client baba program python

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System Memory:
Memory Load: 86%
Available Physical Memory: 794m/5989m
Available Page File: 8706m/21349m
Available Virtual Memory: 134213454m/134217727m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 34m
Working Set Size: 34m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 254k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 252k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:18k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 17k
Page File Usage: 6m
Peak Page File Usage: 6m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 562556
[00:00:00]: Current time: Sat Jul 15 12:26:32 2023

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 562556 WIN32_STEAM

[00:00:00]: Build Date: 2054
[00:00:00]: Mode: 64-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments:
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Steam AppBuildID: 11540162
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: PersistUserStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (8692)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:0.52
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'IC' (21164)
[00:00:00]: Texture Streaming: ENABLED
[00:00:00]: Texture Streaming: DISABLED
[00:00:00]: Threaded Renderer: ENABLED
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'SimUpdateThread' (21140)
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'RenderThread' (10568)
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\
Don't Starve Together\bin64\dontstarve_steam_x64.exe is enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
[00:00:00]: could not load ping_cache
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (4552)
[00:00:00]: Offline user ID: OU_76561199416724840
[00:00:00]: SteamID: 76561199416724840
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (20844)
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (20888)
[00:00:00]: HardwareStats:
name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
version 10.0.19045
platformSpecific SP 0.0
architecture 64-bit
clockSpeed 2100
name AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon Graphics
manufacturer AuthenticAMD
numCores 6
features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
megsOfRam 8192
megsOfRam 2048
videoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors
name AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics
driverVersion 31.0.14057.5006
driverDate 20230523000000.000000-000
refreshRate 60

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:00]: WindowManager::Initialize
[00:00:00]: CreateWindow: Requesting 1280,720 - 5/6/5 - -1/-1/-1 - 0
[00:00:01]: CreateEGLContext: 16 configs found
[00:00:01]: 0: 8/8/8 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 1: 8/8/8 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 2: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 3: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: 4: 5/5/5 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 5: 5/5/5 - 1/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 6: 5/5/5 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 7: 5/5/5 - 1/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 8: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 9: 5/5/5 - 1/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 10: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: 11: 5/5/5 - 1/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: 12: 8/8/8 - 8/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 13: 8/8/8 - 8/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 14: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 15: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: GLInfo
[00:00:01]: ~~~~~~
[00:00:01]: GL_VENDOR: Google Inc.
[00:00:01]: GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)
[00:00:01]: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (22248)
[00:00:01]: OpenGL extensions (19, 19):
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_depth_texture
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_usage
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_robustness
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_storage
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_get_program_binary
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_texture_npot
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 10
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 16
[00:00:01]: 4 compressed texture formats
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f0
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f1
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f2
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f3
[00:00:01]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:01]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:02]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:02]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:02]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:02]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:02]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:02]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:02]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:02]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:00:03]: Running main.lua

[00:00:03]: Could not load modindex

[00:00:03]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:00:03]: Event data unavailable:

[00:00:11]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:11]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:11]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:11]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:11]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:11]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:00:11]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:11]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:11]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:11]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:12]: Load FE
[00:00:16]: Load FE: done
[00:00:16]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (21100)
[00:00:16]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:16]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:16]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:16]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (22613 files)...
[00:00:16]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:00:16]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:16]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:16]: Available disk space for save files: 178125 MB
[00:00:16]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:16]: Reset() returning
[00:00:16]: Do AutoLogin
[00:00:16]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:00:16]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:00:17]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:00:17]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box8 from
[00:00:17]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box8.tex
[00:00:17]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box4 from
[00:00:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (3)
[00:00:18]: Cached userid (null) saved to
[00:00:18]: Logging in as KU_8EfLG4UX
[00:00:18]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box4.tex
[00:00:18]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box7 from
[00:00:18]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box7.tex
[00:00:18]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box5 from
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box5.tex
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box9 from
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box9.tex
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box1 from
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box1.tex
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box3 from
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box3.tex
[00:00:19]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box2 from
[00:00:19]: saved
[00:00:19]: There is no active event to get the status of.
[00:00:20]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box2.tex
[00:00:20]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box10 from
[00:00:20]: could not load pending_keyvalues_prod
[00:00:20]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box10.tex
[00:00:20]: [MOTD] Downloading image for box6 from
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: could not load inventory_cache_prod
[00:00:20]: [MOTD] MOTDImageLoader: Downloaded image: ../data/images/motd_box6.tex
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:20]: saved
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] ItemQuery downloading 17 pending mods marked to download
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 1271089343
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 1180681495
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 1139925855
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 1120124958
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 1079538195
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 926178831
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 856487758
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 836583293
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 821143467
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 786556008
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 758532836
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 661253977
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 466732225
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 386087632
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 375850593
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 356930882
[00:00:21]: [Workshop] DownloadPublishedFile [7] 347360448
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 1271089343
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:22]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (6000)
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:22]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1271089343] 2: FAILED
[00:00:22]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1271089343
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 1180681495
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:22]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (11724)
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:22]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1180681495] 2: FAILED
[00:00:22]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1180681495
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 1139925855
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:22]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (22124)
[00:00:22]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:22]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1139925855] 2: FAILED
[00:00:22]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1139925855
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 1120124958
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:23]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (18296)
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:23]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1120124958] 2: FAILED
[00:00:23]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1120124958
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 1079538195
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:23]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (20040)
[00:00:23]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:23]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-1079538195] 2: FAILED
[00:00:23]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-1079538195
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 926178831
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:24]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (22380)
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-926178831] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-926178831
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 856487758
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:24]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (21356)
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-856487758] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-856487758
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 836583293
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:24]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (21036)
[00:00:24]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:24]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-836583293] 2: FAILED
[00:00:24]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-836583293
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 821143467
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:25]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (20416)
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-821143467] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-821143467
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 786556008
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:25]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (21408)
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-786556008] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-786556008
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 758532836
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:25]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (17300)
[00:00:25]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:25]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-758532836] 2: FAILED
[00:00:25]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-758532836
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 661253977
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:26]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (15488)
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:26]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-661253977] 2: FAILED
[00:00:26]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-661253977
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 466732225
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:26]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (9996)
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:26]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-466732225] 2: FAILED
[00:00:26]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-466732225
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 386087632
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:26]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (12072)
[00:00:26]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:26]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-386087632] 2: FAILED
[00:00:26]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-386087632
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 375850593
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:27]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (7440)
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:27]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-375850593] 2: FAILED
[00:00:27]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-375850593
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 356930882
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:27]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (19788)
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:27]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-356930882] 2: FAILED
[00:00:27]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-356930882
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 347360448
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] ODPUF subscribed mods completed
[00:00:27]: THREAD - started 'cUnpackModThread' (6180)
[00:00:27]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:00:27]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-347360448] 2: FAILED
[00:00:27]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-347360448
[00:00:31]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:00:31]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:00:31]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:00:31]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:31]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:00:32]: Getting display mode: Querying display 1 [of 1]
[00:00:32]: \: 1920, 1080, 60
[00:00:47]: Small Textures: DISABLED
[00:00:47]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:00:47]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:00:47]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:00:47]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:00:47]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:47]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:00:59]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:01:02]: Getting top mod details...
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:03]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:01:38]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1139925855
[00:01:38]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1139925855
[00:01:38]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full)
[00:01:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:01:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:01:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:41]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-347360448
[00:01:41]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-347360448
[00:01:41]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?)
[00:01:41]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:01:41]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:41]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:01:41]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:45]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1120124958
[00:01:45]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:01:45]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:01:45]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:01:45]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:45]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:01:45]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:47]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-376333686
[00:01:47]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:01:47]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1

[00:01:47]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading

[00:01:47]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:47]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:01:47]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:48]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-727774324
[00:01:48]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:01:48]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.14.5
[00:01:48]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modservercreationmain.lua
[00:01:48]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:48]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:01:48]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:01:57]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-821143467
[00:01:57]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-821143467
[00:01:57]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Version:1.2
[00:01:57]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading
[00:01:57]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:57]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:01:57]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:59]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1365141672
[00:01:59]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1365141672
[00:01:59]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus)
[00:01:59]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading
[00:01:59]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:01:59]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading
[00:01:59]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:01]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'workshop-1365141672'.
[00:02:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:02:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:02:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:02:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:04]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-345692228
[00:02:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:02:04]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:02:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading
[00:02:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:05]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-836583293
[00:02:05]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:02:05]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:02:05]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modservercreationmain.lua
[00:02:05]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:05]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:05]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:02:14]: Collecting garbage...
[00:02:14]: lua_gc took 0.07 seconds
[00:02:14]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:02:14]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:02:14]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:02:14]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:02:14]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:02:14]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:02:14]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:02:14]: lua_close took 0.07 seconds
[00:02:14]: ReleaseAll
[00:02:14]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:02:14]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:02:14]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:02:14]: LOADING LUA
[00:02:14]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:02:14]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:02:15]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:02:15]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:02:15]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:02:15]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:02:15]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:02:15]: Running main.lua

[00:02:15]: loaded modindex

[00:02:15]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958

[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1139925855
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-347360448
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-821143467
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:02:15]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1139925855
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Version:1.7
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-347360448
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Version:1.5
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-821143467
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Version:1.2
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.14.5
[00:02:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:02:15]: Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:15]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:15]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file:
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1139925855
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-347360448
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-821143467
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:02:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:02:16]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading modmain.lua
[00:02:16]: Event data unavailable:
[00:02:17]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:02:17]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:02:17]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:02:17]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:02:17]: bloom_enabled true
[00:02:17]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:02:17]: loaded shardsaveindex
[00:02:17]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:02:17]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:02:17]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:02:17]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:02:17]: Unload BE
[00:02:17]: Unload BE done
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering prefabs
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering default mod prefab
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering prefabs
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering default mod prefab
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Registering prefabs
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Registering default mod
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering prefabs
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering default mod
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Registering prefabs
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Registering
[00:02:18]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Registering
default mod prefab
[00:02:19]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering prefabs
[00:02:19]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering default mod
[00:02:19]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering prefabs
[00:02:19]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:02:19]: Load FE
[00:02:20]: Load FE: done
[00:02:20]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:02:20]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:02:20]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:02:20]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:02:20]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:02:20]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:02:20]: Available disk space for save files: 177865 MB
[00:02:20]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:02:20]: Reset() returning
[00:02:21]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:02:31]: Do AutoLogin
[00:02:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:02:32]: Received (KU_8EfLG4UX) from TokenPurpose
[00:02:32]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:02:32]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:02:33]: There is no active event to get the status of.
[00:02:33]: could not load pending_keyvalues_prod
[00:02:34]: loaded inventory_cache_prod
[00:02:34]: using inventory state token from cached file
[00:02:34]: saved
[00:02:34]: saved
[00:02:34]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:02:34]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:02:34]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:02:34]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:34]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:40]: Getting top mod details...
[00:02:40]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:02:40]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:03:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:03:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:03:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:03:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:03:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:04:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:04:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:04:40]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:04:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:04:40]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:05:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:05:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:05:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:05:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:05:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:06:16]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1378549454
[00:06:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:06:16]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core)
[00:06:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading
[00:06:16]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/gemrun
[00:06:16]: modimport:
[00:06:16]: IsSaveSlotLoading false
[00:06:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:06:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:06:18]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-569043634
[00:06:18]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:06:18]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn)
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:06:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:21]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-661253977
[00:06:21]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:06:21]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything)
Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:06:21]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:25]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1185229307
[00:06:25]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:06:25]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Version:75
[00:06:25]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading
[00:06:25]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:06:25]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:25]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:06:25]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:27]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-375850593
[00:06:27]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:06:27]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots)
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:06:27]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:38]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-666155465
[00:06:38]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:06:38]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Version:0.58

[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading

[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:06:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:06:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:06:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:06:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:06:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:06:44]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-466732225
[00:06:44]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:06:44]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:06:44]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:49]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-386087632
[00:06:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:06:49]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Version:1.1.4
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:06:49]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:51]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-356930882
[00:06:51]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:06:51]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta)
Uses ) Version:1.8
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:06:51]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:52]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-378160973
[00:06:52]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:06:52]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:06:52]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:53]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-758532836
[00:06:53]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:06:53]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Version:1.5.0
[00:06:53]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading
[00:06:53]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:06:53]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:06:53]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:06:53]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:07:09]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:07:35]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:07:35]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:07:35]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:07:35]: Dedicated: false
[00:07:35]: Online: true
[00:07:35]: Passworded: false
[00:07:35]: ServerPort: 10999
[00:07:35]: SteamAuthPort: 8766
[00:07:35]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016
[00:07:35]: ClanID: false
[00:07:35]: ClanOnly: false
[00:07:35]: ClanAdmin: false
[00:07:35]: LanOnly: false
[00:07:35]: FriendsOnly: true
[00:07:35]: EnableAutosaver: true
[00:07:35]: EncodeUserPath: true
[00:07:35]: PVP: false
[00:07:35]: MaxPlayers: 6
[00:07:35]: GameMode: survival
[00:07:35]: OverridenDNS:
[00:07:35]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:07:35]: IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:07:35]: VoteEnabled: false
[00:07:35]: InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:07:35]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall.
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:07:35]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:07:35]: Online Server Started on port: 10999
[00:07:35]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:07:35]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:07:35]: K: custom_settings_desc V:
[00:07:35]: K: custom_settings_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:35]: K: custom_settings_name V: survas
[00:07:35]: K: custom_worldgen_desc V:
[00:07:35]: K: custom_worldgen_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:35]: K: custom_worldgen_name V: survas
[00:07:35]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
[00:07:35]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:07:35]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:35]: K: location V: forest
[00:07:35]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:07:35]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:07:35]: K: name V: Survival
[00:07:35]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4
[00:07:35]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:07:35]: K: overrides V: table: 000000004A2008D0
[00:07:35]: K: alternatehunt V: default
[00:07:35]: K: angrybees V: default
[00:07:35]: K: antliontribute V: default
[00:07:35]: K: autumn V: longseason
[00:07:35]: K: bananabush_portalrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:07:35]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: bearger V: default
[00:07:35]: K: beefalo V: often
[00:07:35]: K: beefaloheat V: often
[00:07:35]: K: beequeen V: default
[00:07:35]: K: bees V: default
[00:07:35]: K: bees_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: berrybush V: often
[00:07:35]: K: birds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: boons V: default
[00:07:35]: K: branching V: default
[00:07:35]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:07:35]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: butterfly V: default
[00:07:35]: K: buzzard V: default
[00:07:35]: K: cactus V: default
[00:07:35]: K: cactus_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: carrot V: often
[00:07:35]: K: carrots_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:35]: K: catcoon V: default
[00:07:35]: K: catcoons V: default
[00:07:35]: K: chess V: default
[00:07:35]: K: cookiecutters V: default
[00:07:35]: K: crabking V: default
[00:07:35]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:07:35]: K: darkness V: default
[00:07:35]: K: day V: default
[00:07:35]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
[00:07:35]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: deerclops V: default
[00:07:35]: K: dragonfly V: default
[00:07:35]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:07:35]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: extrastartingitems V: 20
[00:07:35]: K: eyeofterror V: default
[00:07:35]: K: fishschools V: default
[00:07:35]: K: flint V: often
[00:07:35]: K: flowers V: often
[00:07:35]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: frograin V: default
[00:07:35]: K: frogs V: default
[00:07:35]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:07:35]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:07:35]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:07:35]: K: gnarwail V: default
[00:07:35]: K: goosemoose V: default
[00:07:35]: K: grass V: often
[00:07:35]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:07:35]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:07:35]: K: has_ocean V: true
[00:07:35]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:07:35]: K: hound_mounds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: houndmound V: default
[00:07:35]: K: hounds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: hunger V: default
[00:07:35]: K: hunt V: default
[00:07:35]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:35]: K: klaus V: default
[00:07:35]: K: krampus V: default
[00:07:35]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
[00:07:35]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:07:35]: K: liefs V: default
[00:07:35]: K: lightcrab_portalrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: lightning V: default
[00:07:35]: K: lightninggoat V: default
[00:07:35]: K: loop V: default
[00:07:35]: K: lureplants V: default
[00:07:35]: K: malbatross V: default
[00:07:35]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:07:35]: K: merm V: default
[00:07:35]: K: merms V: default
[00:07:35]: K: meteorshowers V: default
[00:07:35]: K: meteorspawner V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moles V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: monkeytail_portalrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_berrybush V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_carrot V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_fissure V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_hotspring V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_rock V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_sapling V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_spider V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_spiders V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_starfish V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_tree V: default
[00:07:35]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:35]: K: mosquitos V: default
[00:07:35]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:07:35]: K: mutated_hounds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: no_joining_islands V: true
[00:07:35]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:35]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:35]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default
[00:07:35]: K: ocean_shoal V: default
[00:07:35]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default
[00:07:35]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default
[00:07:35]: K: palmcone_seed_portalrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: palmconetree V: default
[00:07:35]: K: palmconetree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: penguins V: default
[00:07:35]: K: penguins_moon V: default
[00:07:35]: K: perd V: default
[00:07:35]: K: petrification V: default
[00:07:35]: K: pigs V: default
[00:07:35]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: pirateraids V: default
[00:07:35]: K: ponds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: portal_spawnrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:07:35]: K: powder_monkey_portalrate V: default
[00:07:35]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:07:35]: K: rabbits V: default
[00:07:35]: K: rabbits_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: reeds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: reeds_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: resettime V: slow
[00:07:35]: K: rifts_enabled V: default
[00:07:35]: K: rifts_frequency V: default
[00:07:35]: K: roads V: default
[00:07:35]: K: rock V: default
[00:07:35]: K: rock_ice V: default
[00:07:35]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: sapling V: default
[00:07:35]: K: season_start V: default
[00:07:35]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:07:35]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:07:35]: K: sharks V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:07:35]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:07:35]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spiders V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: spring V: default
[00:07:35]: K: squid V: default
[00:07:35]: K: stageplays V: default
[00:07:35]: K: start_location V: default
[00:07:35]: K: summer V: default
[00:07:35]: K: summerhounds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: tallbirds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: task_set V: default
[00:07:35]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:07:35]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:07:35]: K: terrariumchest V: default
[00:07:35]: K: touchstone V: often
[00:07:35]: K: trees V: default
[00:07:35]: K: tumbleweed V: default
[00:07:35]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default
[00:07:35]: K: walrus V: default
[00:07:35]: K: walrus_setting V: default
[00:07:35]: K: wasps V: default
[00:07:35]: K: weather V: default
[00:07:35]: K: wildfires V: default
[00:07:35]: K: winter V: default
[00:07:35]: K: winterhounds V: default
[00:07:35]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:07:35]: K: wobsters V: default
[00:07:35]: K: world_size V: default
[00:07:35]: K: worldseed V:
[00:07:35]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:07:35]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:07:35]: K: playstyle V: survival
[00:07:35]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 000000004A201140
[00:07:35]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2
[00:07:35]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3
[00:07:35]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4
[00:07:35]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5
[00:07:35]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1
[00:07:35]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2
[00:07:35]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3
[00:07:35]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4
[00:07:35]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5
[00:07:35]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6
[00:07:35]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1
[00:07:35]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2
[00:07:35]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3
[00:07:35]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4
[00:07:35]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
[00:07:35]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
[00:07:35]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
[00:07:35]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
[00:07:35]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
[00:07:35]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 000000004A200830
[00:07:35]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:07:35]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 000000004A200650
[00:07:35]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1
[00:07:35]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5
[00:07:35]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:35]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:35]: K: settings_name V: Survival
[00:07:35]: K: substitutes V: table: 000000004A2005B0
[00:07:35]: K: version V: 4
[00:07:35]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:35]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:35]: K: worldgen_name V: Survival
[00:07:35]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:07:35]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:07:35]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:07:36]: Collecting garbage...
[00:07:36]: lua_gc took 0.11 seconds
[00:07:36]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:07:36]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:07:36]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:07:36]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:07:36]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:07:36]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:07:36]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [8]
[00:07:36]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:07:36]: lua_close took 0.09 seconds
[00:07:36]: ReleaseAll
[00:07:36]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:07:36]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:07:36]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:07:36]: LOADING LUA
[00:07:36]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:07:36]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:07:36]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:07:36]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:07:36]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:07:36]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:07:36]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:07:36]: Running main.lua

[00:07:36]: loaded modindex

[00:07:36]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:07:36]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua

[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1378549454
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-386087632
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-356930882
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-375850593
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1185229307
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-666155465
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-758532836
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-661253977
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-569043634
[00:07:36]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-466732225
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1139925855
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-347360448
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-356930882
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-375850593
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-386087632
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-758532836
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-821143467
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1185229307
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-569043634
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-378160973
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-666155465
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1378549454
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1139925855
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1139925855
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Version:1.7
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-347360448
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-347360448
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Version:1.5
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-356930882
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses )
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Version:1.8.0
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Version:1.1.4
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-661253977
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-758532836
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Version:1.5.0
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-821143467
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-821143467
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-821143467
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Version:1.2
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-836583293
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1185229307
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Version:75
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-569043634
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Version:
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-378160973
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-666155465
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Version:0.58
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1378549454
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Version:5.1.43
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-345692228
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-727774324
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.14.5
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:07:36]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:07:36]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-376333686
[00:07:36]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:07:36]: Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1378549454's option craftinghighlight with
value false
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with
value true
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with
value 2
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses with value 10000000
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses2 with value 10000000
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses3 with value 10000000
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option WETNESS_METER with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option NOEPIC with value false
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option FRAME_PHASES with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option DAMAGE_NUMBERS with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option NONOEPIC with value false
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option DAMAGE_RESISTANCE with
value true
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option HORIZONTAL_OFFSET with
value 0
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestR with value -1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_style with value 0
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option display_hp with value -1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option show_uses with value -1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option show_food_units with value -
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option lang with value auto
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestB with value -1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_order with value 0
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestG with value -1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_estimation with value -
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSECONSOLE with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option ENABLECLIENTPAUSING with
value false
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSEMAP with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option KEYBOARDTOGGLEKEY with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSESINGLEPLAYER with
value true
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option ENABLEHOTKEY with value
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option nillots with value 0
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option baodiao with value 1
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option amudiao with value true
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option zbdiao with value true
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option kong with value 0
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option rendiao with value 2
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option ReturnHotkey_Mode with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option campfire with value Enabled
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Generic with
value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option skeleton with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option NoPlayerSkeletons with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Respawn_Amount with
value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Maximum with
value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option reviver with value Unchanged

[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option KeepInventory with value

[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Meat_Effigy
with value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option coldfire with value Enabled
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option SpawnProtection with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Portal with
value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option firepit with value Enabled
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option usetags with value Unchanged

[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option coldfirepit with value

[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option ReturnHotkey with value
[00:07:36]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option KillMe with value Unchanged
[00:07:36]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:07:36]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:36]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:36]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/gemrun
[00:07:37]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/legacy_modbackendmain

[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modmain.lua

[00:07:37]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/legacy_modmain
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modbackendmain.lua.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modbackendmain.lua.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: ShowMe version: 0.58
[00:07:37]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:07:37]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:07:37]: Detected language for ShowMe: auto
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:37]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:37]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file:
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1139925855
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-347360448
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-356930882
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-375850593
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-386087632
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-758532836
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-821143467
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1185229307
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-569043634
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-378160973
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-666155465
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1378549454
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:38]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use
AddRecipe2. Recipe name: goldenspear
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1139925855
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-347360448
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-356930882
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-375850593
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-386087632
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-758532836
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-821143467
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1185229307
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-569043634
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-378160973
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-666155465
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1378549454
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:07:38]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modmainpostinit.lua.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modmainpostinit.lua.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:38]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:38]: Event data unavailable:
[00:07:38]: Registering Server mod namespace "globalpause"
[00:07:38]: Registering Server mod namespace "gemcore"
[00:07:38]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:07:38]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:07:38]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:07:38]: Registering Shard mod namespace "globalpause"
[00:07:38]: Registering Shard mod namespace "gemcore"
[00:07:38]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:07:38]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:07:38]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:07:38]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:07:38]: bloom_enabled true
[00:07:38]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:07:38]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:07:38]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:07:38]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:07:38]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:07:38]: K: custom_settings_desc V:
[00:07:38]: K: custom_settings_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:38]: K: custom_settings_name V: survas
[00:07:38]: K: custom_worldgen_desc V:
[00:07:38]: K: custom_worldgen_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:38]: K: custom_worldgen_name V: survas
[00:07:38]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
[00:07:38]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:07:38]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:38]: K: location V: forest
[00:07:38]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:07:38]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:07:38]: K: name V: Survival
[00:07:38]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4
[00:07:38]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:07:38]: K: overrides V: table: 00000000561BCBB0
[00:07:38]: K: alternatehunt V: default
[00:07:38]: K: angrybees V: default
[00:07:38]: K: antliontribute V: default
[00:07:38]: K: autumn V: longseason
[00:07:38]: K: bananabush_portalrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:07:38]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: bearger V: default
[00:07:38]: K: beefalo V: often
[00:07:38]: K: beefaloheat V: often
[00:07:38]: K: beequeen V: default
[00:07:38]: K: bees V: default
[00:07:38]: K: bees_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: berrybush V: often
[00:07:38]: K: birds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: boons V: default
[00:07:38]: K: branching V: default
[00:07:38]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:07:38]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: butterfly V: default
[00:07:38]: K: buzzard V: default
[00:07:38]: K: cactus V: default
[00:07:38]: K: cactus_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: carrot V: often
[00:07:38]: K: carrots_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:38]: K: catcoon V: default
[00:07:38]: K: catcoons V: default
[00:07:38]: K: chess V: default
[00:07:38]: K: cookiecutters V: default
[00:07:38]: K: crabking V: default
[00:07:38]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:07:38]: K: darkness V: default
[00:07:38]: K: day V: default
[00:07:38]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
[00:07:38]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: deerclops V: default
[00:07:38]: K: dragonfly V: default
[00:07:38]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:07:38]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: extrastartingitems V: 20
[00:07:38]: K: eyeofterror V: default
[00:07:38]: K: fishschools V: default
[00:07:38]: K: flint V: often
[00:07:38]: K: flowers V: often
[00:07:38]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: frograin V: default
[00:07:38]: K: frogs V: default
[00:07:38]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:07:38]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:07:38]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:07:38]: K: gnarwail V: default
[00:07:38]: K: goosemoose V: default
[00:07:38]: K: grass V: often
[00:07:38]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:07:38]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:07:38]: K: has_ocean V: true
[00:07:38]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:07:38]: K: hound_mounds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: houndmound V: default
[00:07:38]: K: hounds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: hunger V: default
[00:07:38]: K: hunt V: default
[00:07:38]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:38]: K: klaus V: default
[00:07:38]: K: krampus V: default
[00:07:38]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
[00:07:38]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:07:38]: K: liefs V: default
[00:07:38]: K: lightcrab_portalrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: lightning V: default
[00:07:38]: K: lightninggoat V: default
[00:07:38]: K: loop V: default
[00:07:38]: K: lureplants V: default
[00:07:38]: K: malbatross V: default
[00:07:38]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:07:38]: K: merm V: default
[00:07:38]: K: merms V: default
[00:07:38]: K: meteorshowers V: default
[00:07:38]: K: meteorspawner V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moles V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: monkeytail_portalrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_berrybush V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_carrot V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_fissure V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_hotspring V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_rock V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_sapling V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_spider V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_spiders V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_starfish V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_tree V: default
[00:07:38]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:38]: K: mosquitos V: default
[00:07:38]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:07:38]: K: mutated_hounds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: no_joining_islands V: true
[00:07:38]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:38]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:38]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default
[00:07:38]: K: ocean_shoal V: default
[00:07:38]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default
[00:07:38]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default
[00:07:38]: K: palmcone_seed_portalrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: palmconetree V: default
[00:07:38]: K: palmconetree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: penguins V: default
[00:07:38]: K: penguins_moon V: default
[00:07:38]: K: perd V: default
[00:07:38]: K: petrification V: default
[00:07:38]: K: pigs V: default
[00:07:38]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: pirateraids V: default
[00:07:38]: K: ponds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: portal_spawnrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:07:38]: K: powder_monkey_portalrate V: default
[00:07:38]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:07:38]: K: rabbits V: default
[00:07:38]: K: rabbits_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: reeds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: reeds_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: resettime V: slow
[00:07:38]: K: rifts_enabled V: default
[00:07:38]: K: rifts_frequency V: default
[00:07:38]: K: roads V: default
[00:07:38]: K: rock V: default
[00:07:38]: K: rock_ice V: default
[00:07:38]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: sapling V: default
[00:07:38]: K: season_start V: default
[00:07:38]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:07:38]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:07:38]: K: sharks V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:07:38]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:07:38]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spiders V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: spring V: default
[00:07:38]: K: squid V: default
[00:07:38]: K: stageplays V: default
[00:07:38]: K: start_location V: default
[00:07:38]: K: summer V: default
[00:07:38]: K: summerhounds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: tallbirds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: task_set V: default
[00:07:38]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:07:38]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:07:38]: K: terrariumchest V: default
[00:07:38]: K: touchstone V: often
[00:07:38]: K: trees V: default
[00:07:38]: K: tumbleweed V: default
[00:07:38]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default
[00:07:38]: K: walrus V: default
[00:07:38]: K: walrus_setting V: default
[00:07:38]: K: wasps V: default
[00:07:38]: K: weather V: default
[00:07:38]: K: wildfires V: default
[00:07:38]: K: winter V: default
[00:07:38]: K: winterhounds V: default
[00:07:38]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:07:38]: K: wobsters V: default
[00:07:38]: K: world_size V: default
[00:07:38]: K: worldseed V:
[00:07:38]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:07:38]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:07:38]: K: playstyle V: survival
[00:07:38]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 00000000561BC3E0
[00:07:38]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2
[00:07:38]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3
[00:07:38]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4
[00:07:38]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5
[00:07:38]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1
[00:07:38]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2
[00:07:38]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3
[00:07:38]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4
[00:07:38]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5
[00:07:38]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6
[00:07:38]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1
[00:07:38]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2
[00:07:38]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3
[00:07:38]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4
[00:07:38]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
[00:07:38]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
[00:07:38]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
[00:07:38]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
[00:07:38]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
[00:07:38]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 00000000561BC980
[00:07:38]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:07:38]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 00000000561BBB20
[00:07:38]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1
[00:07:38]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5
[00:07:38]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:38]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:38]: K: settings_name V: Survival
[00:07:38]: K: substitutes V: table: 00000000561BBAD0
[00:07:38]: K: version V: 4
[00:07:38]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:38]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:38]: K: worldgen_name V: Survival
[00:07:38]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:07:38]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:07:38]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:07:38]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[00:07:38]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:07:38]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[00:07:38]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[00:07:38]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (18108)
[00:07:38]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[00:07:38]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:07:38]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[00:07:38]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:07:38]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:07:38]: Available disk space for save files: 177830 MB
[00:07:38]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:07:38]: Reset() returning
[00:07:38]: DLC enabled : false
[00:07:39]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:07:39]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:07:39]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:07:39]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:07:39]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-376333686
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1378549454
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-386087632
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-378160973
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-356930882
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-569043634
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-821143467
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-666155465
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-727774324
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-758532836
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1120124958
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-661253977
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-466732225
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-375850593
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-836583293
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1185229307
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1139925855
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-347360448
[00:07:39]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-345692228
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Version:5.1.43
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Version:1.1.4
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses )
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Version:
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Version:1.2
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Version:0.58
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.14.5
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Version:1.5.0
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Version:1.8.0
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Version:75
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Version:1.7
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Version:1.5
[00:07:39]: Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/gemrun
[00:07:39]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/legacy_modbackendmain

[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua

[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modbackendmain.lua.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modbackendmain.lua.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmainpostinit.lua
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:07:39]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:07:39]: running worldgen_main.lua

[00:07:39]: SEED = 1689410050

[00:07:39]: Generating world with these parameters:
[00:07:39]: level_type SURVIVAL
[00:07:39]: level_data:
[00:07:39]: K: custom_settings_desc V:
[00:07:39]: K: custom_settings_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:39]: K: custom_settings_name V: survas
[00:07:39]: K: custom_worldgen_desc V:
[00:07:39]: K: custom_worldgen_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:07:39]: K: custom_worldgen_name V: survas
[00:07:39]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
[00:07:39]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:07:39]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:39]: K: location V: forest
[00:07:39]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:07:39]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:07:39]: K: name V: Survival
[00:07:39]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4
[00:07:39]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:07:39]: K: overrides V: table: 0000000010E928B0
[00:07:39]: K: alternatehunt V: default
[00:07:39]: K: angrybees V: default
[00:07:39]: K: antliontribute V: default
[00:07:39]: K: autumn V: longseason
[00:07:39]: K: bananabush_portalrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:07:39]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: bearger V: default
[00:07:39]: K: beefalo V: often
[00:07:39]: K: beefaloheat V: often
[00:07:39]: K: beequeen V: default
[00:07:39]: K: bees V: default
[00:07:39]: K: bees_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: berrybush V: often
[00:07:39]: K: birds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: boons V: default
[00:07:39]: K: branching V: default
[00:07:39]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:07:39]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: butterfly V: default
[00:07:39]: K: buzzard V: default
[00:07:39]: K: cactus V: default
[00:07:39]: K: cactus_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: carrot V: often
[00:07:39]: K: carrots_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:39]: K: catcoon V: default
[00:07:39]: K: catcoons V: default
[00:07:39]: K: chess V: default
[00:07:39]: K: cookiecutters V: default
[00:07:39]: K: crabking V: default
[00:07:39]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:07:39]: K: darkness V: default
[00:07:39]: K: day V: default
[00:07:39]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
[00:07:39]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: deerclops V: default
[00:07:39]: K: dragonfly V: default
[00:07:39]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:07:39]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: extrastartingitems V: 20
[00:07:39]: K: eyeofterror V: default
[00:07:39]: K: fishschools V: default
[00:07:39]: K: flint V: often
[00:07:39]: K: flowers V: often
[00:07:39]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: frograin V: default
[00:07:39]: K: frogs V: default
[00:07:39]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:07:39]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:07:39]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:07:39]: K: gnarwail V: default
[00:07:39]: K: goosemoose V: default
[00:07:39]: K: grass V: often
[00:07:39]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:07:39]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:07:39]: K: has_ocean V: true
[00:07:39]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:07:39]: K: hound_mounds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: houndmound V: default
[00:07:39]: K: hounds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: hunger V: default
[00:07:39]: K: hunt V: default
[00:07:39]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:39]: K: klaus V: default
[00:07:39]: K: krampus V: default
[00:07:39]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
[00:07:39]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:07:39]: K: liefs V: default
[00:07:39]: K: lightcrab_portalrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: lightning V: default
[00:07:39]: K: lightninggoat V: default
[00:07:39]: K: loop V: default
[00:07:39]: K: lureplants V: default
[00:07:39]: K: malbatross V: default
[00:07:39]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:07:39]: K: merm V: default
[00:07:39]: K: merms V: default
[00:07:39]: K: meteorshowers V: default
[00:07:39]: K: meteorspawner V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moles V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: monkeytail_portalrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_berrybush V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_carrot V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_fissure V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_hotspring V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_rock V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_sapling V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_spider V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_spiders V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_starfish V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_tree V: default
[00:07:39]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: fast
[00:07:39]: K: mosquitos V: default
[00:07:39]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:07:39]: K: mutated_hounds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: no_joining_islands V: true
[00:07:39]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:07:39]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default
[00:07:39]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default
[00:07:39]: K: ocean_shoal V: default
[00:07:39]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default
[00:07:39]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default
[00:07:39]: K: palmcone_seed_portalrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: palmconetree V: default
[00:07:39]: K: palmconetree_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: penguins V: default
[00:07:39]: K: penguins_moon V: default
[00:07:39]: K: perd V: default
[00:07:39]: K: petrification V: default
[00:07:39]: K: pigs V: default
[00:07:39]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: pirateraids V: default
[00:07:39]: K: ponds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: portal_spawnrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:07:39]: K: powder_monkey_portalrate V: default
[00:07:39]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:07:39]: K: rabbits V: default
[00:07:39]: K: rabbits_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: reeds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: reeds_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: resettime V: slow
[00:07:39]: K: rifts_enabled V: default
[00:07:39]: K: rifts_frequency V: default
[00:07:39]: K: roads V: default
[00:07:39]: K: rock V: default
[00:07:39]: K: rock_ice V: default
[00:07:39]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: sapling V: default
[00:07:39]: K: season_start V: default
[00:07:39]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:07:39]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:07:39]: K: sharks V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:07:39]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:07:39]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spiders V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: spring V: default
[00:07:39]: K: squid V: default
[00:07:39]: K: stageplays V: default
[00:07:39]: K: start_location V: default
[00:07:39]: K: summer V: default
[00:07:39]: K: summerhounds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: tallbirds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: task_set V: default
[00:07:39]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:07:39]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:07:39]: K: terrariumchest V: default
[00:07:39]: K: touchstone V: often
[00:07:39]: K: trees V: default
[00:07:39]: K: tumbleweed V: default
[00:07:39]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default
[00:07:39]: K: walrus V: default
[00:07:39]: K: walrus_setting V: default
[00:07:39]: K: wasps V: default
[00:07:39]: K: weather V: default
[00:07:39]: K: wildfires V: default
[00:07:39]: K: winter V: default
[00:07:39]: K: winterhounds V: default
[00:07:39]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:07:39]: K: wobsters V: default
[00:07:39]: K: world_size V: default
[00:07:39]: K: worldseed V:
[00:07:39]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:07:39]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:07:39]: K: playstyle V: survival
[00:07:39]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0000000010E92090
[00:07:39]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2
[00:07:39]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3
[00:07:39]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4
[00:07:39]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5
[00:07:39]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1
[00:07:39]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2
[00:07:39]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3
[00:07:39]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4
[00:07:39]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5
[00:07:39]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6
[00:07:39]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1
[00:07:39]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2
[00:07:39]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3
[00:07:39]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4
[00:07:39]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
[00:07:39]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
[00:07:39]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
[00:07:39]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
[00:07:39]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
[00:07:39]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0000000010E92450
[00:07:39]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:07:39]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0000000010E92540
[00:07:39]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1
[00:07:39]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5
[00:07:39]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:39]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:39]: K: settings_name V: Survival
[00:07:39]: K: substitutes V: table: 0000000010E92130
[00:07:39]: K: version V: 4
[00:07:39]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:07:39]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:07:39]: K: worldgen_name V: Survival
# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level

[00:07:39]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass

[00:07:39]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular twigs
[00:07:39]: Prefab Swap Selection: juicy berries
[00:07:39]: Sculptures_1 added to task Beeeees!
[00:07:39]: Maxwell5 added to task Forest hunters
[00:07:39]: Chessy_1 added to task Squeltch
[00:07:39]: Sculptures_4 added to task Forest hunters
[00:07:39]: Maxwell1 added to task The hunters
[00:07:39]: Chessy_2 added to task The hunters
[00:07:39]: New size: 425 default
[00:07:39]: Creating story...
[00:07:39]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'Make a pick'
[00:07:39]: [Story Gen] LinkNodesByKeys
[00:07:39]: Finding valid start task...
[00:07:39]: ...picked Make a pick
[00:07:39]: Has start node Clearing
[00:07:39]: Adding Background Nodes
[00:07:39]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[00:07:39]: [Ocean] Processing ocean fake room content.
[00:07:39]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[00:07:39]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:07:39]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[00:07:40]: ...Done.
[00:07:40]: [Story Gen] Finding nodes on mainland to connect a region to.
[00:07:40]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MoonIsland_IslandShards'
[00:07:40]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[00:07:40]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[00:07:40]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_AddNewPositions]
[00:07:40]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[00:07:40]: GenerateVoronoiMap [50]:
[00:07:41]: ...Done.
[00:07:41]: ... story created
[00:07:41]: Baking map... 425
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[00:07:41]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[00:07:41]: [SeparateIslands]
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[00:07:41]: Map Baked!
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[00:07:41]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[00:07:41]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 11
[00:07:41]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] false
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads]
[00:07:41]: [DrawRoads]
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] complete
[00:07:41]: Encoding...
[00:07:41]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[00:07:41]: Encoding... DONE
[00:07:41]: Checking Tags
[00:07:41]: Populating voronoi...
[00:07:41]: Warning! Could not find a spot for MooseNest in node Magic
[00:07:41]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Maxwell1 in node The
[00:07:41]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:07:41]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 4 tiles.
[00:07:41]: Not checking for disconnected tiles.
[00:07:41]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.
[00:07:41]: [Ocean] Placed 11 of 11 ocean set pieces.
[00:07:41]: [Ocean] Convert impassible to water...
[00:07:41]: [Ocean] Square fill...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Ground fill...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Noise...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Blend...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Adding shoreline...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Void Outline...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Populating the ocean with lots of fun things to do...
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Placed 9 of 9 ocean set pieces.
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.
[00:07:43]: [Ocean] Placed 1 of 1 ocean set pieces.
[00:07:44]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces.
[00:07:44]: [Ocean] Placed 2 of 2 ocean set pieces.
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_glass has at least 1 instances
(1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_bishop has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab pigking has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab moon_fissure has at least 2 instances (108
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab monkeyqueen has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab terrariumchest has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab gravestone has at least 1 instances (31
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab statueglommer has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab waterplant has at least 1 instances (221
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_rook has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab hermithouse_construction1 has at least 1
instances (1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_seed has at least 1 instances
(1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab statueharp_hedgespawner has at least 1
instances (1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_idol has at least 1 instances
(1 found).
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab crabking_spawner has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_knight has at least 1 instances (3
[00:07:44]: Checking Required Prefab charlie_stage_post has at least 1 instances (1
[00:07:44]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[00:07:44]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles.
[00:07:44]: Done forest map gen!
[00:07:44]: Checking map...
[00:07:44]: Generation complete, injecting world entities.
[00:07:44]: Injected world entities.
[00:07:44]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[00:07:44]: Serializing world: session/639F18A70CC128B2/0000000002
[00:07:44]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:07:44]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:07:44]: Unload FE
[00:07:44]: Unload FE done
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering prefab file:
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) epichealth_proxy
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Registering
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Registering
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses )
Registering default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Registering
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?) Registering
default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering
default mod prefab
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefab file:
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) goldenspear
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefab file:
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) gold_spear_projectile
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering default mod
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/pings
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:07:46]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:07:46]: LOAD BE
[00:07:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:07:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_opalpreciousgem)
[00:07:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_moonglass_charged)
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_nightmarefuel)
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_beardhair)
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:07:59]: Could not preload undefined prefab (yotc_shrinecarrat)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_orangegem)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_tacklecontainer)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_horrorfuel)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_rocks)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_greengem)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_purplegem)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_dreadstone)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_meat)
[00:08:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_poop)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_houndstooth)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_boneshard)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_smallmeat)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_moonrocknugget)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_cutstone)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_marble)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_nitre)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_flint)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_yellowgem)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_redgem)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_log)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_bluegem)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_oceanfishingbobber_crow)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (carnival_popcorn)
[00:08:01]: Could not preload undefined prefab (carnival_gametoken_multiple)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_supertacklecontainer)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_chum)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (tophat_magician)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_goldnugget)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_winch_blueprint)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_hermit_bundle_shells)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_twigs)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_beefalowool)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (wurt_turf_marsh)
[00:08:02]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_purebrilliance)
[00:08:02]: LOAD BE: done
[00:08:04]: Begin Session: 639F18A70CC128B2
[00:08:04]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting moon_tree_regrowth to fast
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to always
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting extrastartingitems to 20
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to none
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting carrots_regrowth to fast
[00:08:04]: OVERRIDE: setting beefaloheat to often
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-821143467/images/mod_wormhole_num.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/beefalo.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/babybeefalo.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/carrot_planted.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/flint.xml
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/rabbithole.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/rocky.xml
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/lightninggoat.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/molehill.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/koalefant_winter.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/koalefant_summer.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/blue_mushroom.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/red_mushroom.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/green_mushroom.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/mandrake.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/hound.xml
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/firehound.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/icehound.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/skeleton.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/rock2.xml
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/fireflies.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/dirtpile.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/animal_track.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/tentacle.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/chester_eyebone.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/pighead.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/krampus.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/minotaur.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/bat.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/spider_hider.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/bishop.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/bishop_nightmare.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/knight.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/knight_nightmare.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/rook.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/rook_nightmare.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/spider_dropper.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/worm.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/walrus.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/tentacle_pillar.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/bunnyman.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/leif.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/leif_sparse.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/spiderqueen.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-347360448/images/moose.xml
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/mooseegg.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/dragonfly.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/deerclops.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/bearger.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/warg.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/sandbagsmall.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/wall_hay.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/wall_wood.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/wall_stone.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/wall_limestone.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-347360448/images/wall_ruins.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/campfire.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_generic.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_gohere.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_explore.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_danger.xml )
[00:08:04]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_omw.xml )
[00:08:04]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:08:05]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:08:06]: Loading Nav Grid
[00:08:06]: World generated on build 562556 with save version: 5.141, using seed:
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting autumn to longseason
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting resettime to slow
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to always
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to none
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[00:08:06]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to always
[00:08:14]: Reconstructing topology
[00:08:14]: ...Sorting points
[00:08:14]: ...Sorting edges
[00:08:14]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:08:14]: ...Validating connections
[00:08:14]: ...Housekeeping
[00:08:14]: ...Done!
[00:08:14]: [Special Event] Setting up crow_carnival
[00:08:14]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:08:14]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 639F18A70CC128B2
[00:08:22]: Server registered via geo DNS in eu-central-1
[00:08:22]: [P2P] Session request for '76561199401852584'
[00:08:22]: Attempting to send resume request
[00:08:22]: Resuming user: session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7H0T9AK0HT1
[00:08:22]: ReceiveResumeNotification
[00:08:22]: Deleting user: session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7H0T9AK0HT1/0000000003
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
[00:08:22]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
[00:08:23]: Server Autopaused
[00:08:23]: [P2P] Create session:|1 '76561199401852584'
[00:08:23]: [P2P] Received from|1 '76561199401852584'
[00:08:23]: [P2P] Sent to|1 '76561199401852584'
[00:08:43]: [P2P] Received from|1 '76561199401852584'
[00:08:43]: [P2P] Sent to|1 '76561199401852584'
[00:08:44]: New incoming connection|1 <613933731647179104>
[00:08:44]: Client connected from|1 <613933731647179104>
[00:08:44]: ValidateGameSessionToken GUID<613933731647179104>
[00:08:45]: Client authenticated: (KU_yeIVtKjG) Vasper
[00:08:46]: There is no active event to validate against.
[00:09:50]: Resuming user: session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7NIGIFTQIQG
[00:11:55]: Spawn request: wilson from [Host] Kai
[00:11:55]: Skin request: () () () () ()
[00:11:55]: Skill Selection request: 0
[00:11:56]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (-350.00, 0.00, 214.00)
[00:11:56]: Serializing user: session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7H0T9AK0HT1/0000000003
[00:11:56]: Server Unpaused
[00:11:56]: Deserializing tile data (425 x 425)
[00:11:59]: Spawn request: wendy from Vasper
[00:11:59]: Skin request: () () () () ()
[00:11:59]: Skill Selection request: 0
[00:11:59]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (-350.00, 0.00, 214.00)
[00:11:59]: Serializing user: session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7NIGIFTQIQG/0000000003
[00:12:11]: Getting display mode: Querying display 1 [of 1]
[00:12:11]: \: 1920, 1080, 60
[00:12:13]: Getting display mode: Querying display 1 [of 1]
[00:12:13]: \: 1920, 1080, 60
[00:12:14]: SetDisplayMode
[00:12:14]: fullscreen==true
[00:12:14]: WindowManager::SetFullscreen(0, 1920, 1080, 60)
[00:12:15]: Small Textures: DISABLED
[00:12:15]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:16:36]: [string "../mods/workshop-345692228/modmain.lua"]:139: attempt to
perform arithmetic on a table value
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
../mods/workshop-345692228/modmain.lua:139 in (upvalue) OldOnZoomIn (Lua) <136-142>
self =
pingwheel = PingWheel
callbacks = table: 00000000941A3230
img = Image - :
minimap = MiniMap (00000000976CFE00)
parent = MapScreen
inst = 139845 - (valid:true)
focus = true
shown = true
OnZoomOut = function - ../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:87
children = table: 00000000941A3B90
Offset = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:722
focus_flow_args = table: 00000000941A4CC0
focus_target = false
OnShow = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:729
OnZoomIn = function - ../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:80
OnUpdate = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:674
owner = 125471 - wilson (valid:true)
nametext = MapHoverText
can_fade_alpha = true
offset = (-31.25, -20.50, 0.00)
enabled = true
name = MapWidget
centerreticle = Image - images/hud.xml:cursor02.tex
focus_flow = table: 00000000941A58F0
GetWorldMousePosition = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:755
bg = Image - images/hud.xml:map.tex
deltazoom = MapWidget
arg = nil
returnValues = table: 0000000094C5EA10
../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:738 in (upvalue) oldOnZoomIn (Lua) <736-743>
self =
pingwheel = PingWheel
callbacks = table: 00000000941A3230
img = Image - :
minimap = MiniMap (00000000976CFE00)
parent = MapScreen
inst = 139845 - (valid:true)
focus = true
shown = true
OnZoomOut = function - ../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:87
children = table: 00000000941A3B90
Offset = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:722
focus_flow_args = table: 00000000941A4CC0
focus_target = false
OnShow = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:729
OnZoomIn = function - ../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:80
OnUpdate = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:674
owner = 125471 - wilson (valid:true)
nametext = MapHoverText
can_fade_alpha = true
offset = (-31.25, -20.50, 0.00)
enabled = true
name = MapWidget
centerreticle = Image - images/hud.xml:cursor02.tex
focus_flow = table: 00000000941A58F0
GetWorldMousePosition = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:755
bg = Image - images/hud.xml:map.tex
arg = nil
zoom1 = 1
../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:82 in (method) OnZoomIn (Lua) <80-84>
arg = nil
scripts/screens/mapscreen.lua:147 in (method) DoZoomIn (Lua) <143-151>
self =
hudcompass = Hud Compass
persistentwormholes = PersistentWormholes
decorationrootrmb = decorrmb_root
shown = true
zoom_target_time = 0
decorationrootlmb = decorlmb_root
handlers = table: 00000000941A3B40
GetHelpText = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:821
OnBecomeInactive = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:794
enabled = true
OnMouseButton = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:801
mapcontrols = Map Controls
name = MapScreen
focus_flow = table: 00000000941A38C0
zoom_old = 1
callbacks = table: 00000000941A4090
bottomright_root = br_scale_root
minimap = MapWidget
inst = 139844 - (valid:true)
focus = true
children = table: 00000000941A44A0
hover = HoverText
focus_target = false
owner = 125471 - wilson (valid:true)
can_fade_alpha = true
zoom_to_cursor = true
parent = screenroot
is_screen = true
OnControl = function - ../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:809
zoom_target = 1
decorationdata = table: 00000000D76AE8F0
focus_flow_args = table: 00000000941A31E0
zoomsensitivity = 15
negativedelta = 0
[00:16:36]: [string "../mods/workshop-345692228/modmain.lua"]:139: attempt to
perform arithmetic on a table value
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
../mods/workshop-345692228/modmain.lua:139 in (upvalue) OldOnZoomIn (Lua) <136-
../mods/workshop-378160973/modmain.lua:738 in (upvalue) oldOnZoomIn (Lua) <736-
../mods/workshop-821143467/modmain.lua:82 in (method) OnZoomIn (Lua) <80-84>
scripts/screens/mapscreen.lua:147 in (method) DoZoomIn (Lua) <143-151>
scripts/screens/mapscreen.lua:396 in (global) MapScreen_OnControl_base (Lua)
../mods/workshop-345692228/modmain.lua:123 in () ? (Lua) <122-130>
=(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1>
scripts/frontend.lua:426 in (method) OnControl (Lua) <410-474>
scripts/input.lua:165 in (method) OnControl (Lua) <162-169>
scripts/input.lua:422 in () ? (Lua) <421-423>

[00:17:10]: Collecting garbage...

[00:17:11]: lua_gc took 0.45 seconds
[00:17:11]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:17:11]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:17:11]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:17:11]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:17:11]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:17:11]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:17:11]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:17:11]: lua_close took 0.72 seconds
[00:17:11]: ReleaseAll
[00:17:11]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:17:11]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:17:11]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:17:11]: LOADING LUA
[00:17:11]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:17:11]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:17:12]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:17:12]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:17:12]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:17:12]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:17:12]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:17:12]: Running main.lua

[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core)

[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-836583293 (Item Info)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-758532836 (Global Pause)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin))
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-821143467 (Wormhole icons)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and
Siesta) Uses )
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-1139925855 (DTS T�rk�e Yama Full)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-347360448 (DST Where's My Beefalo?)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-376333686 (Combined Status)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear)
[00:17:12]: unloading prefabs for mod workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:17:12]: loaded modindex
[00:17:12]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:17:12]: Event data unavailable:

[00:17:13]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:17:13]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:222
[00:17:13]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:17:13]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:17:13]: bloom_enabled true
[00:17:13]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:17:13]: loaded shardsaveindex
[00:17:13]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:17:13]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:17:13]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:17:13]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:17:13]: Unload characters
[00:17:13]: Unload BE
[00:17:13]: Unload BE done
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_canary_floater)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_crow)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_crow)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_canary_floater)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_canary)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_robin_projectile)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (shadowmeteor)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_link_contained)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (gestalt_alterguardian_projectile)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (mining_moonglass_fx)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage3)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_break)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_crown_break)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (burntground)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_meteor_spawner)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_link_contained)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_break_stage3)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_break)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_altar_crown_break)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (burntground)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (moon_device_meteor_spawner)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_goose_projectile)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_goose_projectile)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_goose)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_malbatross)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_malbatross)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_robin_projectile)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishingbobber_robin)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (oceanfishinghook_ripple)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_med2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_small1)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (ocean_splash_small2)
[00:17:13]: Could not unload undefined prefab (splash_ocean)
[00:17:15]: Load FE
[00:17:16]: Load FE: done
[00:17:16]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:17:16]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:17:16]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:17:16]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:17:16]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:17:16]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:17:16]: Available disk space for save files: 177855 MB
[00:17:16]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:17:16]: Reset() returning
[00:17:17]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:17:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:17:19]: Received (KU_8EfLG4UX) from TokenPurpose
[00:17:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:17:20]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:17:20]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:17:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:17:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:17:59]: Getting top mod details...
[00:17:59]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 27, matching: 27
[00:17:59]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 27 results
[00:17:59]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1378549454 1365141672
1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195 926178831
856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465 661253977
569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882 351325790
347360448 345692228
[00:17:59]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:17:59]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:18:00]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:18:35]: Connection lost to|1 <613933731647179104>
[00:18:46]: [P2P] Connection failed for '76561199401852584'
[00:21:28]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:21:28]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 28, matching: 28
[00:21:28]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 28 results
[00:21:28]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 2902364746 1378549454
1365141672 1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195
926178831 856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465
661253977 569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882
351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:21:28]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:21:28]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:21:30]: Getting top mod details...
[00:21:30]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:21:30]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 28, matching: 28
[00:21:30]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 28 results
[00:21:30]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 2902364746 1378549454
1365141672 1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195
926178831 856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465
661253977 569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882
351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:21:30]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:21:30]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:21:39]: Collecting garbage...
[00:21:39]: lua_gc took 0.08 seconds
[00:21:39]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:21:39]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:21:39]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:21:39]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:21:39]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:21:39]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:21:39]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:21:39]: lua_close took 0.09 seconds
[00:21:39]: ReleaseAll
[00:21:39]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:21:39]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:21:39]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:21:39]: LOADING LUA
[00:21:39]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:21:39]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:21:39]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:21:39]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:21:39]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:21:39]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:21:39]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:21:39]: Running main.lua

[00:21:39]: loaded modindex

[00:21:39]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:21:40]: Event data unavailable:

[00:21:40]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:21:40]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:222
[00:21:40]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:21:40]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:21:40]: bloom_enabled true
[00:21:40]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:21:40]: loaded shardsaveindex
[00:21:40]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:21:40]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:21:40]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:21:40]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:21:40]: Unload BE
[00:21:40]: Unload BE done
[00:21:41]: Load FE
[00:21:42]: Load FE: done
[00:21:42]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:21:42]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:21:42]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1456459112/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:21:42]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:21:42]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:21:42]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:21:42]: Available disk space for save files: 177816 MB
[00:21:42]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:21:42]: Reset() returning
[00:21:44]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:21:44]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:21:44]: Received (KU_8EfLG4UX) from TokenPurpose
[00:21:45]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 28, matching: 28
[00:21:45]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 28 results
[00:21:45]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 2902364746 1378549454
1365141672 1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195
926178831 856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465
661253977 569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882
351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:21:45]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:21:45]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:22:01]: Getting top mod details...
[00:22:01]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:22:01]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1378549454
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:22:01]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core)
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading
[00:22:01]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/gemrun
[00:22:01]: modimport:
[00:22:01]: IsSaveSlotLoading false
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:01]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-758532836
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:22:01]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Version:1.5.0
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-378160973
[00:22:01]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:22:01]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions)
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading
[00:22:01]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-356930882
[00:22:02]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta)
Uses ) Version:1.8
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-569043634
[00:22:02]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn)
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-666155465
[00:22:02]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Version:0.58

[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading

[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-386087632
[00:22:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Version:1.1.4
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-466732225
[00:22:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-661253977
[00:22:02]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything)
Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-375850593
[00:22:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots)
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-1185229307
[00:22:02]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:22:02]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Version:75
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modfrontendmain.lua
[00:22:02]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:02]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:22:02]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 28, matching: 28
[00:22:02]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 28 results
[00:22:02]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 2902364746 1378549454
1365141672 1271089343 1185229307 1180681495 1139925855 1120124958 1079538195
926178831 856487758 836583293 821143467 786556008 758532836 727774324 666155465
661253977 569043634 466732225 386087632 378160973 376333686 375850593 356930882
351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:22:02]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:22:02]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:22:09]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'workshop-378160973'.
[00:22:09]: FrontendLoadMod workshop-2902364746
[00:22:09]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2902364746
[00:22:09]: Fontend-Loading mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped)
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modservercreationmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:09]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modfrontendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2902364746
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:22:15]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:22:15]: Removing server from lobby
[00:22:15]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:22:15]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:22:15]: Dedicated: false
[00:22:15]: Online: true
[00:22:15]: Passworded: false
[00:22:15]: ServerPort: 10999
[00:22:15]: SteamAuthPort: 8766
[00:22:15]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016
[00:22:15]: ClanID: false
[00:22:15]: ClanOnly: false
[00:22:15]: ClanAdmin: false
[00:22:15]: LanOnly: false
[00:22:15]: FriendsOnly: true
[00:22:15]: EnableAutosaver: true
[00:22:15]: EncodeUserPath: true
[00:22:15]: PVP: false
[00:22:15]: MaxPlayers: 6
[00:22:15]: GameMode: survival
[00:22:15]: OverridenDNS:
[00:22:15]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:22:15]: IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:22:15]: VoteEnabled: false
[00:22:15]: InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:22:15]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall.
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2902364746
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:22:15]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:22:15]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:22:15]: Online Server Started on port: 10999
[00:22:15]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:22:15]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:22:15]: K: custom_settings_desc V:
[00:22:15]: K: custom_settings_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:22:15]: K: custom_settings_name V: survas
[00:22:15]: K: custom_worldgen_desc V:
[00:22:15]: K: custom_worldgen_id V: CUSTOM_SURVAS
[00:22:15]: K: custom_worldgen_name V: survas
[00:22:15]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
[00:22:15]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:22:15]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:22:15]: K: location V: forest
[00:22:15]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:22:15]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:22:15]: K: name V: Survival
[00:22:15]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4
[00:22:15]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:22:15]: K: overrides V: table: 0000000057D60260
[00:22:15]: K: alternatehunt V: default
[00:22:15]: K: angrybees V: default
[00:22:15]: K: antliontribute V: default
[00:22:15]: K: autumn V: longseason
[00:22:15]: K: bananabush_portalrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: always
[00:22:15]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: bearger V: default
[00:22:15]: K: beefalo V: often
[00:22:15]: K: beefaloheat V: often
[00:22:15]: K: beequeen V: default
[00:22:15]: K: bees V: default
[00:22:15]: K: bees_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: berrybush V: often
[00:22:15]: K: birds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: boons V: default
[00:22:15]: K: branching V: default
[00:22:15]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:22:15]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: butterfly V: default
[00:22:15]: K: buzzard V: default
[00:22:15]: K: cactus V: default
[00:22:15]: K: cactus_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: carrot V: often
[00:22:15]: K: carrots_regrowth V: fast
[00:22:15]: K: catcoon V: default
[00:22:15]: K: catcoons V: default
[00:22:15]: K: chess V: default
[00:22:15]: K: cookiecutters V: default
[00:22:15]: K: crabking V: default
[00:22:15]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:22:15]: K: darkness V: default
[00:22:15]: K: day V: default
[00:22:15]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
[00:22:15]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: deerclops V: default
[00:22:15]: K: dragonfly V: default
[00:22:15]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:22:15]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: extrastartingitems V: 20
[00:22:15]: K: eyeofterror V: default
[00:22:15]: K: fishschools V: default
[00:22:15]: K: flint V: often
[00:22:15]: K: flowers V: often
[00:22:15]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: frograin V: default
[00:22:15]: K: frogs V: default
[00:22:15]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:22:15]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:22:15]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:22:15]: K: gnarwail V: default
[00:22:15]: K: goosemoose V: default
[00:22:15]: K: grass V: often
[00:22:15]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:22:15]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:22:15]: K: has_ocean V: true
[00:22:15]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:22:15]: K: hound_mounds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: houndmound V: default
[00:22:15]: K: hounds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: hunger V: default
[00:22:15]: K: hunt V: default
[00:22:15]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:22:15]: K: klaus V: default
[00:22:15]: K: krampus V: default
[00:22:15]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
[00:22:15]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:22:15]: K: liefs V: default
[00:22:15]: K: lightcrab_portalrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: lightning V: default
[00:22:15]: K: lightninggoat V: default
[00:22:15]: K: loop V: default
[00:22:15]: K: lureplants V: default
[00:22:15]: K: malbatross V: default
[00:22:15]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:22:15]: K: merm V: default
[00:22:15]: K: merms V: default
[00:22:15]: K: meteorshowers V: default
[00:22:15]: K: meteorspawner V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moles V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: monkeytail_portalrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_berrybush V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_carrot V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_fissure V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_hotspring V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_rock V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_sapling V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_spider V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_spiders V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_starfish V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_tree V: default
[00:22:15]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: fast
[00:22:15]: K: mosquitos V: default
[00:22:15]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:22:15]: K: mutated_hounds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: no_joining_islands V: true
[00:22:15]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true
[00:22:15]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default
[00:22:15]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default
[00:22:15]: K: ocean_shoal V: default
[00:22:15]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default
[00:22:15]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default
[00:22:15]: K: palmcone_seed_portalrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: palmconetree V: default
[00:22:15]: K: palmconetree_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: penguins V: default
[00:22:15]: K: penguins_moon V: default
[00:22:15]: K: perd V: default
[00:22:15]: K: petrification V: default
[00:22:15]: K: pigs V: default
[00:22:15]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: pirateraids V: default
[00:22:15]: K: ponds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: portal_spawnrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:22:15]: K: powder_monkey_portalrate V: default
[00:22:15]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:22:15]: K: rabbits V: default
[00:22:15]: K: rabbits_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: reeds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: reeds_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: resettime V: slow
[00:22:15]: K: rifts_enabled V: default
[00:22:15]: K: rifts_frequency V: default
[00:22:15]: K: roads V: default
[00:22:15]: K: rock V: default
[00:22:15]: K: rock_ice V: default
[00:22:15]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: sapling V: default
[00:22:15]: K: season_start V: default
[00:22:15]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:22:15]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:22:15]: K: sharks V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:22:15]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:22:15]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spiders V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: spring V: default
[00:22:15]: K: squid V: default
[00:22:15]: K: stageplays V: default
[00:22:15]: K: start_location V: default
[00:22:15]: K: summer V: default
[00:22:15]: K: summerhounds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: tallbirds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: task_set V: default
[00:22:15]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:22:15]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:22:15]: K: terrariumchest V: default
[00:22:15]: K: touchstone V: often
[00:22:15]: K: trees V: default
[00:22:15]: K: tumbleweed V: default
[00:22:15]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default
[00:22:15]: K: walrus V: default
[00:22:15]: K: walrus_setting V: default
[00:22:15]: K: wasps V: default
[00:22:15]: K: weather V: default
[00:22:15]: K: wildfires V: default
[00:22:15]: K: winter V: default
[00:22:15]: K: winterhounds V: default
[00:22:15]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:22:15]: K: wobsters V: default
[00:22:15]: K: world_size V: default
[00:22:15]: K: worldseed V: 1689410050
[00:22:15]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:22:15]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:22:15]: K: playstyle V: survival
[00:22:15]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0000000057D5FD60
[00:22:15]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2
[00:22:15]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3
[00:22:15]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4
[00:22:15]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5
[00:22:15]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1
[00:22:15]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2
[00:22:15]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3
[00:22:15]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4
[00:22:15]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5
[00:22:15]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6
[00:22:15]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1
[00:22:15]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2
[00:22:15]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3
[00:22:15]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4
[00:22:15]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
[00:22:15]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
[00:22:15]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
[00:22:15]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
[00:22:15]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
[00:22:15]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0000000057D5FE50
[00:22:15]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:22:15]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0000000057D5FF40
[00:22:15]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1
[00:22:15]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5
[00:22:15]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:22:15]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:22:15]: K: settings_name V: Survival
[00:22:15]: K: substitutes V: table: 0000000057D60210
[00:22:15]: K: version V: 4
[00:22:15]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve
[00:22:15]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
[00:22:15]: K: worldgen_name V: Survival
[00:22:15]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:22:15]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:22:15]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:22:15]: Collecting garbage...
[00:22:16]: lua_gc took 0.09 seconds
[00:22:16]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:22:16]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:22:16]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:22:16]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:22:16]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:22:16]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:22:16]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [16]
[00:22:16]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:22:16]: lua_close took 0.09 seconds
[00:22:16]: ReleaseAll
[00:22:16]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:22:16]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:22:16]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:22:16]: LOADING LUA
[00:22:16]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:22:16]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:22:16]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:22:16]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:22:16]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:22:16]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:22:16]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:22:16]: Running main.lua

[00:22:16]: loaded modindex

[00:22:16]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:22:16]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua

[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1378549454
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-386087632
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-661253977
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-356930882
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-375850593
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1185229307
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-666155465
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-758532836
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2902364746
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-569043634
[00:22:16]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-466732225
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-356930882
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-375850593
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-386087632
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-466732225
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-758532836
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1185229307
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-569043634
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-666155465
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1378549454
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2902364746
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-356930882
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-356930882
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses )
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-375850593
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Version:1.8.0
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-386087632
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Version:1.1.4
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-466732225
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Version:full 4
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-661253977
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-758532836
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-758532836
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Version:1.5.0
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1185229307
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1185229307
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Version:75
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-569043634
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-569043634
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Version:
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-666155465
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-666155465
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Version:0.58
[00:22:16]: loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1378549454
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1378549454
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Version:5.1.43
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2902364746
[00:22:16]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:22:16]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-2902364746
[00:22:16]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:22:16]: Loading mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped)
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1378549454's option craftinghighlight with
value false
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option nillots with value 0
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option baodiao with value 1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option amudiao with value true
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option zbdiao with value true
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option kong with value 0
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option rendiao with value 2
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses with value 10000000
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses2 with value 10000000
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-356930882's option uses3 with value 10000000
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option WETNESS_METER with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option NOEPIC with value false
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option FRAME_PHASES with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option DAMAGE_NUMBERS with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option NONOEPIC with value false
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option DAMAGE_RESISTANCE with
value true
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-1185229307's option HORIZONTAL_OFFSET with
value 0
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestR with value -1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_style with value 0
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option display_hp with value -1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option show_uses with value -1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option show_food_units with value -
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option lang with value auto
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestB with value -1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_order with value 0
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option chestG with value -1
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-666155465's option food_estimation with value -
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSECONSOLE with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option ENABLECLIENTPAUSING with
value false
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSEMAP with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option KEYBOARDTOGGLEKEY with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option AUTOPAUSESINGLEPLAYER with
value true
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-758532836's option ENABLEHOTKEY with value
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-2902364746's option mode with value Share
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option ReturnHotkey_Mode with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option campfire with value Enabled
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Generic with
value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option skeleton with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option NoPlayerSkeletons with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Respawn_Amount with
value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Maximum with
value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option reviver with value Unchanged

[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option KeepInventory with value

[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Meat_Effigy
with value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option coldfire with value Enabled
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option SpawnProtection with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option Health_Penalty_Portal with
value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option firepit with value Enabled
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option usetags with value Unchanged

[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option coldfirepit with value

[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option ReturnHotkey with value
[00:22:16]: Overriding mod workshop-569043634's option KillMe with value Unchanged
[00:22:16]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:22:16]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/gemrun
[00:22:16]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/legacy_modbackendmain

[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modmain.lua

[00:22:16]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1378549454/gemscripts/legacy_modmain
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: ShowMe version: 0.58
[00:22:16]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:22:16]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:22:16]: Detected language for ShowMe: auto
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modmain.lua
[00:22:16]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use
AddRecipe2. Recipe name: goldenspear
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Loading modmainpostinit.lua
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Loading
[00:22:16]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Mod had no
modmainpostinit.lua. Skipping.
[00:22:17]: Event data unavailable:
[00:22:17]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:22:17]: Registering Server mod namespace "globalpause"
[00:22:17]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:22:17]: Registering Server mod namespace "gemcore"
[00:22:17]: Registering Shard mod namespace "globalpause"
[00:22:17]: Registering Shard mod namespace "gemcore"
[00:22:17]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:22:17]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:222
[00:22:17]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:22:17]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:22:17]: bloom_enabled true
[00:22:17]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:22:17]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:22:17]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:22:17]: Loading world: session/639F18A70CC128B2/0000000002
[00:22:17]: Save file is at version 5.141
[00:22:17]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:22:17]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:22:17]: Unload FE
[00:22:17]: Unload FE done
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1378549454 ([API] Gem Core) Registering default mod
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering prefab file:
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) epichealth_proxy
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-1185229307 (Epic Healthbar) Registering default mod
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-758532836 (Global Pause) Registering default mod
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-375850593 (Extra Equip Slots) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-666155465 (Show Me (Origin)) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability) Registering
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-466732225 (No Thermal Stone Durability)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses ) Registering
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-356930882 (Infinite Tent (and Siesta) Uses )
Registering default mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-569043634 (Campfire Respawn) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering
default mod prefab
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefabs
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefab file:
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) goldenspear
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering prefab file:
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) gold_spear_projectile
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-386087632 (Golden Spear) Registering default mod
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped) Registering
[00:22:18]: Mod: workshop-2902364746 (Global Positions -Remapped)
Registering default mod prefab
[00:22:19]: LOAD BE
[00:22:27]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:27]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_opalpreciousgem)
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_moonglass_charged)
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_nightmarefuel)
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_beardhair)
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:28]: Could not preload undefined prefab (yotc_shrinecarrat)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_orangegem)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_tacklecontainer)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_horrorfuel)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_rocks)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_greengem)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_purplegem)
[00:22:29]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_dreadstone)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_meat)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_poop)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_houndstooth)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_boneshard)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_smallmeat)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_moonrocknugget)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_cutstone)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_marble)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_nitre)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_flint)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_yellowgem)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_redgem)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_log)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_bluegem)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_oceanfishingbobber_crow)
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:30]: Could not preload undefined prefab (carnival_popcorn)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (carnival_gametoken_multiple)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_supertacklecontainer)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_chum)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (tophat_magician)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_goldnugget)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_winch_blueprint)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (hermitshop_hermit_bundle_shells)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_twigs)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_beefalowool)
[00:22:31]: Could not preload undefined prefab (wurt_turf_marsh)
[00:22:32]: Could not preload undefined prefab (transmute_purebrilliance)
[00:22:32]: LOAD BE: done
[00:22:33]: Begin Session: 639F18A70CC128B2
[00:22:33]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting moon_tree_regrowth to fast
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to always
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting extrastartingitems to 20
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to none
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting carrots_regrowth to fast
[00:22:33]: OVERRIDE: setting beefaloheat to often
[00:22:33]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:22:34]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:22:35]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:22:35]: Loading Nav Grid
[00:22:35]: World generated on build 562556 with save version: 5.141, using seed:
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting autumn to longseason
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting resettime to slow
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to always
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to none
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[00:22:35]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to always
[00:22:45]: Reconstructing topology
[00:22:45]: ...Sorting points
[00:22:45]: ...Sorting edges
[00:22:45]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:22:45]: ...Validating connections
[00:22:45]: ...Housekeeping
[00:22:45]: ...Done!
[00:22:45]: [Special Event] Setting up crow_carnival
[00:22:45]: Truncating to snapshot #2...
[00:22:45]: - session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7H0T9AK0HT1/0000000003
[00:22:45]: - session/639F18A70CC128B2/A7NIGIFTQIQG/0000000003
[00:22:45]: 2 file(s) removed
[00:22:45]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:22:45]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 639F18A70CC128B2
[00:22:45]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:22:45]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:22:45]: Available disk space for save files: 177818 MB
[00:22:45]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:22:45]: Reset() returning
[00:22:45]: Successfully removed server listing
[00:22:54]: Server registered via geo DNS in eu-central-1
[00:23:11]: Removing server from lobby
[00:23:11]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:23:12]: Collecting garbage...
[00:23:12]: lua_gc took 0.43 seconds
[00:23:12]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:23:12]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:23:12]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:23:12]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:23:12]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:23:12]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:23:12]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:23:13]: lua_close took 0.67 seconds
[00:23:13]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:23:13]: [Steam] Auth ticket cancelled
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 3
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 4
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 7
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 5
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 4
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 5
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 5
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 7
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 3
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 12
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 5
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 3
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource )
to insert itself into the manager.
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
d--atlas-0.tex - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
- 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
- 2
0.tex - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
- 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ -
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
0.tex - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: anim/ - 2
[00:23:14]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
[00:23:14]: HttpClient2 discarded 0 callbacks.
[00:23:14]: Shutting down

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