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Spreadsheet Managed by Axellion & AleHitti

Join our Discord server

If you see any problems with the spreadsheet, or have requests / suggestions, post it in the #feedback channel
or in the Reddit post here:
We also have a bunch of compiled resources within the channel from various other sources for both MHGU & MHW

Please be aware that lots of the sections are currently a work-in-progress, this involves translating certain quest names as well

Research Lab Expansions
Prowler HR Village Unlocks
Re-organize Table for all sections after completion (Apart from Keys & Canteen)

Last Update: 20th April, 2022

Canteen Ingredients
Village Key Quests
Hunter's Hub Key Quests
Deviant Quest Unlocking
HR Restricted Monsters
Prowler-only Quests Unlocks
Hunter Art Unlock Quests Translation
Arena Quest Unlocking
Equipment & Room unlocks

Credits to some info:

Monster Hunter Wikia
Gaijin Hunter
u/badtiming220 For helping fill out some info on Prowler, Research Lab, and Misc unlocks
u/ChocolatePitiful590 Helping with the last Research Laboratory Upgrades
back channel

certain quest names as well as confirming info that could possibly be wrong
Quest Name Main Objective
Monster Hunte
1★ Key Find the Ferns Deliver 8 Unique Ferns
1★ Key A Fungal Hunt Deliver 5 Abyssal Mushrooms
1★ Key Wipe Out! Slay 10 Maccao
1★ Key Another Pack Attack Slay 10 Jaggi
URGENT! Vaulting Outlaw Hunt a Great Maccao
2★ Key Rambunctious Rhenoplos Slay 5 Rhenoplos
2★ Key Gendrome Roadblock Hunt a Gendrome
2★ Key The Land Sharq Hunt a Cephadrome
2★ Key Hermit Grab Slay 5 Hermitaur
2★ Hunt down the Velocidrome Hunt a Velocidrome
2★ Slay the Velociprey! Slay 10 Velociprey
2★ The Mountain Roughrider Hunt a Bulldrome
2★ Slay the Giaprey! Slay 10 Giaprey
2★ Aurzuros the Azure Beast Hunt a Arzuros
Hunt 8 Jaggia
2★ Bye Bye Jaggia
(Big ones that give 2 carves)
URGENT! Tusked Tantrum Hunt a Tetsucabra
3★ Key Stomping Grounds Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku
3★ Key Turmultuous Sprouts Deliver 8 Exquisite Shrooms
3★ Key Crustacean Frustation Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur
3★ Key The Desert Gourmand Hunt a Nibelsnarf
3★ Local Threat Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku
3★ Into the Wyvern's Den Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs
3★ The Shdaow in the Mountains Hunt a Khezu
3★ No Go on the Popo Deliver 3 Popo Tongues
3★ Royal Spit Take Hunt a Royal Ludroth
3★ A Forest Fracas Hunt a Bulldrome
3★ Key Current Events Hunt a Royal Ludroth
3★ Key Robbed Blind Hunt a Gypceros
URGENT! The Nocturnal Enchanter Hunt a Malfestio
4★ Key Wrath of the Rathian Hunt a Rathian
4★ Key Serpentine Samba Hunt a Najarala
4★ Key Lurkin' in the Murk Hunt 2 Khezu
4★ Key Crustation Infatuation Capture a Shogun Ceanataur
4★ Key Hungry Eyes Hunt a Nargacuga
URGENT! The Dark Age Hunt a Yian Garuga
5★ Key The Thunderclaw Wyvern Hunt an Astalos
5★ Key The Unwavering Colossus Hunt a Gammoth
5★ Key The Entrancing Water Dancer Hunt a Mizutsune
5★ Key The Fisherman’s Fiend Hunt a Lagiacrus
5★ Key A King, Robed in Smoke Hunt a Rathalos
5★ Key Fight or Uragaan! Hunt a Uragaan
URGENT! The Scorching Blade Hunt a Glavenus
6★ Key Tuff Turf Hunt a Zinogre
6★ Key Tigrex by the Tail Hunt a Tigrex
6★ Key Dark Wings, Dark Work Hunt a Gore Magala
6★ Key A Thousand Scales of Dread Hunt a Seregios
6★ Key Brachydios Mio! Hunt a Brachydios
URGENT! Stop the Wheel Slay a Shagaru Magala
Hunt Gammoth, Astalos,
URGENT! The Fated Four
Mizutsune and Glavenus
Monster Hunter Ge
URGENT! Research Team's First Rodeo Hunt a Congalala
7★ Key Brave New Ore Deliver 10 Comet Rocks
7★ Key Husk Hunter Deliver 5 Burned Husks
7★ Key Fashion Victim Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur
7★ Key A Friend in Need Hunt a Barroth
7★ Key Bug Appét it Encore Hunt a Seltas
7★ Key Poisoned for Action Hunt a Gypceros
7★ Key Spit it Out Hunt a Tetsucabra
7★ Key Investment Flanking Hunt a Giadrome
7★ Key Taking Royal Liberties Hunt a Royal Ludroth
URGENT! Primal Forest Arachnids Hunt a Nerscylla
8★ Key Grapes of Rathian Hunt a Rathian
8★ Key Airship Upgrade: Plesioth Hunt a Plesioth
8★ Key It's Gonna Eat Me! Hunt a Nibelsnarf
8★ Key Airship Upgrade: Nargacuga Hunt a Nargacuga
8★ Key Bloof! Hunt a Zamtrios
8★ Key A Cure for Laziness Hunt an Uragaan
8★ Key Perfectly Normal Rock Hunt a Basarios
8★ Key Airship Upgrade: Lavasioth Hunt a Lavasioth
URGENT! Wish upon a... Gravios? Hunt a Gravios
9★ Key Rathalos Topping Hunt a Rathalos
9★ Key Ruined and Tarnished Hunt a Gore Magala
9★ Key Whatdunnit Hunt a Zinogre
9★ Key Airship Upgrade: Barioth Hunt a Barioth
9★ Key Ruler of the Frozen Seaway Hunt a Tigrex
9★ Key Great, Glavenus Again Hunt a Glavenus
9★ Key Alas, Astalos Again Hunt a Astalos
9★ Key Groan, Gammoth Again Hunt a Gammoth
9★ Key Man, Mizutsune Again? Hunt a Mizutsune
URGENT! Beware the Comet of Disaster Hunt a Valstrax
10★ Key Thousand-Blade Brouhaha Hunt a Seregios
10★ Key Duel With the Devil Hunt a Diablos
10★ Key Roar of the Rajang Hunt a Rajang
10★ Key Bad Hair Day: Brachydios Hunt a Brachydios
10★ Key Deviljho Food Cake Hunt a Deviljho
10★ Key Wheel of Time Slay a Shagaru Magala
URGENT! Grave Peril Slay a Nakarkos
URGENT! King of Hellfire Slay an Akantor
URGENT! The Seat of a God Slay an Ukanlos
URGENT! Stormlord Slay an Amatsu
URGENT! Blazing Black of a Dark God Slay an Alatreon
Sub Objective Village
Monster Hunter Generations
Deliver 10 Unique Mushrooms Bherna
- Bherna
- Bherna
- Bherna
Slay 5 Maccao Bherna
- Bherna
Slay 5 Genprey Bherna
Mount and topple monster twice Bherna
Deliver 3 Apceros Livers Bherna
Slay 5 Velociprey Kokoto
- Kokoto
Slay 3 Bullfango Pokke
- Pokke
Topple monster while
mounted twice
- Yukumo
Wound Tetsucabra's jaw Bherna
Deliver 2 Ancient Berries Bherna
- Bherna
Slay 8 Hermitaurs Bherna
Wound Nibelsnarf’s front legs Bherna
Wound Yian Kut-Ku's Ears Kokoto
- Kokoto
Mount and topple monster twice Pokke
- Pokke
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear Yukumo
- Yukumo
Slay 8 Ludroth Bherna
Wound the Gypceros's crest Bherna
Wound Malfestio's head Bherna
Wound Rathian's head Bherna
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear Bherna
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear Bherna
Deliver 3 Carapaceon Brains Bherna
Wound Nargacuga's wing Bherna
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear Bherna
Wound Astalos's Crest Kokoto
Wound Gammoth's leg Pokke
Wound Mizutsune's head Yukumo
Wound Lagiacrus's head Bherna
Sever the Rathalos's tail Bherna
Wound the Uragaan's Jaw Bherna
Sever Glavenus's tail Bherna
Wound Zinogre's back Bherna
Mount and topple monster twice Bherna
Wound Gore Magala's feelers Bherna
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear Bherna
Sever Brachydios's tail Bherna
Break Shagaru Magala's horns Bherna
- Bherna
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Deliver 1000 Wycademy Points
Break Daimyo Hermitaur's claws
Break Seltas's horn
Mount and topple monster twice
Deliver 3 Ancient Berries
Slay 8 Giaprey
Sever Rathian's tail
Wound Nibelsnarf's gills
Wound Zamtrios's head
Mount and topple monster twice
Mount and topple monster twice
Wound Rathalos's wing
- Unlocked after "Great, Glavenus Again" & "Alas, Astalos Again" & "Groan
Wound Zinogre's head
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Wound Seregios's wing
Break Diablos's horns
Wound Rajang's tail
Wound Brachydios's head
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
Break Nakarkos's back shell
Break Akantor's claw
Break Ukanlos's claw
:Wound Amatsu's back
Wound Alatreon's horns
Hunter Generations
Unlocks 1★ Village “A Fungal Hunt” quest

To trigger 1★ Village
this quest, clear"Another
1★ "WipePack Attack"
Out!" then go to
the Palico area of Bherna Village and talk to the Catgirl.
It will Unlocks
then show up onPokke
Kokoto, the quest
quest menu.

Clear 2★ "Slay the Velociprey!" and talk to Kokoto Village chief

actually key, Required
by talking for 5★ Village
to Kokoto Astaloschief
2★actually key,
"Slay the Required
Giaprey" andfor 5★toAstalos
talk Unlock chief
Pokke Village
Not actually
Unlocked key,
talking tofor 5★ Gammoth
Pokke Unlock
Village chief
Clear 2★actually
"Bye Byekey,Jaggia"
andfor 5★
talk to Gammoth Unlockchief
Yukumo Village
Not Unlocked
actually key, Required for 5 ★ Mizutsune
by talking to Yukumo Village chief Unlock
Not actually key, Required for 5★ Mizutsune Unlock
If you haven't unlocked it after finishing the 1st 4 keys in the list, you have to visit other villages

Clear 3★ "Stomping Grounds" & 3★ "Crustacean Frustation"

Clear 2★ "Hunt down the Velocidrome" and talk to Kokoto Village chief
Clear actually
"Localkey, Required
Threat" and talk 5★Kokoto
for to Astalos Unlock
Village chief
Not actually key, Required for 5 ★ Astalos Unlock
Clear 2★ "The Mountain Roughrider" and talk to Pokke Village chief
Clear 3★ Not
Shdaowkey, Required
in the ★ Gammoth
for 5and
Mountains Unlock
talk to Pokke Village chief
Clear 2★Not actuallythe
"Aurzuros key, Required
Azure 5★talk
Beast"forand Gammoth
to YukumoUnlock
Village chief
Clear 3★actually
Spit Required
Take" andfor 5★toMizutsune
talk Unlockchief
Yukumo Village
Not actually key, Required for 5 ★ Mizutsune
Unlocked by talking to the Bherna Village chief Unlock
Unlocked 3★ "Turmultuous
by talking to the Bherna Sprouts"
Village quest
chief after
clearing 3★ "Turmultuous Sprouts" quest

Clear 3★ "Into the Wyvern's Den" and talk to Kokoto Village chief
Clear 3★ "No Go on the Popo" and talk to Pokke Village chief
Clear 3★ "A Forest Fracas" and talk to Yukumo Village chief
er Generations Ultimate

Unlocked after "Taking Royal Liberties"

Unlocked after "A Friend in Need"
Unlocked after "Taking Royal Liberties"
Unlocked after "Bug Appét it Encore" & "Investment Flanking"
Unlocked after "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Unlocked after "Husk Hunter"
Unlocked after "Husk Hunter"
Unlocked after "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Unlocked after "Poisoned for Action" & "Spit it Out"

Unlocked after "Primal Forest Arachnids"

Unlocked after "Grapes of Rathian" & "It's Gonna Eat Me!" & "Perfectly Normal Rock"
Unlocked after "Primal Forest Arachnids"
Unlocked after "Grapes of Rathian" & "It's Gonna Eat Me!" & "Perfectly Normal Rock"
Unlocked after "Airship Upgrade: Plesioth" & "Airship Upgrade: Nargacuga" & "Airship Upgrade: Lavasioth"
Unlocked after "Airship Upgrade: Plesioth" & "Airship Upgrade: Nargacuga" & "Airship Upgrade: Lavasioth"
Unlocked after "Primal Forest Arachnids"
Unlocked after "Grapes of Rathian" & "It's Gonna Eat Me!" & "Perfectly Normal Rock"

Unlocked after "Wish upon a... Gravios?"

Unlocked after "Great, Glavenus Again" & "Alas, Astalos Again" & "Groan, Gammoth Again" & "Man, Mizutsune Again?"
Unlocked after "Wish upon a... Gravios?"
Unlocked after "Ruined and Tarnished"
Unlocked after "Wish upon a... Gravios?"
Unlocked after "Rathalos Topping" & "Whatdunnit" & "Ruler of the Frozen Seaway"
Unlocked after "Rathalos Topping" & "Whatdunnit" & "Ruler of the Frozen Seaway"
Unlocked after "Rathalos Topping" & "Whatdunnit" & "Ruler of the Frozen Seaway"
Unlocked after "Rathalos Topping" & "Whatdunnit" & "Ruler of the Frozen Seaway"

Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"

Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"
Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"
Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"
Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"
Unlocked after "Beware the Comet of Disaster"
On top of the 10 ★ village keys, clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
On top of the 10 ★ village keys, clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
On top of the 10 ★ village keys, clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
On top of the 10 ★ village keys, clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
utsune Again?"
Quest Name Main Objective
1★ Key Lost in the Jurassic Frontier Hunt a Gypceros
1★ Key Snow with Occasional Lagombi Hunt a Lagombi
1★ Key Local Threat Hunt a Yian Kut Ku
1★ Key Tackling the Tetsucabra Hunt a Tetsucabra
1★ Key Royal Spit Take Hunt a Royal Ludroth
URGENT! The New Tenant Hunt a Blangonga
2★ Key Noise Violation Hunt a Najarala
2★ Key Operation: Secure Specimen Capture a Nargacuga
2★ Key Royal Assassination Hunt a Rathian
2★ Key Malfestio Festival Hunt a Malfestio
2★ Key The Desert Gourmand Hunt a Nibelsnarf
2★ Key In Search of the Yian Garuga Hunt a Yian Garuga
URGENT! A Shocking Scoundrel Hunt an Astalos
3★ Key Dark Wings, Dark Work Hunt a Gore Magala
3★ Key A Thousand Scales of the Dread Hunt a Seregios
3★ Key Fury Run Afoul Hunt a Gammoth
3★ Key Moonlit Bubble Bath Hunt a Mizutsune
3★ Key Heaven and Earth Hunt a Rathalos and Rathian
3★ Key Bladed Glavenus Capture a Glavenus
URGENT! Two-headed Carcass Repel Narkarkos
4★ Key Shells of Steel Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur
4★ Key Bug Appétit Hunt a Seltas
4★ Key Birds of a Feather Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku and Gypceros
4★ Key Swing into Action Hunt a Kecha Wacha
URGENT! A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks Hunt a Plesioth
5★ Key The Intelligent Malfestio Hunt a Malfestio
5★ Key Worst. Trip. Ever! Hunt a Yian Garuga
5★ Key Fin Finder Hunt a Zamtrios
5★ Key Serpentine Samba Hunt a Najarala
5★ Key You Caught This? I Caught This Hunt a Lavasioth
URGENT! A Bewitching Dance Hunt a Mizutsune
URGENT! The Unshakable Mountain God Hunt a Gammoth
6★ Key Bug Buffet Hunt a Seltas Queen
6★ Key Master of the Molten Deep Hunt an Agnaktor
6★ Key Duel in the Volcanic Hollow Hunt a Glavenus
6★ Key For Whom the Gong Tolls Hunt a Duramboros
6★ Key The Lightning Crown Hunt a Astalos
URGENT! Seer of Swords Hunt a Seregios
7★ Key Stop the Wheel Slay a Shagaru Magala
7★ Key A Gathering of Wyverns Hunt a Astalos and Rathian
7★ Key A Song of White and Lapis Hunt a Mizutsune and Malfestio
7★ Key A Cold Set of Armor Hunt a Gammoth and Zamtrios
7★ Key Rocked and Rolled Hunt a Brachydios
7★ Key Hammer vs. Blade Hunt a Glavenus and Uragaan
URGENT! Hellfire Star Slay Narkarkos
URGENT! Legendary Skills? Hunt a Diablos
G1★ Key Pecking Order Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku
G1★ Key Lost, But not for Long Hunt a Gypceros
G1★ Key Surprise! Hunt a Cephadrome and a Daimyo Hermitaur
G1★ Key Survival of the Biggest Hunt a Giadrome and a Bulldrome
G1★ Key Water Fight Hunt 2 Royal Ludroth
URGENT! Dirty Deals Hunt a Barroth
G2★ Key Queen of the Ruined Pinnacle Hunt a Rathian
G2★ Key Shadows in the Desert Lake Hunt a Plesioth
G2★ Key Not Mushroom to Swing a Congalala Hunt a Congalala
G2★ Key Feeding Time Hunt a Nerscylla
G2★ Key The Next Stage of E-Volvi-lution Hunt a Volvidon and a Great Maccao
G2★ Key That's No Rock... Hunt a Basarios
URGENT! Giant Dragon Invasion Slay a Lao-Shan Lung or repel it
G3★ Key Pinnacle Pioneering Hunt an Astalos
G3★ Key The Boiling Broiling Desert Hunt a Glavenus
G3★ Key Water Kerfuffle Hunt a Mizutsune
G3★ Key The Lost Expedition Hunt a Barioth
G3★ Key Ice Recovery Hunt a Gammoth
G3★ Key A Certain Gravitas Hunt a Gravios
URGENT! Sky Render Slay a Valstrax or repel it
G4★ Key Beware Twin Horns on the Sand Hunt a Diablos
G4★ Key Deviljho Hunt Hunt a Deviljho
G4★ Key Tracing the Family Tree Hunt a Tigrex
G4★ Key Emergency at the Arctic Ridge! Hunt a Rajang
G4★ Key A Very Long Engravement Hunt a Glavenus and a Gravios
G4★ Key A Titanic Clash Hunt a Agnaktor and a Duramboros
URGENT! Castle on the Run Slay an Ahtal-Ka
G1★ Prowler Key Bnahabra in the Stomach Slay 15 Bhanabra
G1★ Prowler Key Desert Furrontier Slay 16 Genprey
G2★ Prowler Key Primal Furrontier Slay 15 Congas
G2★ Prowler Key Royal Ludroth Manebreaker Wound R. Ludroth's Mane
G3★ Prowler Key Laughter is Not the Best Antidote Hunt an Iodrome
G3★ Prowler Key Volcano Furrontier Slay a total of 18 Ceanataurs or Uroktor
G3★ Prowler Key Nerscylla Hidebreaker Wound Nerscylla's hide
G4★ Prowler Key Lagiacrus Headbreaker Wound Lagiacrus's head
G4★ Prowler Key Meownster Hunter Ultimate Hunt all large monsters
Sub Objective
Monster Hunter Generations
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
Mount and topple monster twice
Mount and topple monster twice
Wound Royal Ludroth's mane
Wound Blagonga's fangs
Mount and topple monster twice
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Deliver a Wyvern Egg
Wound Malfestio's tail
Mount and topple monster twice
Sever Yian Garuga's tail
Mount and topple monster twice
Break Seregio's horn
Deliver 1 Beast Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear
Break Narkarkos's outer shell
Slay 10 Hermitaurs
Slay 10 Konchu
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
Wound Plesioth's top fin
Wound Malfestio's head & wing
Wound Yian Garuga's wingtalons
Deliver 5 Monster Guts
Wound Najarala's back
Mount and topple monster twice
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Deliver 5 Popo Tongues
Wound Seltas Queen's tail
Slay 10 Uroktor
Sever the Glavenus' tail
Wound Duramboros's hump
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
Mount and topple monster twice
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Earn 500 Wycademy Points
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Slay 8 Hermitaur
Wound Gypceros's crest
Mount and topple monster twice
Slay 8 Giaprey
Slay 8 Ludroth
Wound Rathian's back
Slay 8 Genprey
Slay 8 Mosswine
Break Nerscylla's poison spikes
Deliver 1500 Wycademy Points
Wound the Basarios' chest
Wound Astalos's crest
Wound Glavenus's head
Wound Mizutsune's top fin
Wound Barioth's head
Wound Gammoth's trunk
Wound Gravios's head
Break Diablos's horns
Sever Deviljho's tail
Break Tigrex's claw
Wound Rajang's Tail
Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
Mount and topple monster twice
unter Generations
Generations Ultimate
It becomes a 7★ Hub quest upon completion
Unlocked after "Legendary Skills?"
Unlocked after "Legendary Skills?"
Unlocked after "Legendary Skills?"
Unlocked after "Legendary Skills?"
Unlocked after "Legendary Skills?"

Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"

Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"
Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"
Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"
Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"
Unlocked after "Dirty Deals"

Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"

Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Unlocked after "Giant Dragon Invasion"

Unlocked after "Sky Render"

Unlocked after "Sky Render"
Unlocked after "Sky Render"
Unlocked after "Sky Render"
Unlocked after "Beware Twin Horns on the Sand" & "Deviljho Hunt" & "Tracing the Family Tree" & "Emergency at the Arct
Unlocked after "Beware Twin Horns on the Sand" & "Deviljho Hunt" & "Tracing the Family Tree" & "Emergency at the Arct

Unlocked after "Bnahabra in the Stomach"

Unlocked after "Desert Furrontier"
Unlocked after "Primal Furrontier"
Unlocked after "Royal Ludroth Manebreaker"
Unlocked after "Laughter is Not the Best Antidote"
Unlocked after "Volcano Furrontier"
Unlocked after "Nerscylla Hidebreaker", Scouted Cats will be Level 60 ~ 61 upon completion
Gendrome, Bulldrome, Arzuros, Lagombi
he Arctic Ridge!"
he Arctic Ridge!"
Quest Name Main Objective
- - -
- - Speak to Harth Chief in Yukumo
Delivery Deliver items to Trader
- Deliver items to x3
Delivery Raw Meat
- Popfish x5
Delivery Deliver items
- Deliver items to
Wanchovy Trader
to x2
Delivery Mystery
Yukumo Bone
Egg x5
- Deliver items to Trader
Delivery Spicy Mushroom
Sushifish x5 x1
- Frozen
Request Sharpfang x3x1
1★ Urgent Vaulting Outlaw Hunt a Great
Brilliant Maccao
Fluid x1
2★ Village Sunsung Sprout Courier Deliver 10 Super Sprouts
2★ Urgent Tusked Tantrum Hunt a Tetsucabra
3★ Village For Whom the Egg Yolks Deliver 3 Gargwa Eggs
3★ Village The Crabbiest Catch Capture a Damiyo Hermitaur
4★ Urgent The Nocturnal Enchanter Hunt Malfestio
Deliver 10 Unique Ferns
4★ Village A Unique Cuppa
or a Paw Pass Ticket
4★ Village Peddling Practice Deliver 10 Balmstone Pieces
5★ Village Island Heat Hunt a Rathalos
6★ Village The Bellowing Zinogre Hunt a Zinogre
7★ Village Season's Eatings Hunt 2 Aruzuros
7★ Urgent Primal Forest Arachnids Hunt a Nerscylla
8★ Village The Furtilizer That Time Furgot Deliver 10 Immortal Moths
9★ Village Pheromone Moans Capture a Seltas Queen
9★ Village Snowball Skirmish Hunt a Blangonga and a Lagombi
9★ Village Sky Tribe: Rice to the Occasion Hunt a Lagiacrus
1★ Hub Ingredient Hunter Deliver 20 Tropical Berries
1★ Hub The Ingredient of Legend Hunt an Arzuros
2★ Hub Fresh is Best Slay 20 Bullfango
4★ Hub Delicious White Livers Deliver 3 White Livers
4★ Urgent A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks Hunt a Plesioth
5★ Hub Nargacuga Throwdown Hunt a Nargacuga
6★ Hub The Coal Still Burns Deliver 30 pieces of Coal
6★ Hub Nibeling on Apples Hunt a Hyper Nibelsnarf
6★ Hub The Plesioth Adventure Hunt a Hyper Plesioth
6★ Urgent Seer of Swords Hunt a Seregios
G1★ Hub Damiyo Hermitaur Flambe Hunt a Damiyo Hermitaur
G1★ Hub Pleasantly Sozzled Hunt a Tetsucabra
G1★ Hub The Bird Who Wood Be King Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku
G1★ Hub Riverside Rumble Hunt an Arzuros
G2★ Hub The Legend of King Apple Hunt a Volvidon

G2★ Hub Treasure Pinnacle: Rice Hunt a Hyper Malfestio

G2★ Hub Please Plesioth Me! Hunt a Plesioth
G4★ Urgent Castle on the Run Slay an Ahtal-Ka
Ingredient Unlocked Notes
Larinoth Salami
Available from Start
Anmo Beef
Hot Heart Red indicates MHGU-only conte
Moga Crab
Prime Moga Tuna
Loc Lac Walnut
Jumbo Fish
Manygrain Rice
Superior Rice
Bherna Greens Story Urgent Quest
Ancient Seabream
Bamboo Sprouts
Rheno Prosciutto
Story Urgent Quest
Bherna Eggplant
Loc Lac Peanut
Moga Mussel
Malfest Roast Story Urgent Quest
Spring Rice
Cathar Tomato
Fluffy Waffle
Master Ale
Dragontail Quest Line: [Yukomo] Village Grocer (2)
Larinoth Cuts Story Urgent Quest
Cannon Lettuce
Megabagel Quest Line: [Yukomo] Head Moga Farmer (4)
Dragonslayer-brand Firewater
Armorfish Morsel
Cheeko Corn
Moga Garlic
Diced Steak
Cathar Flying Fish
Ancient Giant Squid Story Urgent Quest
Frozen Mushrooms
Magma Pork
Blessed Wine
Wyvern Amber Ale Story Urgent Quest
Emperor Celery
Big Dundor Bean Quest Line: [Kokoto] Dundorma Guardman (3)
Abalone Cluster
King of All Fruits

Quest Line: [Kokoto] Treshi (3)

Note: To unlock Treshi (2), you need to
Chomoran Rice
complete Village 4★ Village Quest "Tumbling
Troublemaker" in addition to Treshi (1).
Natural Blowfish
Chat-eau de Nya Story Urgent Quest
Red indicates MHGU-only content

Axellion Note: I will add some of the ingredient quest lines later
If you have any specific ones to ask, I will respond in Discord
Quest Name Main Objective
Monster Hunter Generati
2★ Village Prowler's First Errand Deliver 5 Unique Ferns
2★ Village Jurassic Fungologist Deliver 8 Abyssal Mushrooms
3★ Village Verdant Hills Bully Slay 8 Melynxes
3★ Village Lucky Hills Bully Earn 800 Wycademy Points
Slay a total of 10 Vespoid or
3★ Village Bug Reports
3★ Village The Mining Drag Deliver 8 Balmstone Pieces
4★ Village Great Maccao Headbreaker Wound Great Maccao's Head
4★ Village Dash It All Slay 10 Bullfango
4★ Village An Offer You Can't Refuse Deliver 3 Gargwa Eggs
4★ Village The Secret Ingredient Deliver 4 Carapaceon Brains
4★ Village Marshlands Fishing? Deliver 3 Goldenfish
4★ Village Artic Point Expedition Earn 1000 Wycademy Points
5★ Village Blood Red Marshlands Slay 10 Ioprey
5★ Village An Offer You Can't Relieve Deliver a Wyvern Egg
5★ Village Kut-ku Earbreaker Wound Yian Kut-ku's head
6★ Village The Right Cattitude Hunt an Arzuros
6★ Village D. Hermitaur Shellbreaker Break Daimyo's Shell
Hunt all Large Monsters
6★ Village Surrounded by Blue and Green
(Velocidrome, Great and
Hunt a Bulldrome Maccao)
6★ Village Poison and Fangs
4★ Hub The Grandmeowster's Trials Slay 15 Konchu
7★ Hub The Ball's in Your Court Hunt a Volvidon
Hunt all Large Monsters
7★ Hub Meownster Hunter (Bulldrome, Great Maccao,
Gendrome) Monster Hunter Generations
7★ Village Prowler's Second Errand Deliver 9 Tall Mushrooms
7★ Village Conga Line Slay 11 Congas
7★ Village Dashing Velocidrome Hunt a Velocidrome
8★ Village Eggcellent Surprise Deliver 2 Herbivore Eggs
8★ Village Cold-Blooded Giadrome Hunt 2 Giadrome
8★ Village Congalala Crestbreaker Wound Cogalala's crest
9★ Village Innocent Curiosity Slay 13 Great Thunderbugs
9★ Village A Poison Paradise Hunt a Volvidon and an Iodrome
9★ Village Basarios Chestbreaker Wound Basarios's chest
10★ Village Lucky Hills Cat Earn 1800 Wycademy Points
10★ Village Snow Festival HuntHunt
a Giadrome
all Largeand a Lagombi
10★ Village Drome Rush! (Velocidrome, Gendrome,
G1★ Hub Bnahabra in the Stomach Giadrome, Iodrome)
Slay 15 Bhanabra
G1★ Hub Desert Furrontier Slay 16 Genprey
G2★ Hub Primal Furrontier Slay 15 Congas
G2★ Hub Royal Ludroth Manebreaker Wound R. Ludroth's Mane
G3★ Hub Laughter is Not the Best Antidote Hunt an Iodrome
Slay a total of 18 Ceanataurs
G3★ Hub Volcano Furrontier
or Uroktor
G3★ Hub Nerscylla Hidebreaker Wound Nerscylla's hide
G4★ Hub Lagiacrus Headbreaker Wound Lagiacrus's head
Hunt all Large Monsters
G4★ Hub Meownster Hunter Ultimate (Gendrome, Bulldrome,
Arzuros, Lagombi)
Unlocked by Reaching a Spe
(With Prowlers, you can unlock stuff by doing the quests above
HR Unlo
HR 4
HR 5
HR 6
HR 10
HR 11
HR 12 Unlocks G-Rank Meownster
Palico Max Hunt
HR 30 Increases Level Ca
Monster Hunter Generations

Unlocked after 2★ Village "Prowler's First Errand"

Unlocks after Mushroom
2★ Village trading.
"Jurassic Fungologist"
Increases Palico Hire Limit to 36.
Unlocks after 3★ Village "Verdant Hills Bully"
Unlocks after 3★ Village "Lucky Hills Bully"
Unlocks Bug Trading
Unlocks after 3★ Village "Verdant Hills Bully"
Unlocks after 3★ "The Mining Drag"
Increase Palico Hire Limit to 48.
Unlocks after 4★ "Great Maccao Headbreaker".
Unlocks after 4★ "Great Maccao Headbreaker".
Unlocks after 4★ "Great Maccao Headbreaker".
Unlocks after either 4★ Village "Dash It All", "An Offer You Can't Refuse", or "The Secret Ingredient"
Unlocks after either 4★ Village "Dash ItUnlocks
All", "AnFish
You Can't Refuse", or "The Secret Ingredient"
Raises Level of Scouted Cats to Level 5-7.
Unlocks after both 4★ Village "Marshlands Fishing?" and "Artic Point Expedition"
Unlocked after 5★ Village "Blood Red Marshlands"
Unlocked after 5★ "An Offer You Can't Relieve"
Unlocks Trading Cart #2
Unlocked after 5★ "Kut-ku Earbreaker"
Unlocked after 6★ "The Right Cattitude"
Unlocked afterPalico HireRight
6★ "The LimitCattitude"
to 60.
after 6★Trading Cart Cattitude"
"The Right #3
Raises Level of Scouted Cats to Level 10-12.
Increase Level Cap from 20 to 35.

Unlocked after 7★ Hub "The Ball's in Your Court"

Increase Level Cap from 35 to 50.
MonsterI Hunter
Disclaimer: Generations
do not actually Ultimate
know what the HR Village reall unlocks since I already got everything before tackling it (there
ways to achieve everything). I will add any unlocks here that people actually find, so post away in reddit or discord to let
Increase Level Cap from 20 to 35.
Increases Palico Hire Limit to 78.

Unconfirmed: Might be able to do "8★ Village Picturesque Pinnacle" instead of this

Unlocked after 8★ Village "Picturesque Pinnacle"
Raise Level of Scouted Cats to Level 30-32.

Unconfirmed: Might be able to do "9★ Lucky Dunes Cat" instead of this

Unconfirmed: Might be able to do "10★ Ludroth Lunacy" or "10★ Duramboros Humpbreaker" instead of this

Unlocked after G1★ "Bnahabra in the Stomach"

Unlocked after G1★ "Desert Furrontier"
Unlocked after G2★ "Primal Furrontier"
Unlocked after G2★ "Royal Ludroth Manebreaker"
Unlocked after G3★ "Laughter is Not the Best Antidote"
Unlocked after G3★ "Volcano Furrontier"
Unlocks Rainbow
Unlocked Pigment
after G3 for Palico
★ "Nerscylla Equipment.
Raises Level of Scouted Cats to Level 60-61.

Increases Level Cap from 75 to 99?

Unlocked by Reaching a Specific HR

nlock stuff by doing the quests above or by reaching a specific HR, listed below)
Unlocks Mushroom, Bug, and Fish Trading.
Unlocks Trading
Trading Cart
Cart #3.
Unlocks HR Meownster Expeditions.
Increases Level Cap
Palico from
Hire 20 to
Limit to 60.
Increases Level of Scouted Cats to Level 30-32
Increases Level of Scouted Cats to Level 20-22.
Increases Palico
Increases Palico Hire
Hire Limit
Limit to
to 84
Increases G-Rank Meownster
of Scouted CatsExpeditions.
to Level 45-47
Unlocks G-Rank Meownster
Palico Max Hunter Locations:
Level Raised to 75 Coast & Volcano
Increases Level Cap from 35 to 50.
ere are multiple
o let us know.
Hunter Art
Absolute Evasion
Absolute Readiness
Heal Gain
Escape Runner
Hunter's Oasis
Mass Combiner
Frenzy Fever
Castle Walls
Fortress Walls
Arisen Phoenix

Great Sword
Ground Slash I
Ground Slash II
Ground Slash III
Lion's Maw I
Lion's Maw II
Lion's Maw III
Brimstone Slash I
Brimstone Slash II
Brimstone Slash III
Moonbreaker I
Moonbreaker II
Moonbreaker III

Long Sword
Sakura Slash I
Sakura Slash II
Sakura Slash III
Unhinged Spirit I
Unhinged Spirit II
Unhinged Spirit III
Critical Juncture I
Critical Juncture II
Critical Juncture III
Devouring Demon I
Devouring Demon II
Devouring Demon III

Sword and Shield

Sword Dance I
Sword Dance II
Sword Dance III
Round Force I
Round Force II
Round Force III
Shoryugeki I
Shoryugeki II
Shoryugeki III
Chaos Oil I
Chaos Oil II
Chaos Oil III

Dual Blades
Blood Wind I
Blood Wind II
Blood Wind III
Aerial Slam I
Aerial Slam II
Aerial Slam III
Wolf's Maw I
Wolf's Maw II
Wolf's Maw III
Spiral Slice I
Spiral Slice II
Spiral Slice III

Spinning Meteor I
Spinning Meteor II
Spinning Meteor III
Provoke I
Provoke II
Provoke III
Typhoon Trigger I
Typhoon Trigger II
Typhoon Trigger III
Impact Press I
Impact Press II
Impact Press III

Hunting Horn
Euphony I
Euphony II
Euphony III
Sonic Smash I
Sonic Smash II
Sonic Smash III
Harmonize I
Harmonize II
Harmonize III
Invigoration I
Invigoration II
Invigoration III

Shield Assault I
Shield Assault II
Shield Assault III
Corkscrew Jab I
Corkscrew Jab II
Corkscrew Jab III
Enraged Guard I
Enraged Guard II
Enraged Guard III
Healing Shield I
Healing Shield II
Healing Shield III

Dragon Blast I
Dragon Blast II
Dragon Blast III
Blast Dash I
Blast Dash II
Blast Dash III
Dragon Breath I
Dragon Breath II
Dragon Breath III
AA Flare I
AA Flare II
AA Flare III

Switch Axe
Trance Slash I
Trance Slash II
Trance Slash III
Demon Riot I
Demon Riot II
Demon Riot III
Energy Charge I
Energy Charge II
Energy Charge III
Tempest Axe I
Tempest Axe II
Tempest Axe III

Charge Blade
Energy Blade I
Energy Blade II
Energy Blade III
Limit Breaker I
Limit Breaker II
Limit Breaker III
Healing Phial I
Healing Phial II
Healing Phial III
Ripper Shield I
Ripper Shield II
Ripper Shield III

Insect Glaive
Extract Hunter I
Extract Hunter II
Extract Hunter III
Swarm I
Swarm II
Swarm III
Bug Blow I
Bug Blow II
Bug Blow III
Bug Majeure I
Bug Majeure II
Bug Majeure III

Light Bowgun
Bullet Geyser I
Bullet Geyser II
Bullet Geyser III
Full House I
Full House II
Full House III
Rapid Fire Rain I
Rapid Fire Rain II
Rapid Fire Rain III
Charge Shot I
Charge Shot II
Charge Shot III

Heavy Bowgun
Super Nova I
Super Nova II
Super Nova III
Guns Blazing I
Guns Blazing II
Guns Blazing III
Gunpowder Infusion I
Gunpowder Infusion II
Gunpowder Infusion III
Void Piercer I
Void Piercer II
Void Piercer III

Triple Volley I
Triple Volley II
Triple Volley III
Haste Rain I
Haste Rain II
Haste Rain III
Blade Wire I
Blade Wire II
Blade Wire III
Tactical Retreat I
Tactical Retreat II
Tactical Retreat III
Unlock Conditions
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Wyvern Sand Runners"
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 5 Bherna Quests.
Complete 5 Pokke Quests
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Watch Your Steppe"
Complete 5 Yukumo Quests
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Fight or Uragaan!"
Complete 5 Kokoto Quests

Great Sword
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "From Beyond the Sands", talk to the Hell Hunters. (The two men sitti
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Get a Palico to Level 25 or higher
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Revelation!".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 6★ Village Quest "The Scorching Blade".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Show Me Your Shaka-Strength".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Feeling Generally Crabby".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Big Push".

Long Sword
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Elder Dragon of Mist".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Tigrex by the Tail".
After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Topple the Monarch", talk to the Argosy Captain in
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenan
Gain 400 or more points in Yukumo Village.
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Hunter Games".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Sky Tribe: Savior of the Skyway".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Jungle Funk".

Sword and Shield

Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Kut-Ku Earbreaker", or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Two-headed C
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Marshlands Nightmare".
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Hunt, Sweat, and Tears", talk to the Ace Cadet in B
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenan
Gain 400 or more points in Kokoto Village.
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Three Hour Tour".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Face-off in the Jungle".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Tragedy in Silver and Gold".

Dual Blades
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Hunt, Sweat, and Tears", talk to the Ace Cadet in B
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tenan
Get a Palico to Level 20 or higher
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "At the Slayground".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Hunt a Deviljho
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Triumphant Rage".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Face-off in the Jungle".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "If These Rocks Could Talk".

Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "For Whom the Gong Tolls".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Nargacuga Throwdown".
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Hunter Games".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Unwavering Colossus".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Fanged Beasts".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Earn Your Strength".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Deranged Desert Deviljho".

Hunting Horn
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Topple the Monarch", talk to the Argosy Captain in
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Najarala".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The End of the Trials".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 4★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Land Sharq".
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Earn Your Strength".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Bed of Sand"

Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Serpentine Samba", talk to the Ace Lancer in Bh
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Gain 400 or more points in Pokke Village
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Frozen Dictator".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Shogun's Encampment".
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Bugging Out".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Comission: Basarios".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "It Takes Mizutsune to Tango".

Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Emperor of Flame".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Beasts of Brawn".
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Serpentine Samba", talk to the Ace Lancer in Bh
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Island Heat".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Flames of War".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Comission: Basarios".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Death at My Greaves".

Switch Axe
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "For Whom the Gong Tolls".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Walls Have Eyes".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Child of Destruction".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "Double Vision.
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Firefight to the Finish!".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Share the Load (and the Reward)".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Setting the Barioth High"

Charge Blade
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Slay a Kirin.
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Winged Wyverns".
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Gain 400 or more points in Bherna Village.
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Dances with Wyverns".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Share the Load (and the Reward)".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "All Creatures Cleaved and Small".

Insect Glaive
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
After completing the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "From Beyond the Sands", talk to the Hell Hunters (The two men sittin
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Topple the Monarch".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Searching for Secret Baths".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 4★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Powerful Team".
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Marshlands Rag".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Feeling Generally Crabby".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Heaven and Hell".

Light Bowgun
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Thunderclaw Wyvern".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Descending Fog".
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Status: Effected".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "Stop the Wheel".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Man's Arena is His Castle".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Through Thick and Fin"
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Brachydios Brute Squad".

Heavy Bowgun
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete the 6★ Village Quest "Break the Brachydios".
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "Emperor of Flame".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the 5★ Village Quest "The Entrancing Water Dancer".
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2".
Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Hollow Defense".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Sky Tribe: Savior of the Skyway".
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "Pinnacle Problems"

Unlocked from the beginning
Complete 4★ Village Quest "The Nocturnal Enchanter" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking S
Complete the 7★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Birds of Prey".
Complete 3★ Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the 3★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Shocking Scou
Complete the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha".
Complete the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2".
Complete 2★ Village Quest "Vaulting Outlaw" or the 2★ Hunters Hub Quest "The New Tena
Complete 6★ Village Quest "Surrounded by Blue and Green" or the 5★ Hunters Hub Quest "A Plesioth in
Complete the 6★ Hunters Hub Quest "Wild Gunman".
Clear 6★ -> 7★ Urgent quest "Research Team's First Rodeo"
Complete the G2★ Hunters Hub Quest "Through Thick and Fin"
Complete the G4★ Hunters Hub Quest "The Jungle VIP".
Red indicates MHGU-only content

table in Kokoto).

Hyper Gammoth

Hyper Congalala + Hyper Nargacuga + Hyper Mizutsune

Hyper Silver Rathalos + Hyper Gold Rathian

Hyper Astalos

Savage Deviljho
Hyper Barroth + Hyper Tigrex + Hyper Glavenus

Hyper Mizutsune

Hyper Gravios + Hyper Nercylla

Hyper Barioth

Hyper Glavenus

able in Kokoto).

Chaotic Gore Magala

Raging Brachydios

Hyper Basarios + Hyper Zinogre + Hyper Astalos

Furious Rajang
Deviant Rank Quest to Unlock
Monster Hunter Generations
Redhelm Arzuros 1★ Hub The Ingredient of Legend
Snowbaron Lagombi 1★ Hub Snow with Occasional Lagombi
Stonefist Hermitaur 1★ Hub Shells of Steel
Dreadqueen Rathian 2★ Hub Royal Assassination
Drilltusk Tetsucabra 4★ Hub Tackling the Tetsucabra
Silverwind Nargacuga 5★ Hub Nargacuga Throwdown
Crystalbeard Uragaan 5★ Hub Fight or Uragaan!
Deadeye Yian Garuga 5★ Hub Worst. Trip. Ever!
Dreadking Rathalos 6★ Hub Rathalos Run
Thunderlord Zinogre 6★ Hub Topple the Monarch
Grimclaw Tigrex 6★ Hub What a Girl Wants
Hellblade Glavenus 6★ Hub Duel in the Volcanic Hollow
Monster Hunter Generations Ultima
Nightcloak Malfestio G1★ Hub Hunt a G-Rank Malfestio
Rustrazor Ceanataur G1★ Hub Hunt a G-Rank Shogun Ceanataur
Soulseer Mizutsune G1★ Hub Hunt a G-Rank Mizutsune
Boltreaver Astalos G1★ Hub Hunt a G-Rank Astalos
Elderfrost Gammoth G1★ Hub Hunt a G-Rank Gammoth
Bloodbath Diablos G1★ Hub HR60+ & beat all G1★ Hub of new Deviants
Any G1★+ Old Deviant G1★+ Hub Hunt a G-Rank version of the non-deviant
Main Objective Sub Objective Notes
Monster Hunter Generations
Hunt a Arzuros Deliver 3 Royal Honey
Hunt a Lagombi Mount and topple monster twice
Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur Break Daimyo's shell
Hunt a Rathian Deliver a Wyvern Egg
Hunt a Tetsucabra Deliver 3 Ancient Berries
Hunt a Nargacuga Sever Nargacuga's tail
Hunt an Uragaan Slay 10 Rhenoplos
Hunt a Yian Garuga Wound Yian Garuga's wingtalons
Hunt a Rathalos Wound Rathalos's head & wings
Hunt a Zinogre Sever Zinogre's tail
Hunt a Tigrex Sever Tigrex's tail
Hunt a Glavenus Sever Glavenus's tail
ter Hunter Generations Ultimate
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - Devaints originating from MHGen not required
- -
not required
HR Monster Unlocked
Chaotic Gore Magala
Kushala Daora
Gold Rathian
Silver Rathalos
Furious Rajang
Savage Deviljho
Raging Brachydios
70 Amatsu
80 Alatreon
90 Fatalis
95 Crimson Fatalis
White Fatalis
Super Deviants (Lv16 / EX)
Arena Quest
Monster Hunter Generations
Grudge Match: Malfestio
Grudge Match: Khezu
Grudge Match: Najarala
Grudge Match: Rathalos
Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha
Grudge Match: Plesioth
Grudge Match: Brachydios
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Great Maccao
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Gypceros
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Bird Wyverns
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Grudge Match: Barioth
Grudge Match: Yian Garuga
Grudge Match: Uragaan
Grudge Match: Seregios
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Barroth
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Tetsucabra
(Prowler) Grudge Match: Congalala
Unlock Condition
Monster Hunter Generations
Talk to the Guild Manager in the Hub
3★ Village [The Shadow in the Mountains]
4★ Village [Noise Violation]
5★ Village [A King, Robed in Smoke]
4★ Hub [Swing into Action]
4★ Urgent/5★ Hub [A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks]
7★ Hub [Rocked and Rolled]
Talk to the Guild Manager in the Hub
4★ Village [Great Maccao Headbreaker] (to unlock, clear all 2★ and 3★ Village quests for Prowler)
6★ Hub [Everywhere You Look] (to unlock, clear 4★ Hub [The Grandmeowster's Trials] and 5★ Hub [Calm, Cool,
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Available at start of G rank.
G2★ Hub Key [Feeding Time]
G3★ Hub [It's Gotta Be Coal]
G4★ Hub [Battle of 1001 Blades] or [Seregios Scuffle] (Unconfirmed which one)
Available at start of G rank.
(Prowler) G1★ Hub [Desert Furrontier]
(Prowler) G2★ Hub [Primal Furrontier]
and Collected])
Expansion Unlock Condition
Research Lab Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"

Item Box Expansion (Starter) Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"
Item Box Expansion (Improved) Clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
Item Box Expansion (Premium) Clear G1★ Hub Urgent Quest "Dirty Deals"
Basic Supplies: Gathering Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"
Basic Supplies: Navigation Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"
Cold Region Supplies Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"
Hot Region Supplies Clear 7★ Village Key Quest "Husk Hunter"
Heal Supplies: Basic Kit

Heal Supplies: Pro Kit

Heal Supplies: Emergency
Bomb Supplies
Flash Bomb Supplies
Powder Supplies Clear G3★ Hub Urgent Quest "Sky Render"
Capture Supplies
Heal Supplies: Antidote
Dung Supplies

Hunting Supplies: Return

Mining Supplies: Emergency
Bug Supplies: Emergency
Max Potion Supplies Clear G2★ Hub Urgent Quest "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Heal Supplies: Response Clear G2★ Hub Urgent Quest "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Heal Supplies: Special Clear G2★ Hub Urgent Quest "Giant Dragon Invasion"
Powder Supplies: Special Clear G3★ Hub Urgent Quest "Sky Render"
Hunting Supplies: Arts Clear G3★ Hub Urgent Quest "Sky Render"

Max Potion Supplies: Special Clear G3★ Hub Urgent Quest "Sky Render"
Heal Supplies: Sp. Action Clear G3★ Hub Urgent Quest "Sky Render"
Weaponsmithing: Great Sword
Weaponsmithing: Long Sword
Weaponsmithing: Lance
Weaponsmithing: Gunlance
Weaponsmithing: Sword & Shield
Weaponsmithing: Dual Blades

Weaponsmithing: Hammer
Weaponsmithing: Hunting Horn
Weaponsmithing: Switch Axe
Weaponsmithing: Charge Blade
Weaponsmithing: Insect Glaive
Weaponsmithing: Light Bowgun
Weaponsmithing: Heavy Bowgun
Weaponsmithing: Bow

Palico Weaponsmithing
Palico Armorsmithing
Palico Weaponsmithing G Clear G1★ Hub Urgent Quest "Dirty Deals"
Palico Armorsmithing G Clear G1★ Hub Urgent Quest "Dirty Deals"
Hunter Armor Fusion: Head Clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
Hunter Armor Fusion: Chest Clear G4★ Hub Urgent Quest "Castle on the Run"
Hunter Armor Fusion: Arms Clear G4★ Hub Urgent Quest "Castle on the Run"
Hunter Armor Fusion: Waist Clear G4★ Hub Urgent Quest "Castle on the Run"

Hunter Armor Fusion: Legs Clear G4★ Hub Urgent Quest "Castle on the Run"
Palico Armor Fusion: Head Clear 7★ Hub Urgent Quest "Legendary Skills?"
Palico Armor Fusion: Body Clear G4★ Hub Urgent Quest "Castle on the Run"
Armor Fusion: Redhelm Clear Quest "Special Permit: Redhelm EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Snowbaron Clear Quest "Special Permit: Snowbaron EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Stonefist Clear Quest "Special Permit: Stonefist EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Dreadqueen Clear Quest "Special Permit: Dreadqueen EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Drilltusk Clear Quest "Special Permit: Drilltusk EX: Hunt"
Expansion Unlock Condition
Armor Fusion: Silverwind Clear Quest "Special Permit: Silverwind EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Crystalbeard Clear Quest "Special Permit: Crystalbeard EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Deadeye Clear Quest "Special Permit: Deadeye EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Dreadking Clear Quest "Special Permit: Dreadking EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Thunderlord Clear Quest "Special Permit: Thunderlord EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Grimclaw Clear Quest "Special Permit: Grimclaw EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Hellblade Clear Quest "Special Permit: Hellblade EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Nightcloak Clear Quest "Special Permit: Nightcloak EX: Hunt"
Expansion Unlock Condition
Armor Fusion: Rustrazor Clear Quest "Special Permit: Rustrazor EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Soulseer Clear Quest "Special Permit: Soulseer EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Boltreaver Clear Quest "Special Permit: Boltreaver EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Elderfrost Clear Quest "Special Permit: Elderfrost EX: Hunt"
Armor Fusion: Bloodbath Clear Quest "Special Permit: Bloodbath EX: Hunt"
Room Upgrade Unlock Condition
Poogie: Mejor Hamigo 4★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome]
Poogie: Mucho Mucho 4★ Hub [So Notable: Great Maccao]
Housekeeper: Guildmarm 7★ Hub [So Notable: Seregios]
Poogie: Hog in a Frog 2★ Hub [Ahoy! Royal Ludroth]
Housekeeper: Moga Sweetheart 3★ Village [The Fungus Among Us]
Housekeeper: Tanzia Sweetheart6★ Village [Advanced: Fungus Fetchin']
Housekeeper: Headwhiskress 3★ Village [Sunsung
Spicy Islex1
Mushroom Rescue!]
Poogie: Emperor's New Duds Frozen Berry x1
Poogie: Great Poogie 6★ Hub [Nibeling on Apples]
Moofy: Country Cutie G3★ Hub [Sweet for My Sweets]
Housekeeper: Lil Miss Forge 8★ Village [It's Not Uragaan's, It's Mine]
Housekeeper: Funky Felyne G2★ Hub [Afro Soul Is a Way of Life]
Poogie: Diablos Duds Bloodbath G1: Hunt
Wisdom Set
Cheerful Set (Female Only)
F Cheerful Set
Yaksha / Carnage Set
Ancient Talisment For crafting Yaksha / Carnage Set
F Barrel Body
Deluxe Barrel Timber For crafting F Barrel Body
Mariner Set (Female Only)
F Mariner Set
Ancient X Set
F Edel X Set
Scholarly Set
F Scholarly Set
Scholarly S Set
F Scholarly S Set
Scholarly X Set
F Scholarly X Set
Stargazer Flower For crafting Ivory Bow
Ancient Set
White Kitty Stamp
Felyne Ragdoll
Melynx Ragdoll
Derring Set
F Derring Set
EX S. Magala Ticket For crafting EX Arc / Storage sets
Arluq Whammer
Hawk Set (Male Only)
Caravanner's Armlets
Derring S Set
F Derring S Set
Hawk X Set (Male Only)
F Derring X Set
Lecturer's Set (Female Only)
F Lecturer Set
Cunning Specs
Lecturer X Set (Female Only)
F Lecturer X Set
EX Gore Magala Ticket For crafting EX Gore sets
Ace Set (Male Only)
Sororal Set (Female Only)
Ace Blades
Ace Bowgun
Ace X Set (Male Only)
Sororal X Set (Female Only)
Ace Lance
Damaged Amber For crafting Ace Lance
For crafting EX Genprey, Ioprey,
Rainbow Ore
Vespoid, Hornetaur, Cephalos sets
Guardian X Set (Male Only)
F Diva Set
Master's Set
Pride of Harth
F Pleasant Set
Fluffy White Ball For crafting F Snoozy Moofy Plush
Moofah X Set
F Moofy X Set
F Cute Set
Fluffy Black Ball
Luzio Saurel
Sunmarge Crystal For crafting Luzio Saurel
Hunting Set
F Hunting Set
Hero's Blade Remove it in Kokoto village
F Hunting X Set
Shining Wyvern Blade

Addled Beers

Maiden / French Maid Sets (Female Only)

F Maiden Set
Maiden / French Maid S Sets (Female Only)
F Maiden S Set
Maiden / French Maid X Sets (Female Only)
F Maiden X Set
EX Congalala Ticket For Crafting Cong GX Set
Tailed Frog For crafting Handmade Frog
Blossom Cricket For Crafting Magia IG / HH
Kingmeat For crafting Enormous Ham
EX Rathalos Ticket For crafting EX Rathalos / Rathian sets
EX Rathalos Ticket S For crafting EX Rathalos S / Rathian S sets
Crystal Hammer
Guardian Lance
Guardian Set (Male only)
Guardian U Set (Male only)
Seahorse Harp
F Devia Set
Yukumo Riceflour For crafting Dango DBs
Doll Parts For crafting Teddybear Hammer
Great Ladybug For crafting Ladybug HBG
Jaggi Mask
Eldora Scepter
Magnificent El Dora Gun
Weapon Codex For crafting Chak Chak SnS
Bowgun Codex For crafting Aquamatic "Needler" HBG
K. Star / U. Ocean Sets
Barbarian Blade
Shinobi Heaven / Land Sets
Shinobi Sea / Sky Sets
Ninja Sword
Shinobi Heaven / Land Goku Sets
F Mafumofu
Takami Feather
F Mafumofu X Set
Push Broom
Helper / Healer (Female Only)
F Helper
Helper / Healer X (Female Only)
F Pokke Mop X
F Helper X Set
Helper / Healer S (Female Only)
Helper / Healer U (Female Only)
F Helper S
Giant Acorn For Crafting Felyne Bowgun
Spiky Acorn For crafting Acorn Rod
Felyne Kettle For crafting Kettleblower
EX Lavasioth Ticket For crafting EX Lavasioth Set
EX Tigrex Ticket For crafting EX Tigrex Set
F Felcote's Coat
EX Tigrex Ticket S For crafting EX Tigrex S Set
F Felcote's Thick Coat
F Cha-Cha Set
F Kayamba Set
F Ultimate Mask

F Cha-Cha X Set
F Kayamba X Set
Barbecue Gunlance
Kayamcha Slinger
F Ultimate Mask +
For crafting Kayamcha Slinger (Bow)
Strange Mask
& Barbecue Gunlance
Blue Guild Set
Red Guild Set

Blue Guild XSet

Red Guild X Set
Hyper Sets
Yukumo Set
F Yukumo Set
Hayabusa Feather
F Yukumo X Set
Dianthus / Campanile Sets (Female Only)
F Pretty Set
Weal Sets (Female Only)
F Beautiful Set
Masa Sets
F Exquisite Set
F Machalite Wedge

F Giant Acorn
F Vprey Wedge
F Barrel Basher
F Transpurrter Set
F Transpurrter Set Might be a typo in Request Log, could be X set
EX Zinogre Ticket For crafting EX Zinogre Set
EX Brachydios Ticket For crafting EX Brachydios Set
Toka / Mitsuaoi Sets

Bath Set X
For crafting Poison Fungasax (HH)
& Wyvern's Perch (GS)
King Cactus For crafting Cactus Creamer
Heftcorn For crafting Cornpopper (GL)
Humspun Conch For crafting Swell Shell (HH)
Sharqskin For crafting Sharq Byte (Lance)
Blue Cutthroat For crafting Hairtail's Hairblade (LS)
Viking Hornsword
Helios / Selene Sets
For crafting Viking Hornsword (GS) &
Ocean Pyroxene
Ala Victoria (Bow) & Inceadus (SA)
Scholar's Set (Female Only)
F Guide's Set
Scholar X Set (Female Only)
F Guide X Set
Sailor Set (Female Only)
F Sailor Set
Sailor X Set (Female Only)
F Sailor X Set
For crafting Viking Hornsword (GS) &
Ocean Pyroxene
Ala Victoria (Bow) & Inceadus (SA)
Dragonseal Sword
Anchor Hammer
Authum Umbrella
Gourd Shot
Centenarian Dagger
Ranger's Set
Strider Set
Hero Strongarm
Hero Gunlance
Hero Blaster
Ala Victoria
For crafting Viking Hornsword (GS) &
Ocean Pyroxene
Ala Victoria (Bow) & Inceadus (SA)
F Master's Blade
F Master's Set
Snowy Pokke Complete all Village Quests
Thermal Yukumo Complete all Village Quests
Blooming Bherna Complete all Village Quests
Verdant Kokoto Complete all Village Quests
Barrage Earring Complete all MHGen Arena quests with A+
Sword Saint Earring Complete all MHGen Arena quests with A+
Candid Earring Complete all Arena quests (maybe just GU ones?)
Desire Earring Complete all Arena quests with A+ (maybe just GU ones?)

Unlocking R and XR Series Arm

Step 1 Unlock HR4 to the Harth Chief
● Speak
Step 2 ● Speak to Lilthe
For Whom MIss Forge
Gong to (Duramboros)
Tolls turn in her request
Step 3 ● The Lightning Crown (Astalos)
Receive and clear the quest "HR6 The Coal Still Burns"
Step 4 Speak toand
● Receive Lil Miss
clearForge to turn
the quest in her
"HR6 request
Triple Toady Terror"
Step 5 ● Speak to the Harth Chief to turn in his request
Unlock Condition
Rare Scarab x5
Yukumo Hardwood x5
9★ Village [Flappy Past]

G4★ Hub [The Ol' Razzle Dazzle]

G1★ Hub [Pleasantly Sozzled]

9★ Village [Earn Your Gear]

10★ Village [Advanced: Jurrassic Pair]

3★ Village [Travelers in Trouble]

6★ Hub [Woe Malfestio]

G3★ Hub [PR Disaster]

2★ Village [On the Rebound]

6★ Village [Advanced: The Goliaths]
3★ Village [Fishy Favor]

4★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Damiyo Hermitaur]

4★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome]

6★ Village [Nothing is Sacred]

7★ Hub [Primal Forest Defense]

G3★ Hub [Hunt-a-Thon:Gravios]

4★ Hub [So Notable: Great Maccao]

5★ Hub [So Notable: Kecha Wacha]

G2★ Hub [So Notable: Hyper Hermitaur]

6★ Hub [Watch your Steppe]

7★ Hub [Putting the Gore in Magala]

G4★ Hub [Primal Screams]

G4★ Hub [Primal Screams]

G2★ Hub [Commission: Hyper Kecha Wacha]

5★ Hub [Twin Velocidrome]

G4★ Hub [Seregios Expose]

7★ Hub [The Hapless Bodyguard]

7★ Hub [The Thieving Gypceros]

8★ Village [The Perils of Commerce]

G1★ Village [After that Bird!]

G3★ Village [Sweet for My Sweets]

G3★ Hub [Uragaan Grief]

2★ Village [Hunt Down the Velocidrome!]

5★ Village [The Thunderclaw Wyverm]

10★ Village [Advanced: Ranging Rathalos]
6★ Village [Advanced: Wrath of Rath]

Deliver to Trader:
Ioprey Hide x3
Sm. Hermitaur Shell x3
Tetsucabra Scale x1

7★ Hub [A Fiery Temper]

Deliver to Trader:
Tetsucabra Shard x5
Hermitaur Cortex x5
Nerscylla Hardclaw
G2★ Hub [Interruption: x2 Line]
3★ Village [Jurassic Treasure: The Frog]
4★ Village [Jurassic Treasure: The Bug]
6★ Village [Advanced: Jurassic Treasure]
6★ Hub [Advanced: Invoking Rath]
7★ Hub [Wyverns All Around Us]

9★ Village [Fearful Symmetry]

6★ Village [Advanced: Sly Swooper]

6★ Village [Advanced: Invisible Thief]

5★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Gypceros]

3★ Village [Fossilized Memories]
5★ Hub [The New Tenant]

10★ Village [Deviljho Dispossession]

2★ Hub [Ahoy! Royal Ludroth]

6★ Village [The Perilous Pair]
Yukumo Wood x5
Bubblefoam x2
7★ Hub [Into the Maelstorm]

7★ Hub [The End of the Trials]

G4★ Hub [Quest of Friendship]

2★ Village [The Mountain Roughrider]

6★ Village [The Golden pair]

10★ Village [Advanced: Roaring in the Ridge]
Deliver to Trader:
Yukumo Wood x4
Anteka Antler x2
Trunkspine x1

10★ Village [Advanced: Quarrel Quelling]

6★ Hub [Bl-Bl-Blangongas!]

3★ Village [Cancer of the Dunes]

4★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome]
6★ Village [Drawing the Waterline]
6★ Hub [The Magma's Rage]
7★ Hub [Tigrex, Tigrex, Burning Bright]

6★ Village [Seismic Scares]

G4★ Hub [Polar Peril]

6★ Hub [Minion Audition Imposition]

7★ Hub [Show Me Your Shaka-Strength]

G2★ Hub [Minion's Devotion]

G3★ Hub [Arena Bakalaka-Battle! Woo!]

6★ Village [Advanced: Barrage of Blue]

6★ Village [Advanced: Seeing Red]

G4★ Hub [Arctic Ridge Allegiances]

6★ Hub [Triple Toady Terror]

2★ Village [Arzuros the Azure Beast]

6★ Village [Advanced: Out of the Fry Pan]

10★ Village [Advanced: Moonlight Zinogre]

5★ Village [Hunt-a-thon: Khezu]

7★ Hub [The Yukumo Gal Special]

G2★ Hub [A Coil to Arms]

Deliver to Trader:
Machalite Ore x2
Bulldrome Hide x1

2★ Hub [Finishing the Job]

7★ Hub [Repaying the Favor]

G3★ Hub [Howl at the Moon]
7★ Hub [The Wolf and the Footbath]
7★ Hub [Steam and Smoke]
7★ Hub [Searching for Secret Baths]

G2★ Hub [Chilled to the Marrow]

3★ Village [Royal Honey Hunt]
4★ Village [Royal Pains]
5★ Village [Lagiacrus Fuss]
4★ Village [Island Menace]
3★ Hub [Lagiacrushed]
3★ Hub [Isle About that Bass]

G3★ Hub [Zinogre-enthusiam]

5★ Hub [Awful Guest]

G3★ Hub [I Hope It's Not Barioth Flavored]

5★ Hub [Liver and Let Die]

Deliver to Trader:
Lavasioth Grandfin x4
Stygian Worm x5
Guardfish x5
G4★ Hub [Even Brachydios Needs A Holiday]

6★ Village [Advanced: Snowtal Recall]

6★ Hub [The Plesioth Adventure]
6★ Village [Advanced: Twinkle Toes]

7★ Hub [The Marshlands Nightmare]

7★ Hub [The Descending Fog]

7★ Hub [Triumphant Rage]
G4★ Hub [Arena Allegiances]

7★ Hub [Desert Brawlers]

G4★ Hub [Seeking the Sea King]

6★ Hub [Coal Hearted]

10★ Village [Advanced: Monster Hunter!]

10★ Village [Advanced: Wycademy Challenge]
10★ Village [Advanced: Guild's Greatest Hit]
10★ Village [Advanced: Proof of a Champion]

t GU ones?)

ocking R and XR Series Armor

Still Burns"
dy Terror"
Can Mine Giant Sword (Pokke Village)
Fabled and Juju Melding
Trader Special Goods: Paralarval
Trader Special Goods: Sovereign Orb & King Extract
Armor Sphere
Horns Coin Trade: Dust of Life & Silver Egg
Unlock Condition
5★ Village [The Unwavering Colossus]
HR 10 (Finishing G1 - Dirty Deals)
HR 11 (Finishing G2★ Hub Urgent Quest "Giant Dragon Invasion")

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