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About a week ago, I approached a colleague who works in the same department as
me, he was sitting alone, looking distraught. I had known about the recent
difficulties that he faced from the long-term illness of his father to his eventual
death. I began by simply inquiring how he had been doing, and how his family was
coping in this trying time. Then he opened up about his struggles with depression
and feelings of worthlessness.
I shared my own testimony of struggling with depression earlier in my life when I
was going through a tough time and even contemplated thoughts of suicide. I told
him about how finding hope and strength in Jesus Christ got me through it. I
shared about how it took courage to accept I needed to seek help and eventually
began seeing a Christian counsellor and joined a support group for mental health as
I put in the work needed to get better. I shared the gospel message, emphasizing
God's love, Jesus' compassion, and the hope of restoration through accepting Jesus
in your life. How Jesus was also human, he understood and felt pain, loss and
feeling of abandonment too.
He listened intently as I encouraged him that by welcoming Jesus in his life he
would be forgiven, find meaning and new hope in life. That there is hope for
eternity after this life, with no more pain, hardship, loss and struggle. I encouraged
that he wouldn’t be alone, Christ left His Holy Spirit as a helper to guide us,
empower us and counsel us through life. He began relating to the message
expressed a desire for a sense of purpose, peace and healing in his life. He admitted
that given his family background and upbringing, he hadn’t fully surrendered his
life to Jesus though he knew the bible and the facts about Christianity. I
encouraged him to come and attend the next Sunday service with me at Watoto
church Lubowa and also join a cell in his home area so that he can do life with
others and gain more understanding in the faith. I advised him to also see the
counsellor I saw and join the support group I was in as he began this journey of
healing and redemption. We agreed to meet regularly, share, pray together so that I
can keep encouraging him in the growth of his spiritual life.
I am grateful that I was able to use my testimony of God's power and redemption
to inspire others struggling with mental health issues to accept Christ in their lives.

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