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Hydrogen can be effectively used as a long-term energy Three growth opportunities that companies and

storage solution to account for seasonal variations countries can unlock

arising from high renewable energy capacity in the
grid. During periods of excess generation, excess 1. Achieving cost reductions will be vital to improving
electricity from renewable plants can be used to power competitiveness of green hydrogen, thus investing
electrolysers for hydrogen production, which can then to automate the production process as much as
be stored in liquid, gas or chemical (ammonia) form. possible is important. Ultimately, electrolysers
In periods of peak demand, stored hydrogen can be will become a commodity product, creating
released to produce power through hydrogen power opportunities for suppliers to provide as-a-service
plants or retrofitted gas power plants. outcome-based offerings.
2. Advanced materials will also play a crucial role
Electrolysers are modular processing units that use in reducing the cost of electrolysers creating
an electrical current to split water into its individual opportunities for sub-suppliers (e.g., polymers and
components—hydrogen and oxygen. When the source composites) to provide new alternative materials to
of electricity used for electrolysis is from a renewable manufacturers. Finding ways to reduce the use of
resource like solar, wind, biomass, etc., the resultant rare noble metals in electrolysers will be important
hydrogen produced is green hydrogen. as emphasis will also be placed on ensuring a
minimum emissions footprint of electrolysers.
Electrolysers will be a cornerstone of the hydrogen
3. Colocating electrolysers with a power generation
economy, as they will dominate green hydrogen
source will also bring opportunities. Offshore wind
production. Once a relatively niche sector focused
projects for example can soon have electrolysers on
on small-scale kW and MW projects, the scale of
nearby platforms, with some projects dedicated to
electrolyser projects will rapidly escalate as industrial
green hydrogen production.
customers look for reliable supplies of hydrogen.
Reducing electrolyser costs will be vital, and 2023 is
likely to see further reductions. Economies of scale will
be achieved through new, larger production facilities
coming online as well as technological innovation and Demystifying the True Potential
improved material and component sourcing.
Battery Energy Storage Solution
Electrolyser Capacity Forecast, Global, 2023–2030 (GW) (BESS)
Toward energy storage

55 The energy industry and associated technologies are

continually evolving as demand, supply and consumer
preferences change, supported and spurred by
36 economic development and advances in technology. In
the 21st century, the global energy industry is rapidly
24 shifting toward low-carbon energy sources, with
17 hydrocarbon resources like coal and oil gradually losing
penetration. While non-hydro renewables like wind,
6 solar, geothermal and biomass are expected to grow
substantially, it is expected that the majority of the
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 global electricity demand will still be met by coal and
natural gas through to 2040, with commercial factors
From 0.1% of global hydrogen production in 2022, green playing a defining role in the evolution of the industry.
hydrogen is anticipated to reach about 23% by 2030,
57% by 2040, and 67% by 2050.ii

39 Middle East and Africa Outlook Report 2023

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