CV Questions (12-20)

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Computer Vision Questions:

Video Range 12-20:

Video 12:
1. What are the two important components in human visual perception?
==> Retina: Located at the back of the eye, it's a light-sensitive layer of tissue containing photoreceptor
cells (rods and cones) that convert light into electrical signals.
==> Visual Cortex: Situated in the brain, it processes visual information received from the retina.
2. What is color blindness?
==> colour blindness:color blindness is when lens focus light from object onto the nerve and
sheath part instead of retina.Due to this human eye unable to differentiate between two colors

Video 13:
1. What are the drawbacks of human visual systems?
2. How many different light intensity levels can the human visual system perceive, approximately?
3. Please explain optical illusion.
4. What does simultaneous contrast refer to in the context of human vision?

==> Drawbacks of the human visual system include sensitivity to variations in scale, rotation, and viewpoint,
loss of spatial information, and difficulty in capturing fine details and spatial relationships. The human visual
system can perceive around 100 levels of light intensity. An optical illusion is a visual phenomenon where the
perception of an image differs from reality. Simultaneous contrast refers to the effect where the perception of
one color is influenced by the presence of another color nearby, affecting how colors are perceived in context

Video 14:
1. What is light and electromagnetic spectrum?
2. What are some examples of applications of the electromagnetic spectrum that are beyond the
visible spectrum?
3. What is the range of wavelengths that the human visual system can sense?
Video 15:
1. What is the process of image acquisition in image processing, and how is it defined?
2. What is a pixel in the context of digital images.
3. What is the typical range of pixel values in grayscale images.
4. Provide some applications of illuminations and scenes.
Video 16:
1. How do we convert analog signal to digital signal?
2. What is quantization and image sampling?
3. Differentiate between Up-sampling and Down-sampling.
4. Does noise affect the process of sampling and quantization in digitized images?
Video 17:
1. What is pixel?
2. Differentiate between zooming and sampling.
3. What is pixel resolution? And how it is calculated?
4. Describe aspect ratio?
Video 18:
1. Define spatial resolution in the context of an image.
2. How spatial resolution of an image can be conducted?
3. What does DPI stand for and what does it measure?
4. What term is used by laser printers to describe the number of lines of dots they can print in a
single inch?
5. When printing an image, what is the typical range of DPI used by printers, such as laser printers?
Video 19:
1. What is Intensity level resolution? And how does intensity level resolution impact the detail and
smoothness of a digital image?
2. What level of intensity resolution is enough for an image?
Video 20:
1. How can you determine the appropriate resolution needed for an image?

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