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An 8-year-old boy took the lift by himself in his apartment. Suddenly, the lift
stopped midway.


• Describe what happened when the lift stopped? - Ex: jerks, lights, fans, etc.
• How did the boy feel when this happened?
• What are the ideas that came to his mind, to escape?
• Finally, how did he escape from the lift?


OUTCOMES • Provide a well-organized piece of content.
• Nervous • Write neatly and legibly.
• Think creatively.
• Trapped • Punctuate the sentences appropriately.
• Use relevant vocabulary. • Shouting • Divide the story into 3 paragraphs
• Construct accurate and • Emergency (Introduction, supporting events and
meaningful sentences. • Tragic conclusion).
• Employ adjectives to make • Escape • Write in about 100 - 120 words
your writing descriptive and • Relax
interesting. • Happy

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