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Department of Statistics

Spring 2023 Stat 115 Section: C

Assignment 1
Submission Date: 21st March, 2023

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comply with the academic integrity policy of Forman Christian College (Chartered
University) Lahore, which has already been posted on Moodle. Noncompliance with this
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Submission guidelines
 Submit till due date in hard copy
 NO Email Submissions will be accepted
 Late submission will deduct 50 % of the achieved scores.
 Attempt all questions

Question 1:
The results of a study published in Neurological Research stated that second-graders who
took piano lessons and played a computer math game more readily grasped math problems in
fractions and proportions than a similar group who took an English class and played the same
math game.
A. What are the variables under study?
B. What are the data in the study?
C. What type of inferential study was this? Give several reasons why piano lessons could
improve a student’s math ability.

Question 2:
The number of deaths among persons aged 15 or 24 years in the United States in 1997 due to
the seven leading causes of death for this age group were: accidents 12,958; homicide, 5793;
suicide, 4146; cancer, 1583; heart disease, 1013; congenital defects, 383; AIDS 276.
a. Make a bar graph to display these data.
b. What additional information do you need to make a pie chart?
c. Also, make a pie chart.

Question 3:
a. A household’s “net worth” is the total value of the household’s possessions and
investments less the total of its debts. In 1997, the mean and median net worth of
American households were $51,000 and $212,000. Which of these numbers is the
mean and which is the median? Explain your reasoning.
b. The math and reading achievement scores from the National Assessment of
Educational Progress for selected states are listed below.
Math Reading
52, 66, 69, 62, 61, 63, 57, 59, 59, 55, 55, 65, 76, 76, 66, 67, 71, 70, 70, 66, 61, 61,
59, 74, 72, 73, 68, 76, 73 69, 78, 76, 77, 77, 77, 80.
i. Compute mean, median, and mode for both math and reading. Decide which one
is the best measure for the data sets.
ii. Is there any outlier present? If yes, what is the value?
iii. Which measure of central tendency can be misleading for both data sets?
iv. When you are comparing the measures of central tendency, does the distribution
display any skewness? Explain.
v. Compare the variability and check which one of the subject achievements is
vi. Perform (i) and (v) manually as well as using R. Verify the results.

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