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Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: __Math_____ Activity: Sections 1-8 Review Setting: Emily Ks Classroom___# of Students:_27

Statement of Objective: *Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) *GLCE/IEP Materials: *Prepared and organized *Available for all

Objective: Students will complete the review which will help them review content learned in chapter 1 sections 1-8. Teacher: Teacher curriculum book, projector, empty projector sheet, example of number line, place value blocks. Student: Whiteboards, markers, erasers, workbooks, scrap paper, pencils, copy of review. I will lead the students through rocket math. This should only take 5 minutes or less. Have students get out their dry erase boards, markers, and erasers. o Students will stay at their seats for the lesson. Make sure students are ready to learn. If not, have them do a brain gym exercise. Hand back homework 1-7 and correct it as a class. Have students put grade on top and turn back in.


Opening: *Gain attention/motivate *Activate prior knowledge ~link/relate; assess; prepare for new learning (e.g. vocabulary) *State goals/set purpose ~explain task: why, what, how, and when for strategies *Clear directions

Cam: During this part of the lesson Cam will be doing worksheets already given to him that are at his level. I will be circulating around the room at this time in order to keep an eye on everyone in class. I will also be calling on all the students who want to participate. Cullen: Cullen will have difficulty focusing or he may not do the work. I will make sure to go near him and ask for answers to help keep him engaged. Brandon: Brandon will also be very distracted. I will address him, like Cullen.

Presentation: Teacher: *Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) *Organizational framework ~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a meaningful context *Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, real world (e.g. LESH) *Model and think aloud to make visible ~language practices/processes ~learning strategies and adaptations (how, when and why) ~organization, relationships, and clues *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, etc. *Clear directions *Check for understanding ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt probe/question (in ZPD) ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction Students: *Participation ~overt and active ~instructional dialogue, think aloud, explain, justify, evaluate, etc. Guided Practice: *Activity related to presentation/objectives *Active student participation ~provide rationale for assignment ~multi-sensory and real world ~instructional dialogue *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, think aloud *Check for understanding ~ensure high success rate ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt, probe/question (in ZPD) Individual Practice: ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction

o o o o

Hand out review. Do the review with students question by question. I will make sure to call on various students using sticks. Based on homework I will focus on: o Compare number values. Like question 1. o Have students highlight the key words in the story problems. o Have students draw number lines and rounding lines on their whiteboards.

This will be done in the computer lab today. I will be showing the students how to use IXL and Pearson Net to review for the test. They will be playing different games that help assess the skills that they have been working on.

All the students will be able to do this except for Cam. I will have him doing the same website but on a different level.

*Management/monitoring ~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise Closing: *Adequate time *Students summarize content and accomplishments *Assess/identify new goals *Link to future learning

I will write the websites on the board that I want the students to use to study for the quiz. These will be the same websites we used in the computer lab so they will be familiar with them. I will also have them write in their planner that there is a quiz tomorrow.

Cam will not write that he has a quiz but will write the different websites down.

Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

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