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Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: __Math_____ Activity: Section 1-11 Setting: Emily Ks Classroom___# of Students:_27

Statement of Objective: *Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) *GLCE/IEP Materials: *Prepared and organized *Available for all

Opening: *Gain attention/motivate *Activate prior knowledge ~link/relate; assess; prepare for new learning (e.g. vocabulary) *State goals/set purpose ~explain task: why, what, how, and when for strategies *Clear directions

GLCE: N.ME.04.15 Objective: Students will find the value of a given assortment of bills and coins, and tell how to make a given money amount with the fewest bills and/or coins. Teacher: Teacher curriculum book, projector, empty projector sheet, plastic money, whiteboard money Student: Whiteboards, markers, erasers, workbooks, scrap paper, pencils I will lead the students through rocket math. This should only take 5 minutes or less. Have students get out their dry erase boards, markers, and erasers. o Call students to the carpet by the whiteboard. Have students do warm up problems on their whiteboards: o Write each amount with a dollar sign and decimal point o 4 dollars, 2 quarters, 1 dimes o 2 dollars, 3 dimes, 4 pennies.


Cam: During this part of the lesson Cam will be doing worksheets already given to him that are at his level. He will leave the classroom at 12:50 for Tier II interventions. I will be circulating around the room at this time in order to keep an eye on everyone in class. I will also be calling on all the students who want to participate. During this time I will be moving around the room checking students answers on their whiteboards. Cullen: Cullen will have difficulty focusing or he may not do the work. I will make sure to go near him and ask for answers to help keep him engaged. Brandon: Brandon will also be very distracted. I will address him, like Cullen.

Presentation: Teacher: *Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) *Organizational framework ~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a meaningful context *Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, real world (e.g. LESH) *Model and think aloud to make visible ~language practices/processes ~learning strategies and adaptations (how, when and why) ~organization, relationships, and clues *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, etc. *Clear directions *Check for understanding ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt probe/question (in ZPD) ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction Students: *Participation ~overt and active ~instructional dialogue, think aloud, explain, justify, evaluate, etc. Guided Practice: *Activity related to presentation/objectives *Active student participation ~provide rationale for assignment ~multi-sensory and real world ~instructional dialogue *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, think aloud *Check for understanding ~ensure high success rate ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,

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Retell story with Bella and how we went digging for money. Say that I wanted to buy flowers for $2.68 and pays three $1 bills. How much change will I get back? I will show the counting on method using big money on the whiteboard. I will then do another example: I want to buy apple seed packets for $7.45 and I pay with a $10 bill. How much change will I get? I will use the counting on method for this as well. I will ask the students if I have the lowest amount of actual coins and how they know.

We will do workbook page 11 R and P side together as a class.

By having the students do this worksheet as a whole group it is a little more fun and shows collaborative learning.

probe/question (in ZPD) Individual Practice: ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction *Management/monitoring ~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise Closing: *Adequate time *Students summarize content and accomplishments *Assess/identify new goals *Link to future learning

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I will give each student an amount of money and ask them to give me correct change if I gave them a $5 bill. This will be their ticket out the door for recess.

Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

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