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Name: Nguyễn Vũ Hoàng Linh

ID: 22004031
Class: BAS-T123WSB-12
Task description:

After completing the evaluation, consider the received score and its value, then write and submit
a paragraph (around 250 words) reflecting on your group’s teamwork so far.
Your paragraph should include the following:

 refer to the particular elements of teamwork mentioned in the evaluation form (i.e.
you need to comment specifically on the questions of the form)
 reflect on your own role in the team and your contributions (positive and/or negative)
 suggest specific ideas for smooth group work experience for your next group
assignment in this course: Group presentation (NEW team!)

HW6.1 (individual): Teamwork analysis

In reflecting on our group's teamwork so far, I believe we have been doing well in terms of the
particular elements of teamwork mentioned in the evaluation form. The total score through the
evaluation form is 15 points. This result is quite good. Communication among group members
has been clear and effective, which has helped us stay on track with our tasks and deadlines.
When we encountered roadblocks or issues, we worked together to resolve them, and everyone
was open to suggestions and feedback from others.

Regarding my own role in the team, I believe I have contributed positively by ensuring I
complete my assigned tasks on time and to the best of my abilities. I have also actively
participated in group discussions and offered suggestions for improvement where applicable.
However, there might have been times when I did not speak up or communicate as clearly as I
could have, and I will work on being more proactive in this regard in future group work.

In terms of ideas for a smooth group work experience for our next group assignment, a few
things come to mind. Firstly, we should establish clear roles and responsibilities for each group
member from the start. This way, everyone knows what is expected of them and can work
towards their specific tasks accordingly. Additionally, having regular check-ins or progress
updates could be beneficial to ensure everyone is on the same page and any issues are addressed
early on. Lastly, encouraging more open communication and constructive feedback could help us
continuously improve and make the most out of our group work experience.

Overall, I am pleased with our group dynamic so far but recognize there is always room for
improvement. By implementing some of these ideas and building on the strengths we already
have, I believe we can continue to work efficiently and effectively as a team.

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