11th Physics Sunday work (1)

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[EDIE © cartatcs 20sec move around a roundabout of radius [4 m. Calculate @) Average sped and) Magne ‘of average velocity Solution (0) Average spoo isthe rato of to distance to ft ime taken, n So, distance covered in one revolution = 2nr = 222 14 =m 7 s “This implies. average speed = (Gn one complet evoaton displacement of cari zo oj Disnlacement _ 0 Tine 10 ‘A ua travels fom city Ato ety B witha constant speed of 10 ms" and earns back wo ity witha constant speed of 20 ms" Find is average sped digits emi journey. solution Given 10 mp = 2015" [Average spent i alas calculated fom the ratio of total distance othe al ime taken. Average speeds no the arithmetic average of speeds ina journey. ‘Consider, the distance beeen the we cies A and 8 “Time ten by the tain to travel from Ato B = X= (sy) “Time taken o come back rom B10 Toualdisance etx 2x eae Se Tt ume 22 an a, = TT 5 i030 0720 0 Te ming ng» Hal ne woes Waco vel ae ne al Wl So Shriya un aim, anes ey be pri? sottion Free ety dpe svt by te ine keno tet tt ene tine taken to cover two une dite Mincnsecte, aver ecto average peed is atmetc ano veloc or pets involvd ina ston Desai of qu ‘Noms the tal ipacement te pai, 114 and th ot ine taken verge velocity = HSE = 12 wich sth dese expression we HEREIN esc ae is with hry ip The eg pt ft dtnce was cove ih "Sh in ial ee Fn se lo mn ee ‘the whole time of motion, ranean oe va sottion Time te covers ditance AP Lettie taken to covert dstanse RC yc Given Mea i 4. anc covert ding ft a ine From i, «i Simi. oD CLS Dates, te = 2 te ani From and, 5,5 eet Tenth ee wy GD) "al ls ll psd with ped fom A nowes on # eh src and colin wih he wall ‘Bsr al ft pd ding the cols, fhe average speed and average velco the Bl I teaches as nti positon, Solution “Fhsbut nove from Ao wih costed V. Since it nels sposoncolson, sts rm wih constant ‘Using be forma 8 Motion in One Dimension Putting d, = dy =, v, We obtain, y,, Vv" osr From the formula. average velocity Since 5,+ 53= and sy.,= |i, + 5 net displacement will be zero) recut ou ponmisssoon's > zpues= 1—uueos t= staisod ous sm st cupur s= > 1 0<1-1 Taian 1-1) Lusaz= gsoourz— @ ‘g aiSue we yfnonp sum 4 > 241° 01 wos xoU afonuEd ayn Sy” (B) worrnjos (@q2119) axun9 a4) ur uonow 24p SuLmnp ajonsed ain Jo uones9|2090 adts9Ae (q) ‘afonued 21449 Sasyos wou (pu path weNaD9 en UNIS UL AFUE RM ome y ETTORE “The postion of pick moving long rans ene tie follows: = 27 Phere is ce asin seconds (a) Whats the maximum poste dsplasmnt ofthe pric lng the ais and at wha stan does atin {esr the mation of he pti (6) Whats the distance covered inthe iste seconde? (a) Whats is dpacement inthe ft seconds (e) Whats the panicle’ averape sped and averace velit i theft 3 secon, (©) What the prce'snstantaneosaeeeration atthe stant fis maximum pxtive x isacemet? () What she average aeceation betwen the interval = 2410 ec Solution ‘Te drvative of wr. time wil give socio the pace ia elation with ine Hayat ve tear @ “The double drvtve ow. tme wil ive accleration of he pic in elation wih ie a gt (2) For minimum and maximum dspacren; Mt 00, war! =0:048-39 « & ‘Aso for mina, double derivative of shuld be nate ie, SF ws positive) and at = eto (f atone veptve ‘The paces at minum placement a =» andthe commsponing apacement stan =2($) ~(5) =39™ 3) 7 ()-2 “The mas piste displacement oh parle st = Sm ad twill ocurat = 55 m (©) Velocity sponte wheny>Oords-3720,16-3920 repre toe ie, ooanrets Foc acceleration to bepiine. a> 0-24 -64> 00F 1 praebs1-2s adn a) avin icin Hos ety Bi pen uring thee interval = + onwardthe acceleration () ats inneatvediteston hence he velit of the parle deren ance Then afer the pts moves in negative etn ey The coc postive heten the stant Oa sec ands negating Between he instant 3 sec andthe remsiig 3 etdone -bgsear o-paem on $034 ie. (3) 4 r-2(4) eb _(4) -elelooy av) {5} |+]-x($}]+b(3) -(4) -} +207 -o7 - 16(,_ 4) _307 = +9 2-3)-18(2-$) 22 er sp-5] 3 (2) The required displacement is diference in position at r= 4 sand ¢=0 Ara tag (248 = 4} -[0) (©) For calculating average speed in first 3 seconds. We need to calculate distance travelled by the particle in 3s Total distance __307 _ 307 Total time 273” St For calculating average velocity in frst 3 seconds. We need to calculate displacement ofthe particle in 3s Average speed. Total displacement _, x@3)— (0) _ 2G) Total time 3-0 Average velocity = de Instantaneous acceleration a=" = 4~ 61 (0 Instant ion a= 5 ‘The particle is at its maximum displacement at t= 4/3 sec accent =far=4-4(2 4(4)-3 04) Total change in velocity _ v(4)~ v2) Total time (g) Average acceleration = 8, TRAJECTORY ‘When we write by a pen (or pencil) ona paper, the tip ofthe pen leaves a clear mark on the paper. The mark appearing as line (curve ‘or straight) represents the path followed by the tip of the pen. This is what we call the trajectory ofthe moving point (tip of the pen). Sometimes when we look at the sky we finda long thin line of smoke. If we curiously try to trace the object causing the smoke track, we can see @ point-like object, that is a jet plane at the end of the track of smoke. It means, the points of space through which rs EXAMPLE 2. As shown mn figure, particle strtsto move from + r 4 10 8 and then finally stops at point C, Total displacement and ‘ detancecoveedy ‘Particle during tsjourney from A toC'via is ie ‘ Cp) s ey rs Sone taht em le " Fram 3040, Dsglacement= A= VTE = fir * war ear iste 2/2 8 a a3 maa at 2 an oe Dispscement ~ Jr Intl posion of pail, 4, =m Examrte 5. A pace travels fom A 0B along the cite | th of ais as shown in igure. Distance and ice Fal poston of ati. 4, = 2m tthe pclae respectively 5 A a Dislasemen. 88 = 4, —,=(-2)-(4 (2)-00) e ladon re i Noe eee ares implies that displacement is fom 40 4 Cromartie : Pe 8-80 =D 1HKIH0 5 a Baek arol=nieka ( m0,2R 000 (2) 0,28 os(@2) ; G3) RO, 2 sin in 02) ‘Exemrue 3 An old man oss fr ming wk on a seni- © manenesy cireslar ack of rads 30 m These fom one end of the SOU?) s ‘rack and recht othr en, the distance covered by themanDisnce~Lensth of ar AB = RO ° ‘dhs cplaceren wil eapetvely be fi (1) 126m. 80m 2) Bm, 1260 ©) S0m22m (4) 252m, 80m % c Sot: (1) & ‘ na “ t ( AN = NB) ‘ Inds i a ae Rand Distance covered = Length of sie pth A Daplaemen AB =24N'=2 Rin? Taken? 40-26 pacer onan Displacement. A= Diameter erate mead ‘soem 4m De sig cosine tinge 408, annie Atody movesng seine puthofaguanerot 40 {04+ OF ~20IKOF wad feel The tof ance to dpc! er 20 ie Terao ot i ADIT ART = NRA Patel 0 im = = V2 C= co80) = fon 2ain? = ae sin & on W = een aes ExaMrLe 6. Postion of & particle moving slong vast sivenby ea panicles ow 61-48, Hvis in seconds, tt posion of Motion na Straight Line 1s am @) am ©) 10m 6m ‘sot: (2) Peston of paris i givenby = 1°60 +8 {nia position scans position a= Otherefore puting = 0, wegetn= Sm Exampue 7. Postion ofa panicle moving long anicisgven tyre “ime at which it eros the eign is mis ©) os 6) 25 4s Sot: (4) Given: = 4-4 Patt wl ross the origin when x= 0 EXAMPLE 8, Postion of «panicle moving along eax is given by x=f° 6048 Here sin soconds and in mete Displacement of pail in fist one second is () Sm © Sm @) 4m @) “im ‘sou: (1) Given: x= 6-8 Tofing: ar=x-5, Initial positon, x, =x (0)-40)+8=8m Final poston, x= x¢=1) =F) +8= 3m Examrte 9. Position of panicle moving slong axis piven bby x=2/+4. Here ris in seconds and in mete. Displacement opal rom = ls 07, =2 () 4m 2) &m 0) 20 ®) 6m Sot: (3) Postion of panicle given by x=2+ 4¢m) Postion of panicle st Qxye4=6m Poston of price at Displacement, Ax CONCEPT APPLICATION 1 1. State whether the following statements arte () or False ®, (Res and motion are absolut in nature. i Rest implies complete absence of motion (Gi) Distance sequal othe magne of daplacemess. (ie) Displacement ie scalar quantity. 2. Filia the Banks (Rest and motion ace terms i) The age of dpscement maybe equal to distance ‘tthe pat lowe By the pric ‘The merical atin of displacement tothe distance eavered isabeaye (1) tesethan ome (2) equal tone £8) equator les than one (4) qual oo greater than one I the displacement of 2 parle is zero, the distance covered (1) mt be mo £2) may oray nt be 0 (0) camatte eo (depends gon te peice Ite dunce coveed it ey, then pct (0) mtbr (2) mayormy ot be 0 6) cama eo (8 depends upon the parile ‘Thelcaonof aprile changed, Whtsanwesay boat the dlacment and dite covered he parle? (0 bothare no (2) one ofthe two maybe 0 6) both mst be 0 (6 beh mee 1. ate compas 2 snd ts ci mk rns. Dislacent and stance sored the ate se reece (1) JR and 38872 (2) 2Rand 28 @) Rand 342 (4) VER and xk DIRECTION (Q. No. 8-10) Given qstons based on the flowing norton. Choose te cone! option om, the options ven ee, eo. BEE 4 $ave — $end Inthe above igus, lt, Qand Represent the positon ofa ‘carat dleren instants fine, |B The distance teveled bythe ca fom O to Pand back to ois we (p) yt ©) € € Lf aS ( Wa O ws Ajeanaadsai are ajonaed oy) jo quauiaaeydstp pur aouerstc "09 = FOF wp Yons - jUIOd yw axqud9 sy BuIAKY y srIpeX JO ed seman ap Suoye g 0} Y Woy sjaaen aoued y “ET wet (b) wi ze (€) w¢9 (2) we (1) “Sp=JO1ST=) woy ajsned aq Jo quowrsoefdsip ay) pul “spuosas Ur sty pue anow uy st x aay ‘Z + Mp + d= x AG UoAIS si sixe x Suoje Suaour aporued ev Jo voMsog “Zt wt (p) w I~ () we- (2) we (1) s ajonzed axp Jo uontsod jentuy ¢ + #h— go=* Aq want si srxe-x Buoje Suiaour oponzed Jo wonisog “1 w 089- (pr) wozz- () wozi+ @ woz (1) si y 01 Y9eG pue J 01 Q WY) Av 94) Jo WoLUDE|ASIp HL “OL wi QZ. pur WOCL (r) o1oz puw Wi OZL (£) wi yg¢ pus woe (©) o1oz pue wi 9g (1) st Q 0} y9Uq pul J OF 0 woyy Bu10# ur se9 oMp Aq quowoe|dsip pur oouersIp YL “6 wos (p) woop (€) wore wog9e (1) So 1 the instante SPSS 1 Note: Speedometer measures eee Of a 1 .d by particle at any time 1 i, Exampte 10. Distance trav’ given by $= +6148 Speed of particle at any time fis ay 4r (2) 24 3) 2+6 (4) 1-6 Sot: (3) Given: S=1° +61 +8. To find: speed v We know, Instantaneous speed, v as ous Lv=—- tantaneous Sp: a dip =LF+6r+8) => veal +8) => v=21+6 To find distance travelled when speed vis given as function of time ds ‘We know, =v or dS = dt nw dS = vdt Here, dS is the distance travelled in small time af. Integrating above expression, we get total distance travelled during time interval ,t0f, s= four Distance travelled in time ¢,= 0 to 1, = ris given by S=fvdr 2 2 = 5 = [2a =| [j=l =P-0-2 Total di EXAMPLE 12. Aparticle is moving in such away thattsspced - varies with time y= spee v varies with time v= 37, Distance travelled by the particle in “°#™ first 2s is @) 12m Q) 8m @) 24m (4) 6m " SoL: (2) Exan Given: v = 377. To find: Distance and S , . > partic Now, S = [vdr= f3ear =[P] =8m ° ° ° q@) EXAMPLE 13. A particle is moving in such a way that its speed 6) varies with time v = 4f. Distance travelled by the particle in the fourth second of the journey is @) 2m (2) 8m (3) 14m (4) 6m we Sox: (3) Given: v= 41. To find: Distance travelled in 4® second of nt journey. Note that 4 second will be the time interval between 1,=3stol,-48 Now, S= fou = fara = [2] =32-18=14m EXA for ti a Exaurte 14. Apaicetravel a dnc § inte hand 5, imtime yin same direction Average sped of th patil dri ‘he jumey ie om Sg a As (4) None ofthese Toa distance avelled =, +, Tal ime taken = 1,44, Total distance ‘We know, average speed = Mtslistnee 8 = Tie oy St Exaupce 15. A parce uaels distance 5, with speed and $, with sped ¥ in same direction, Average speed ofthe pari is @ oe o © Ew Noe we sou: 3) de ped 1, « Taal S45, w Totaltime 4% Inciting «San 1, = 55 ‘Examete 16, Apasicletavls with speedy, fotine and, for tine Ks verge speed of journey s wy 1% ey MubN th th wis wth Mat mh wy tH OE oO sot: @) {Let 5 and, be the distances eave inte and with speeds and especie. '—_!_————._ x ————— IAN x xy Pace“ leeeaeeactaeae ate.” tence ag D tA gd e— “X 9q P9]JOAeN dOURISIp [eI10} 94} 19T on (p) -10g “+l Z waz W) igi Ae) | 5 @ ‘ala (1) Kg, waatd st uosied oy} Jo poods oSeroae oy], % AMOO[aA WIL 2ourisip Jey Sururewor om pue A Apoojoa YIM souysip ay} J[eY JO} peor Brens v Buoye sjoaey uosiod y “Zp JIGNVXF «1 uoseas ay Jo.4 pads ueaus ayy, “4 paods © qe sau ayp pu pads © uum Souanof jo ou sre 184 ve Buo[e sjoaen uosiod y “Gp aTAWWX ve x xq 20) pros 1yaHES q want st U0 soueistp sre Bu sey 403 peos 1ue “sued penbo u 0 w so uaa st as) $y sqeasoiun out $1 fount yo Faunot yo (*A) poo SP90Us yu saoueysip jenbo w sianon opaque V “gb STANWAT sonout aque az jore important points and horteuts) about average: (wohl ime intervals) wend oo vag" SAS mang mt EXAMPLE 20. A paricle completes 4 journey in n equal > paisle cover: ith speeds Vy. Yas Yj = Yytespectively. respective speeds vis journey is ven by sped of journey is equ 3, Ifa panicle travels a time witha speedy, vy in other Words | cual tervals of tir (4) None ofthe above Sou: (2) ‘Let total time of journey bef ours equal intervals of time are given by = 2 ao 4, a particle covers with respostive s speed of journey i ExampLe 21. Ajosz runs 200 m at 8 msi () 6ms" @) Amst Sot: (W) s.=100m, byte. Latins) 5,=200m, nn n or <= a we 3, Ifa particle travels along a straight road for the first half time with a speed v, and the next half time with a speed in other words if a particle covers a journey in two equal intervals of time, then mean speed v of the particle is + 4. Ifa particle covers a journey in n equal intervals of time with respective speeds ¥j,¥))¥yy-+sYq» then average speed of joumey is equal to mean of all speeds, i.e 4V, +0; +e t¥, n ExamPLe 21. A jogger first runs 100 m at 4m s“ and then he runs 200 m at 8 ms in same direction. Find his average speed. (1) 6ms" (2) 8mst @) 4mst (4) 2ms* Sox: (1) 5, = 100m, v,=4ms? =200m, —-v,=8ms" EXAMPLE 22. A car travels first half places with a speed of 40 kan/h and the rest half di 25425 distance between (wo stance with a speed of 60 kin/h, The average speed of the car will he Q) 100 knvh 2). 50 km/h 3) 48k (4) 200 kann Sou: (3) Let the total distance travelled he Time taken to travel first half distance wx nary 40” 80 Time vaken to travel the rest half distance __ Total distance ‘Avg. speed (780) + (120) 48 kwh ‘Alternate method: Using shortcut ‘Average speed for two equal distances with speeds v, and v, is ExampLe 23. Aboy covers a distance AB of 2 km with speed (of 25 km/h, while going from 4 to B and comes back from B to Quy ye A with speed 0.5 km/h. His average speed will be (i) 15 kn (2) O83 hiv G) 1.2kmh (4) 3 kwh ‘Sox: (2) ‘we Total time ‘Total distance travelled = [4B] + (B4]=2+2=4 km Total time= 7-38 95 Zne2s Sot: (1) ‘This is question of speeds. We can use f Substituting v, = 10 We get, v,,= 18 kre Examete 25. Aci half time of journey time with a speed « during the journey i: () 15 kwh (3) 25 km/h Sou: (2) It is question of di Given: v= 10 km/ 10+30 2 EXAMPLE 26. A journey with a spe ‘with a speed of 30, of v. IFaverage sp: fernate method: Using shorts terme ri yction of two equal distances travelled, Because ayy _ 2*2Sx0S Soe aay 2SHOS po! = 2S cosa kmh 4 hal distance between 0 Eeagppue 24, A motor car covers 13" pat of fta distance the rest half distance witha EXAMPLE 24 A 210 kav and rest svih y= 10 kh, second 13 part with sed ofthe ca willbe thy,» 10 km re erage speed ofthe V3 prt wih 60 inh, What isthe average spe 50 kav Pai ne (1) 18hevh 2) 45k @) 6mm (4) 25 kent sou: (1) i This is question of 3 equa distances travelled with different speeds, We ean use following formula: EXAMPLE 25. A car travels along a straight road for the frst halftime of joumey with speed of 10 knvh and the next half ‘with speeds v, and v, is time with a speed of 30 kmh. The average speed of the ear uring the journey is sk () 15 kmh @) 20mm 6) 25kmh (4) 24 kwh 22 AB of2 km with speed gy ind comes back from B to o Serenrdy 1s question of distance eave in two equi B kmh mh gg = tithe 2 Given: ¥, = 10 km and v, =30 kav -242=4km m4, EXAMPLE 26, Acar tavels forthe fi 3 Journey with a speed of 20 km/h and secon marae (ysis 2) 20m ()283hm0 (a) 28h sou: ®) Iris qustion of ste tet in thee enka of fine: thie Give: 4, 2k. y= 30 how, = van, = 26M sns30er on sving. = 28 kwh [Bxawnue 27, A boy cover fist 28% distance of joey trib sped of 40k and et ofthe astace witha ped of Soko Average ses th journey is (0) 6Sko0h (2) Ssh @) cok (2) S0ko sou: @) Ines case no shot isappcale Wewilhavetousetasie Fema Lst il dstance™ Subsinsing aloof gen perme, en aa km 0 9 Bxaunse 28. ‘car woel forthe fist one tito the ine ‘of joumey wih spend of 30 kv and es of he ne witha ‘pedal Shah, Avemge spend ofthe carding te ou i () Mw 2) Ohh 6) 375k 2k sou: (1) aren onc is applicable again Giver», = 30k andy = 48 mh tat time of our be 2 3 Give: =! a 5 in om st 3) +482) W3r@/3) an te The eminigpt o the dance wat covered with ped Teta he tie wth sp foe ter hal fhe ie The mem seed he hay averaged ener he whale ne of ay nt ay Maney . 1 rt™ 026, gy Bate ted a) arate, 01: ty Lette tl tance averse be 2 Let beth ime fr ft afte ads el ime Incl of cond bal date be reach “To ine take i, 2 Wea, = Ay ty om thd the dnc with a ped, The emsining pro the ince ws covered with pee , fea he de and wit speedy frteceher haf of tine The mean pedal boy ‘raed over the woe tine f moto willbe (y atiad ) Ot) sare a oe sou: Let Se the ttl ditace walled. Let (83) distance be oer in ti whe th emaning datas (25) nine ‘econ non (8) rene “0 oy @) Sms" ) 6m" 60 ams EXAMPLE 31. A car moves from P to Q. It moves with moving in sucha way that its speed 25 v= 61. Average speed ofthe particle during a 4sie velocities of magnitude ay, bv and ev fo Average speed of the car during journey fom P to Qis @) Sms" @y @) 6mst @) Sot: (1) Given: Speed of pat “To find: Average spe ion of a particle is given by “x ny x= 40 — 5t— 5#, where x is in metre and t is in second. Find the average velocity between Is and 2 s (1) -20ms* (2) 20ms* (3) 30m (4) -30ms" SOL: (1) Given: x = 40 - 5t- 5? Now, x(t, = 1s) ie. x, = 40-5(1)-5() =30m x(t, =25) ie. x, = 40-5(2)-5(2”)=10m y, 227% 10730 | sg mst “e 4-h = 2-1 EXAMPLE 35. A jogger starts his motion from the position x = 3 m and reaches to a position x = 15 m and then tums back and move to the position x = 1m. If he runs for total 10 seconds, then (i) average velocity of journey is (1) 0.2 ms" Q) 0.4m s

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