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Citation and Style Jameela P. Phi, Scholer Dept of Library and information Science University of Calicut SOME IMPORTANT TERMS USED IN RESEARCH WORK Reference - Bibliography Citation Reference? ‘ted in the text, placed g An organised listing of works cited in the text, F ath end of the document. i rt e. Hille and page, What we quoted in the text consists of author name Pages ¢ Sources. publication details, A reference list should be provided at the end of the article. All citg, Works should be included, anno un-cited works should be included References should be arranged alphabetically by author. Works by th, same author should be ai ged by second author, then by date Works by the same authors in the same year should be cited ay “(20104)” and “(2010b)". In-text citations are given in brackets in the text, for example (Smith and Jon 2010; Marshall. 2003), Reference? An organised listing of works cited in the text, placed at the end of the document, (ext consists of author name. title and pages of What we quoted in the sources, publication details. at the end of the article. All cited A reference list should be provided works should be included, anno un-cited works should be included. References should be arranged alphabetically by author, Works by the same author should be arranged by second author, then by date. ‘ar should be cited as en in brackets in the ks by the same authors in the same ye *(2010a)" and *(2010b)”. In-text citations a text, for example (Smith and Jones, 2010; Marshall, 2003). Bibliography? * Bibliography is the full listing of all material consulted in relation to the research, including any source material not directly cited in the text, placed at the end of the document. search. a list of books or references to sources cited, for further readin printed at the end of an e or in the back matter of a book includes author name, title, n, publisher. * In the context of academic re: ar year, place of publicat Citation ? In academic research we read works by other people and Collect information to act as a foundation for our own work. When we use this information we give credit to the original author. This process is called citation. A citation is both a Signpost and an acknowledgement. As a signpost, it signals the location of your source. As an acknowledgement, it reveals that you are indebted to that source. A citation can appear in different formats: within the text (in-text Citation) at the bottom of the page (footnotes ), Or at the end of the paper (endnotes). You Need To Cite When You... * Use or refer other's words or Idea. * Gain information by interviewing another person. * Copy the exact words or unique phrase * Copy the pictures, Diagram, illustration, charts, video, music etc. *» You Don’t Need to Cite When You... * Write from your own experiences, observations, insights, thoughts, conclusions about a subject + Use “common knowledge”--shared information in your field of study * Compile generally accepted facts * Write up your own experimental results Why should you acknowledge your sources? By citing sources, you demonstrate your integrity and skill as a responsible participant in the conversation of scholarship. Citations are a courtesy to the reader, who may share your interest in a particular area of scholarship. Citations reflect the careful and thorough work you have put into locating and exploring your sources. Failure to provide adequate citations constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism ? Plagiarism is representing someone ee : work as your own. It's plagiarism wnetner you use * a whole document * a paragraph Bre ro * a single sentence \ ' * a distinctive phrase \ & t * a specialized term * specific data * a graphic element of any kind 2 laaauan Using Knowledge es your own words, your own voice, your own ideas AND/OR Paraphrase or quote, and cite Paraphrase: restate information, giving the meaning in another form Quote: to repeat wording exactly using quotes (‘“") Cite: to give credit to original author of material; to provide full source information of original material (author, title, publisher, date, etc.) When Researching... Appearance on final product: * Proofread and check with your notes (or photocopies of Writing Process: * Mark everthing that is someone else's words with a big 2 (for quote) or with big sources) to make sure that quotation marks anything taken from your notes is acknowledged in some Indicate in your notes which combination of the ways: ideas are taken from sources and on abe your awa 2 In-text citation, footnotes, bibliography, quotation marks, indirect quotations * Record all of the relevant documentation information in your notes When Paraphrasing and Summarizing Writing Process: + First, write your paraphrase and summary without looking at the original text, so you rely only on your memory, Next, check your version with the original for content, accuracy, and mistakenly borrowed phrases Appearance on final product: * Begin your summary with a statement giving credit to the source: According to Jonathan Kozol, ... Put any unique words or phrases that you cannot change, or do not want to change, in quotation marks: + “savage inequalities" exist throughout our educational system. When Quoting Directly Writing Process: Keep the person’s name near the quote in your notes, and in your paper Select those direct quotes that make the most impact in your paper -- too many direct quotes may lessen your credibility and interfere with your style Appearance on final product: @ Put quotation marks around the text that you are quoting ®@ Optional with quotes: Mention the person’s name before or after the quote When Quoting Indirectly Writing Process: Keep the person's name near the text in your notes, and in your paper Rewrite the key ideas using different words and sentence structures than the original text Appearance on final product: + Mention the person's name either at the beginning of the information, or in the middle, or at that end * Double check to make sure that your words and sentence structures are different than the original text How to Cite * Footnote * Use automatic footnoting in Word * Footnotes can be delegated to bottom of Page or end of document * According to Langacker,’ * In-Text Citation * According to Langacker (1973) ~ With an indirect quote, don't “...and often are." (Lang: ~ With a direct quote, cit need page number jacker, 1973, p. 60) ite page Number ‘Ronald Langacker, Language and tts Strut Brace and Jovanovic Clure, 2nd ed., NY: Harcourt, +h, 1973, p. 60 Use parenthetical citations when you * Quote * Summarize * Paraphrase Parenthetical citations should be: * Brief * Give only enough information to identify the source on your Works Cited page Ineocuctory phrase Cinema has been an enportant part of Hong Kong culture for aa Quotation: _ Woras m quatator ee rere | Severaldecades. The films of Bruce Lee, Jacky Chan, Chow Yun marks to wseate use af authors we year of 7 Fat and many other performers are not only popular in the SAR onginal words publication, ful information about as oy (2002) points out, locally: produced films have “long e source Wn the Captured the enthusiasm and love of dedicated fans from all reference lst over the world?{p. 68), One of the most well-known forms of long Kong cinta is the martial arts film, which has undergone Page number “shows the exact a number of changes in style and content over the past 40 years, secaten oS ng ranging from straightforward action to kung fy horror (Riley, 2004) In order to understand the popularity of such films, its useful to Paraphrase . Jsummery: ‘examine the place of kung fu in Hong Kang’s sparting history. Idea from source, exoressed in your Reference list: own words, Reference list Provides full information fer ali —To, : (2002), Planet Hong Kong: Popular cinema and the art of Of the instant anteriamment. Film Quarterly, 55(3), 68-70. Riley, L, (2004). Building @ Hong Kong martial arts film collection pees Collection Building, 23(1), 24-33 Complete Citation Information * Many styles, but information must include * Author * Title of work * Where it appeared (journal, newspaper, internet) Name of Publication * Date of work, date of publication * Page number * For book: Name of publisher, City of Publication Style Manuals? . : oe . +++ that illustrate how to correctly fornvat and record information. They are most frequently consulted for information on formatting citations. but they also include a variety of other information that is useful for research, including where to find information for other bibliography. general rules for punctuation, formatting footnotes, spacing, indention. form of author's name, etc. * There are several different styles used in research with style manuals for cach style. Only three of the styles are shown here. “ MLA “APA + Chicago Manual of Styles Why do we need to Style Manuals? * To avoid plagiarism * To provide a Clear, uniform style for references * To organize your paper so it is less confusing for the reader MLA Style Manual * Modern Language Association * MLA Style sheet was established in 1951 by Modern Language Association; the first MLA handbook was established in 1977 * Style provides guidelines for publication in Liberal Arts & Humanity Journals, especially Language and Literature Journals Gti LA Handbook for rte ef Research Papers. Now York BLA Assaciton of enone, 2003, Book citations in MLA generally require the author ae aoe ti tle, publication city, Publisher, year published, and an indica tion of the Publication medium, such as print or web. * Author's Name: Reverse the Author's name, Franke, Damon * Title of the Books: Full title of the book including any Subtitle. Library Adi Wation: theory and practice * Publication Information: Place, Name and Year of Publication, il New Delhi: Metropolitan Book .-MLA Style Manual ..Citing Books * General Book-Format Author (Inv 4). Title: subtitle, Place of Publication: Name of the Publisher. Year of Publication. Publication Medium Mittal, R. L. Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. Print. ..MLA Style Manual Citing Books * Single Author Mittal, R. L. Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. Print, * Two or Three Author Tripathi. S.M.. C.Lal, a and K. Kumar, Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. Print * More than Three Author Tripathi, S. | Library Administration, theory and Practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964, Print. .. MLA Style Manual Citing Books * Corporate/ organization as Author N ; Se ‘ounci!. Beyond Six Billion. Forecasting ihe 's Populatian. Washington: Natl. Acad. 2000.Print * An article in a Reference book Japan.” The Encyclopedia Americana. 2004 ed. Print. Allen, Anitha L. “Privacy in Health-care” Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Ed. Stephen G. 3’ ed. Vol. 4. New York: Macmillan-Thomson, 2004.Print. ..MLA Style Manual «Citing Books * Author with an editor sn A Hauke. New Posten. Ted, 4 Draft of History. Fd. Kathel York Norton, 2001 Print * Author with a translator Posten. Ted A Draft of History. Trans. Katheleen A Hauke. New York: Norton 2004. Print * Editor with no author A Dratt of History Ed. Kathel 2001. Print en A. Hauke, Ne ork: Norton, ..MLA Style Manual Citing Books * Multi-volume Work Blacano, Richard L. The Life of Langston Hughes. 2° ed. 2 vols. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. print Blacano. Richard L. The Life of Langston Hughes. 2° ec 1 vol New York: Oxford UP, 2002. print. ...MLA Style Manual .Citing Book * A Book without Publication information or Pagination * No Place n.p. U of Gotham P. 2008 * No Publisher New York: n.p., 2008 * No Date New York: U of Gotham P. n.d * No Pagination New York: U of Gotham P. 2008. N. pag ...MLA Style Manual Citing Periodicals . Author's Name Title of the Article . Name of the Periodical Series number or name 3. Volume number Issue Number . Date of publication . Inclusive Page numbers Medium Of Publication © enena ons ..MLA Style Manual -Citing Periodical Article in a Scholarly Journal r Ar Rethinking tt vihing.” PMLA 4 Print Object: Goethe and the Baok of Anorew. and Michael Hutc and the Book of ..MLA Style Manual ..Citing Periodical + Article in a Newspaper Jeromack, Paul. “This Once, a David of the World Does Goliath a Favour.” New York Times 13 July 2002, New England ed Print + Article in a Magazine Weintrab, Dermot. ‘Little Books. Big Success.” Publishers Weekly 30 Oct 2006: 26-28. Print ..MLA Style Manual Citing Web Publications 1. Name of the Author 2. Title of the Work 3. Title of the Overall Web site 4. Edition Used 5. Publisher or Sponsor of the site, if not available, use N.. 6. Date of Publication (Day, Month, and Year); if nothing is available , use n.d 7. Medium of publication 8. Date of Access (Day, Month, and Year) ..MLA Style Manual ...Citing web Publications * General Format Author. Title of the site. Sponsor, Date Created. Medium. Date Accessed + Entire Website nvironmental Protection Agency. Drinking Wa EPA, & July 2004. Web, 24 Jan. 2006 * Page from Website Shiva. Vandana. “Bioethics: A Third World Issue.” Native web. Nativeweb, n.d. Web, 22 Feb. 2006. ..MLA Style Manual ..Citing web Publications * Article ina Web Magazine Bent, Henry & “Professionalization of the Ph.D Degr of Higher Education The 30.3 (1959): 140-145. Web. 5 Dec 2008. cle in an Online Journal lization of the Phty, 1 ation 30.5 ( 1959): Lyo- 2008 ee The Periodical p ublication in an Online Database Ber + Henry E."Prate ssionalization o| ournal of Higher Education Muse. Web. 5 Dee, 2008, the Phi. Degree” thet SMO 0-145. Project ournal [ | ..MLA Style Manual ...Citing web Publications * E-mail Kunka, Andrew. "Re: Modernist Literature." Message to the author. 15 Nov. 2000. E-mail. * Dissertation testing Imaginaries in Death Rituals during the Dynasty.” Diss. University of Chicago. 2008. We Choi, Mihwa. “Cc Northern So b APA Style Manual * American Psychological Association * In 1929, the APA Published a manual with instructions for authors on how to Prepare manuscripts for publication in Psychology journals. * This format is widely used for course papers and journal articles in Psychology and also in the social sciences, education, engineering, and business. ..APA Style Manual ar). Title: subtitle, Place of Publication: Name of the r, Publication Medium Pollan, M.(1964).Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book. Michael. + Note:- Use Pollan i, instead of Pollan. N _APA Style Manual * Single Author ion: ractice. Mittal. R. L.(1964) Library Administration: theory and p' New Delhi: Metropolitan Book. * Two or Three Author .Citing Books Tripathi, S. M.Lal, C. & Kumar, K. (1964) Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book. * More than Three Author up to Seven Kernis, M.H_ Cornell, D.P.. Sun CR Berry. A. Harlow, T., & Bach. J. S. (1964) Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, * More than seven Author Kernis, M.H., Cornell, D. P Sun, C.R Berry. A Bach, J. S... Last Author's Name (1964 theory and practice. New Delhi: Metr .. Harlow, T. ) Library Administration: Opolitan Book, / / ..APA Style Manual ..Citing Books * Author with an editor Poston, T. (2000). A draft of history. K.A. Hauke, (Ed.). Metropolitan Book * Author with a translator Laplace. P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York: Norion, 2001. * Editor with no author Duncan. G. J., & BrooksGunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York: Norton, 2001. ..APA Style Manual * Single Author ..Citing Books Mittal, R. L.(1964) Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book * Two or Three Author Tripathi, S. MLal C. & Kumar, K. (1964) Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book * More than Three Author up to Seven Kernis, M.H.. Cornell, D. P.. Sun, C.R.. Berry. A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S. (1964) Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book * More than seven Author Kernis, M.H., Cornell, D. P.. Sun, C. R.. Berry, A., Harlow, T., Bach, J. S... Last Author's Name (1964) Library Administration: theary and nractice New Delhi: Metropolitan Book. . APA Style Manual ...Citing Books * Author with an editor Pasion, T. (2000). A draft of history. K.A. Hauke, (Ed.) Metropolitan Book * Author with a translator Laplace. P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York: Norton, 2001 * Editor with no author Duncan, G. J., & BrooksGunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York: Norton, 2001. ..APA Style Manual ..Citing Books * Multi-volume Work Wiener. P. (Ed.). (1973) Dictionary of the history of ideas (Vols. 1- 4). New York: Oxford UP, 2002. print * Encyclopedia/ Dictionary Posner, R. (1 ). Romance Languages. In The encyclopedia Brit macropedia (15th ed.). New York: Oxford UP, 2002 . APA Style Manual Citing Periodicals * Author.(Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume Number. Page. Poniewozik, J. (2000, November). TV makes a too- close call. Time, 20, 70-71. Poniewozik, J. (2000, November). TV makes a too- close call. Time ( 20.1), 70-71. ..APA Style Manual Citing Web Publications * Generally cites author, date, page title, site title, availa ble page numbers, and a URL or DOI. * Ifa DOI is available, it is used in place of a URL. . APA Style Manual ...Citing web Publications * General Format if not given). Article or page title Site number. Retrieved from hitp:/url address: Author. (Year [use n Title . volume or issue * Shiva, V. (2006, February). Bioethics: A third world issue. Nativ eweb. Retrieved from http:/ va.html * Article in a journal Bent, H. (1959). Professionalization of the Ph.D. degree. The Jour nal of Higher Education, 30.3, 140- 445. ..APA Style Manual «Citing web Publications * Dissertation Choi. M. (2008). Contesting imaginaries in death rituals during the northern song sty (Doctoral dissertation). Available fromPr oQuesi database (AAT 3300426) Chicago Manual of Style The Chicago Manual of Style, also often called “Turabian Style” Chicago Style established in 1906 Turabian created in 1937 when Kate L. Turabian assembled a guideline for students at the University of Chicago Style provides guidelines for publication in some of the social sciences and natural & physical sciences, but most commonly in the humanities—literature, history, and the arts ...Chicago Manual of Style * Book citations in CMS style generally require the author name, work title, publication city, publisher, and publication year. Pollan, Michael. The Omnivo Difemma. New York: Penguin Gr oup, 2006 ...Chicago Manual of Style ..Citing Books * Single Author Mittal, R. L. Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. * Two or Three Author Tripathi. S. M., C.Lal. and K. Kumar. Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. * More than Three Author Tripathi. S and others. Library Administration: theory and practice. New Delhi: Metropolitan Book, 1964. ...Chicago Manual of Style ..Citing Books * Author with an editor Posten, Ted. A Draft of History. Edite New — York: Norton, 2001. Print. * Author with a translator Posten, Ted. A Draft of History. Transla Hauke. New ied by Katheleen A York: Norton, 2001. Print. Editor with no author Kathele 2001. Print Hauke. ed. A Draft of History. New York: Norton = ...Chicago Manual of Style ..Citing Books * Multi-volume Work Ble No, Richard L. The Life of Langston Hughes. 2° ed. 2 vols. New York: Oxford UP. 2002. print. ...Chicago Manual of Style Citing Periodicals * CMS periodical citations include author name, article title, public ation title, publication date, and issue information. CMS also req uires citation of a URL if the journal was accessed online. “Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the Su a Devi's Bashai Tudu.” Studies in Wo 5.1 (1996): 41-50 ...Chicago Manual of Style Citing Web Publications * Author. * Document Title. * URi or DOI. * General Format Author. Document Title. URL or DOI United States Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking Water Stan dards. ...Chicago Manual of Style ...Citing web Publications * Page from Website Shiva, Vandana. “Bioethics: A Third World Issue.” Native web. http:/ * Dissertation Choi, Mihwa. “Contesting Imaginaries in Death Rituals d uring the Northern Song Dynasty.” PhD diss., Universit y of Chicago, 2008. ProQuest (A AT 3300426). For complete and thorough information about using these styles, go straight to the source. MLA Handbook re ele Research Papers neon Chicago / _—— C [RE one

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