "Random."
Haphazard: means lacking any obvious principle of organization.
Synonyms: Random, unplanned, arbitrary, erratic, chaotic.
Antonyms: Organized, systematic, methodical, orderly, planned.
Meanings of the options:
• Random: Happening by chance, not planned or prearranged; irregular.
• Sociable: Willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.
• Aggressive: Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from
• Confident: Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.

S165. Ans. (c)

Sol. The part of the sentence that contains an error is (c) "We feed the horse oats."
 The correct form should be "We fed the horse oats."
 The sentence is in the past tense, as indicated by "it had eaten," so "fed" (past tense
of feed) should be used instead of "feed" (present tense).

S166. Ans. (a)

Sol. The error is in segment (a) "away at end of April."
 The correct phrase should be "away at the end of April."
 The definite article 'the' is missing before 'end.'
 The use of 'the' is necessary here to specify which end of April is being referred to,
making the sentence grammatically correct.

S167. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct answer is option (b) 'Stoic,' which refers to someone who endures pain or
hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
This matches the description of Ms. Scarlet being indifferent to pain and pleasure.
Meanings of other options:
 Hypocrite refers to someone who pretends to have beliefs or virtues they do not
actually possess.
 Versatile means having many different skills or qualities.
 Amateur refers to a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an
unpaid basis.

S168. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Access: means the ability, right, or opportunity to use or benefit from something.
Synonyms: entry, admittance, approach, availability, entrance, avenue.
Antonyms: restriction, denial, barrier, blockage, exclusion.
Meanings of all options:

 Desist: To stop doing something; cease or abstain.

 Disguise: To alter one's appearance or hide the identity or nature of something.
 Avenue: A wide street or thoroughfare, or a means of approaching a problem or
making progress.
 Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

S169. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct meaning of the highlighted word.
 The idiom 'burn the midnight oil' means to work late into the night. This is derived
from the practice of using oil lamps late at night before electric lighting.
 Example: Jane had a major presentation due at work the next day, so she decided to
burn the midnight oil to make sure every detail was perfect.

S170. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct meaning of the given idiom.
The idiom 'on the breadline' means being extremely poor, to the point where a person or a
family is barely surviving.
Example: Many families in the area are living on the breadline, struggling to afford basic

S171. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Justifiable: means able to be shown to be right or reasonable; defensible.
Synonyms: reasonable, defensible, excusable, and warranted.
Antonyms: indefensible, unjustifiable, unreasonable, and unwarranted,
Meanings of all options:
 Reasonable means having sound judgment; fair and sensible, which is similar in
meaning to 'Justifiable.'
 Indefensible' means not justifiable by argument.
 Neutral means not supporting any side in a conflict.
 Maintainable means capable of being maintained.

S172. Ans.(d)
Sol. The idiom 'Left out in the cold' means option (d) to be ignored or excluded from a
group or activity.
The idiom metaphorically uses the discomfort of being in the cold to describe the feeling of
being excluded or neglected.
Example: After the new management took over, the long-time employees felt left out in the
cold with the sudden changes in policy.

S173. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct one-word substitute for 'Fear of water' is (a) 'Hydrophobia.'
'Hydrophobia' is a term used to describe a severe fear of water, particularly as a symptom
of rabies.
Meanings of other options:
 Bibliophobia is a fear of books.
 Microphobia is a fear of small things.
 Botanophobia is a fear of plants.

S174. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct phrase to replace '(was visualised)' in the sentence is (a) 'were seen.'
 The sentence "Lots of kids were seen crossing the road when the bus arrived" is
grammatically correct and conveys the meaning clearly.
 'Were seen' is the past passive form suitable for the plural subject 'Lots of kids.'
 The other options do not fit grammatically or contextually: 'have been seen' and 'are
seen' are in the wrong tense, while 'was seen' is singular and does not agree with
the plural subject.

S175. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Dreadful means causing great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious.
Synonyms: terrible, awful, horrendous, appalling, and frightful.
Antonyms: wonderful, delightful, pleasant, good, and enjoyable.

Meanings of all options:

 Feeble: Lacking physical strength or vitality, weak.

 Terrible: Extremely bad or serious, causing fear or dread.
 Auspicious: Conducive to success, favorable or fortunate.
 Propitious: Indicating a good chance of success, favorable or benevolent.
S176. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct meaning of the highlighted idiom.
 Dodged a bullet means to narrowly avoid a very serious problem or danger.
 Example: "He felt he dodged a bullet when he realized the risky investment, he
almost made turned out to be a scam."

S177. Ans. (a)

Sol. The appropriate word for the group of words 'no means of livelihood left' is (a)
Meanings of all options:
 Unemployed refers to individuals who are not employed and do not have a source
of income.
 Pauper refers to a very poor person.
 Worker is a general term for someone who works.
 Mason specifically refers to a person who works with stone.

S178. Ans. (d)

Sol. The phrase that best improves the sentence is (d) the usage of chemicals,
insecticides, and pesticides.
 This phrase correctly implies that these substances started being used widely after
the Green Revolution.
 The other options are awkward or incorrect in this context: 'A practice of' and 'The
custom of' do not fit the context of chemicals and pesticides;
 'Consumption of' is misleading as it usually refers to eating or drinking.

S179. Ans. (b)

Sol. Option (b) is the correct antonym of the given word.
Catastrophic means involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering; disastrous.
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, tragic, ruinous, and devastating.
Antonyms: beneficial, advantageous, favorable, successful, fortuitous.
Meanings of all options:
 Calamity: A major disaster or event causing great and often sudden damage or
 Fortuitous: Happening by chance, often lucky or fortunate.
 Fiasco: A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one.
 Sabotage: Deliberate destruction, disruption, or damage to equipment, operations,
or information.

S180. Ans. (b)

Sol. The idiom 'An arm and a leg' means a very large amount of money.
This idiom is usually used in the context of something being very expensive. It's often used
to convey the high cost of something in a somewhat exaggerated manner.
Example: Renovating the kitchen cost an arm and a leg, but the final result was worth it.

S181. Ans. (d)

Sol. The spelling error is in segment (d): 'He wrote his dairy.'
 The correct spelling should be 'diary,' which means a book in which one keeps a
daily record of events and experiences.
 'Dairy' refers to milk or milk products, which is not relevant in this context.
 The rest of the sentence is spelled correctly.

S182. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct antonym of the given word.
Negligent: means failing to take proper care in doing something; carelessly failing to fulfill
a responsibility or duty.
Synonyms: careless, remiss, lax, inattentive, and heedless.
Antonyms: diligent, careful, attentive, meticulous, and conscientious.

Meanings of all options:

 Attentive: Paying close attention to something, alert and focused.

 Reluctant: Unwilling or hesitant; disinclined to do something.
 Amplify: To increase the volume or strength, or to make something more intense or
 Bored: Feeling weary or uninterested because one is not engaged or entertained.

S183. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct one-word for the given group of words.
A person engaged in or trained for spaceflight- Astronaut.
Meanings of all other options:
 Astute: Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and
turn this to one's advantage.
 Astronomer: A scientist who studies celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets,
and galaxies.
 Atrocious: Horrifyingly wicked or of a very poor quality; extremely bad or

S184. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Site: refers to an area or place where something is located or has occurred, often used in
the context of building, events, or web locations.
Synonyms: location, venue, place, spot, and setting.
Antonyms: nowhere, displacement, move, unsettle, and unplace.
Meanings of all options:

 Lap: The flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person, or a complete
circuit of a race track.
 Location: A particular place or position.
 Globe: A spherical representation of the Earth, a celestial body, or the universe.
 Pull: To exert force on something so as to cause movement towards oneself.

S185. Ans.(c)

Sol. Option (c) is incorrectly spelt word.

Correct spelling is “Comparison”.

 Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.

 Triumph: A great victory or achievement.
 Comparison: The act of evaluating two or more things to discover similarities and
 Unveil: To remove a covering from; to make something visible or known for the
first time.

S186. Ans.(b)
Sol. The grammatical error is in segment (b), "She will have participate."
 The correct form should be "She will have participated."
 In this sentence, the verb tense should be the future perfect, which is formed with
"will have" followed by the past participle of the verb.
 The past participle of "participate" is "participated," making the grammatically
correct sentence.

S187. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) is the correct one-word for the given group of words.
Working or operating quickly and effectively in an organised way- Efficient.
Meanings of all options:
 Extensive: Covering or affecting a large area; broad in scope or content.
 Excellent: Extremely good; outstanding in quality or performance.
 Effusive: Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained
or heartfelt manner.

S188. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) is the correct synonym of the given word.
Abandon: means to give up completely, leave behind, or cease to support or look after
something or someone.
Synonyms: forsake, desert, relinquish, discard, renounce.
Antonyms: retain, maintain, continue, uphold, embrace.

Meanings of all options:

 Perish: To die, especially in a sudden or violent way.

 Desert: To abandon a person or place, or an arid, barren area of land.
 Prolong: To extend the duration of something; to make something last longer.
 Retain: To keep possession of or continue to have something.

S189. Ans.(b)

Sol. Option (b) is the correct antonym of the given word.

Damp: refers to being slightly wet or moist.
Synonyms: moist, humid, clammy, muggy, wet.
Antonyms: dry, arid, parched, desiccated, bone-dry.

Meanings of all options:

 Misty: Characterized by a fine spray or light fog of tiny water droplets in the air.
 Arid: Extremely dry, especially due to lack of rainfall and moisture.
 Tropical: Relating to the tropics, typically hot and humid.
 Soaked: Completely saturated with liquid, thoroughly wet.

S190. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option (d) is the correct meaning of the given idiom.
A leopard can't change his spots: means that it's impossible for someone to change their
inherent nature.
Example: He tried to be more organized, but a leopard can't change his spots; he's still as
messy as ever.

S191. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct option to fill in blank number 1 is (d) "spans."
The Amazon rainforest covers a large geographical area across several countries. "Spans" is
the most appropriate word here, as it means to extend across a particular area or period,
fitting the context of the rainforest covering multiple countries.
Meanings of the options:
• Reaches: To arrive at; to extend to.
• Lengths: Refers to the measurement of something from end to end.
• Amounts: Quantities of something.
• Spans: Extends over or across.

S192. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct option to fill in blank number 2 is (c) "estimated."
The word "estimated" is suitable in this context, as it refers to an approximation or a rough
calculation, which is likely the case for the vast area of the Amazon rainforest.
Meanings of the options:
• Gauged: Measured or assessed.
• Rated: Assigned a standard or value.
• Estimated: Roughly calculated or approximated.
• Evaluated: Judged or determined the value of.

S193. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct option to fill in blank number 3 is (c) "renowned."
The word "renowned" fits best as it means well-known, especially for some special quality
or achievement. The Amazon rainforest is indeed well-known for its exceptional
Meanings of the options:
• Great: Large in size or degree.
• Acclaimed: Praised enthusiastically and publicly.
• Renowned: Known or talked about by many people; famous.
• Pre-eminent: Surpassing all others; very distinguished.

S194. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct option to fill in blank number 4 is (c) "vibrant."
"Vibrant" is the most appropriate choice here, as it describes something full of energy and
life, which aptly describes the ecosystem of the Amazon jungle.
Meanings of the options:
• Vigour: Physical strength and good health.
• Spirited: Full of energy, enthusiasm, or determination.
• Vibrant: Full of energy and life.
• Lavish: Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

S195. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct option to fill in blank number 5 is (c) "indigenous."
The term "indigenous" accurately describes the communities that have lived in the Amazon
for centuries, signifying people who are native to a particular place.
Meanings of the options:
• Late: Recent or after the usual time.
• Ancient: Belonging to the very distant past.
• Indigenous: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
• Organic: Relating to living matter.

Sol. The correct answer is option (d).
The passage suggests that the research into organizational and personal excellence aimed
to identify individuals who were more effective and influential than others in getting things
done. Jassie, as an efficient employee whose work ethics can be a case study, aligns with
this objective.
Sol. The most suitable structure for the passage is "Pragmatic" because it focuses on the
practical approach of identifying effective individuals and learning from them to improve
organizational and personal excellence.

Sol. The most appropriate antonym for the word "Effective" is "Fruitless," as "effective"
means achieving results or success, while "fruitless" means achieving no results or being

Sol. The most appropriate title for the given passage is "Most Effective Colleagues" because
the passage primarily discusses the research conducted to identify individuals who are
more effective and influential in organizations.

Sol. The statement that most appropriately sums up the passage is option (d): "Some
people are more effective and more influential than others to get things done."
This reflects the main theme of the passage, which is focused on identifying highly effective
individuals in organizations.

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