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Dr. M. Saranya Nair

School of Electronics Engineering
VIT-Chennai Campus
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Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 1
Module I - Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
Review of steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors. Node voltage and Mesh current analysis, special
cases. Network theorems: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and maximum power transfer theorems.

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 2

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 3
Using mesh analysis, find the three mesh currents and hence find I0

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 4

Use nodal analysis to find vo in the circuit. Let ω = 2 krad/s.

8.951 sin(2000t +93.43o) kV

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 5
Find the maximum power delivered to the 2Ω resistor.

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 6

Determine the current through 3Ω resistor in the circuit using
Norton’s theorem and verify your answer using any method of
your choice.

Vx = 29.36∠62.88° A.
Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 7
Module II
Transient Response of First order, Second order circuits and

• Source-Free RC/RL Circuit

• Step-Response RC/RL Circuit
• Source-Free RLC – Series/Parallel Circuit
• Step-Response RLC – Series/Parallel Circuit
• Series / Parallel Resonance

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The Source-Free RC Circuit

The Key to Working with a Source-free RC Circuit Is Finding:

• The initial voltage across the capacitor.
• The time constant.
• With these two items, we obtain the response as the capacitor voltage vC(t) = v(t) = v(0)e-t/τ.
• Once the capacitor voltage is obtained, other variables (capacitor current, resistor voltage and resistor
current) can be determined.
• In finding the time constant R is often the Thevenin equivalent resistance at the terminals of the
capacitor; that is, we take out the capacitor C and find RTh at its terminals.

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The Source-Free RL Circuit
Our goal is to determine the circuit response, which we will assume to be the current through the inductor.

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The Step Response of RC Circuit

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The Step Response of RL Circuit

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Second Order Circuits
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit

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Overdamped Case

Critically Damped Case

Underdamped Case

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The Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuit

Overdamped Case

Critically Damped Case

Underdamped Case

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Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit

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Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit

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Series and Parallel Resonance

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Series and Parallel Resonance

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1. A circuit consisting of a coil with inductance 10 mH and resistance 20 Ω is connected in series / parallel with
a capacitor and a generator with an rms voltage of 120 V. Find:
(a) the value of the capacitance that will cause the circuit to be in resonance at 15 kHz
(b) the current through the coil at resonance
(c) the Q and Bandwidth of the circuit

2. A series / parallel resonant circuit has R = 100 Ω and half power frequencies as 1kHz and 9kHz.
Find B, Q, fo, L & C

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Module III - Network graphs

Definition of terms. Matrices associated with graphs; incidence,

reduced incidence, fundamental cut-set and fundamental tie-set.

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Solving Circuits using Matrices
Tie-set Matrix – Loop / Branch / Twig or Link

-[B][Vs] = [B][Zb][Bt][IL]
[Ib] = [Bt][IL]

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 22

Solving Circuits using Matrices
Cut-set Matrix – Twig / Branch / Link Voltages

[C][Yb][Ct][VT] = -[C][IS]+[C][Yb][VS]
[Vb] = [Ct][VT]

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 23

Module IV
Two-Port Networks
Significance and applications of one port and two port networks. Two port network analysis using: Admittance (Y)
parameters, Impedance (Z) parameters, Hybrid (h) parameters. Interconnection of Two port networks.

Network Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 24

Impedance/ ‘z’ - Parameters
A two-port network may be
voltage-driven or current-driven

The terminal voltages can be

related to the terminal currents as:

Since the z parameters are

obta-ined by open-circuiting the
input or output port, they are
also called the open-circuit
impedance parameters.

where the z terms are called the impedance parameters, or simply z parameters, and have units of ohms.
Network Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 25
• When z11 = z22 , the two-port network is said to be symmetrical.
• When the two-port network is linear and has no dependent sources, the transfer impedances are
equal (z12 = z21), and the two-port is said to be reciprocal.

• Any two-port that is made entirely of resistors, capacitors, and inductors must be reciprocal. A reciprocal
network can be replaced by the T-equivalent circuit

Network Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 26

Admittance/ ‘y’ - Parameters

The y terms are known as the admittance parameters

(or, simply, y parameters) and have units of siemens.

Since the y parameters are obtained by short-circuiting the input or output port,
they are also called the short-circuit admittance parameters
Network Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 27
For a two-port network that is linear and has no dependent sources, the transfer admittances are equal ( y12 =
y21). A reciprocal network can be modeled by the π-equivalent circuit.

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Series Connection
The networks are regarded as being in series because their
input currents are the same and their voltages add.

If two two-port networks in the [h] model, for example, are

connected in series, we use (Table) to convert the h to z and
then apply Eq. We finally convert the result back to [h] using

Network Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 29

Parallel Connection
Two two-port networks are in parallel when their port voltages
are equal and the port currents of the larger network are the
sums of the individual port currents.

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Hybrid/ ‘h’ - Parameters

The procedure for calculating the h parameters is similar to that

used for the z or y parameters. We apply a voltage or current
source to the appropriate port, short-circuit or open-circuit the
other port, depending on the parameter of interest, and perform
regular circuit analysis. For reciprocal networks, h12 = - h21.

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g - Parameters
• A set of parameters closely related to the h parameters are the g parameters or inverse
hybrid parameters.

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Module V
Filters, Attenuators and Equalizers
Concept of filtering, Filter types- Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band stop and their
characteristics, Design of T-type, L-type, π-type, Lattice and Bridged-T attenuator, Equalizers

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 35

Low Pass Filter

A typical low pass filter is formed when the output of an RC circuit is taken off
the capacitor. A low pass filter can also be formed when the output of an RL
circuit is taken off the resistor.

A lowpass filter is designed to pass only frequencies from dc up to the cutoff

frequency. The cutoff frequency is the frequency at which the transfer
function H drops in magnitude to 70.71% of its maximum value. It is also
regarded as the frequency at which the power dissipated in a circuit is half of
Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair its maximum value. 36
High Pass Filter
A highpass filter is formed when the output of an RC circuit is
taken off the resistor

A highpass filter is designed to pass all frequencies above its

cutoff frequency. A highpass filter can also be formed when
the output of an RL circuit is taken off the inductor.

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Band Pass Filter
The RLC series resonant circuit provides a bandpass filter when
the output is taken off the resistor

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 38

The average power dissipated by the RLC circuit is

At certain frequencies ω = ω1, ω2 the dissipated power is half the maximum value; they
are called the half-power frequencies

The half-power frequencies are obtained by setting Z equal to √2 R and writing

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 39

The “sharpness” of the resonance in a resonant circuit is measured quantitatively by the quality factor Q.

• The higher the value of Q, the more selective

the circuit is but the smaller the bandwidth.
• The selectivity of an RLC circuit is the ability of
the circuit to respond to a certain frequency
and discriminate against all other frequencies.
• If the band of frequencies to be selected or
rejected is narrow, the quality factor of the
resonant circuit must be high.
• If the band of frequencies is wide, the quality
factor must be low.

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 40

Band Stop/Reject Filter

A filter that prevents a band of frequencies between two designated values from passing is variably
known as a bandstop, bandreject, or notch filter. A bandstop filter is formed when the output RLC series
resonant circuit is taken off the LC series combination.

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• The maximum gain of a passive filter is unity. To generate a gain greater than unity, one should
use an active filter.

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1. Design an RL lowpass filter that uses a 40-mH coil and has a cutoff frequency of 5 kHz.
2. The circuit parameters for a series RLC bandstop filter are R = 2 kΩ, L = 0.1 H, C = 40 pF
(a) the center frequency
(b) the half-power frequencies
(c) the quality factor
3. Design a bandpass filter with a lower cutoff frequency of 20.1 kHz and an upper cutoff frequency of
20.3 kHz. Take R = 20 kΩ. Calculate L, C, and Q.
4. Design a passive bandstop filter with resonant frequency as 10 rad/s and Q = 20.

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 43

Basically, there are four types of attenuators, T, π, lattice, bridged T-type and L-type.
Symmetrical T-attenuator
An attenuator is to be designed for desired values of characteristic
resistance, R0 and attenuation.

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Design a L-type attenuator to operate into a load resistance

of 600 V with an attenuation of 20 dB.

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Symmetrical π attenuator

Design a pi-type attenuator to give 20 dB attenuation and

to have a characteristic impedance of 100 Ω.

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Lattice attenuator

Design a symmetrical lattice attenuator to have characteristic

impedance of 800 Ω and attenuation of 20 dB.

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Symmetrical bridged T - attenuator

Design a symmetrical bridged T - attenuator with an attenuation

of 20 dB and terminated into a load of 500 Ω.

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Module VI & VII
Laplace Transform, Fourier Series & Fourier Transform

Trigonometric Fourier series, Symmetry conditions, Applications in circuit solving

Fourier transforms - Applications in circuit solving

Introduction to Laplace transform (LT), Analysis of circuits using Laplace transforms

Comparisons of Fourier and Laplace transforms

Circuit Theory - Dr.M.Saranya Nair 49

According to the Fourier theorem, any practical periodic function of frequency T or ω0 can be expressed as
an infinite sum of sine or cosine functions that are integral multiples of ω0.

where ω0 is called the fundamental frequency in radians per second. Above Equation is called the trigonometric
Fourier series of f(t). The constants an and bn are the Fourier coefficients. The coefficient a0 is the dc component
or the average value of f(t). The coefficients an and bn (for n ≠ 0) are the amplitudes of the sinusoids in the ac

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Problem 1

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Let the function in previous problem be the voltage source in the circuit of
Fig. Find the response of the circuit.

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Frequency Spectrum
The plot of the amplitude An of the harmonics versus nω0 is called the amplitude spectrum of f(t); the plot of the
phase φn versus nω0 is the phase spectrum of f(t); Both the amplitude and phase spectra form the frequency
spectrum of f (t).

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Obtain the Fourier series for the periodic function in Fig. and
Problem 2 plot the amplitude and phase spectra. (5 harmonics)

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Problem 3 Obtain the Fourier series for the periodic function in Fig. and
plot the amplitude and phase spectra. (5 harmonics)

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Problem 4

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Symmetry Considerations
We noticed that the Fourier series of Examples consisted only of the sine / cosine terms. It is good, if a method
exists whereby one can know in advance that some Fourier coefficients would be zero and avoid the
unnecessary work involved in the tedious process of calculating them.

Such a method does exist; it is based on recognizing the existence of symmetry. Here we discuss three types of
symmetry: (1) even symmetry, (2) odd symmetry, (3) half wave symmetry
Even Symmetry
Examples of even functions are t2, t4 and cos t

Since bn = 0, it becomes a Fourier cosine series.

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Symmetry Considerations

Odd Symmetry

Examples of odd functions are t, t3 and sin t

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Half-Wave Symmetry

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Problem 5

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Problem 6

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Problem 7
R = 10, L = 0.0318, T = 20 ms

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Application of Fourier transform & Laplace
Transform in circuit analysis

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Laplace Transform Pairs

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Circuit Analysis

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Circuit Analysis with Zero Initial Conditions

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Circuit Analysis with Non-zero Initial Conditions

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Find the current i0(t) in the circuit, given that is(t) = 5 cos 4t A.

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Thank You..

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