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BE supportive, NOT violent! Positive parenting for happy children!

JUST/2010/DAP3/AG/I059 - 3O-CE-0396518/00.42

Minutes of the kick-off meeting

Warsaw, Poland
3.03.2011 – 4.03.2011

Meeting coordination:
Emilia Saulescu, Raluca Icleanu – SREP, Romania - coordinators

Our host: Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje, Poland

Daria Drab, Alicja Teodorowicz - Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje, Poland
Lucia Ghiddi, Marina Frigieri - Municipality of Sassuolo, Italy
Ulla-Britt Mortensen - Municipality of Åmål, Child and Education Department, Sweden
Marie Danielsson - Municipality of Åmål, Child and Education Department, Sweden
Bengtolof Sindsjö - Municipality of Åmål, Child and Education Department, Sweden
Codrin Timu – SREP, Romania
Anca Dudau, Claudia Maciuca – Save the Children, Dolj, Romania
Liva Saule, Laila Kalnina - Establishment “Center against abuse Dardedze”, Latvia
Jordi Garces, Stephanie Carretero – ERI Polibienestar of the University of Valencia, Spain

Place of workshop: Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje office, Warsaw

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

Themes discussed at the meeting:













11. Conclusions and evaluation of the meeting 15

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

The meeting was coordinated by Emilia Saulescu and Raluca Icleanu.

Emilia Saulescu welcomed the partners to the kick-off meeting of the BE supportive, NOT
violent! project and asked the partners to go around the table and to introduce themselves
shortly. Then the meeting agenda was presented and the way in which the subjects would
be approached during the meeting.
The coordinators provided different working materials such as meeting agenda, workplan,
proposal for the logo, etc.

1. Presentation of the project partners

Each participant presented his/her organisation and the way in which their fields of interest
relate to the BE supportive, NOT violent! project.
The 7 partner organisations make a diverse partnership in terms of type of institutions and
expertise brought to the project.

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta (Romanian Society for Lifelong

Learning), Romania is an NGO, non-profit organisation established in Bucharest in 2001.
The major objective of the organization consists of guaranteeing universal and permanent
access to the learning process, in view of training and improving the skills and
competences necessary for a sustained participation to social activities.
Purpose of the organization: improve and develop the teaching/learning methods and
contexts, in order to enhance quality of learning process; improve the degree of
involvement in the learning process and the evaluation criteria; ensure that every citizen
gets easy and permanent access to quality information and advice on educational
opportunities in the country and Europe; adapt the offer of lifelong learning opportunities
to the demands of a modern society.

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

Center against abuse „DARDEDZE”, Latvia was founded in 2001, with the aim to protect
children from abuse. From 2001 till 2008, as the best solution “Dardedze” found a
combined help for the children who have suffered from abuse, including a deeper
rehabilitation program for the Support house, where children together with one
accompanying person(most often the mother) was also able to stay overnight. Since 2008
“Dardedze” works only in counselling and prevention areas.

Polibienestar, Spain is an interdisciplinary R+D research team leader in Spain, created in

1996, and specialized in research, innovation and social technology, design of welfare
policies, technical advice and training in social policies. Polibienestar gets together 12
researchers from 8 departments of University of Valencia, and 2 other Spanish universities,
that configurate an interdisciplinary know how: labor law, politic science, psychology,
architecture, teaching methods, sociology, economics and social work.
Polibienestar has wide experience in design of general welfare policies, specifically, in
design of methodologies for the collection of information, establishment of criterion,
proposal and evaluation of good practices and organisation of advisory committees or
public consultations.

Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje (Nobody’s Children Foundation), Poland was established in

1991.The foundation runs different programs: Direct services to abused children and their
families, Child victims/witness – protecting children involved in legal procedures, Helpline
for children 116 111, Safer Internet Academy with a hotline Good Parent Good Start
prevention of abuse of small children, parents education of good parenting, eliminating
corporal punishment, Research program, Childhood without abuse - towards a better child
protection system in Eastern Europe, Conducting social campaigns including Childhood
without violence.

The Municipality of Sassuolo, Italy is located in the province of Modena, region Emilia
Romagna, Italy and has a population of 42,000 people. The Municipality of Sassuolo is a
self-governing local body for common aims within the principles of the Constitution; it

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

represents the community living in its own territory, takes care of its interests, and
promotes its social, economical and cultural development. The task of the Municipality of
Sassuolo is to safeguard its own community and its values, with particular attention to
family and voluntary work, in all their aspects; also, the Municipality takes part in various
forms of cooperation, friendship, and solidarity with foreign local authorities.

The Organization Save the Children – Dolj, Romania was set up in 1990, being registered
according to the law. Save the children is a non-governmental, democratic, independent,
non-profit, non political or religious Romanian organization. The mission of the
organization is to promote and defend children’s rights.

The areas of expertise of the Save the Children Organization are: children’s protection
against discrimination, exploitation, violence or other forms of abuse; development of
programmes which aim to ensure all the conditions necessary for every child to be
respected and appreciated; activities of research, monitoring and informing about child’s
rights; assistance for children in difficulty: refugee children, abused or neglected children,
abandoned children, children with disabilities, drug addicted children and children with
HIV/AIDS. Being an organization which offers public services, Save the Children works in
close relation with the Direction of Children Protection of the Regional Council.

Municipality of Åmål, Child and Education Department, Sweden is a municipality with

about 12.000 inhabitants. It is located about 200 kilometers north of Gothenburg on the
west side of Sweden. Since the early 2000s, Åmål has been trying to find different ways of
cooperation between schools, social service and the police. The goal of this cooperation is
that no child “will fall through the racks”, that all women and children who have been
victims of abuse or domestic violence are to get help and support and that men who expose
children and/or women to domestic violence are to receive adequate help and constructive
cooperation between authorities in which a common understanding of the causes of
violence to women and children are made visible. The social services in Åmål operate in

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

two main areas: Care of the individual and family and Care and nursing for the elderly and

2. Introduction of the project, workplan and products

Emilia Saulescu gives an overview of the BE supportive, NOT violent! project and
presents the general and specific objectives of the project, target group, results of the
project, partners of the project and work packages.

The working documents were provided by SREP in printed and electronic format to the
partners and aim at facilitating a better understanding of the project by the partners.
Partners received by email once again the contract: workplan of the project, Gantt chart,
tasks of the partners for their study.

Emilia Saulescu presents each work packages in terms of duration, activities, and partners
responsible for the tasks and outcomes that need to be achieved. The information on the
word presentation is compared to the Gantt graphic and tasks graphic. It was presented
within each phase the outcomes that needs to be produced in the project and details the
delivery date, the nature of the project and the languages. These are the contractual outputs
that need to be achieved as it has been agreed in the Contract with the European

3. Presentation of the WP 1: Research and analysis of current context in Europe so

far by each partner – Leder: ERI Polibienestar, Spain

Stephanie Carretero presented the methodology achieved by ERI Polibienestar for the WP
1- Research and analysis of current context in Europe.
Tasks of the workpackage:

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

1. Developing the research and analysis methodology.
2. Research on existing legislations and programmes at the level of each
partner country.
3. Selecting target groups.
4. Organizing workshops with the target groups (children and parents), one in
each country and two in Romania.
5. Evaluating the impact of the workshops.
6. Developing the final research and analysis report.

This methodology has been designed in two steps: 1) Firstly, each partner will realize an
analysis of previous legislation and programmes related to the problem; and 2) secondly, a
research on children’s and parent’s experience of violence will be realized by the

To attempt this aim, specific methodological instruments have been developed:

1. For the first step, two questionnaires and one table (Legislation Questionnaire;
Programme Questionnaire; and Legislation and programme data classification
Table) to summarise the information about the existing legislation and national
programmes in the countries of the consortium.
2. For the second step, two questionnaires to carry out the workshops (Children
Questionnaire and Parents Questionnaire) and another (Collector workshop
information Questionnaire) to collect and summarize the data from each workshop.

A specific manual of use has been elaborated for each step of the workstream, with
instructions, information and specific terminology.

The issues aroused by the partners regarding the applicability of the methodology were:
 Extension of the deadline for the organization of the workshops with the parents
and children;
 Development of a glossary of key terms used in the questionnaires;

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

 the improvement of the questionnaires with proposals from partners with
experience in working with children (more general questions, more simplified, or
use of case studies for example).

It was agreed by all the partners that each partner should work using different tools within
the workshops (questionnaires, interviews, discussion groups), but the results will be
centralized in a similar manner in order to obtain conclusive and comparison results
between partner countries.

It was also agreed upon:

 the WPL will resend the methodology adding also the research on best
practices, and partners to send their proposals for improvement
 The deadline for research with the target group was extended to April 15,
Each partner organization presented their preliminary research carried out regarding the
legislation on child protection in their countries, resulting that in all partner countries there
is child protection legislation, some countries such as Sweden having a very good
protection system in place.

Each partner presented interesting national and regional programs as best practices for the
project, programs upon the research will be furthermore detailed within the WP 1.

4. WP6: Evaluation and quality assurance

Emilia Saulescu presents the internal evaluation strategy for the project. The evaluation
will take place at two levels: process of the project and evaluation of the project progress.
The evaluation tools are also presented.
Full details on the evaluation strategy can be found in the PowerPoint presentation prepared
by SREP.

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

The evaluation of the main products of the project will be done by the external evaluator
who will be present at the second partners meeting in Valencia.

5. Proposal for the web site and logo

SREP presented six different designs of logos and the partners have come up with
proposals to choose the best option for the project.
Eventually we opted for the latest version of the logo, with the proposal to replace the
heart of the logo with a house and to change the colours between the writings.

Raluca Icleanu made a presentation of the website through a PPT.

The following buttons were proposed for the website: Home, About the project, Objectives,
Dissemination, Products, Partners, Contact.
Regarding the website there were four proposals for backgrounds and the partners made
several suggestions: The website will have a picture with all family, white background,
buttons under the photo and the products to be uploaded on different types of users.
A blog for a more efficient management of the project will be realized in the third month
of the project.

6. WP8: National and European Dissemination

Marina Frigieri presented on the behalf of Municipality of Sassuolo, Italy, the activities for
the WP 8.
Municipality of Sassuolo, Italy will send to the partners a general plan for the national and
European dissemination upon which each organization will make its own dissemination

Municipality of Sassuolo will put together these plans into a single document, and in six
months an update of the dissemination activities should be requested to the partners.

Several dissemination tools were discussed:

Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

- Newsletters: Municipality of Sassuolo will develop the first newsletter of
the project and will send it to the partners to translate and use it through
their channels
- Flyer: it has as target group the general public, SREP will design a template
and send it to the partners for translation or adaptation in the national
- Brochure and poster: these tools are aimed at reaching the target group of
the project, SREP will design templates and send them to the partners for
translation or adaptation in the national language.

7. WP 0. Project management: communication, finances, reporting.

For transparent and effective communication in the project, SREP has set up a project blog
that will enable partners to post messages, upload files, leave comments, etc.
The blog will be finalized by SREP by the first part of March when partners will receive
their login details and more instructions on how to operate it.

Financial management

The financial manager of the project is Gabriel Saulescu (

Gabriel Saulescu prepared a detailed PowerPoint presentation with the financial rules of the
Daphne Programme that was delivered by Raluca Icleanu.
A more concrete presentation will be sent by SREP to the partners after processing the
information received from the coordinators' meeting conducted by the European
Commission Directorate-General of Justice.
The handbook for projects management has still not been published by the Commission.


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

The budget is divided, for each partner and in its whole, in the following parts:

1. Eligible Direct costs

A. Staff costs
B. Travel and subsistence allowances for project staff
C. Conferences and seminars
D. Publications and disseminations
E. Other direct costs
2. Eligible Indirect costs
A. Overheads

Eligible costs of the action are costs actually incurred by a beneficiary, which meet
the following criteria:
 they are incurred during the duration of the action;
 they are connected with the subject of the agreement and they are indicated in the
estimated overall budget of the action;
 they are necessary for the implementation of the action which is the subject of the
 they are identifiable and verifiable, in particular being recorded in the accounting
records of a beneficiary and determined according to the applicable accounting
standards of the country where the beneficiary is established and according to the
usual cost-accounting practices of the beneficiary;
 they comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation;
 they are reasonable, justified, and comply with the requirements of sound
financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency.

SREP needs to make sure that these variation limits are respected at the level of the whole


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

The Partner shall make expenses only within the budget items approved by the
Commission as eligible budget of the action.

Obligations of the partners

-To provide the Contractor with the deliverables, information and reports timely and
accurately with the support documentation needed in order to justify the costs incurred by
the partner within the project.
-In exceptional cases, if the Partner needs to make an expense that was not foreseen in the
budget but that is absolutely necessary for the project and eligible in terms of the financial
rules of the action, the Partner shall ask written permission from the Contractor.
-Only upon receipt of written permission from the Contractor, shall the Partner be able to
make that expense.
-The funds foreseen in the budget of the Partner under the item “TRAVEL” shall be used
by the Partner only for this purpose. The Contractor will not approve any transfer of funds
from the item “TRAVEL” to any other item of the budget.

Attention! Each expenditure must be justified with accounting documents.

Project reporting
Every 4 months the partners will need to provide SREP with technical and financial

The deadlines for the reports are:

1)May 15th 2011 (1st internal report, month 1 to month 4)
2) Sept 15th 2011 (Progress Report, month 5 to month 8)
3) January 15th 2012 (2nd internal report, month 9 to month 12)
4) May 15 2012 (3rd internal Report, month 13 to month 16)
5) July 15 2012 (4th internal report, month 17 to month 20)
6) January 20 2013 (Final report, month 21 to month 24)


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

8. WP2: Development of the new model of positive parenting - Proposal for the concept

Liva Saule presented the establishment "Center against Abuse Dardedze”, Latvia and the
concept of an educational model used by them," Pathways to Competence” for parents who
raise children from birth to age of 7.
SREP offered to the partners the Guides of best practices with the educational models from
the European projects “Basic Life” and “PETIT”, that SREP developed and which
constituted the starting point for the present project.

Emilia Saulescu suggested that Liva Saule as WPL will create a new model to be developed
with the help of partners.

In this respect, of real help will be the good practices identified by the partners in the
previous workpackage.
The concept of educational model will be proposed in June in the same time with the start
of the respective workpackage.

9. Next steps in the project (deadlines)

The partners commonly agreed on the next steps in the project for the coming months.
The agreed next steps in the project:

1. Polibienestar, ES sends the new proposal for the methodology in EN – 8th March
2. SREP sends the minutes of the meeting – 10th March 2011
3. Municipality of Sassuolo sends the first newsletter to the partners – 11st March 2011
4. Partners send the proposal for improvement of the methodology to Polibienestar, ES –
11st March 2011


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

5. Polibienestar, ES sends the final proposal for the methodology in EN – 15th March
6. SREP sends the rules and the forms for financial and technical reports – 16th March
7. Partners send the newsletter in national languages to SREP – 25th March 2011
8. Partners send the form with Complete report of the Legislation and programme
classification to Polibienestar, ES – 31 st March 2011
9. Municipality of Sassuolo, IT send a national and European dissemination plan – 30 th
March 2011
10. Partners send the forms (with children’s and parent’s data collected) to the
Polibienestar, ES – 15th April 2011
11. SREP will send the flyer of the project – 12nd May 2011
12. Partners send 1st internal report ( month 1 to month 4) - 15th May 2011
13. The partners send the flyer in national languages to SREP – 30th May 2011
14. Polibienestar, ES sends the final Research and analysis – 31st May 2011
15. Center against abuse Dardedze”, LV sends the concept for the new model of positive
parenting and methodologies for work – 1st June 2011
16. Partners send the dissemination report to Municipality of Sassuolo, IT – 5th
September 2011
17. Partners send their work for WP2 to Center against abuse Dardedze”, LV and SREP -
10th September 2011
18. Partners send 2nd internal report ( month 5 to month 8) - 15th September 2011
19. Center against abuse Dardedze”, LV send the final version of the new model of
positive parenting – 30th September 2011

10. Date and place of next meeting

Partners suggested that the second meeting should take place in early October 2011.
The next meeting will take place in Valencia and will be hosted by Polibienestar.


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

Polibienestar will send in the next period two proposals for the meeting dates, so that each
partner would be available.

11. Conclusions and evaluation of the meeting

The coordinators thanked the partners for their contribution and expressed their satisfaction
with the work progress during the meeting.

At the end of the meeting Raluca Icleanu handed out an evaluation questionnaire for
partners to fill in. SREP will write the evaluation report of the meeting after processing the
questionnaires and based on their own observations.


Romanian Society for Life Long Learning

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