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Activity Pier Civil to track Track S&T

Points Location Line From To Handover Grouted Handover Installed Wiring Termination Roding 2nd drive Adjustment with L&T rod Electrical Testing
P1201-P1202 NAN UP-DN SP180 P183 Handed over 08Feb 09-Mar-2024 22-Jun-24 24-Jun-24 ######## 15-Jul-24 17-Jul-24 20-Jul-24
09-07-24 Tail cable complete but Main
Roding is delayed Due to cabling balance
movement for OHE
works .


Activity Pier Civil to track Remarks Track S&T

Points Location Line From To Handover Grouted Handover to S&T Installed Wiring Termination Roding 2nd drive Adjustment with L&T rodElectrical Testing
29-Mar-24 28- 05-Apr-24 11-
PART PP1234 PP1237 24-Jan-24 Grouted 15-Jul-24
P2402 - P2404 UP-MRTS UP Apr-24 May-24
05-Apr-2024 12-Apr-2024
PART PP1234 PP1237 24-Jan-24 Grouted 19-Jul-24
P2401 - P2403 DN-MRTS DN 10-Apr-24 27-Apr-24
03-04-24 25- 03-04-24 09-
PART PP1239 PP1242 24-Jan-24 Grouted 23-Jul-24
P2406 - P2408 MRTS UP-UP Mar-24 Apr-24
P2405 - P2407 PART MRTS DN -DN PP1239 PP1242 24-Jan-24 Grouted 15-Mar-24 29-Mar-24 27-Jul-24
05-Feb-24 31-Jul-24
RITH UP-MRTS UP PP1276 PP1279 Grouted 07-Mar-24 21-Mar-24
P2502 - P2504 22-Jan-24
05-Feb-24 04-Apr-24 20- 04-Apr-24 05-
RITH DN-MRTS DN PP1276 PP1279 Grouted
P2501 - P2503 22-Jan-24 Mar-24 Apr-24
11-Apr-24 07-May-24
P2506 - P2508 RITH MRTS UP-UP PP1280 PP1283 28-Mar-24 Grouted 08-Aug-24
15-Apr-24 11-May-24
11-04-2024 18-04-2024
P2505 - P2507 RITH MRTS DN -DN PP1280 PP1283 28-Mar-24 Grouted 12-Aug-24
12-May-24 20-May-24
Activity Pier Civil to track Remarks Track
Points Location Line From To Handover Grouted Handover
P2602 - P2601 UP-DN 07-Jun-24 29-Jun-24
SHAN PP1332 PP1335 Grouted
Prep i/p, Held Up due
SHAN PP1335 PP1338 04-Jul-24 13-Jul-24
P2603 - P2605 DN-MRTS DN Expansion Joints
P2604 - P2606 SHAN UP-MRTS UP PP1335 PP1338 14-Jul-24 23-Jul-24
P2607 - P2609 SHAN MRTS DN -DN PP1341 PP1344 26-Jul-24 05-Aug-24
P2612 - P2611 SHAN UP-DN PP1344 PP1347 06-Aug-24 15-Aug-24
P2608 - P2610 SHAN MRTS UP-UP PP1341 PP1344 16-Aug-24 24-Aug-24
P2702 - P2704 BRAM UP-MRTS UP PP1387 PP1390 Material Shifting I/p 15-Jul-24
P2701 - P2703 BRAM DN-MRTS DN PP1387 PP1390 15-Jun-24 30-Jul-24 09-Aug-24
P2706 - P2708 BRAM MRTS UP-UP PP1395 PP1398 09-Aug-24 19-Aug-24
P2705 - P2707 BRAM MRTS DN -DN PP1395 PP1398 19-Aug-24 29-Aug-24
P2802 - P2804 MEEC - UG UP-MRTS UP CH66531 CH66608 15-Mar-24 Turnouts slab Placing i/p 08-Jun-24

P2806 - P2808 MEEC - UG MRTS UP-UP CH66769 CH66844 15-Mar-24 MSS Prep i/p 24-Jul-24 13-Aug-24

P2801 - P2803 MEEC - UG DN-MRTS DN CH66594 CH66669 Handedover Mss to be started 13-Aug-24 02-Sep-24
P2805 - P2807 MEEC - UG MRTS DN -DN CH66769 CH66844 Handedover Mss to be started 02-Sep-24 22-Sep-24
P2902 - P2904 BHAI - UG UP-MRTS UP CH68692 CH68767 Handedover Cross Over MSS Casted 27-Jun-24 17-Jul-24
P2906 - P2908 BHAI - UG MRTS UP-UP CH68866 CH68941 Handedover MSS Prep i/p 20-Jul-24 09-Aug-24
P2901 - P2903 BHAI - UG DN-MRTS DN CH68692 CH68767 Handedover Mss to be started 09-Aug-24 29-Aug-24
P2905 - P2907 BHAI - UG MRTS DN -DN CH68866 CH68941 Handedover Mss to be started 09-Aug-24 29-Aug-24
Activity Pier Civil to track Remarks
Points Location Line From To Handover
X Viaduct UP-DN P1407 PP1420 18-06-2024 Handed Over for Welding 16-Aug-24 26-Aug-24
P3102 - P3104 MESC UP-MRTS UP PP1420 PP1423 18-06-2024 27-Aug-24 06-Sep-24
P3101 - P3103 MESC DN-MRTS DN PP1420 PP1423 18-06-2024 07-Sep-24 17-Sep-24
P3106 - P3108 MESC MRTS UP-UP PP1426 PP1429 18-06-2024 18-Sep-24 28-Sep-24
P3105 - P3107 MESC MRTS DN -DN PP1426 PP1429 18-06-2024 29-Sep-24 09-Oct-24
P3110 - P3109 MESC UP-DN PP1429 PP1432 18-06-2024 10-Oct-24 20-Oct-24
X Viaduct UP-DN PP1432 PP1505 10-06-2024Partially Handed Over for Welding
P3202 - P3204 DAUR UP-MRTS UP PP1505 PP1508 10-06-2024 30-Aug-24 09-Sep-24
P3201 - P3203 DAUR DN-MRTS DN PP1505 PP1508 10-06-2024 10-Sep-24 20-Sep-24
P3206 - P3208 DAUR MRTS UP-UP PP1511 PP1514 10-06-2024 21-Sep-24 01-Oct-24
P3205 - P3207 DAUR MRTS DN -DN PP1511 PP1514 10-06-2024 02-Oct-24 12-Oct-24
X Viaduct UP-DN PP1514 P1550 30-06-2024
X MEEN UP-DN P1550 P1551 30-06-2024
X Viaduct UP-DN P1551 PP1601 22-07-2024
P3401 - P3402 MODI DN-UP PP1601 PP1604 22-07-2024 13-Oct-24 23-Oct-24
P3404 - P3406 MODI UP-DEPO-UP PP1604 PP1607 22-07-2024 24-Oct-24 03-Nov-24
P3408 - P3403 MODI UP-DN PP1607 PP1610 22-07-2024 04-Nov-24 14-Nov-24
P3405 - P3412 MODI DN-UP ST2 PP1611 22-07-2024 15-Nov-24 25-Nov-24
P3410 - P3414 MODI UP-MRTS UP PP1613 PP1615 22-07-2024 26-Nov-24 06-Dec-24
P3416 - P3407 MODI UP-DN PP1615 PP1619 22-07-2024 07-Dec-24 17-Dec-24
P3418 - P3420 MODI UP-DEPO-DN PP1617 PP1620 22-07-2024 18-Dec-24 28-Dec-24
X Viaduct UP-DN PP1620 PP1628 22-07-2024
X Viaduct UP-DN PP1620 DPP47 22-07-2024 Depot Line

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