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1. v = final velocity
2. u = initial velocity
3. s = displacement
4. a = acceleration
5. t = time


1. v = u+ at
2. 2as= v2-u2
3. s = ut+1/2 at2


1. A rollercoaster completes one lap within 5 minutes. It starts moving from rest with a uniform
acceleration of 3m/s2. Calculate the final velocity when it completes the lap.

ANS: 900m/s formula 1

2. A van has to deliver goods from the factory to a certain place. The van leaves from the
factory and maintains a constant acceleration of 0.1m/s2. It reaches the desired location
within 20 minutes. Find the distance from the factory to the final location of the van. 72ig
form 3

3. Mohit walks from his house to his friend Somnath’s house with a uniform velocity of 2m/s.
The distance between their houses is 200 meters. Calculate the acceleration of Mohit.
0.01m/s2. Form 2

4. A scooter travelling at 10m/s speeds up to 20m/s in 4 seconds. Find the acceleration of the
scooter. Formula 1 answer is 2.5m/s2.

5. A truck travelling at 54km/h slows down to 36km/h in 10 seconds. Find the retardation.

ANSWER: a=v-u/t

u= 54km/h = 15m/s

V= 36km/h = 10m/s

Answer is 5m/s2.

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