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Ahmed Hassan U FCC Math 111 Fall 23 24

Assignment Assignment 1 due 10/13/2023 at 10:00am PKT

Problem 1. (1 point) Problem 3. (1 point)

Problem Problem

Constant functions, polynomial functions, cos and sin functions, Recall that
are continuous everywhere. That is, their limits can be calculated
from their function values. sin(x)
lim = 1
x→0 x
The quotients of such functions are also continuous except at such Using this fact, evaluate the limit
values of x where the denominator is zero.
Evaluate the limit: lim =
x→0 x
limx→2 8x12 =
Answer(s) submitted:
Answer(s) submitted: • 2
• 1/32 (correct)

Problem 2. (1 point)

Let f (x) = bxc be the least integer function. That is, for a given
input x it returns the closest integer which is less than or equal to
For example, b10c = 10, b9.5c = 9, b−3.4c = −4.

limx→−2 f (x) = 1/(bxc + 2)

• A. Does not exist

• B. -3
• C. -2

Answer(s) submitted:
• A

Problem 4. (1 point) Problem 5. (1 point)
Let F be the function below Use the given graphs of the function f (left, in blue) and g (right,
in red) to find the following limits:

(Click on graph to enlarge)

1. lim [ f (x) + g(x)] = help (limits)

Evaluate the following expressions. x→1

Note: Enter ’DNE’ if the limit does not exist or is not defined. 2. lim [ f (x) + g(x)] =
You can just write ’yes’ or ’no’ for the yes/no questions.
3. lim f (x)g(x) =
a) lim F(x) = b) Is F(x) continuous at x = 1
f (x)
c) lim F(x) = d) Is F(x) continuous at x = 2 4. lim =
x→0 g(x)
e) lim F(x) = f) Is F(x) continuous at x = 3 5. lim 3 + f (x) =
x→3 x→−1
Answer(s) submitted:
• 2 Note: You can click on the graphs to enlarge the images.
• no
• DNE Answer(s) submitted:
• no • 0
• 3 • DNE
• no • 0
(correct) • 0
• sqrt (2)

Problem 6. (1 point) Problem 8. (1 point)
 the limit: 
1 8
lim √ − =
x→16 x − 4 x − 16 Let f (x) = √ 3x−15
x2 −10x+25
Answer(s) submitted:
• -0.125 limx→5+ f (x) =
limx→5− f (x) =

limx→5 f (x) =

• A. -5
• B. Does not exist
• C. 5

Answer(s) submitted:
Problem 7. (1 point) • 3
• -3
• B
limx→0+ |42x|
x =

limx→0− x =

limx→0 |42x|

• A. 0
• B. Does not exist
• C. 42

Answer(s) submitted:
• -42
• 42
• C
(score 0.666667)

• C. limx→0 f (x) = f (0)
Problem 9. (1 point)

A function f is continuous at a if all of the following hold: • A. f is not continuous at 0

• B. f is continuous at 0
1) f (a) exists
Answer(s) submitted:
2) limx→a f (x) exists
• B
• B
3) limx→a f (x) = f (a) • C
• B
The function is not continous at a if any one of the conditions fails
to hold.
Problem 10. (1 point)
Consider the function f defined by Problem

Consider the function

0 if x ≤ 0
f (x) = 2
x if x > 0.
Then 0 if x ≤ 0
H(x) =
1 if x > 0.

• A. f (0) does not exist

• B. f (0) exists
• A. H(x) is discontinuous at x = 0 and discontinuous at
• B. H(x) is continuous at x = 0 and x = 1
• A. limx→0 f (x) does not exist • C. H(x) is discontinuous at x = 0 and continuous at x = 1
• B. limx→0 f (x) exists • D. H(x) is continuous at x = 0 and discontinuous at x = 1
• E. None of the above

Answer(s) submitted:
• A. limx→0 f (x) exists but limx→0 f (x) 6= f (0) • C
• B. limx→0 f (x) does not exist (correct)

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