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A Guide to Angel
Numbers and What
They Mean
Here's how to interpret these perceived
messages from the universe.


December 24, 2021

Clara Hendler / Allure

Have you ever looked at your phone, only to

discover the time is exactly 11:11? Or
perhaps you noticed your favorite song is
two minutes and twenty-two seconds long,
and moments later ordered a cup of co!ee
that totaled $2.22? These are referred to as
angel numbers and, in the metaphysical
realms where practitioners such as myself
operate, there are no coincidences (in fact, I
coined this term's acronym — TANC — back
in 2019, and it's become somewhat of a
catchphrase in my work). Angel numbers are
the perfect example of this TANC
phenomenon. You can "nd references to
angel numbers all over Instagram, Witchtok
(and Astrologytok and Manifestationtok, for
that matter). So what do they mean? What do
they tell us? And how can we work with
them? Let's dive in!

What are angel numbers?

Within numerology, angel numbers are
number sequences (usually three or four
numbers) that contain repetition (such as
111 or 4444) and/or patterns (such as 321 or
8787). Although they may appear in the most
ordinary places, these digits usually grab our
attention and — even if for only a moment —
evoke a sense of wonder. The reason we're
enchanted by these sequences, however, is
an extension of their symbolism: It is
believed that these numbers are messages
from the spiritual universe that o!er insight,
wisdom, and directionality. Whether you
assign them to angels, guides, ancestors,
spirits, or simply a higher state of your own
consciousness, angel numbers can con"rm
you're on the right path, shed invaluable
insight on a complicated situation, or even
illuminate the powerful, mystical meaning
behind recurring themes you experience
throughout your life.

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Believe it or not, the power and signi"cance

of repeating integers has actually been
around for hundreds of years. The ancient
Greek philosopher Pythagoras was a brilliant
mathematician, but — in addition to
inventing unique quantitative solutions —
Pythagoras believed that our reality is a
physical manifestation of the energetic
vibration of numbers. Fast-forward a few
thousand years, and an author named
Doreen Virtue published dozens of books in
the early 2000s on "angel numbers," coining
the term and exploring the unique, mystical
messages baked into number sequences.
And, over the past two decades, this concept
has taken the metaphysical community by
storm. Whether you believe that angels are
sending you hyper-speci"c messages or that
your subconscious is a#rming your
consciousness, angel numbers have made a
lasting impression on our psyche.

What makes angel numbers

One of the ways angel numbers di!er from
other esoteric practices is that they're not
linked to your birth information. Unlike the
zodiac signs, astrology birth charts, or even
calculating your life path number in
numerology, Angel Numbers aren't
determined by your date, time, and/or
location of birth. While zodiac sign
personality traits o!er insight on your likes,
dislikes, tastes, and preferences, angel
numbers don't shed light on your identity,
but rather the ways in which you're moving
through the world. Another important
characteristic of angel numbers is that
they're extremely $uid: You may be followed
by an angel number for years, or you may
experience an angel number as a singular
occurrence. There's no hierarchy in the way
you encounter this mystical signature (in
other words, a long-term connection isn't
more meaningful than a one-time
observation) — the most important thing is
that you're paying attention.


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Of course, like all things in the metaphysical

space (astrology, tarot, palm reading, etc.),
numerology is also subjective. One of my
favorite things about being a metaphysical
practitioner in this era is that all practices
emphasize agency, free will, and autonomy.
Resources shouldn't be prescriptive, but
rather, perspective — the more you learn, the
more comfortable you are cultivating your
own ideas, impressions, and interpretations.
The way you understand and experience
mysticism is totally unique to your own
reality, so don't be afraid to tap into your
individual truths as you fortify your
relationship with spirituality.

Where can you find angel

Part of what makes angel numbers so
magical is that they appear in the most
ordinary places. Angel numbers show up on
clocks, timestamps, and alarms. They appear
in addresses, phone numbers, and license
plates. Angel numbers may even show up in
receipts, price tags, and travel itineraries.
You could chalk this up to frequency illusion
or you could consider TANC: The reason
angel numbers appear in the most mundane
environments is because the spiritual
universe is intentionally o!ering a gentle
reminder that you're moving through
something greater than any day-to-day
circumstance could ever express. You're on a
mission. There's a purpose. And, especially
when the road ahead feels foggy and
unknown, the presence of an angel number
can feel like a warm embrace. To quote Kris
Jenner (who may or may not be the guardian
angel of Calabasas, California), the
appearance of angel numbers is basically
saying "you're doing amazing, sweetie!"

What do angel numbers mean?

One of my favorite aspects of angel numbers
is that their meaning is personal. For
example, one person may see "333" as a sign
they're on the right track, whereas someone
else may experience "333" as a validation of
intuition. When you observe an angel
number, my recommendation is to stop, grab
a pen and paper (or the notes app on your
phone), and jot down whatever thoughts,
ideas, or impressions come to mind. That
way, you can cultivate a unique relationship
with that angel number and, anytime it
shows up in the future, you have already
de"ned what that sequence means in your


In numerology, however, di!erent numbers

carry di!erent symbolism, so as you're
beginning to develop your unique
relationship with angel numbers, you can
work with the powerful spiritual
interpretations of digits to understand the
meaning behind certain sequences.

000 or 0000
Zero is associated with new opportunities.
When you witness zero in a sequence (either
within a set of three, four, or within a
pattern), this could signify a fresh start.
You're at the very beginning of a brand new
cycle, which means you can create whatever
your heart desires. Don't be afraid to make
big, bold decisions at this point in your

111 or 1111
One is a powerful manifestation "gure. If
you encounter one as an angel number
(either within a set of three, four, or within a
pattern), relish the opportunity to make a
wish, set an intention, or plant a seed, as this
is believed to indicate a "greenlight" from the
universe. You are working with
extraordinary support from your angels,
guides, or ancestors, so — at that moment —
the present and future are dynamically

222 or 2222
Two suggests balance, trust, and alignment.
Experiencing two in a sequence (either
within a set of three, four, or within a
pattern) could mean that someone — either
in the physical realm or spiritual domain —
is helping you get where you need to go.
Seeing twos could indicate that it's an
excellent time to reach out to your most
trusted companion to see if divine
collaboration is possible.

333 or 3333
Three is an indication of magnetic creativity.
Noticing three as an angel number (either
within a set of three, four, or within a
pattern) could mean that you have the
opportunity to add your unique talents and
abilities to a situation. Moreover, the
presence of three indicates that by leaning
into your innate gi%s, you'll "nd more value
and abundance in whatever circumstances
you are navigating. Your artistic expression
is critical!

444 or 4444
Four symbolizes stabilization. Observing
four as an angel number (either within a set
of three, four, or within a pattern) suggests
that you are in the process of grounding,
rooting, and cultivating an infrastructure
that's truly built to last. When interacting
with four, don't be afraid to ask for help or
assistance, especially if you're navigating
long-term projects that require speci"c
expertise. Fundamentally, this is about
establishing trust that will empower you to
reach new heights.

555 or 5555
The presence of "ve suggests that major
changes could be on the horizon. If you've
been feeling stuck, sti$ed, or inspired,
observing "ve as an angel number (either
within a set of three, four, or within a
pattern) reveals that massive shi%s might be
in the works. For now, these transformations
may be occurring behind-the-scenes — in
other words, key decision-makers are still
weighing options — but "ve appear as an
angel number suggests you’re on the right

666 or 6666
Although some may fear six (especially in a
triplet) because of religious associations with
the Devil or demon "gures, within angel
numbers, six (either within a set of three,
four, or within a pattern) has a supportive,
compassionate, and empathetic nature. Six
can be a gentle, much-needed reminder to
treat yourself with kindness and
understanding. Sure, things may not always
go according to plan, but with angel number
six on your side, you know that you can
choose how you want to interpret a situation,
remembering that everything happens for a

777 or 7777
Seven is as lucky in angel numbers as it is at
the casino! Experiencing seven as an angel
number (either within a set of three, four, or
within a pattern) means that good fortune —
especially "nance-wise — could be on the
way. New monetary opportunities may arise,
so seven invites you to branch out and
explore possibilities beyond your comfort
zone. Short-term gigs may become lucrative,
consistent income streams, so integrating
your spirituality with your values is the
perfect expression of this energy.

888 or 8888
One of the most divine numbers in
numerology is eight, and observing this digit
as an angel number (either within a set of
three, four, or within a pattern) could re$ect
a connection to the spiritual universe in a
powerful way. Those who believe in an
a%erlife may see eights as a sign that they're
receiving supernatural support from loved
ones who've crossed on. Fundamentally,
eight is the symbol of in"nity — the endless
loop that transcends any singular lifetime —
so don't be afraid to dive into your intuition
when this angel number appears.

999 or 9999
As the "nal digit in numerology, the
presence of nine suggests a chapter may be
coming to an end. Witnessing nine as an
angel number (either within a set of three,
four, or within a pattern) is sign that a
meaningful cycle could come to a close, and
you'll soon be beginning a brand new
journey. Likewise, this is an excellent time to
step outside your comfort zone, expand your
horizons, and explore new territory.
Whether you're interested in venturing into a
new career or going back to school, the
spiritual universe will be sure to support
your courageous choices.


Aliza Kelly is a celebrity astrologer, columnist,

author, and host. Referred to as a "rising star"
in modern spirituality, Aliza has been featured
in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Vogue,
The Cut, and many other publications. She's the
author of three books: The Mixology of
Astrology: Cosmic Cocktail Recipes for Every
Sign; Starring You: A Guided Journey
Through Astrology; and This Is Your Destiny:
Using Astrology to Manifest Your Best Life.

Beginning your own spiritual journey?

Start here:

A Beginner's Guide to Reading Palms

Therapists Say Gratitude Journals May
Live Up to the TikTok Hype
Numerology 101: How to Find Your
Life Path Number

Now, see the signs you're most compatible

with romantically:

Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility: Which

Signs to Date vs. Avoid

Find Aliza on Instagram.

Aliza Kelly is a New York-based astrologer, occultist,

and writer. She is the author of The Mixology of
Astrology (Adams Media/Simon Schuster), Starring You:
A Guided Journey Through Astrology (little bee books),
and This Is Your Destiny (Macmillan) and hosts the
weekly podcast, Stars Like Us. Her writing... Read more

Astrology Writer





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