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1. IN
 Trướ c mộ t khoả ng thờ i gian dà i, chung chung như nă m, thế kỷ, thậ p niên, nă m, mù a, buổ i
In winter/ in the 21st century/ in the 90’s/ in 2022/ in (the) morning/ in three weeks
 Trướ c địa điểm hoặ c chủ thể trong mộ t khô ng gian, mộ t nơi nà o đó
In Ha Noi/ in Asia/ in this apartment/ in a box
2. ON
 Trướ c cá c khoả ng thờ i gian cụ thể hơn như tuầ n, ngà y thá ng, ngà y lễ (có chứ a ‘Day’, ‘Eve’ phía
sau) và mộ t số dịp đặ c biệt
On Monday/ on Oct 17th/ on Chistmas Day/ on this occasion
 Chỉ địa điểm cụ thể, rõ rà ng hơn hoặ c vị trí tiếp xú c phía trên mặ t phẳ ng
On the table/ on Nguyen Trai street/ on a bus
3. AT
 Trướ c mố c thờ i gian rấ t ngắ n như giờ giấ c trong ngà y, cá c cụ m từ chứ ‘time’/ ‘moment’
At that time/ at that moment/ at present/ at 3 o’clock/ at dawn/ at midnight/ at lunch
 Chỉ cá c địa điểm chính xá c hoặ c nơi ngườ i nó i biết rõ
At home/ at school/ at 2 Bach Mai, Truong Dinh, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
4. Một số giới từ khác thường dùng
 From (từ )  In the middle of (ở giữ a)
 From… to (đến)  Out (ở ngoà i)
 Next to = Near (ở cạ nh, gầ n)  Opposite (phía đố i diện)
 Behind (ở phía sau)  Between… and (giữ a… và )
 In front of (ở trướ c)  Under (bên dướ i)

5. VERB + PREP (Động từ + Giới từ)

- apologize to sb for sth - apply for - care about
- belong to - care for - dream about sb/ sth
- happen to - pay for - think about
- introduce to - look for - hear about
- prefer… to - wait for - warn about
- invite… to - blame… for - think about (xem xét)
- speak/ talk to sb - leave… for
- complain to sb about ab/sth - search… for
- write to - ask… for
- thank… for
d. VERB + ON e. VERB + OF f. VERB + AT
- concentrate on/ focus on - consist of - laugh at / smile at
- depend on/ reply on - die of - shout at
- live on - take care of - look at / stare at / glance at
- congratulate … on - accuse of - point at / aim at
- spend … on - remind … of
- think of (tưở ng tượ ng)
- succeed in - provide… with - suffer … from
- arrive in (at) - charge … with - save/ protect/ prevent… from
6. ADJECTIVE + PREP (Tính từ + Giới từ)
a. ADJ + TO b. ADJ + FOR c. ADJ + ABOUT
- accustomed to - available to - angry about
- addicted to - responsible to - anxious about
- harmful to - famous for - worried about
- similar to - late for - excited about
- agreeable to - concern about
- good/ nice/ kind/ polite/
rude… to sb
- important to
d. ADJ + ON e. ADJ + OF f. ADJ + AT
- keen on - afraid of - surprised at
- dependent on - full of - quick at
- aware of - bad/ good at
- tired of - brilliant at
- ashamed of
- capable of
g. ADJ + IN h. ADJ + WITH e. ADJ + FROM
- confident in - equipped with - different from
- successful in - bored with - absent from
- interested in - busy with - safe from
- rich in - acquainted with
- concern with (quan tâ m)


Fill in the blank with a correct prepositions.
1. She was very surprised ……. the grade she received.
2. We might need more food, depending ….. how many people turn up.
3. Jane doesn’t spend much money ……. clothes.
4. She always takes good care ……… her children.
5. They translated the letter ……. French.
6. We started our journey …….. foot.
7. John always prevents me ……… doing my duty.
8. Mary is absent ……. class.
9. Do you believe ……. ghosts?
10. Mr Foster lives ………. 667E 76th street …….. New York.
11. Ann looked ……. the mirror and admired her new blouse.
12. …………….. the game last evening, my cousin hurt his ankle.
13. Water consists ……. oxygen and hydrogen.
14. When ….. Rome do as the Romans do.
15. Mark Twain based the story ………. his experience in the West.
16. I prefer coffee ……. tea.
17. If you don’t know the meaning of the world, look it ………. in the dictionary.
18. Washington State is famous ………… its apples.
19. People who are afraid ………. heights are called acrophobes.
20. Music is some what different ……… other types of country music.
21. She will come home …….. April.
22. My younger sister was born ……. May 15th.
23. She saw a butterfly ………….. the window.
24. She smiled ……….. him.
25. The picture is ………. the wall.
26. She likes to go …….. a picnic.
27. She burst …… tears.
28. Elizabeth is fond ……….. going to dances.
29. My brother is crazy ………. Sport programmes.
30. I saw him …….. noon.
31. Let’s drink ………. his success.
32. The police blamed the mother ………. neglecting her child.
33. I am sure he didn’t break the plate ……… purpose.
34. Be careful when you walk ………… the street.
35. I had only a sandwich ……. lunch.
36. The letter I wrote is full ……… mistakes.
37. We ate turkey together ………. Christmas Day.
38. Columbus sailed to the Americas ……….. the 16th century.
39. Who does this coat belong ……?
40. It was so hot I couldn’t concentrate ……. my book.

Fill in the passage below with the correct prepositions.

Adventure travel
Time for an adventure?
Are you a bit bored (1)……….. your nine-to-five routine? Have a look (2)…….. our exciting range of
holidays and decide what type of adventure you’d like.
Activity holidays
Our activity holidays are for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports. We have a huge
variety (3)……… water, snow or desert holidays. We’ll take you SCUBA diving (4)……….. the Red Sea or
kayaking and white water rafting (5)………. Canada. If you prefer snow, you can try skiing or
snowboarding (6)………. the Alps or even igloo-building. For those who like warmer weather, we also
have sandboarding (the desert version of skateboarding) or camel safaris.
Polar expeditions
Take a cruise to Antarctica or the northern Arctic; explore a land of white natural beauty and wonderful
wildlife. Our experts will explain everything (7)………. the two poles as you watch the penguins in
Antarctica or whales and polar bears in the Arctic. There's no greater adventure than travelling to the
ends of the earth. A once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Cultural journeys
Our cultural journeys will help you discover ancient civilisations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more.
Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruins – just remember to bring your camera! Get to know local ways of
life (8)……… exploring markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local people.

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