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Satuan Pendidikan UPT SMPN 7 SUTERA

Kelas / semester VII / 1

Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023
Fase D
Elemen Menyimak–Berbicara
Alokasi Waktu 12 JP ( 4 X pertemuan)
Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Peserta didik mampu menggunakan teks transaksional menyapa,
berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf, dengan guru, teman
sebaya dan orang lain dengan tepat ;
2. Peserta didik mampu memahami teks transaksional menyapa,
berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf dengan tepat ;
3. Peserta didik mampu menyusun teks transaksional menyapa,
berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf dengan tepat ;
4. Peserta didik mampu membuat teks transaksional menyapa,
berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf dengan benar ;
5. Peserta didik mampu mempresentasikan teks transaksional
menyapa, berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf dengan
Kata Kunci Menyapa, berterimakasih, berpamitan, minta maaf
Profil Pelajar Pancasila 1. Gotong royong
2. Kreatif
3. Mandiri
4. Bernalar kritis
Konten 1. Teks transaksional menyapa,
2. Teks transaksional berterima kasih,
3. Teks transaksional berpamitan,
4. Teks transaksional minta maaf.
Asesmen/penilaian 1. Teknik Tes dan non tes
2. Bentuk : Pilihan ganda, uraian, pengamatan/obeservasi
Deskripsi Umum 1. Peserta didik membaca referensi tentang teks traksaksional
menyapa, berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf
2. Peserta didik mengamati video referensi tentang teks
traksaksional menyapa, berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf
3. Peserta didik berdiskusi dalam kelompok tentang teks
traksaksional menyapa, berterima kasih, berpamitan, minta maaf
4. Praktek tentang teks traksaksional menyapa, berterima kasih,
berpamitan, minta maaf ;


1. Daftar link
YouTube link to learn about formal greeting in English (6 minutes)

YouTube link to learn about informal greeting in English (6 minutes)

2. Referensi
(4:23 minutes) accessed on 3rd of November,
2021 accessed on 3rd of
November, 2021
(2:58 minutes)
english/how-to-say-youre-sorry-in- english/11152248
3. Diagnostic Assessment




1. Teacher : “Good morning, students!”
Students : “ , Sir!”
Teacher : “How are you today?”
Students : “I am fine. Thank you. And you?”
Teacher : “Fine, too.
A. Hi
B. Hey
C. Morning
D. Good night

2. Setiawan : “Hello. My name is Setiawan.”

Bobby :“ . I’m Bobby. Nice to meet you.”
A. See you
B. Thanks
C. Bye
D. Hi

3. Mr. Sigalingging : “This is Mr. Saragih, an old friend of mine.”

Mr. Saragih :“ ”
A. How are you getting on?
B. Pleased to meet you
C. You’re welcome
D. Are you okay?
4. Tanti : I'm afraid it's the time for us to leave.
Sandra : Okay. See you later!
Tanti : .
A. See you.
B. I’m sorry.
C. Thank you.
D. Good afternoon
5. Lia : Let’s read at the library.
Dina : Sorry, the bell rings. I have to go the classroom now.
Lia : Alright, good bye.
Dina :
A. Nice to meet you
B. Thank you
C. I’m fine
D. Bye

6. Karin : It’s 2.p.m already. I think I will go home now.

Danar : I’ll go home, too. See you tomorrow.
Karin : See you.
The underlined sentence is the expressions of …
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

7. Lila :” Murti, this is a present for you. I hope you like it.”
Murti :” Oh, it is so wonderful. …”
A. You are so kind to me
B. Thank you very much
C. Do you like it?
D. May I have it?

8. Ahmad :”Thank you for lending me the books.”

Nana :” You are welcome.”
A. Don’t mention it
B. I’m afraid I can’t
C. No, I’d be glad to
D. Thank you very much

9. Marta : I’m sorry. I stepped on your shoes.

Dani :
A. Oh no, why?
B. Don’t forget it
C. It isn’t expensive
D. It doesn’t matter
10. Tita : I lost my pen. Can I borrow your pen before the test?
Lala : Sorry, I only have one pen.
The underlined word is the expression of ….
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

4. Rubrik penilaian
Identify proper Group all greetings into the proper 5
greeting for each context
context both,
Group 90% greetings into the proper 4
formal, and
1 context
Group 75% greetings into the proper 3
Group 65% greetings into the proper 2
Group under 50% greetings into the 1
proper context
2 Match the greetings Match all greeting to proper response 5
and the responses Match 90% greeting to proper response 4
Match 75% greeting to proper response 3
Match 60% greeting to proper response 2
Match under 50% greeting to proper 1

Total Score = Score achieved X 100

Maximum Score
Identify general Comprehend it completely 5
and specific Comprehend 4
1 information of the
Fairly comprehend 3
Almost cannot comprehend it 2
Do not comprehend it 1

Total Score = Score achieved X 100

Maximum Score

1. Students who get more than 90 are given enrichment task.
2. Students who get under 75 are given remedial
5. Pengayaan dan Remedial
A. Pengayaan

1.Make your own dialogue about Greeting, thanking, and apologizing with your partner and make a vide

B. Remedial
Watch a video and put the expressions in order.
(0.55 – 2.07)
Read the dialogue and record it.

Jumbled Dialogue
Boy : It’s nice to see you, too. Boy
: How’re you doing today?
Boy : Not much. What about you?
Boy : Oh wow!
Boy : Hi!
Boy : Oh. Do you have any pictures?
Boy : Okay! Have a good evening, then!
Boy : Oh…I was … weekend. But last night was amazing. I went to the
movies to see the new Harry Potter.
Boy : I’m very joyful
Boy : Yes, it was really good.

Girl : Yes. I do actually.

Girl : I went hiking last weekend. It was really fun. If you are on top of the
mountain, it was amazing.
Girl : Good morning!
Girl : I feel marvellous. How about you. How is it going?
Girl : Oh, that’s cool.
Girl : It’s nice to see you.
Girl : Hey!
Girl : What’s new?
Girl : What did you do last weekends?
Girl : You, too!
Girl : That was really pleasant. Was it any good? I was wondering if I
should go and see it as well.
Girl : Wow, it is getting really late. I should go.
1. Remedial on Thanking and Apologizing

Adapted from https://

I’m Are they talking about me?
sorry She looks so ugly with the outfit. They keep talking about me. I can’

I will try to talk to them about it. her

I hate
Alright. I’ll forget it.
But please, don’t do She is so ugly.
it next time.
She dresses like an old lady.
I don’t want to
be her friend.
We will not talk to her now. Let’s text her on Ig tonight

Try to wear something better

Try to be more fashionabl

Look at her. She always wears weird o

6. Refleksi
Di akhir pembelajaran guru bersama peserta didik melakukan refleksi pembelajaran
1) Refleksi guru

Kendala apakah yang ditemukan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pada materi ini?
Apakah solusi yang diambil oleh guru untuk mengatasi kendala yang ditemui selama pembelajaran?
Langkah apa yang dilakukan guru jika tujuan pembelajaran belum tercapai?
Apakah perubahan yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan berikutnya untuk mencapai tujuan pembe

2) Refleksi siswa

Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti pembelajaran tentang menunjukkan kesopanan?
Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti pembelajaran hari ini?
Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temukan saat mengikuti pembelajaran?
Langkah apa yang kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang kalian temukan?

Circle the emoji to describe your feeling after learning the material?

Give your suggestion and comment about this Module.

8. Formative Assessment




1. Waitress : “Good afternoon, Ma’am!”
Ms. Nita :“ !”
Waitress : “What do you like to order?”
Ms. Nita : “I’d like to have fried rice and tea.”
Waitress : “Alright. Please, wait for a while.”
A. Hi
B. Hey
C. Afternoon
D. Good afternoon, Miss

2. Jack : Hey. Morning, Rita.!

Rita : Morning, Jack!
Don : Pleased to meet you.
Rita : Pleased to meet you, too.
A. Hi
B. Hello
C. How do you do.
D. How have you been.

3. Dinda : Hello, Eddy. It’s been a long time.

Eddy : Hi, Dinda. How are you doing?
Dinda : …. How about you?
Eddy : Great. So happy to see you again.
A. So long
B. I’m doing fine
C. I’m little bit sick
D. I have to go now
4. Ms. Dahlia : Hello, Ms. Lita. How are you doing?
Ms. Lita : …. I need to go to the hospital. Ms.
Dahlia : I hope you get better soon.
A. Great
B. I’m fine
C. Never better
D. I’m not feeling well

5. Mega : “Mr.Hambali, I’d like to introduce my father.”

Mr. Sukarno : “How do you do, Mr. Hambali?”
Mr. Hambali : “ …, Mr. Sukarno.”
A. I am fine
B. Never better
C. Good afternoon
D. How do you do

6. Ega : “Let me introduce you to my twin, Egi.”

Egi : “Nice, to meet you, Rafael. ”
Rafael : “Hi, Egi. , too.”
A. I’m nice, right.
B. It’s a great day.
C. Long time no see.
D. It’s nice to meet you, too.

7. Bella : “Chintya, my mom is waiting at home. I’ll go home first.”

Chintya : “Okay, Bella. See you tomorrow.”
Bella : “….”
A. It’s very kind of you
B. I’m fine thank you
C. Nice to meet you
D. See you

8. Nana : “Etty, the bell rings. I have to go to class now.”

Etty : “Alright, see you after school.”
Nana : “….”
A. Great
B. See you
C. Nice to meet you.
D. It’s very kind of you.
9. Claire : “I think. It’s time for us to finish this task” Richard
: “I think so. Its 9 pm. I have to go home.” Claire : “. ”
Richard : “See you tomorrow”
A. Good bye
B. That’s alright
C. I am sorry too
D. Don’t mention it

10. Lenny : “Vonny, … I broke your ruler.”

Vonny : “It’s okay. I still have another one.”
A. Sorry
B. Thank you
C. Are you okay
D. I have to go home now.

11. Tia : “Mom, I’m sorry I arrive late.”

Mother : “… Please tell me first next time, okay.”
A. Don’t worry about it.
B. I’m glad you do it.
C. You are welcome.
D. You are so nice.

12. Tita : “I lost my pen. Can I borrow your pen before the test?”
Lala : “Sorry, I only have one pen.”
The underlined word is the expression of ….
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

13. Clara : “Can I borrow your sharpener?”

James : “Sure here it is.”
Clara : “Thank you.”
James : “….”
A. Don’t mention it
B. Thank you
C. I’m sorry
D. I’m fine.
14. Nunik : ”Would you add your soup?”
Fini : “Enough. Thank you for the dinner.” The
underlined sentence is the expressions of …
A. leave taking
B. apologizing
C. thanking
D. greeting

15. Mother : “Have you cleaned the floor Reva?”

Reva : “…. I forget.”
A. Thank you
B. Don’t worry
C. I’m very sorry
D. It doesn’t matter

Dialogue (For question number 16 - 20 )

Marsha meets Ms. Rini, the English teacher in front of the library.”
Marsha : “Good morning, Ms. Rini.”
Ms. Rini : “Good morning, Marsha.”
Marsha : “How are you today, Ms Rini?”
Ms. Rini : “I’m fine, but I’m little bit busy.”
Marsha : “Ms. Rini, can I help you bringing the books?”
Ms. Rini : “Thank you, Marsha. It’s very kind of you.”
Marsha : “Don’t mention it, Ma’am.”
Ms. Rini : “Please put them in the teacher’s office on Ms. Imelda’s table.”
Marsha : “Okay, Ms Rini.”
Ms. Rini : “Sorry, Marsha. I have to leave first. See you in the lesson.”
Ms. Rini : “It doesn’t matter, Ma’am. See you.”

16. What does Marsha do for Ms. Rini? She ….

A. reads the book
B. brings the books
C. buys the books
D. borrows the book

17. Where will Marsha put the books?

A. At the teacher office
B. In front of the class
C. In the library
D. At the library
18. From the text we know that ….
A. Marsha brings her books to the classroom.
B. Marsha goes to teacher’s office herself.
C. Ms. Rini and Marsha walk together.
D. Ms. Imelda helps Ms. Rini.

19. “Please put them in the teacher’s office…”. The underlined word refers to….
A. the books
B. the tables
C. the offices
D. the students

20. The underlined words is the expression of ….

A. thanking
B. apologizing
C. leave taking
D. asking condition
9. Glosarium

greeting : memberi salam

thanking : berterima kasih
apologizing : meminta maaf
outdoor : luar ruangan
run well : berjalan lancer
role : peran
construct : menyusun
amazing : mengagumkan
marvellous : menakjubkan
weird : aneh
outfit : pakaian
apology : permintaan maaf
simple : sederhana
meaningful : bermakna
appreciate : menghargai
polite : sopan
politeness : kesopanan
deed : Tindakan
intention : maksud, niat
responsibility : tanggung jawab
discuss : membahas
forgot – forget : lupa
shelf : laci
arrange : menata
take : mengambil
noise : suara bising
broke – break : memecahkan
water jug : teko air
broom : sapu

Taratak , Juli 2022

Mengetahui: Guru Mata Pelajaran



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