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Sponsor’s Nomination and Certification Form 1/

Sponsor’s first name Sponsor’s middle name Sponsor’s last name Male

Sponsor’s job title Division

Office/Section Department
Agency name Agency city and postal code
Agency street address Country
Agency phone no. Agency telex no.
Agency fax no. Agency e:mail address

I, the undersigned, acting on behalf of the above agency where the applicant is employed, hereby:

1. Sponsor (Name of applicant)

for course number in Singapore.

2. Certify that the information supplied by the applicant on the preceding page is correct.

3. Certify that the applicant is fluent in English.

4. Certify that the applicant, if accepted as a participant in the course, will receive a leave of absence with regular
pay for the duration of the course and, on return, will be employed in:
present position
a new position at (name of agency)

as (new position)

5. Certify that the applicant, if accepted, will be given no other duties or assignments during the period of the

6. Understand that participants or their sponsoring agencies are responsible for purchasing the participant’s round-
trip air ticket to Singapore and making all travel arrangements. Participants will be reimbursed a fixed amount for
their tickets and travel expenses upon arrival in Singapore, and no additional amounts will be paid thereafter.

7. Certify that in case of withdrawal of a confirmed participant, after the STI has prepaid the airline ticket, the
sponsoring agency will be responsible for any travel costs incurred by the STI (cancellation fees or full amount of

8. Certify that the sponsoring agency will be responsible for the costs of the participant=s repatriation, if any personal
difficulties or circumstances arising during his/her participation in the course should render repatriation necessary
before the course ends.

9. Certify that the participant is in good health, free from any contagious disease and free from any pre-existing
medical condition (including pregnancy) or physical handicap, that could impair attendance at the course.

10. Guarantee that the IMF will be reimbursed promptly by the sponsoring agency for all expenses that the IMF may
incur as a result of any of the conditions mentioned in 8 and 9 above, as well as for any medical expenses
incurred by participants, which are not covered by the STI’s medical insurance policy.

Date: Sponsor’s signature

Complete form should be sent to:

Agency Seal
Mr. Donal Donovan, Director of STI
10 Shenton Way, MAS Bldg 14-03/05
Singapore 079117
Republic of Singapore
Fax: 65-225-6080

1/ A maximum of three candidates per agency can be nominated.

Dear Applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the courses offered by the IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute
(STI). Before filling in the application form, please take a few minutes to read the Program for
2000. The information that you and your sponsor provide in the form will be used in the selection

Please note that applications are required for the following courses: Financial Programming and
Policy and Macroeconomic Management and Financial Sector Issues. All other courses are by
invitation only.

After reviewing the program materials, read the application form carefully. When filling in the form,
make sure you provide all the requested information. Please remember that we will be
unable to process incomplete applications. Pay particular attention to the following:

• Clearly identify by name and number, the course for which you are applying.

• You must be fluent in English.

• Take special care in providing the description of your present position and likely future
assignment, since it is important in judging the relevance of the course to your work.

• Your sponsor (a senior official in the agency where you work) should complete and sign the
Sponsor’s Nomination and Certification Form; we cannot process any application without a
sponsor’s certification.

• Due to the large number of applications expected, the closing date for receipt of applications is
strictly observed.

• The STI will contact you approximately eight weeks after the closing date to inform you of the
decision on your application. Submission procedures are contained on the next page along with
a small flowchart of the application and selection process.

• Please note that you should not send us an application for the courses that are filled by invitation
only. Participation in these courses is determined by the Department of the IMF in charge of a
particular seminar. Each Department will contact the authorities and prospective candidates
directly. Invitations will be sent by the IMF Institute to the selected candidates in due course.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Donal Donovan

IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute
How to apply for IMF-Singapore Regional Training (STI) Courses

A blank application form is contained in the STI Program brochure or can be obtained from the STI,
through the IMF Institute, or through the office of the IMF Resident Representative.

You may submit your application form as follows:

• Facsimile: Once the application form has been completed and the appropriate signatures and
agency seal have been obtained, the form may be faxed to the STI. To speed up processing and
reduce processing errors, we request that application forms be typed or that capital letters be
used for handwritten applications.

• Mail: Once the application form has been completed and the appropriate signatures and agency
seal have been obtained, the form may be mailed to the STI.

Please note: The closing date for receipt of applications is strictly observed. Submissions by
facsimile that are received prior to the closing date are sufficient to meet this requirement.

Read Brochure Participants are encouraged to read the STI Program brochure
before initiating the application process.

Complete Application Mark sure all information on the application form has been

Send Application Forms may be submitted by facsimile or by mail.

Acknowledgement The STI will not acknowledge receipt of applications.

Application Review The application is reviewed internally by the STI.

IMF Institute and STI make the final decision on who is invited
to the course.

Applicants are notified approximately 8 weeks before the start

Applicant Notification
of the course whether they have been accepted or not.

Invited applicants are asked to respond within 10 working days

Participant Acceptance
whether they will be able to attend the course or not.

The Application and Selection Process

IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute Course Application Form

Course No. Course name Application closing date

First name Birth country

Middle name
Last name Birth city
Preferred name (name you want to be called by)

Male Female Single Married Citizenship Date of birth (month/day/year)


Job title Division

Office/Section Department
Agency name Agency city and postal code
Agency street address Country
Work phone no. Home phone no.
Work fax no. E-mail address

Summarize your duties as they relate to the subject of the course. Please note that the application will not be processed without adequate description
of duties. IMPORTANT: Please read the course description and qualifications to ensure that you are qualified for the course to which you are applying.


Previous job titles
Name of agency

Dates employed


Degrees/Diplomas received
Major subjects
Years attended
Name of institution

Country of institution
Language of instruction

IMF Institute Staff Reference (if any):

Date Candidate’s signature

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