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21st Century Skills for Preschoolers (Ages 2-5)

Equip preschoolers with essential 21st-century skills to help them thrive in their future lives. These skills

1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

o Activities: Open-ended questions, sorting games, simple puzzles.

o Benefits: Enhances logical thinking, independence, and curiosity.

2. Creativity and Innovation:

o Activities: Art projects, storytelling, imaginative play.

o Benefits: Stimulates imagination and self-expression.

3. Communication:

o Activities: Conversations, read-aloud, songs, language games.

o Benefits: Builds vocabulary, listening skills, and confidence.

4. Collaboration and Teamwork:

o Activities: Group play, cooperative games, team projects.

o Benefits: Teaches sharing, empathy, and social skills.

5. Digital Literacy:

o Activities: Educational apps, basic digital etiquette under supervision.

o Benefits: Prepares for a tech-driven world, enhances learning.

Implementation Tips:

 Balanced Environment: Mix structured and unstructured activities.

 Stimulating Space: Encourage exploration and creativity.

 Model and Reinforce: Demonstrate skills in daily interactions.

 Family Engagement: Encourage skill-building at home

Introduction to Macro and Micro Planning for Preschool Teachers (Ages 2-5)
Macro Planning:

 Definition: A broad, long-term plan outlining the overall curriculum and major themes for the
entire school year.

 Purpose: Provides a structured framework to ensure comprehensive coverage of key

developmental areas and learning goals.
 Components: Yearly themes, monthly focuses, special events, and milestones.

 Benefits: Ensures balanced and holistic development, helps in tracking progress, and aligns with
educational standards.

Micro Planning:

 Definition: Detailed, short-term plans focusing on day-to-day activities and lessons.

 Purpose: Breaks down the macro plan into manageable, specific tasks and activities.

 Components: Daily schedules, lesson plans, specific activities, learning objectives, and
assessment methods.

 Benefits: Facilitates focused teaching, caters to individual learning needs, and allows for
flexibility and adjustments based on classroom dynamics.

Key Takeaway: Combining macro and micro planning helps preschool teachers create a cohesive, well-
rounded educational experience that supports the developmental needs of young children.

Introduction to Activity Planner for Preschool Teachers (Ages 2-5)

Activity Planner:

 Definition: A tool used to organize and outline daily and weekly activities for preschool children.

 Purpose: To ensure a structured and engaging learning environment that promotes development
in key areas such as cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.


 Engagement: To keep young children actively involved and interested in learning through multi-
modular and age-appropriate approaches.

 Development: To support the holistic development of children by providing a balanced mix of

activities that cater to different developmental domains.

 Structure: To provide a clear and organized schedule that helps teachers plan and manage their
time effectively, ensuring all planned activities are executed smoothly.

 Adaptability: To allow flexibility for teachers to adjust activities based on the children’s
responses and needs, ensuring an inclusive learning environment.

Key Takeaway: An activity planner helps preschool teachers create a dynamic and nurturing learning
experience that supports the developmental needs of children aged 2 to 5 years.

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