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@@ UNHCR. batt REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - RFQ No: HCRISSDYEIRFQM12/2024 ‘SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ASSORTED CONSTRUCTION MATERAILS & ‘CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (02) STANCE LATRINE IN KIMBA PAYAM Hs MOROBU ‘COUNTY - CENTRAL EQUATORIA STATE, SOUTH SUDAN, 3108/2024 QUOTATION TO BE RECEIVED BY: 26 JUNE 2024 CoB: 16:00Hrs ‘Tho Ofce of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Representation South Sudan requests your pce quctaton forthe above-mentioned request 4. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS: Referto Annex A:_ Financia offer form wih detaled specfeatons 2, REQUIREMENTS: ‘To nable you to submit a quotation forthe abovementioned request. pl ‘based on the Request and Specitations stated in Annex A ‘Annex B: General Toms and Conditons for rouson of Goods or Sences — (Rev. ‘dy 2016 vorsior), Beate note that these terms and conditions wil be ety ‘adhered to for the purposes of any contact wih UNHCR. This is To be signed ‘Stamped and a copy feumed wit your ef. lve your quotation . Annex : UNHCR Vendor Registration Form (Rev. June 2018) which should be ‘completed and retried together with your ofr I already registered with UNHCR ‘38a vendor, only indeate vendor ID. &. Annex D: UN Suppliercoe of conduct (Rav. December 2017), Annex E: UN Global Canpaet 10 Pnapis ‘Goods delivery point: KIMBA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. PAYAM Hs. ‘Your fi offer should bo prepared in Engleh and shales the folowing documents PRICE COMPONENT ‘+The total amounts shoud te provided in words and numbers. 1 Brees shouldbe providedsn USO only. ‘Each page of the completed submission shouldbe signed and stamped 8) Clearly prove vay of your offer Page tPage 2 (MUN 1) Leadtime fr dover the goodslserice 2. RFQ Submission We would appreciate receiving your quotation on or before Wednesday 26" June 2024 — 18:00Hrs, through eal address JUSTIN@uohcrory & oF hand Gelvery to UNHCR Fils Offes Yer, Supply Unit. ‘Your quotation must b valid or a east 90 days, The standard payment terms of UNHCR are net 30 days upon satstacery deliver of goods oF senvces and acceptance theta! by UNHCR, tease find attached in ANNEX Bthe UNHCR’s General Conons of Contract for he Provision of Goods andlor Services 2018. ANNEX D the UN code of conduct fr suppliers of goods and Services. Annex E the UN Giohal Compact = 10 Principles. You must clearly indicate your ‘uotatin Ifyou accepthem ENQUIRIES Head of Field Offce, UNHCR Field Office Yel Page Page pee sili ea gh EB Byki |LATRINE. IN KIMEA PAYAM HQs MOROBU COUNTY, CENTRAL EQUATORIA STATE - Supplier Name cneneyel uct oD Warranty [Standard aft year Payne as TUNHOR terms accepted Bid Val [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ASSORTED CONSTRUCTION WATARIATS SE ———— 1ON OF 2 STANCE PVT LATRINE IW KIMBA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE na oexreton vet fon | UR ance 0) ft [eariwor ad Brava Provide sum for ste derance, cing and 1.1 foprootng ateast tee, levlng and eating to | Sob reduce evel ne 200m dp [stand excavate pt measuring 200cmm In Lent | 2 |;300 nwa and ne 4000mI deo. [construc 1Sdmm thick waland ince te plinth 113 Jel ofthe cain wall mace of wallburntcley |? | 33.07 [rick site using os mi [ing to testes of te pth wal wth stable ill compacted at optimum moisture eontento}] 4 | 4 yy [assamaximum dry densty (MDD). ee to -) has Ft suitable slated mate tom the eacaated Jolt 200mm hick erat Ostman Moatare | conan (MC) as base material for he cra wal fo receive mara ling [spy wel graded atte material bac wal 116 Jeompacted in ers todp ne 300m onthe lby| im? | 1.242 rea ready oreeve dom [aitternite weatnant on batons ant ates ihe lercaaions with approved crema * Femitesprayed according to tne manvactrer | | 110% 1000 Gauge Payetene OveriteDanp Prost 1.12 [orm memorane ison sour tuce vested son | mt | 1108 aye: fa [eencete wore [cacti maseconcet wl placed, ated and ished level [sone thick C35 for binding at tae ofthe sr] foundation of a wat. 01758 [ast ais RC Cae C25 on oom thick overt sab of Tatine with aqui ote hha ha [Stee Reinforcement [supply cu, bend and xi place High Tesile Jibbed Reinforcement sel bare wi binding wire jaccoralng to BSS1 10 as per manfatrers Gea #7 [nts Fabric BRC NoAT42 for rack contol = [soe [sper Sewcure wall lstumenious tar fet Oamp Proof course (DEC stoot of masonry wal consrctin, Fetes rates shal incude cot for soppy ot Instr rootngand saserad nize warher, oop ton and other misesencousecence for [he rooting work. Al bers mart be improgeted |nith woodpeseratve well seasoned and fee [rom detec Isuoniving & ting of uuge 28 bie pre painted box poe roeting sheets ( 032mm) of approved Jsiour fued with rating ais to 75 x 50 tmbe| Journ (measured seperate) and ber caping fra tops atthe Pi Lavatres Roo isa [sen Hardnoed rafter aa ra | * se [som Hardwood tie and ins Paar Herawcod wal pate ra | 2 hiss pardwcod puri 23" faci board 19" wood pine [assorted wie rie peetng re ruding ther meow Hoop ron O32 mill tea debond te [sn tinder Farmar om fea [ing beam and door and window sls [aes oor abs 2a a Doors, Windows Lowers and Ventas Fabricated Stee casement dere shuts poommas0omm using HS 6OstOx3mm door |rame, scar shut fame, 1S tick S| 3 pokt hinges anda necessary acessories ine pad tos accesories including pad lc 72 Fersted ste fame, vert louvered window s00mmS Oram sing 40x40x2mm window frame 20r30x2mm ster frame, Sem brow [staan one way, upper ung te bos 2 ome nges andl acessories vo. 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