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Semester 2023 S2

Title of Assignment Assignment 2: Decision making process

Name and Student ID Ho Phuoc Ngoc Trang – S3918742

Class Group SG_G01/SG_G02/HN_G01/HN_G02

Lecturer Dung Vo Van

Word Count 1453

Declaration and Statement of Authorship

This assignment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.

Table of Contents Truste
I. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Stage 1: Problem recognition........................................................................................................................................ 3

Stage 2: Information search........................................................................................................................................... 4

Stage 3: Evaluation of alternatives.............................................................................................................................. 5

Stage 4: Store selection and purchase........................................................................................................................ 7

Stage 5: Post-purchase..................................................................................................................................................... 8

II. Customer journey map and recommendations................................................................................................. 9

III. References.................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Guiding Questions in your reflection. You Truste do not need to answer every question, only
focus on questions that are relevant in your d experience:
Date of purchase: 21th July 2023
Place of Purchase: Didongviet
Item Purchased: Apple Ipad Pro M2 11 inch (2022)
Brand Name: Apple
Price: 19.600.000 VND

I. Introduction

Psychology marketing refers to how a company may represent itself and encourage customers to
respond to their promotional efforts (Eleanor Hecks) . Positively speaking, psychology in
marketing may motivate customers to solve their problem. Hence, understanding customers'
insight is necessary for marketers to succeed in their company product and launching product.
However, before reaching the customer heart, marketers should adopt five core stages of
customer decision process ( problem recognition, information research, evaluation of alternatives,
Store selection and Post-purchase). The consumer decision process (Indeed Editorial Team) is
typically implemented in businesses to navigate ways to promote sales. Accordingly this method
helps marketers to understand how their marketing strategies can be modified to meet customers
expectations. In this report, Apple Ipad Pro 2020 will be committed to be analysed throughout 5
main stages. This purchase purpose is associated with both my working and learning

Stage 1: Problem recognition

Regarding my issue, I am currently an online language tutor, and the first and foremost thing to
serve my working criteria is technology. Technology can be laptop PC more and more; however,
I chose the iPad because of its convenience and accessibility. With the relevant function of the
iPad, I can easily manage my virtual classroom on an iPad as same as on a computer. I regarded
this issue as generic problem recognition, the first stage of the consumer decision process.
Specifically, my product decision process was built when I accidentally noticed the TikTok video
from one well-known content creator - Merdy.bylynn, and the ways she edited the video also
inspired my dynamics. Accordingly, I am increasingly eager to spend my budget on this iPad, so
my extended decision-making was undoubtedly required to achieve my desired state.


Figure 1: Tiktoker review on social media

Stage 2: Information search

Today, Apple is one of the most common brand names in the digital technology department. It is
inherent to see Apple products on every social networking site since I leverage internal search to
arrange many kinds of Apple products in my memory to select the most appropriate for working
requirements. Nevertheless, the iPad is one of the types of high-involvement purchases, so an
external search is compulsory to alleviate the financial risk. In this regard, I have leveraged the
help of my brother, who is currently working for FPT mobile shop, as an external information
search. After consulting, I also researched other competitors to have more alternatives.
Simultaneously, I accidentally observed a banner from the Apple Education Sale on the Apple
Official Website titled "All 8% Education discount on all Mac models, " a capture marketing
strategy applied by marketers. Since Apple launched this campaign, it has satisfied my consumer
characteristic: social status. As an ordinary student, I intend to look for an affordable and

functional electronic device; therefore by thisTruste promotion, Apple apprehended customer
target's information search and increased the d level of external information search.

Figure 2: " Back to school" marketing campaign of Apple

Stage 3: Evaluation of alternatives

First and foremost, my optimised element for electrical devices is always brand name; then it
comes to its durability. A brand name may impress its business prestige (YEC 2022) and
company identity. Therefore, I intentionally placed two well-known brand names in digital
technologies group as my brand-evoked set: Apple and Samsung. However, I am also preparing
for my backup plan, Xiaomi and Samsung Tab, when considering the high budget of the products
evoked. Besides that, the battery duration of the Samsung S7 Tablet can integrate 10.090 mAh
compared to the Xiaomi Pad 5, about 8,720 mAh. However, if it is related to the budget problem
at the time, Xiaomi Pad 5 will be able to be my inert brand.
Nevertheless, the evoked sets are always my first choice, so I applied the compensatory decision
rule to identify the relevant one by accumulating three outstanding products from an external
information search. However, an online channel is also a part of my research process, such as its

company website, which places a dozenTruste alternatives. Around the variety of options,
key messages will play a vital role in d customer purchase decisions. Accordingly,
Apply marketers smartly target customers through their finances using the quote "Save on Mac
and iPad with Apple Education Pricing." Because Apple products are always costly, they leverage
a capture marketing strategy to persuade customers indirectly.
Figure 3: Three products in my evoked set

Figure 4: My inert sets of brand

Figure 5: The compensatory rule table compares three products

Evaluative criteria Importance score Ipad Pro M2 Ipad Air 5 Samsung Galaxy Tab
Design 30 4 3 2
Price 25 3 4 2
Durability 25 4 2 3
Camera 20 4 4 1
Total 100 375 320 205

Stage 4: Store selection and purchase

My decision sequence is brand first then outlet choice, therefore I immediately think about Apple

for this high involvement purchase. By the external search information, Didongviet has the most

appropriate price compared to different stores ( Thegioididong, FPT shop and Topzone). As I am

a price shopper, I firstly prefer online platforms as my shopping orientation. As well as that

Apple places itself in a financial risk situation, so it is necessary to conduct more steps in the
searching process. Regarding this, I wouldTruste like to conduct an online research before
going to the physical store to buy. On the Didongviet official website, their marketers

have applied price advertising to attract customer perception ( see Figure 6)

Figure 6: Price advertising of Didongviet

on their official website.

Since I went to the physical store, it does not attract my eyes at all, with the simple decoration
and not fully having enough physical trial products. By the way, the Didongviet staff has reached
my heart through their professionalism and honest suggestions. As I decided to buy a relevant
product instead of a competing one, firstly because of the suitable price, then the sale's consultant
recommendation. Additionally, with the convenience of payment consisting of digital banks
( Momo, VN pay, Zalo pay) as well as credit cards, all in all these elements have strongly
improved my purchase perception.

Stage 5: Post-purchase

When I obtained this Ipad, I evaluated that the duration battery does not fulfil my expectation at
all, however, the sales consultant did not suggest this drawback in my purchase decision process.
Also, I intended to recommend my friends to purchase this product but throughout this deliberate
problem, I will not be able to advertise any items for my private relationship. Even though
Didongviet also approaches me throughTruste email marketing discounts for loyal
members, this initial disappointment has a d great impact on my repurchase behaviour.

II. Customer journey map and recommendations

Didongviet has nicely fulfilled my demand which is easily accessible to external research in the
information search stage. Through different channels such as ( Official website, eCommerce, and
Social Media), customers may gain a range of details to serve their purchase journey.

Figure 7: Three main communication channels of Didongviet

On the other hand, the Didongviet staff have broken my great impression of their brand. From my
personal experience, I would only recommend my integrations to buy this iPad from something
other than the Didongviet store.
Accordingly, Didongviet marketers should launch various approaches to gain customers and
improve business development.
The Didongviet store layout is appropriate and suitable for customers' eyes; their store colour and
brand are incredibly stable. However, there are a lot of stock-out items, which is detrimental to
customers' experience. If stocks are unavailable when needed, this will seriously impact customer

purchase behaviour. It is recommended thatTruste Didongviet display various trial products to
increase customer practical experience. d
Secondly, for the post-purchase dissonance, Didongviet does not fully complete their
responsibility. I'm not convinced that Didongviet is bad at operating customer service
departments. Nevertheless, my personal experience is about customer service. The sales
consultant needs to take care of me better compared to Thegioididong. To reduce cognitive
dissonance, Didongviet should immediately contact customers after customers purchase to solve
the problem as soon as possible. So far, they could have gained customer brand loyalty for the

III. References

( YEC (2022) How To Pick A Brand Name With Impact, Forbes accessed 26th August 2023.
sh=75ca8ebd6362 )
(Indeed Consumer Decision Journey: What It Is and How To Use It, Indeed, accessed 26th
August 2023.
journey )
(Marketing splash Marketing Psychology: The Art Of Influencing Your Customers, Marketing
Splash accessed 26th August 2023.


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