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Everywhere I turned they said no it

won't happen
it's not going to happen and forget
about it
I tell you when I met those agents
and managers their reaction was
oh Arnold that is so funny are you
kidding me
you're gigantic you're like a
monster it doesn't
happen forget about that and then
your name what
is it Watson Schnitzel or something
like that
seriously wherever I go people ask
me all
the time what is the secret to
the long version is that I actually
always had
five rules and everything that I did
always used
those five rules and those five rules
helped me to
become successful in various
different areas and
I think I believe that those rules
can be applied
to almost anyone and everyone so
my first rule is
find your vision and follow it you
see I think
it's the most important thing that
we have a
very clear vision of where we go a
goal where
do we go because you can have the
best ship in
the world but if the captain does
not know where
to go that ship will drift around the
world and
will never end up anywhere and
this is exactly
the way it is in real life the simple
truth is
if you don't have a vision if you
don't have a
goal if you don't see your future
laid out in
front of you you're just floating
around without
a purpose this is why so many
people around
the world are unhappy with their
jobs I mean in
America 74 of the people hate their
job and would
like to change jobs I always smiled
when I worked
no matter how hard I worked I
always had a great
time no matter what I did it didn't
matter if it
was in bodybuilding or if it was in
the movies or
if it was as governor people ask me
in the gym all
the time why are you smiling all
the time why are
you so happy you have to lift 50
tons of weights
and I tell them always they say I
smile because I
know exactly that every rep that I
do to get one
step closer to turning that vision of
mine into
reality and becoming that Mr
universe always
discover your vision and the rest
will follow
my second rule is never ever think
small if you're
going to accomplish anything you
have to think big
you have to go and shoot for the
stars the
biggest challenge most people have
is because
they think small and the reason
why people think
small and why they choose small
little goals is
because they're afraid to fail they
know that
if you shoot for a big goal then the
chances of
failing are very high I say to
myself hey I'm not
worried about failing because that's
part of life
you're not gonna be go and win
everything and
how far can you fall look at this
this is the
ground that's as far as I can fall and
you know
something that the only time you
really consider
the failure is if you fall and you
don't get up
but if you get up you never
consider the failure
so I never considered myself a
I always considered myself a
even though I fell every so often
but I
always got up and I always moved
I didn't just think about being in
movies no
I wanted to be a movie star I
wanted to have
above the title building I wanted to
become the
highest paid entertainer I basically
wanted to be
another John Wayne what's wrong
with that never
think small think big my third rule
is ignore
the naysayers I think it is natural
that when you
have a big vision and big dreams
and you have big
goals that people are going to say
around you I
don't think it can be done I think
it's impossible
I tell you I heard this all the time
but I
want to tell you don't ever let them
stop you from dreaming and from
shooting for the
big goal just think about how many
times my
career would have stopped my
career would have
ended if I would have listened to
the naysayers
I mean it started right away when I
was 15 years
old and I became a bodybuilder
right after that
when I said I want to be a world
champion in
bodybuilding I want to be Mr
universe they
immediately said are you crazy
bodybuilding is an
American sport forget about it it's
nuts and then
when I wanted to go into show
business after I
won 13 world championship titles
in bodybuilding
I said I want to be like reg park I
to be a Hercules I want to get into
well I tell you when I met those
agents and managers their reaction
oh anna that is so funny you want
to be what a
leading man oh come on I mean
look uh first of
all let's start with your body you're
a gigantic
you're like a monster are you
kidding me and
then your accent oh it gives me the
chills just
listening to your German [ __ ]
come on now let
me be serious have you ever seen
an international
movie start with the German accent
it doesn't
happen forget about that and then
your name what
is it Watson schnitzel or something
like that
imagine that everywhere I turned
they said no
it won't happen it's not going to
happen and
forget about it luckily I did not
listen I did not
listen because I knew if I worked
hard enough and
I worked as hard as I did in
bodybuilding five
six hours a day that I will make it
that I
could prove them wrong and I
started working
very hard I started taking acting
English classes even accent
removal classes all
of a sudden I got a little break all
of a sudden
I got a tv show a little part then
another little
part and then pumping on and stay
hungry and then
of course I landed the big role of
Conan the
barbarian so finally I got the big
big break
so as you see everything that the
said was a liability became an asset
so I just recommend you very
strongly ignore the
naysayers the fourth rule is work
your ass off
it doesn't matter in what area you're
in no pain
no gain work your butt off that's
what I always
believe no matter what you do
work work work the
bottom line is if you don't apply
that rule all
the other rules won't mean
anything when people
say I don't have time to work out or
I have worked
so hard all day I'm tired or I cannot
read another
book or I cannot improve myself or
I cannot grow
as a person or any of those things
what the hell
are we talking about here I mean
the day is 24
hours you sleep six hours so you
have 18 hours
left I mean I know there's some of
you out there
that say well wait a minute I sleep
actually eight
hours but let's just sleep faster okay
you didn't
I mean let's not get bugged down
with this stuff
here just remember you can't climb
that ladder
of success with your hands in your
you must work your ass off it's that
and my fifth and last rule is don't
just take
give something back I love the
words of my
father-in-law Sergeant Shriver he
said tear down
that mirror that makes you always
look at yourself
and you will be able to look
beyond that
mirror and you will see the
millions and
millions of people that need your
help and
I saw those millions and millions
of people
and this is why I tried to take every
that I could to give something back
I started
training special Olympians I
started after school
programs for the most vulnerable
children for
inner-city children to make them
be able to say
no to drugs know the gangs and
know the violence
we don't have to just work on me
we should
also work on we the a truly full life
you must give back you must leave
world a better place than you found
it I guarantee you that if you follow
all those
rules you will have many victories
to celebrate
and you will leave a legacy behind
that you can be
proud of so I want you to
remember have a vision
think big ignore the naysayers
work your
ass off and give back and change
the world
because if not us who if not now
thank you very much thank you


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