AdvancedReview2 English

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Headway Advanced Instructor: Kostadinka Popmihaylova


Exercise 1: Avoiding Repetition:

A Choose the correct option a, b, or c to complete each sentence.
1 I’m really busy today, but if I _______ , I’d meet up with you.
a don’t b wasn’t c hadn’t
2 They haven’t booked a holiday yet, but they still _______ .
a have b would c might
3 Thanks for the gorgeous flowers – you _______ !
a can’t have b shouldn’t have c didn’t have
4 I told my boss what I thought of him and now I wish I _______ .
a hadn’t b didn’t c haven’t
5 Why don’t you see a doctor? You know you
_______ !
a do b will c should
6 You ought to tell her the truth and if you don’t, then I _______ .
a do b will c have

B Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verb in the box. Sometimes you will need to make the verb
negative or add another verb.

allow to use to refuse to want to love to

mean to agree to

1 A It’s a shame you couldn’t make the party. It was great!

B I know. I really wanted to, but I was just too busy.
2 A Would you like to come to my party?
B Sure, I would ____________ . When is it?
3 A Did Boris tidy up all that mess?
B No, he ____________ . He said he didn’t make it in the first place.
4 A Dad, can I stay out late tonight?
B No, you know you ____________ !
5 A Why is Dave always so rude to me?
B He ____________ . He thinks he’s being funny.
6 A Sorry, the teacher won’t re-mark your exam.
B But, he ____________ . Why has he changed his mind?
7 A Would you say you’re very competitive?
B I ____________ , but I’m more relaxed these days.

C Complete the sentences with a synonym for the words in bold. The first letter of each word is given.

Headway Advanced Instructor: Kostadinka Popmihaylova

1 The operation needs to be planned carefully and requires a t_______ knowledge of the situation.
2 He’s a skilled craftsman and has a t_______ for woodwork.
3 Why are you so terrified of spiders? You get s_______ too easily by things.
4 I’m afraid I’ve lost my faith in journalists. I don’t t_______ them anymore.
5 I get really annoyed when people speak loudly on their mobiles. It’s so i_______ !
6 He is able to lie in such a natural way that it’s often impossible to tell when he is d_______ people.

Exercise 2: Ways of Adding Emphasis

Complete the sentences with words in the box.

Had it not been it did end What I love

Nowhere will you Never had Rarely do

1 ____________ about Kate’s cooking is that it’s so healthy.

2 ____________ the aristocracy experienced such a change before. World War I altered society forever.
3 ____________ you find such a mixture of cultures as you can see in New York.
4 ____________ for the prosecution’s key witness, Harold would have got away with the murder.
5 ____________ see a more beautiful view than that from the top of Mount Snowden.
6 We thought the conflict would go on forever, but ____________ eventually.

Exercise 3: Distancing Facts:

Complete the sentences so they have the same meaning as the sentence above.
1 They say that bananas are a good source of potassium.
It ____________ bananas are a good source of potassium.
2 It has been alleged that the drugs have harmful side effects.
The drugs ____________ have harmful side effects.
3 People presumed that the protestors were responsible for the violence.
The protestors ____________ responsible for the violence.
4 It appeared that the treatment had been a success.
The treatment ____________ a success.
5 It seems that the government has lost the elections.
The government ____________ the elections.
6 We assumed Paul was a fan of football.
Paul ____________ a fan of football.
7 Patients are expected to sleep for several hours after the operation.
It ____________ patients will sleep for several hours after the operation.
8 It is considered that the placebo effect improves a patient’s condition.
The placebo effect ____________ a patient’s condition.
9 It was supposed that they would arrive later that evening.
They ____________ later that evening.
Headway Advanced Instructor: Kostadinka Popmihaylova

10 The police had thought that the attacker was a man.

It ____________ the attacker was a man.

Exercise 4: Read the article. Choose the correct option in italics.

The Voynich manuscript, named after the Polish bookseller, written by Voynich himself, who 23 should / could have used
Wilfrid M.Voynich, who discovered it in 1912, 1 must / will be his knowledge as an antiquarian bookseller to make it. In
one of the most mysterious manuscripts in the world. The support of this argument, modern scholars say it 24 mustn’t /
book, which is currently held in Yale University, contains 240 can’t have been encoded in the 15th
illustrated pages, written in a script that, up until now, no one 2 century, as it does not resemble any codes from that period.
has been able to / would be able to decipher. Carbon-dating The dream of obtaining a complete translation therefore began
has shown that it to seem like a lost 25 area / cause to many. However, in 2014
3 must have been / must be written in the 15th century. It is an important 26 shakeup / breakthrough was made. Stephen
believed that the text 4 can / may be medical in nature, as Bax, a professor of Applied Linguistics in the UK, announced
many of the illustrations are of herbs or astrological symbols. that he
Recently, a scholar in Texas claimed to have identified several 27 may / will have translated several words, including the
species of plant that 5 could / must only have been found in astrological symbol ‘Taurus’, next to a drawing of seven stars.
the New World. However, most scholars believe the book 6 28 It had not / Had it not been for his knowledge of Semitic
would / must be European in origin due to the style of the languages, such as Arabic, 29 he could not / he must not have
drawings. Voynich thought that it 7 may / should have been made his discovery. If he is correct, the text may prove to be
written by Francis Bacon or John Dee, famous scholars who Asian or Middle Eastern in origin. So, although the mystery
worked in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. Dee and Bacon were hasn’t yet been solved, it one day 30 did / might be.
both known to have written in code, so Voynich thought the
text 8 could / will be in a European language, but one which
had been written in code. A letter that he found with the book
showed that at one time, it 9 can / might have belonged to the
King of Hungary, before winding up in Rome which is where he
found it.

10 No sooner / Only had Voynich discovered the book, than he

provided copies to a number of scholars. They 11 can / were
able to study the manuscript in detail and attempted to identify
its source. 12 What / Which fascinated them about the text was
the extraordinary number of botanical, scientific, and figurative
illustrations within it. Never 13 had they seen / they did see so
many unidentified plants and such colourful drawings in an
ancient manuscript. It seemed like a 14 slippery slope /
foregone conclusion that the script would be deciphered, as
similar texts in the past 15 had been / were. However, it was
soon realized that the script used had no relationship to any
known European letter system. This was a serious 16
setback / setup for the scholars.

17 When / The thing the experts also discovered was that the
text 18 couldn’t / wouldn’t be decoded into any European
language, which they had thought 19 can / would be possible.
In fact, despite years of investigation, 20 seldom / no sooner
has a text proved so resistant to analysis. It has been
examined by code breakers from all over the world, but none
of them 21 have been able to / can break it. For this reason,
many believe it 22 could / would in fact be a complex fake

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