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Transcribed by Sis Chiagozie Efe-Ovririe

Compiled by DanGreatness Edjeba

JULY 1ST – JULY 6TH 2024


Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze

and Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi

Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

I want to welcome you to today's program.

First day of our 7 days fasting and praying program.
The Lord led us to do this.
At the beginning of the year, we also had a time of fasting
and praying like this and the Lord gave us amazing
victories and wonderful blessings in the first half of the

Today is the first day of the second half of the year. And
we are beginning in Fasting and praying and we will have
even greater victories and wonderful blessings. Remember
something, the Bible says that in Christ Jesus we were
called to inherit a blessing. So we can be blessing and
favour conscious.
It's God's plan to bless us always.
There are people who say "it can't be always good"
But that's why Jesus came. Always good always health,
always success.
If at any time something bad happens, that thing didn't
happen as a disadvantage to you. It's only for your
increase and promotion
When you received Christ you were brought into a new
environment in the Spirit.

1 Peter 2:9
Look at that. It's not a promise. It's a statement of fact. A
declaration of your identity, who you are in Jesus Christ.
You are a king priest. You are royalty.
What's the purpose?
That you should show forth the praises of him...
The AMPC best describes it.
That you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display
the virtues and perfections of him...
That's amazing.
You are called to set forth God's wonderful deeds and
display his virtues and perfections.
What a life He's given us!

You are a royal priesthood.

You are King as well as a priest.

Revelation 1:4-5.
The same one who washed us from our sins made us
Kings and Priests.

What's the work of a Priest?

First, is to offer gifts to God. By virtue of this office, He is
empowered spiritually to convert material or physical
gifts into spiritual substance/elements useful to God.
You can give anything to God but it doesn't mean God can
use it.
God created that office.
To convert material substance to spiritual tangibility.
That's why we give offerings.

Second thing: The priest was set by God to intercede/pray

for people. By empowering the priest to pray that way,
God bound himself to honoring those words. God has to
honor the priest’s words that he prays for others.

Third: The priest’s office was set by God to teach the way
of God. To teach the knowledge of God. God gives His
word; His word is a mystery. The priest explains this
spiritual information to others.

Genesis 20:3-18
The encounter with Abimelech, King of Gerar. He had
taken Abraham's wife.
Everybody and everything had gotten barren in the house
because of Sarah.
God said Abraham would pray for him after He restored
his wife.
Job 42: 42
Job had three friends who were Kings. When they heard
that Job had lost everything, they decided to visit him
When they came and saw Job in his condition, they could
not talk for days. They were in such shock and they began
to look for reasons why this must have happened instead
of praying. To them, Job must have done something
Until God decided to intervene.
God specified what sacrifices the friends should take to
Job to offer for their cleansing.
But it was Job, God was going to listen to.

God established these patterns and He has brought us into

such a place at such a time to pray for our world to have
mercy and favour on these Nations. This is the day of His
favor and mercy. This is the day of Salvation. This is not
the time of the judgement, He wants to save them.
Pray for the nations of the world. Pray that they will be
delivered from the hands of wicked and unreasonable
Pray that this ministry of the holy Spirit will be evidence
in their lives. They will not be the victims of deception like
they did in the past. Their leaders will be enlightened and
darkness will recede from them. Pray that this blindness
be removed from their hearts and minds because this
blindness is from the devil.


This is the first day of these 7 days of prayer and we are

saturating the spiritual atmosphere with the power of God.
And the Prince of the power of the air shall not hold sway
over the nations because the Lord has given us power in
the Spirit over all principality and power. He gave us
dominion. We have been raised together with Christ and
made to sit together with him in the heavenly realms
We may be walking in this earth but our dominion is from
We rule over the nations from the spirit and we refuse to
let Satan dominate these nations.

Some years ago, back in the 80's, we showed from the

Bible that there would be absolute surveillance in those
days and men would not be able to hide. So much so,
what you said in your house would be known by the
government and their agencies. It was difficult to explain
how such a thing would even happen in those days.
One of the ways most thought that it would happen was
through television sets. The idea that the TV sets in your
homes would come embedded with recording devices
seemed far off. Of course, years later, it's been found to be
Many TVS are embedded with cameras that watch you.
But that's the smaller part.

Today we can understand better what the Bible talked

about all the time.
During Covid, in several countries, they had a monitoring
system. They monitored you with your phone.
They sent certain applications into your device
unbeknownst to you.
So if you came close to someone tested positive for Covid,
your phone would identify this and send the message
from your phone to the government agencies and then
you would get a message asking you to report to the
government office.

Your own phone!!!

Imagine you paid and hired the FBI for yourself.
That's the way people were monitored in many countries.
Now it's a lot worse.
Apple announced that they are releasing their new devices
embedded with AI. These devices can record everything
audio and video without your knowledge.
The ultimate Spy.
It also doesn't have to work with the Internet. It records
without your permission.
We are constantly finding our world fighting hard to
bring us to the antichrist system where men have no
What a world!
I told you that there are some working on destroying the
Internet. The current Internet protocols would be shut
down and new ones will be established.
But because we are praying, that will be delayed.
The gospel must be preached. And as long as we need the
Internet to preach, nobody can mess with it.
When the last person hears the gospel and receives
salvation according to the number determined, the
trumpet will sound.

If you want to understand these last days, study for

yourself the books of Zechariah, Daniel, Amos, the epistles,
Revelation, etc.
All these things are there.
You can't study these things and miss them.
What are you going to do with your life?
That's why we are preaching the gospel.

Altar Call..

Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

Welcome to day 2 of our 7 days praying and fasting.

We already started and I hope that you gave some time to
prayer earlier.

1 Timothy 2
Some wonder why do we have to pray for the nations and
their leaders ever so often?
If you look at 1 Tim 2:1-2, 'First of all' means, as a priority,
top on the list.
"All men" means all nations of men.
As a priority, do this.
Vs1: These are four kinds of prayers. It says to pray this
for our leaders. You can't do that once and stop.
Your living a quiet and peaceable life depends on this.
You can't expect that you pray for and declare peace and
NOT do this.
You cannot NOT do this.
You have to understand the place of this.

In 2020, the churches weren't praying like this for the

nations, that's the reason Covid came and the whole world
was almost captured.

(We're going to have a volume 2 of How to pray


"I exhort therefore..."

It's part of how we war a good warfare.
On the basis of whatever Paul was telling you in Chapter 1,
this is a kind of submission
1 Timothy 1:18-20
Using the prophecy spoken concerning you, you can war a
good warfare.
It's like you are seeding and watering your clouds with
prayer, and at the appointed time they pour out.
The atmosphere becomes saturated with Faith.

Exodus 33:14 KJV, TLB

Here, God is talking to Moses.
Don't think of God like you think of yourself. He doesn't
move like you. His presence goes but he remains where he

Isaiah 63:9-10
"The angel of his Presence" saved them...
And carried them....
V10: He just told you who the Angel of his presence is.
The Holy Spirit.
He is the one that brings the presence of God. He makes
the presence of God real to you. That's his ministry.

A lot of times, many think old testament thinking. You

cannot live the Christian life with Old testament truth or
Like when Christians say "I want to seek the face of
God*...they probably mean they want to pray.
In the use of that terminology, we are expressing
something we want to say but it's old testament language.

2 Chronicles 7:14
The word "face" is the same word for Presence.
It's like Moses saying "if your presence doesn't go with me,
don't let me go ...". He wanted God's presence to go with

But it's old testament language so it's inappropriate.

Psalm 27:8-9
That's not Christian prayer.

Isaiah 55:6
Isaiah speaks to God's people of the Old testament to seek
the Lord while he may be found.
Why? Because His presence was not with them. Whenever
the Children of Israel sinned against God, He abandoned
them to their enemies.

Romans 10:20-21
This refers to the Church/the Gentiles.
They weren't seeking yet they found him. Why? Because
his plan for the new testament was different.

Colossians 1: 26-27
Christ in you; Not Christ visiting you.
The very presence they were seeking in the old testament
resides in you now.
He is with us and in Heaven at the same time.
When we pray we are talking to our Heavenly Father.
Heaven is in the spirit. Often times that's why we close
our eyes to shut ourselves away from this environment
and think the thoughts of God. Then we speak words that
go up to God. It's an Act of faith.
Don't picture that you are floating in the sky. Picture that
he is right there with you listening to you.
It's a most beautiful thing.

Pray for God's people everywhere that God will deliver

them from wicked and unreasonable men. Pray for their
protection everywhere.
While we pray for them, we must activate our faith in the
knowledge of the reality of our own protection.
When I pray for the sick, I don't think I need healing, but
that this power comes from the reservoir of the healing
power of God deposited in me.

2 Kings 6:13-23
This king wondered who was leaking his secrets to the
King of Israel.
V16: Observe the spirituality of this Man of God. He was
referring to the forces behind them versus behind the
forces behind us.
You win or lose by what happens in the realm of the
Do you think it is Only Elisha that has chariots of horses
and fire?
We have this army with us all the time.
They that be with us are more in number and more in

Matthew 28:20
"I am with you always"...not sometimes.
We've got to trust this.
Jesus never lied to anyone. He never exaggerated. When
he spoke, it was absolute truth, these are His words.

Isaiah 54:17.
Every child of God should recognize this and enter into it.
Luke 10:19
I give unto you "Power/Exousia/ Authority" to tread on
Serpents, scorpions and all the power/Dunamis/ability of
the enemy.
You have authority to rule over demons and wicked
people and over all their ability (no matter what they can
do). You can say HUSH!
And nothing shall be any means hurt you

In the Greek, it's a double negative. It says "NO

It's stressing the fact that Nothing can hurt you...on the
second hand it stresses the fact that all of them are

Every child of God needs to know this and walk in this

We are more than conquerors
There is no power hatched out of hell that has power over
They make plans but their plans go to Nothing.
When we speak in tongues, things happen.

Doesn't matter who is planning against you. They may

send threats, it doesn't matter.

We are going to pray for God's people around the world

We are speaking words.
No Nothing shall by any means hurt you.


When you set time to pray and fast, one of the things you
do is listening to God.
Many times when we are guided to pray like that, it's not
just us who have something to say, He has something to
tell us.
Listening to Him and hearing Him is more important than
you saying something.
Think about it, what are you going to tell someone who
knows everything....
He has more to tell you.
SEASON 9 - PHASE 5 (DAY 3) JULY 3RD, 2024


Matthew 16;19
The knowledge of the word of God is important.
What do you use keys for? To open doors.
You find in the kingdom of Heaven, amazing things that
you can make real for your life.
Matthew is so accurate in how he distinguishes between
the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven

It's that part of the Kingdom of God established in the
earth by Jesus Christ.
It is the heavenly power being established in the earth.
You are in the earth but live the life of heaven.

Prayer is God's idea so you have to follow the rules.

Yesterday I was saying something about why we pray and
why certain times we pray again and again.
It's not in all cases.
For some, praying again and again means that you are in
You have to know what the word of God says concerning
any situation and whatever your request is.

Learn spiritual secrets from God's word.

For example
God told Moses to come up to the mountain for him to
talk to him about certain things.
For 40 days Moses was there and God said nothing to him.
It was the fortieth day that God spoke.
Didn't God know he was there all the while?
Why didn't God talk? Prayer secrets.

Why will the spirit of God tell you to fast and pray for 3
days or 7 days? Why 3 days?
Doesn't he hear you the first time?
If he didn't tell you how long to fast, if you don't get an
answer the first day, it doesn't mean God is responsible for
the delay
(E.g. Daniel- The Prince of the Kingdom of Persian
withstood the angel until he got reinforcement).
Imagine if Daniel hadn't continued praying.
It won't stop the fight in heaven, but stopping when you
shouldn't stop might result in unbelief.
The Bible says without Faith; it is impossible to please God.
There would be a displeasure
God's kingdom functions in an atmosphere of faith.
You can repudiate your healing through unbelief.
Same thing for anything you were laying claims to from

Think about what happens in our world. Why do certain

things happen?
We've been praying for Leaders of nations, heads of
institutions, monarchs etc. and we've come to see
pseudoscientific psychopaths that are trying to destroy
our world. Why would people think like that?
Why would they seize the healthcare system and industry
and turn it into a nightmare.?
Something must be wrong.
Who needs men to become so evil wicked, callous and
dangerous? Why?

Ephesians 4:17-19 KJV AMPC

Look at the choice of words.
Have you ever met people with darkened understanding?
They know nothing about the life of God. They are so
ignorant of God.
Certain people are psychopathic. This is more than a social
misbehaviour. It's from the callousness of the mind. They
do evil and wicked things without caring who it hurts.
They tested the vaccines to be sure it would do the
damage it was meant to.
The Bible describes them with the insensitiveness of their
moral nature.
They don't feel the pain of other people.

2 Corinthians 4:3-
Our gospel is not hidden. It's not mysterious.

Remember there was a Dr. Death in Australia, one in

England and One in the U.S.
These people murdered others. They were doctors in the
hospital. People consulted with them.
The perpetrators of Covid 19 were worse. Now it's on
record that more people died of Covid than the first and
second world war put together.
Yet they say, you haven't seen anything yet. They intend
to kill a whole lot more. It's the uncompleted pyramid that
you see in the American dollar.
But the church holds back these wicked forces.
It’s difficult for us to think that the guy next door can be
that evil, but we have seen such things happen.
It was just last week that two immigrants in the US ...the
guy was going somewhere with his girlfriend...hours later,
the girl was murdered. Did she know that her boyfriend
was going to kill her?
It's hard to think that this nice fellow very educated, in
charge of the NIH, how could he be that bad?
Satan blinds their minds from truth. He hardens their
hearts and makes them do the things they ordinarily
wouldn't do.

The prodigal son spent all he had living a life of

debauchery.... When he spent all he had and came to
Luke 15:17
He was not himself all that time...
Did he know he was not himself?
He thought he was intelligent and smart.
He convinced his Father.
He thought he was a big boy. But he was misled by Satan's
A fellow said "I don't want to be like could he
have been so nice and helped many people, yet they killed
him". He decided he wanted to strengthen himself with
whatever power he had to take out anybody on this world.
He didn't understand that Jesus laid down his life. It was a
choice. He chose to die and he died for a purpose.
He didn't know the full story.
Jesus was not a Martyr. Jesus was a sacrifice.
It was because he wanted to pay the penalty for our sins. It
was required. We would have never been saved without
the shedding of sinless blood.
And nobody's blood was pure enough. It had to be blood
of someone who was never tainted or stained with sin.
That person would have never been a blood descent of a
Jesus was born of a virgin. Not of man’s blood. He was the
only one qualified to be the sacrifice for our sins. He chose
to die.
And when you study further you discover that
It was actually God who made himself so.
God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself. It
was the work of God.
So, don't be sorry for Jesus. They killed him because their
hearts were wicked, but
Jesus was powerful. He knew what to do. He could have
taken them all out. But he came to save them, not to
destroy them.
So now the power that he chose not to use against them,
he gave to us.
The word of God tells us that our spiritual engagement is
what we should focus on.
So he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but
against spirit beings. And he gives us a description of
these beings.

Ephesians 6:12-
These are Spirit beings that lead men into destruction.
They deceive men. Satan passed thoughts into their minds
and when they accept those thoughts, Satan passes into
them. (Same way people receive Christ)
They pass the same thing to their Children and they can't
understand why they are so wicked.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities...against powers...

The Bible doesn't say "therefore pray that God will deliver
you from there".
Jesus said in my name they shall cast out devils.

When we pray today, use the name of Jesus to break this

power of blindness over those that the Lord will bring to
your mind.
Break the blinding spirit of darkness over them. Then,
they will be able to come to themselves. (Luke 15:17)
Man is not a sense. He has senses. But his senses are
Then there are spiritual senses. When they are evil, they
are evil.
Only God's word can transform them to be right.
The Bible didn't say the prodigal son came to his senses. It
says "when he came to himself".
The scripture was written in spiritual language but
everyday language. The words were chosen by God.

When we pray like that, the power of darkness is broken

off of them and they can come to themselves. They
suddenly realize they are going in the wrong direction.

The spirit of God is going to bring certain people to your

mind in prayer. And when you pray, use the name of
Jesus. Use this power of the spirit that we have. You can
address the devil directly. "you spirit of blindness that has
blinded the mind of so and so, I comment the scales to fall
off his eyes. I claim his life for Jesus Christ. I declare
salvation over his soul in the name of Jesus Christ"
You're going to pray in tongues. When you pray in
tongues, several things happen.
When we pray in corporate prayer, we are hauling back
the forces of darkness.
For example, Syria invaded Israel the northern kingdom,
and they fought against it for three years until Samaria fell.
It took three years of fighting till they broke through.
Imagine if they did it for two months.
Sometimes, we have to pray like that.
It can take days to have certain kinds of impact that Satan
cannot recover from.
As we press, at a certain point, they have to give up and
go to another location. That's how you win territories.
As you pray, the spirit of God will tell you how much
longer you have to go.
You are pushing back the forces until they can't resist
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.



John 7: 5, 7-8
Jesus was addressing his brothers from the same mother.
They were preparing to. Go for a feast in Jerusalem. He
told them he wasn't ready. His own brethren didn't
believe in him.
They see him at home. Even though he performed
miracles, how could he be the Messiah?
They couldn't understand how a lot of people believed in
him outside. of course their mother would have told them
the story...but ...
(The Jews at the time considered Jesus a Bastard.)
So, at what point did they believe in him?
After the resurrection...they saw him levitate before their
John 7:7 AMPC
We're not different because we have the same spirit of
Jesus. That's why we denounce the world and its
wickedness and we reveal that it's doings are evil.
Those vaccines, there is evil behind it.
And we have been proven right every step of the way.
The things we have said about the GMOs too. People
didn't get more for less; they got death.

John 16:8 AMPC

The holy Spirit convicts the world of sin through us as we
bring his message forth.
That's why when we pray for sinners, we pray that God
will guide them to realize their works are evil.
The gospel is; Jesus Christ has been judged for everybody.
If you believe in Jesus, the judgement that would have
been laid on you was laid on Jesus.

Romans 8;1-
There is no condemnation/Judgement because Jesus
Christ was Judged for you.

2 Corinthians 5:18-19,1 Peter 2:24

God isn't counting men's sins against them, because he
laid the sins on Jesus. Jesus became the sin bearer.

So when we pray for sinners we pray that they will come

to terms with this revelation that Christ has borne their
sins and they don't need to live in sin anymore.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15
If he died for everybody, then everybody died.
Now that you realize that he died for you, don't live unto
yourself anymore. Live unto him who gave his life for

The most beautiful part of all this is, he nor only sacrificed
himself for us, he actually gave us something.
John 3:16
Anybody who believes in him...if you believe, you have
everlasting life. That's remarkable!
John 6:47- If you believe, you got it.

1 John 5: 11-12.
God HAS given to us... it's not a promise.
Don't pray for eternal life...or try to get it. You have it. It
comes by believing in Jesus.
You then live like you got it.

Many live like they don't have eternal life because they
read the Bible but don't understand it.
You have to know that you have it.
It will change everything.

Those born after the first Adam are referred to in Scripture

as Earthy.
1 Corinthians 15:47-48 KJV, AMPC
The first man headed the first creation.
The second man heads the new creation.
Jesus is the second and last Adam.
All those who are not born again are Earthy.
Everything about them ends in this earth. What a wasted
They try to immortalize people by naming a street after
them or making a statue.
Yet statues can be brought down. New governors can
change street names.
Where are the old Pharaohs?
They've gone to Hell.
Where are the Caesars?

We are of Heaven and we are Heavenly minded. You

think the thoughts of Heaven. How things operate in
heaven is the way you think.
V49 Act like the man from heaven.
Pray for those who don't know God that their hearts will
be guided to the knowledge of the truth.

I was telling you about prayer secrets... Mysteries in

There are certain inexplicable things in prayer and we
learn them as we study the word.

Exodus 17:8-14
Moses had done many miracles with the rod of God in his
Amalek provoked a war with Israel. When Moses raised
his hands, Israel prevailed. When Moses let down his
hands, Amalek prevailed.
Aaron and Hur had to hold up his hands to be steady till
Joshua destroyed Amalek.

God instructed Moses to write it down/take record of

what happened and show Joshua what happened.
Joshua was not there on the hill to see how he won. They
didn't know how that the winning the spirit.
But there was a secret that Aaron and Hur discovered.
They realized it was about the hands.

Lamentations 2:19
There is a secret about prayer that God's people have to
Here they needed deliverance for their children.
God told them to cry out in the night.
Something about praying in the night is another secret.
This is why walking in the spirit and listening to the holy
ghost is so important.
In the beginning of the watches.... Refers to the wee hours
of the morning.
He also said to Lift your hands towards Him.

Sometimes, you find there is a child that's wayward. The

devil has captured that child. You see that son or daughter
is heading to hell. You are going to have to pray and use
these principles.
Sometimes it is sickness or disease. You have to deliver
that child.
After 12 midnight, at the beginning of the watches, pour
out your heart like water. Then lift up your hands.

There is a story in the Bible... An interesting story

Matthew 15:22-28
The doctors couldn't help this woman because the
daughter was previously vexed of a devil.
Even after Jesus ignored her...and even told her that He
was only sent to the children of Israel, she worshipped
She yearned even for the crumbs
The master was impressed with her faith
Her faith made her daughter's healing possible.

Even though you were hard headed and took the vaccine.
Now, if you believe in him, you can be healed fast.

Jesus had mercy on the woman.

Her worship brought the first response.
If you have been praying and it seems like you are not
getting a response, worship him and you will get a
response. At least, a dialogue will begin.

The lifting of our hands to God is very significant.

What we read in Lamentations 2:19
Think about what happens in the inner cities in so many
countries. There's so much to do.
Anyone can be delivered.

The things God tells us to do are spiritual. The armor he

tells us to use are spiritual. We are dealing with spirit

1 Tim 2:1-2, 8-
He doesn't give you reasons for this. But it's significant.
V10-12 - He tells women to get dressed with good works.
A woman is not to usurp authority over her husband. (Not
just any man).
He says couples need to live peacefully or else their
prayers will be hindered.
The unity in the home is a key to answered prayer.
These are Prayer mysteries.

Psalm 141:2.
The lifting of hands goes up to God as the evening
The evening sacrifice helps you to obtain promises; You
get an announcement of something good that God's given
you. It can cause blessings to come to you.

When Solomon offered to God a thousand burnt offerings,

God asked him "what do you want?"
The next time, Solomon gave God 22,000.
That night God spoke to Solomon again.
This time, Solomon obtained promises.
When you look at what others did, you learn prayer
secrets that made them get the kind of results they did.

Genesis 8:20- 9:2

At this time the rains had subsided.
Noah's first act was a priestly act.
The Lord smelled a sweet savour from Noah's offering.
That was what made God make that promise. Right there,
Noah obtained promises and blessings from God.

Your incense can be made strong.

Before God you either qualify or don't qualify.
Jesus was obedient. That was why God gave him a name
above every other name. He obtained promises for
offering himself in obedience.

Hebrews 11:32-33
These men knew how to obtain promises.
God was forced to announce the promises.
For the next one hour, do something in the spirit.


We are Victorious. Hallelujah!!!

In prayers like this, we spread the grace of God that covers

God's children.
No evil shall befall you, no plague shall come your
Your adversaries may come against you one way but they
shall flee before you seven ways.

Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi




Welcome to Day 5 of our Fasting and praying.

We thank the Lord for his grace, for his presence with us
and the ministry of the holy Spirit.
I hoped that you watched the documentary we just
showed you.
See what's been going on in our world in regards to Covid
and its associated deceptions.
The irony is, they keep doubling down on the numbers.
They keep talking about the millions of people killed by
Covid. There were millions killed during the Covid. Killed
with negligence, wicked protocols and deliberately wrong
prescriptions like Nesivir and most especially the vaccines.
Then the ventilators.
Yet they want to give the impression that these people
died of Covid.
Same way the Climate alarmists are warning us that many
are going to die as they died at Covid if something is not
But if you ask the climate change alarmists to Sir for a
discussion or a scientific debate, they never wait or agree
for an interview.
They get upset, go into conniptions and walk away.

Matthew 6:9-10
Jesus gave a format of Prayer.
It starts with praise.
The KINGDOM has come but it's not experienced by
people around the world.
Thats why we pray for the extension of the kingdom.
We extend and expand the kingdom by the preaching of
the gospel.
We pray that the will of the Father be done on earth as it is
in Heaven.

Many years ago I was preaching to a gentleman who was

an associate professor and scientist. I was a young
teenager. 16.
He asked me a question. "Why doesn't God see all the
problems of the world? There are lots of people suffering.
This guy was the son of a Pastor so he had a lot to say.
I said to him, "that's why I'm preaching to you. Because
God gave us the answers to give to the world. It's not his
fault that there are people suffering.
Jesus already gave us the message. If people will believe,
people will be saved. Their situations will change. .
The first thing Jesus said in the synagogue was "The Lord
has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor..." He
started with the poor.
(Luke 4:18-19)
What is the gospel to the poor means poverty is over.
He listened to that and we prayed. .
A couple of years later, he was telling people about Jesus

That's why we are compassionate of our world. How can

you look away? Does God look away.

We have been blessed of God with the office of the

priesthood. He has made us Kings and Priests. One of the
responsibilities of that office is prayer, he assigned us to
pray in a way that he will hear and answer.
Remember this is man's world. God doesn't do what he
likes in Man’s world.
Imagine you rented a house from a landlord.
While the tenure is on, the Landlord can't just walk into
your bedroom even though he owns the house. He needs
your permission.
Same thing with God.
He gave man dominion over the earth and all his works in
the earth.
Man has to account for that authority given to him and
what he's done with it.
Right now you are in charge.
If you need his intervention, you have to invite him and
tell him about it.
You have things you must do as a tenant and the things
you must do as a landlord.

Right now, we have authority. We have invite the power

and presence of God onto our world.
Those who are blind will have their eyes open. The
blindness will depart from them and they will come into
this knowledge of God.

Evil though the world has a lot of wickedness, they don't

have nearly as much power as they think
The wicked is not in control as they think.

Remind yourself what Jesus was like.

I like his dialogue with Pilate.
John 19:6-11
V10: Pilate was speaking from Man's perspective. He had
state power
V11-Jesus was saying, he was there because God
permitted it. Pilate could only arrest him because it was
permitted from heaven otherwise, He didn't have power
at all.

We must think like Jesus. We have the mind of Christ. No

one has power over you at all.
There's no force in this world that has power over you as a
child of God. Come to that understanding.
Have no fear of anyone or anything or any situation.
The only things He permits to happen with you are things
you can handle. He knows you can handle them

That's why the Bible says "in everything, give thanks. For
this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".
Because no matter what happens, you will be on top. You
always win. There's no such thing as defeat; Not for the
child of God.
We are going to pray right now for the will of God to be
done on earth: the nations and the people, as it is in
heaven. So they can experience the goodness of God in the

Pray a lot in tongues. In praying in tongues, there's a lot

that we are doing. We are speaking mysteries.
1 Corinthians 14:2
Mysteries are amazing and powerful things. Things
beyond the understanding of the human mind. You are
speaking things in the realm of the spirit. Setting things on
If you really want the will of God to be done, pray a lot in
Sometimes, when there are missiles of evil sent against
you, courses of missiles are changed and quenched
because you are speaking in tongues.

(Prayer session.)

Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Rev Tom


Documentary: THE WAR ON HEALTH



James 4:6
Tomorrow is day 7 of our Fasting and praying.
It's also the communion service and the half year
thanksgiving service.
Don't miss tomorrow's program

Tomorrow this is going to happen. He giveth more grace.

When God wants to do something special in your life. He
does it by grace. He increases the grace on your life.
When he wants to give you more capacity for an
expanded vision, he gives you more grace.
Tomorrow, more grace will be given.
Prepare your heart and yourself to receive more grace.
There have been different times in my life when God
increased the grace. So it's very important.
There are significant times that God does such things. You
can always ask God for more grace but it doesn't
necessarily happen when you ask for it. He prepares for
when it's going to happen. It depends on his calling for
your life. It depends on what he wants done.
Just because you ask for more grace doesn't mean he will
respond that way.
He knows you don't know the power of what you have, so
how do you know to ask for more.
It's always up to him
When he gives us insight into his plans and purposes, you
would be wise to respond.
This is God's plan for tomorrow's program.
Don't miss it.
Prepare your heart to receive more grace.

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