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4th Quarter: CO4-CO6


Sampling Theory
- Study of relationships existing between a population &
samples drawn from the population

It is useful in:
➢ Estimating unknown population parameters from a
knowledge of a certain sample quantities
➢ Determining whether the observed differences between 2
samples are due to chance variation or whether they are Cluster Sampling
really significant - Dividing the population into groups called clusters
- Each cluster is a representative of the population, then a
Definition of Terms random sample of cluster is selected
● Population: totality of the observations with we are - A random sample of elements from each of the selected
concerned clusters is chosen
● Sample: subset of the population
● Parameter: numerical quantity describing a population Multi-Stage Sampling
● Statistic: numerical quantity describing the sample - Combination of several random sampling techniques in
getting a sample from a very large population
Random Sample
- If a sample of n elements is selected from a population of N Non-probability Sampling Techniques
elements using a sampling plan in which each possible - Samples are chosen in such a way that some members of
samples has the same chance of selection, then the the population may not have any chance of being included
sampling is said to be random, and the resulting sample is in the sample
a simple random sample
Convenience Sampling
Sampling Techniques - Selecting members of the population that are readily
Probability Sampling Techniques available in order to obtain quick results
- Each element of the population has a known and usually - Ex: Text votes, telephone interviews
equal chance of being included in the sample
Quota Sampling
Simple Random Sampling - Choosing members for the sample with no other criteria or
- Drawing lots or through the use of random nos. objective but to obtain a certain no. of sample
- Ex: Colors of cars passing EDSA

Snowball Sampling
- Existing study subjects recruit future subjects from among
their acquantances
- Ex: Cases of HIV / AIDS, Cases of Illegal Drugs

Systematic Sampling Purposive Sampling

- Selecting every ith element in the population with the - Judgement or deliberate sampling
starting point determined at random - When personal judgement, presumably based on prior
- i is the ratio of the population size over the sample size experience, plays a major role in selecting a group of

Random Sample
- Perfect random sampling is difficult to achieve in practice
- Draw lottery is one way to do simple random sampling
- Technologies that generate random nos. can also be used


Stratified Sampling
- Dividing the population into a no. of non-overlapping
sub-populations or strata and then taking samples from
each stratum

Procedures: Determining the sample size per stratum

Equal Allocation: the intended sample size is divided by the no. of
strata in order to obtain the no. of samples from each stratum
Lesson 2: Sampling & Sampling Distributions
- Consider a population of size N and suppose we want to
determine a certain population characteristic which can be
described by the parameter mean and variance
- A random sample of size n can be selected and the
computed mean and sample variance can be used to
estimate the parameters
- If the same experiment is done by choosing another
sample, it is likely possible that the new computed mean
Proportional Allocation: size of each stratum is divided by the and variance will be different from the previous one
population size then multiplied by the intended sample size
4th Quarter: CO4-CO6


Sampling Error
- Difference between the sample statistic from the sample
and the value of the corresponding population parameter
from the population
Sampling Distribution of Sample Proportion

★ Sample is random, and no non-sampling error has been

made. Sampling error occurs only on sample survey, and
not in census

★ It is not possible to find sampling error because the

population parameter (e.g., 𝜇) is unknown.But if it is known, Formula:
then we do not need a statistic value( ҧ𝑥)

Non-sampling errors
- Occur in the collection, recording, and the tabulation of
- Can occur both in a sample survey and a census Examples:


Central Limit Theorem

- If X1, x2, xn, is a random sample of size n taken from a
population with mean and variance, and if X is the sample
mean, the limiting form of the distribution of
4th Quarter: CO4-CO6

Sampling Distribution: Difference between Two Averages



Lesson 4: Estimation of Parameters (Point Estimate)

- Statistic that specifies how to use the sample data to
estimate an unknown parameter of the population
- Used to estimate unknown population parameter such as
true population mean, true population proportion,
population variance etc.

Lesson 3: Additional Examples Examples: Use of estimation

● An auto company may want to estimate the mean fuel
Central Limit Theorem consumption of a particular car model.
● A manager may want to estimate the average time taken
by new employees to learn the job
● PH Census Bureau may want to find the mean housing
expenditure per month incurred by households
● A polling agency may want to find the proportion of
students who are in favor of our current system in

Process of Estimation
1. Get a sample
2. Collect info
3. Compute statistic
4. Assign value(s) to the corresponding population parameter

● This procedure assumes that the sample taken is a simple

random sample

Types of Estimators
4th Quarter: CO4-CO6

Point Estimator: gives a single number as an estimate of the Point Estimation

unknown parameter value
Interval Estimator: gives a range of possible values as an estimate
of the unknown parameter value

Estimate and Estimator Example

Point Estimators
- Point Estimator: gives a single number as an estimate of
the unknown parameter value

Properties of Point Estimator

1. Unbiasedness
- if and only if 𝐸 መ𝜃 = 𝜃. If the equality does not
hold, መ𝜃 is said to be a biased estimator of 𝜃,
with 𝐵 መ𝜃 = 𝐸 መ𝜃 − 𝜃

2. Efficiency of Precision
- If ෡Θ1 and ෡Θ2 are two unbiased estimators of
the same populationparameter 𝜃 , we want to
choose the estimator whose samplingdistribution
has the smaller variance. Hence, if σ2 ෡𝜃1 < σ2
෡𝜃2 , we saythat ෡Θ1is a more efficient estimator
of 𝜃 than ෡Θ2

3. Resistance
- Indicates minimal influence of outliers
- Median is more resistant than the mean
● Outlier: is an observation that lies an abnormal
distance from othervalues in a random sample
from a population

4. Consistency
- Sequence of estimators is said to be consistent if
it converges in probability to the true value of the

Good Point Estimator

- RUMVUE: Resistant, Uniform, Minimum, Variance,
Unbiased, Estimator

Interval Estimator: gives a range of possible values as an estimate

of the unknown parameter value

Estimate and Estimator

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