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Mathematics ST Marks World School 9th July 2024

Name____________________ Roll No ________________

Q1. Fill in blanks

a) Numeral for Eight thousand fifty - ________________________

b) Expanded Form 4058 –


c) The number just after (successor) 7009 - ____________________

d) One less then(predecessor) 3040 - __________________________

e) The greatest (biggest) number formed by the digits – 3,0,8,5 is ____________________

f) Predecessor of 8000 - ____________________________

g) The biggest even number by digits 9,0,2,8

h) Number Name for 9040 –


i) 100 less than 9825 is ____________________________

j) Write the Successor and Predecessor for 7700 - _______________ & _______________

k) Arrange in ascending order: 5121, 5211, 5112, 5021

l) Arrange in descending order: 1090, 9400, 4009, 9004


m) Write the following Successor and Predecessor

Successor Predecessor

1. 5950 ___________________ ________________

2. 3999 ___________________ ________________

3. 9907 ___________________ _________________

4. 7001 ___________________ _________________

5. 3000 ___________________ _________________

n) Write the number in numeral

i) Six thousand four hundred twenty: ____________________

ii) Nine thousand ninety ____________________

iii) Nine thousand nine hundred ____________________

o) Tick the correct one

i) 7598 < 7958

ii) 7598 > 7958
iii) 5978 = 8975
iv) 9758 < 8579
p) Tick the number where 3 is at hundreds place

i) 1340
ii) 2354
iii) 8263
iv) 3487

q) Write the next numbers in series

i) 4017, 4027, 4037, ______________, ______________, ______________

ii) 1121, 2121, 3121, ______________, ______________, ______________

iii) 2315, 2415, 2615, ______________, ______________, ______________

iv) 5525, 5625, 5725, ______________, ______________, ______________

v) 4022, 4024, 4026, ______________, ______________, ______________

Q. 2 Straight and Curved Lines

Q3. Give 2 examples of things with Curved Lines

Q4. Give 2 examples of things with straight lines

Q5. Draw one Open and one Close shape figure

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