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PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi

p-ISSN: 2252-3758, e-ISSN: 2528-3618 Akreditasi LIPI No. 695/Akred/ P2MI-LIPI/07/2015
Vol. 6(2), November 2017, pp 131 – 140 DOI:


Deskripsi Karies Gigi dan Pengaruh Makanan pada Kerusakan Gigi
pada Kerangka Manusia Pawon

Amalina Ahmad1, Dudi Aripin2 3

, Warta Dewi4, Fahmi Oscandar5
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Padjadjaran
Departemen Konservasi Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Balai Arkeologi Bandung

Departemen Oral Biologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Departemen Oral Radiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Naskah diterima 14 Juli 2017 — Revisi terakhir 2 November 2017
Disetujui terbit 28 November 2017 — Tersedia secara online 30 November 2017

Kerangka Manusia Pawon yang hidup di zaman Mesolitik berusia 5,660±170 BP - 9,500±
200 BP telah digunakan sebagai objek penelitian Forensik Odontologi. Namun, belum
ada penelitian pada karies gigi Manusia Pawon.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
menggambarkan karies gigi pada tengkorak Manusia Pawon. Jenis penelitian adalah
deskriptif ditujukan untuk mengungkap permasalahan terkait dampak makanan terhadap
kerusakan gigi pada Manusia Pawon. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode
purposive sampling. Sampel adalah gigi geligi dari empat kerangka Manusia Pawon.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pemeriksaan klinis. Hasil dari
pemeriksaan klinis menunjukkan bahwa 12.5% dari sampel 32 gigi tengkorak Manusia
Pawon I, III, IV dan V mengalami karies gigi. Pemeriksaan klinis menunjukkan adanya
karies gigi dalam sampel Manusia Pawon III gigi molar tiga permanen mandibula dari
regio 4(48) di daerah lingual dan lesi bukal pada gigi permanen molar tiga dari region 3
(38). Pada Manusia Pawon IV, ada lesi lingual pada gigi permanen bawah molar kedua
(37) dan permanen kiri bawah molar ketiga (38). Semua lesi yang terdeteksi adalah
hanya dalam enamel yang kode 1 menurut kode ICDAS. Kesimpulannya, karies gigi
ditemukan hanya sedikit di tengkorak manusia Pawon karena diet mereka yang rendah
gula, dari buah-buahan dan tanaman yang kaya gula (gula fruktosa). Konsumsi makanan
keras dan bukti keberadaan gigi binatang dan moluska telah memberikan kontribusi
terhadap persentase atrisi gigi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan karies gigi.
Kata kunci: karies gigi, klinis, manusia Pawon
PURBAWIDYA Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2017: 131 – 140

The skeleton of Pawon Man’s that lived in Mesolitic era aged 5,660±170 BP - 9,500± 200 BP
(Before Present) years before Christ (BC) has been used for forensic odontology research. How-
ever, there has not been any research on dental caries of Pawon Man. The aim of this research
was to describe the dental caries in skulls of Pawon Man. The type of the research was de-
scriptive by using purposive sampling. The samples were from four Pawon Man skulls
and their teeth. The research was conducted by using clinical examination. All aspects
were recorded, collected and presented in tabular form. The result shows that 12.5% of
the samples from 32 teeth of skulls of Pawon Man I, III, IV and V had experienced dental
caries. Clinical examination shows presence of dental caries in samples of Pawon Man
III of permanent mandibular third molar tooth of region 4(48) in lingual area and buccal
lesion of lower left third molar (38). In Pawon IV, lingual lesion of lower left permanent
second molar (37) and in lower left permanent third molar (38). All lesions are only in
enamel which is code 1 according to ICDAS code. In conclusion, the dental caries in
skulls of Pawon Man was low due to their low sugar diets from fruits and sugar-rich
plants (fructose sugars). Consumption of hard foods and evidence of presence of animal
teeth and mollusks had contributed to the higher percentage of dental attrition compared
to dental caries.
Keywords: dental caries, clinical, Pawon man

INTRODUCTION problems (Trinkaus, 1995). It comprises

From ancient age till now, dental
caries has been the most major public and description of found human remains
health problem in adults and children.
Dental caries is a pathological process of fatalities, assessment of bite mark injuries,
demineralization and localized destruction assessment of cases of abuse (such
of the teeth which is produced by plaque as child, spouse or elder abuse), civil
microorganisms (Streptococcus mutans, cases involving dental malpractice and
Lactobacillus spp. and Actinomyces negligence and age estimation (Lebel, S.
spp.) as they metabolized dietary sucrose Trinkaus, 2001).
(glucose and fructose) into lactic acids Pawon Cave had been inhabited by
(Trinkaus, E. Hillson, S W, Franciscus, Pawon Man and based on the shape of skulls
R G, Holiday, 2006). Initial process of found, Pawon Man is believed originated
tooth enamel demineralization will be from Mongoloid race. Since 2003 until
followed by remineralization, and teeth 2004, the Bandung Archaeological
cavitation start to occur when the former Center has conducted six archaeological
process overtakes the latter. The infection excavations and among discoveries are four
will progress to dentine, with the pulp skeletons of Pawon Man located at different
stratigraphic layers, with chronologically
necrotic (Bagramanian, Robert A. Garcia- ranges from 5600 to 9500 years Before
Gody, Franklin. Anthony, 2009). Christ (Yondri, 2005). The results of the
Forensic dentistry (or forensic discovery shows the Pawon prehistoric cave
odontology) is the study and practice of had various equipments in the form of stone
aspects of dentistry that are relevant to legal tools, bone tools, molluscs, obsidian stone

Description of Dental Caries and .... (Amalina Ahmad et al.)

! and remaining of human skeletons also The methodology for this

! animal bones in the past. Then the digging preliminary research is descriptive
! continued and they found human skeletons research with purposive sampling
locatedof inPawon
the village
who were of much
Mount Masigit,
older than the used judiciously
method and samplestowere
detect surface
taken roughness
from four
age of the human skeleton’s
Cipatat District, West Bandung regency. Pawon which remaining skulls collected from Pawon
by gently stroking across the tooth surface.
had been found previously 5,660±170
Samples are taken by purposive sampling BP - Cave, which issurface
The occlusal locatedofindental
the village
caries of
9,500± 200 BP. These skeletons were found Mount Masigit, Cipatat District, West
from four skulls of Pawon Man, from three chalkiness or cavitation, forming the fissure
in the deeper layers of stratigraphy (Yondri, Bandung regency. Samples are taken
2005).samples (Pawon 1, Pawon 3 and byorpurposive
pit, is seen brown-gray
sampling from fourdiscoloration.
Pawon 4) and two maxillary samples of Pawon Man, from threeofmandibular
These visual techniques examining teeth
This research aims to know about the
3, and Pawon 5). caries in skulls of
of dental are then(Pawon
samples translated into 3codes
1, Pawon used in the
and Pawon
as well can be described
as to correlate the diet 4)International
and two maxillaryCodes samples (Pawon
Detection and
from colour
patternschanges, tooth surface
and socio-cultural texture
of Pawon Man. 3,Assessment
and Pawon 5). System (ICDAS) (Rickne, C
and tactile sensation when an explorer is Scheid. Gabriela, 2011).

Figure 1. The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) showing visual caries
detection (Heymann, 2012)
Figure 1: The International Caries Detection and Assessment System
(ICDAS) showing visual caries detection (Heymann, 2012) 133

According to figure 1, the Assessment System (ICDAS) detection

International Caries Detection and codes for coronal caries range from 0 to 6

PURBAWIDYA Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2017: 131 – 140

Dental caries can be described from Code 1: First visual change in enamel:
colour changes, tooth surface texture and When seen wet there is no evidence
tactile sensation when an explorer is used of any change in color attributable to
judiciously to detect surface roughness by carious activity, but after prolonged
gently stroking across the tooth surface. The air drying, a carious opacity or
occlusal surface of dental caries appears discoloration (white or brown lesion)
is visible, which is not consistent
or pit, is seen brown-gray discoloration. with the clinical appearance of sound
These visual techniques of examining enamel, or when there is a change of
teeth are then translated into codes used color due to caries it is not consistent
in the International Codes Detection and with the clinical appearance of sound
Assessment System (ICDAS) (Rickne, C
Scheid. Gabriela, 2011).
seen wet or dry). The appearance of
Caries Detection and Assessment System these carious areas is not consistent
(ICDAS) detection codes for coronal
caries range from 0 to 6 depending on
the severity of the lesion. There are
Code 2: Distinct visual change in
minor variations between the visual signs
associated with each code depending on a
number of factors, including the surface The tooth must be viewed wet. When
characteristics; whether there are adjacent wet there is a carious opacity (white
teeth present and also whether or not the spot lesion) and/or brown carious
caries are associated with a restoration discoloration that is wider than the
or sealant. Therefore, the teeth of the
skeletons of Pawon Man were examined consistent with the clinical appearance
by using of sound enamel.
and smooth surfaces (mesial or distal). Code 3: Localized enamel breakdown
due to caries with no visible dentin or
RESULTS BASED ON ASPECTS underlying shadow:
The tooth viewed wet may have a clear
Pits and Fissure Caries carious opacity (white spot lesion)
Code 0: Sound tooth surface: There and/or brown carious discoloration
should be no evidence of caries.
Surfaces with developmental defects fossa, which is not consistent with the
clinical appearance of sound enamel.
tooth wear (attrition, abrasion, and Once dried, there is carious loss of
erosion), and extrinsic or intrinsic tooth structure at the entrance to, or
stains will be recorded as sound. The
examiner should also score as sound, will be seen visually as evidence
of demineralization at the entrance
if such a condition is seen in other pits

Description of Dental Caries and .... (Amalina Ahmad et al.)

substantially and unnaturally wider darkening of the dentin visible through

than normal, the dentin is not visible the enamel. Once dried, there is visual
in the walls or base of the cavity/ evidence of loss of tooth structure at
discontinuity. the entrance to or within the pit or

assessment, the WHO/CPI/PSR probe visual evidence of demineralization

can be used gently across the tooth (opaque (white), brown or dark brown
walls) at the entrance to or within the

enamel. This is achieved by sliding the judgment, the dentin is exposed.

Code 6: Extensive distinct cavity with
and a limited discontinuity is detected visible dentin:
if the ball drops into the surface of the
enamel cavity/discontinuity. There is obvious loss of tooth structure,
the cavity is both deep and wide, and
Code 4: An underlying dark shadow the dentin is clearly visible on the
from dentin with or without localized walls and at the base. An extensive
enamel breakdown: cavity involves at least half of a tooth
This lesion appears as a shadow of surface or possibly reaches the pulp.
discolored dentin visible through an
apparently intact enamel surface,
which may or may not show signs This requires visual inspection from
of localized breakdown. The shadow the occlusal, buccal, and lingual directions.
appearance is often seen more easily
when the tooth is wet. The darkened Code 0: Sound tooth surface:
area is an intrinsic shadow that may There should be no evidence of caries.
appear gray, blue or brown. The Surfaces with developmental defects
shadow must clearly represent caries
that started on the tooth surface being tooth wear (attrition, abrasion and
evaluated. If in the opinion of the erosion), and extrinsic or intrinsic
examiner, the carious lesion started stains will be recorded as sound.
on an adjacent surface and there was
no evidence of any caries on the Code 1: First visual change in enamel:
surface being scored, then the surface When seen wet there is no evidence
should be coded “0”. Codes 3 and 4, of any change in color attributable to
histologically may vary in depth with carious activity, but after prolonged
one being deeper than the other and air drying a carious opacity (white
vice versa. or brown lesion) is visible that is not
consistent with the clinical appearance
Code 5: Distinct cavity with visible
of sound enamel. This will be seen
from the buccal or lingual surface.
Cavitation in opaque or discolored
enamel, exposing the dentin beneath. Code 2: Distinct visual change in
The tooth viewed wet may have enamel when viewed wet:

PURBAWIDYA Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2017: 131 – 140

There is a carious opacity or Code 5: Distinct cavity with visible

discoloration (white or brown lesion) dentin:
that is not consistent with the clinical Cavitation in opaque or discolored
appearance of sound enamel. This enamel (white or brown) with exposed
lesion may be seen directly when dentin in the examiner’s judgment. I
viewed from the buccal or lingual
Code 6: Extensive distinct cavity with
direction. In addition, when viewed
visible dentin:
from the occlusal direction, this
opacity or discoloration may be seen Obvious loss of tooth structure, the
extensive cavity may be deep or wide
through the marginal ridge. and dentin is clearly visible on both the
walls and at the base. The marginal ridge
Code 3: Initial breakdown in enamel may or may not be present. An extensive
due to caries with no visible dentin: cavity involves at least half of a tooth
surface or possibly reaching the pulp.
seconds there is distinctloss of enamel
integrity, viewed from the buccal or DISCUSSION
lingual direction. The results from the clinical
examinations of maxilla and mandible of
Code 4: Underlying dark shadow Pawon Man showed data as follows:
from dentin with or without localized
enamel breakdown:
This lesion appears as a shadow of 1) Presence of dental caries in Pawon
discolored dentin visible through Man III of lower right permanent
an apparently intact marginal ridge, mandibular third molar (48) in lingual
buccal or lingual walls of enamel. This area and buccal lesion of lower left
appearance is often seen more easily permanent third molar tooth (38) were
when the tooth is wet. The darkened all within codes 1, there were visual
area is an intrinsic shadow which may change in enamel seen as white spots
appear as gray, blue or brown.

Table 1. Percentage of Dental Caries Using ICDAS Codes from Pawon 3 Mandibular Posterior
According to Tooth Surfaces.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mesial surface
Occlusal surface
Distal surface
Buccal surface
Lingual surface

Total 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

Description of Dental Caries and .... (Amalina Ahmad et al.)

Figure 2. Dental caries in Pawon Man III of Figure 4: Dental caries in lingual lesion of lower
lower right permanent mandibular third molar left permanent second molar tooth (37) in Pawon 4
(48) in lingual area and buccal lesion of lower left
! (Ahmad, 2016)
permanent third molar tooth (38) (Ahmad, 2016). !

2) In Pawon IV, lingual lesion of lower

left permanent second molar tooth
(37) and in lower left permanent third
molar tooth (38). All lesions detected
are only in enamel area with codes 1
according to The International Caries
Detection and Assessment System

Graphic 1: The Dental Caries in Pawon 1, 3, 4 and

5 by International Caries Detection and Assessment
Graphic 1: The Dental Caries in Pawon 1, 3, 4 and 5 by International Caries Detection and
Assessment System (ICDAS) (ICDAS)2016)(Ahmad, 2016)

According to Graphic 1, for each The reason for the low prevalence of
Pawon Man 1, 3, 4 and 5 teeth samples had dental caries in Pawon Man is because of
been purposively selected which give total Pawon Man’s low sugar diets that mostly
of 32 teeth from all Pawon Man. The from fruits and plants. Those sugars are
number of the dental caries presence in the categorized as fructose sugars which are
Pawon Man was very low of which 12.5% often bonded to glucose to form the
(represented by red bar) detected with code disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three
1 of ICDAS. The code 1 represent first dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose
visual changes in enamel after air-drying and galactose that are absorbed directly into
which is confine only in the pit and fissure the bloodstream during digestion (Trinkaus,
area. Code 0 is the code for sound tooth E. Smith, R J. Lebel, 2002).
Figure 3. Dental caries in Pawon IV lingual lesion
surfaces and no caries change after air However, this fructose sugars in the
in lower left permanent third molar tooth (38)drying or presence of tooth wear detected in fruits and plants that have been consumed
(Ahmad, 2016) the teeth samples. This 0 code represent by by Pawon Man alongside other non-
blue bar having 87.5% of all Pawon Man cariogenic sugars do not cause any
teeth. production of extracellular polysaccharides
PURBAWIDYA Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2017: 131 – 140

Table 2. Percentage of Dental Caries Using ICDAS Codes from Pawon 4 Mandibular Posterior
According to Tooth Surfaces.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mesial surface
Occlusal surface
Distal surface
Buccal surface


Mesial surface
Occlusal surface
Distal surface
Buccal surface

Total 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

According to Graphic 1, for each Pawon disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three
Man 1, 3, 4 and 5 teeth samples had been dietary monosaccharides, along with
purposively selected which give total of 32 glucose and galactose that are absorbed
teeth from all Pawon Man. The number of directly into the bloodstream during
the dental caries presence in the Pawon Man digestion (Trinkaus, E. Smith, R J. Lebel,
was very low of which 12.5% (represented 2002).
by red bar) detected with code 1 of ICDAS. However, this fructose sugars in
the fruits and plants that have been
consumed by Pawon Man alongside
other non-cariogenic sugars do not
code for sound tooth surfaces and no caries cause any production of extracellular
change after air drying or presence of tooth polysaccharides in the oral cavity thus
wear detected in the teeth samples. This 0 lesser chance for the growth of oral plaque
code represent by blue bar having 87.5% of
all Pawon Man teeth. Also the cariogenicity is lesser compared
The reason for the low prevalence of to the sucrose sugars. Sugar alcohols such
dental caries in Pawon Man is because of as sorbitol and xylitol play an important
Pawon Man’s low sugar diets that mostly role to reduce dental caries. This is due to
from fruits and plants. Those sugars are most of the microorganisms that dominate
categorized as fructose sugars which dental plaque cannot utilized these sugars
are often bonded to glucose to form the (Trinkaus, E. Panila, 2009).

Description of Dental Caries and .... (Amalina Ahmad et al.)

Most common sugars that contribute them to collect and store foods. There are
to higher prevalence of dental caries are no evidence of Pawon Man utilized any
sucrose which in turn becomes acids such tools in the Pawon Cave, that can be used
as lactic acid through a glycolytic process as their toothbrush or to remove dental
called fermentation. If lactic acid contact plaque dated back to 9525-5660 years
with the tooth, these acids may cause Before Christ (Yondri, 2005).
demineralization. If demineralization Fourth reason for presence of dental
continues over time, enough mineral caries in the Pawon Man 3 sample of buccal
content may be lost so that the soft organic area of 38, third permanent mandibular
material left behind disintegrates, forming a molar, and lingual area of Pawon Man
cavity or hole. The impact such sugars have 4 samples of permanent mandibular
on the progress of dental caries is called second molar (37) and third molar (38)
cariogenicity. S.mutans adheres to the and Pawon Man 3 sample of permanent
mandibular third molar (48) is because
into an extremely adhesive substance called of the morphologic features of the teeth
dextran polysaccharide (Heymann, 2012). that can predispose Pawon Man to the
Another reason for low prevalence development of dental caries. The buccal
of dental caries in Pawon Man is because and lingual pits tend to trap foods, bacteria
most of the teeth examined either by using and debris and this can be more susceptible
clinical examination is because most of the to dental caries development. However, in
enamel surface of the teeth in Pawon Man the teeth of Pawon Man there are more
have already wear off. Thus more existence dental attrition, thus inclined planes of
of dental attrition compared to the dental
caries in Pawon Man samples of teeth. opportunity for entrapment of foods in the
Based on the attrition pattern on the teeth
dental caries had diminished.
second molars and third molars, can be
estimated that human that lived in the
Pawon Cave and being buried there were CONCLUSION
averagely 21 to 35 yesrs old (Yondri, 2005). The dental caries in skulls of Pawon
This also explained why all the teeth found Man is indicated as low, 12.5% of the 32
in Pawon Man are all permanent teeth. teeth samples and this is due to their diet
Third reason for evidence of existence patterns and their socio-cultural lifestyle.
of dental caries in Pawon Man even it The presence of dental caries in Pawon
has been demonstrated low is because Man was due to their bad oral hygiene.
they have poor oral hygiene during that Low percentage of dental caries in Pawon
Man was due to their low sugar diets from
cultural remain of Pawon Man such as fruits and sugar-rich plants. Further research
need to be carried out since this is a preliminary
bone tools, bone fragments and mollusks research and perhaps in the future to know the
can be concluded that Pawon Cave has difference of dental caries in Pawon Man and
been utilized by Pawon Man as their dental caries in local communities that live
home and their burial area also place for nearby to the Pawon Cave.

PURBAWIDYA Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2017: 131 – 140


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