Is the Lotus Principle Considered a Customary International Law - Quora

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Is the Lotus Principle considered a

customary international law?

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Former Professional Consultant · Author has 158
answers and 241.6K answer views · Updated 4y

There are two aspects to this question.

1. what is the Lotus Principle?

2. What is customary international law?

The Lotus principle arose from a collision of the S S

Lotus, a French registered ship and a Turkish
registered ship, the S S Bozkurt, near the port of
Mytilene (Greece) on 2 August 1926. Eight Turkish
sailors went thrown overboard and drowned when
the French steamer tore into the Turkish ship. (Case
of the SS Lotus vs SS Bozkurt (France v Turkey)).

Criminal charges was pressed against Monsieur

Demons, the French officer of the deck at time of
collision. Preliminary legal issue was jurisdiction. The
case was filed at the Permanent International Court
of Justice. Turkey wanted to try M Demons in a
Turkish court but France argued that as the Lotus
was a French ship sailing in international waters and
the officer was a French National, the case should
rightly be tried in France. On 7 September 1927 the
case was heard before the ICJ. The France’s
argument was rejected by a bare 6–5 majority and
the ICJ distinguished cases in support on the
grounds that those caselaw involved ships flying the
same flags.

The Lotus principle that emerged from the case

states that a state is free to do whatever unless
expressly prohibited.

The old judgement in the Lotus case was effectively

revoked by Article 11 of the international Convention
of the High Seas 1958 restores the French position..
Only flag state vessels and nationals of the state can
have the jurisdiction to try sailors for their acts and
omissions on the high seas.

Prior to 1958, the law of the high seas was based on

customary law. Because of the unsatisfactory and
bare majority judgement in the Lotus case this was
revoked by Article 11 of the International Convention
of the Zhuhai Seas 1958, after which date it became
public international law.


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Olivier Simon
PhD in public international law · Author has 44… · 7y
answers and 824.7K answer views
Related International Law: What is the status
or legitimacy of the 'Lotus presumption' in
international law today?
Except for supranomrmative rules like "Jus cogens",
this presumption still plays. "Restrictions to the
sovereignty of States are not to be presumed"
according to the "Lotus" case, and as far as I know it
has still the same value nowadays as in the 1920s.
The Lotus obiter dictum is a guideline on how to
construe international law when some international
rules seem to be lacking or several rules are
conflicting with each other. This is a matter of pure
legal analysis. But when some State does something
("a fact") that may violate Reading
Continue another State's
sovereignty, we just have to qualify this fact as
Upvote · 2

Manmeet Singh Arora

Studied at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack · Aut… · 7y
r has 247 answers and 596.5K answer views
Related What is a customary norm in
international law?
Customary international law are those aspects of
international law that study the principle of
custom. Along with general principles of law and
treaties , custom is considered by the International
Court of Justice , jurists , the United Nations ,
and its member states to be among the primary
sources of international law .

The vast majority of the world's governments accept

in principle the existence of customary international
law.The International Court of Justice Statute defines
customary international law in Article 38(1)(b) as
"evidence of a general practice
Continue accepted as law."
This is generally de
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Daniel McLindon
Honours in Law & Financial Economics (college … · 5y
ajor), University of Queensland (Graduated 2020
) What are the elements of customary
rule of international law?
North Sea Continental Shelf Case established and
elaborated on 2 rules for international custom.
First, State Practice: At least 2 states must engage in
unanimous, identifiable conduct, whether that be
actively doing something or as in the Lotus Case,
actively omitting from doing something, however
such an omission must still be actively identifiable.

Second, Opinio Juris: There must be evidence that

the reason for such state practice is that the states in
question conduct themselves in such a manner
because they feelContinue
there is a legal obligation to do so.
It can not be out of convenience, or m
Upvote · 1

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What is the term "customary international law"

and what is an example?

How does customary international law interact

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How would you describe customary

international law?

What is international customary law? What are

its sources? Why is it not codified like other
branches of international law?

Where did customary international law come


Glenn E.J. Sandberg

Criminal Defence Lawyer (1990–present) · Aut… · 3y
r has 5.3K answers and 3.4M answer views
Related Why is the principle of lis pendens not
used in international public law?
“Principle”? It’s just a notice that there is litigation
pending. I didn’t know it had been elevated to such
lofty status.

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Louise Doswald-Beck
Former Retired Pofessor of International Law at … · 1y
he Graduate Institute Geneva · Author has 114 an
Related When
swers and does
154.5K aanswer
norm views
become binding
under customary international law?
The usual answer to this is when states believe they
are under an obligation to obey the norm even if they
are not bound by a treaty to the same effect.

In reality it can be evaluated in the following ways:

1. All States obey the norm. This is unusual but

can happen, or

2. The vast majority of States obey the norm,

and those who violate the norm are criticised
for doing so by all other States, or at least
there are not a signifiant number of States
that deny there was any violation because
there is no such norm, or

3. All States recognise the existence of a norm,

but many violate it. In this
Continue case, if the v


Eric M Ortega
Author has 2.5K answers and 397.6K answer vie… 1y
Related When does a norm become binding
under customary international law?
Under customary international law, a norm becomes
binding when it is accepted as a legal obligation by
the international community as a whole. This process
of acceptance is often referred to as "opinio juris" or
the "sense of legal obligation."

Opinio juris refers to the belief or conviction that a

certain practice is legally required. In other words,
the norm must be viewed as a legal obligation, rather
than merely a desirable or useful practice. The sense
of legal obligation can be evidenced by a wide range
of factors, including the consistent
Continue Reading and widespread
practice of states, formal stateme

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Republic's Governance Technology

Byzantine frauds n flaws Analyst · Author has 1… · 2y
K answers and 649.3K answer views
Related Is it possible for a principle of
municipal law to become part of international
Why not? Principle is Principle

Either it is Land management at municipality or


It is सनातन(Republic) व्यवस्था !
Upvote · 1

Avigael Ester
Author has 300 answers and 65.6K answer views3y

RelatedWhat are general principles of

international law?
A. SOURCES -The first thing to learn in Int law are the
sources of Int law. All Int law is decided from these
sources and they are what make up the body of Int
law and are binding on the parties.

They are listed in ICJ Statute Art 38 Statute of the

Court and are:

1. Conventions - these are the treaties. They have

many other names such Charter, Accord, Agreements
etc. The name is not as important, as is the legal
obligations and rights they talk about in the written

2. Customary Int law - these are the rules and

concepts that areContinue
binding on all, whether or not they
ratified or agreed to the

Patrick Kissane
Studied at St. Brendan's College, Killarney · Au… · 2y
or has 1.7K answers and 381.1K answer views
Related Is it possible for a principle of
municipal law to become part of international
It is part of international inasmuch that international
law tribunals must take into account well-established
principles of municipal law.
Upvote · 1

Shakti Pande
LLB in Law, University of Delhi (Graduated 201… · 5y
· Author has 341 answers and 390.7K answer vi
ewsIs CBD a part of customary
international law?
Indeed the Convention on Bio Diversity (CBD) is a
part of the customary international law. But then the
question arises as to if it is a part of international law
why is it that it is not enforced properly?

The answer to this question lies primarily in the fact

that international law unlike domestic law is only a
very loose law, which is largely based and enforced
on the basis of voluntary adherence of the signatory
members, moreover if the member signatories
happen to fail from achieving their obligations there
is hardly any enforcement mechanism and even if
Continue Reading
there is any it is very weak in the

Somnath Mukherjee
MSc. from Dr. C V Raman University · Author … · 6mo
s 17.4K answers and 1.7M answer views
Related What is international customary law?
What are its sources? Why is it not codified
like other branches of international law?
International customary law is like unwritten rules in
the world. It's based on practices and beliefs that are
accepted by countries as a way to act in international
relations. These rules come from what countries do
over time, their traditions, and their general

The sources of international customary law include:

1. State Practice: This means looking at what

countries actually do. If most countries act in
a certain way consistently, it can become a
customary law.

2. Opinio Juris: This refers to the belief that

countries follow a practice because they
think they areContinue
legally bound to do so.


Haidar Ali
Proprietor at Digital Graphics (Adobe, Corel… · Feb 8
RAW, etc.) (2013–present)
Related What are the characteristics of
continuous custom in international law? How
does it differ from customary law?
Continuous custom, also known as "customary
international law," refers to the body of unwritten
legal principles and norms that have evolved over
time through consistent state practice and the belief
that such practices are legally obligatory (opinio
juris). Continuous custom is one of the primary
sources of international law, alongside treaties and
general principles of law.

Characteristics of continuous custom in international

law include:

1. Consistency: State practice must be

consistent and uniform over time to establish
a customary norm. This consistency
that states regard the pra

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