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What is this medicine for

This medication prevents blood clots in patients who are on bed rest or who are having
orthopedic surgery of the hip replacement, knee replacement, or large intestinal surgery.
It is also used alone or in combination with warfarin to prevent and treat blood clots in
the leg. It is a low molecular weight heparin. It stops the formation of substances that
cause clots. It is also used in unstable angina and heart attacks.

How does it work

Enoxaparin changes the bodys clotting system. It thins the blood to stop clots from

How should this medicine be used

Adult-SC- Abdominal Surgery- the recommended dose is 40 mg once a day. Hip or
Knee Replacement Surgery- the recommended dose is 30 mg every 12 hours. It comes
as a solution for injection, to be administered by a healthcare provider under the skin.

Common side effects of this medicine

Bleeding problems. Irritation where the shot is given.

What do I do if I miss a dose

Take a missed dose as soon as you think about it. If it is close to the time for your next
dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your normal time. Do not take 2 doses at the
same time or extra doses. Do not change the dose or stop this drug. Talk with the

What precautions should I take when taking this medicine

If you have an allergy to enoxaparin or any other part of this drug. If you are allergic to
pork products, talk with the doctor. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs.
Make sure to tell about the allergy and what signs you had. This includes telling about
rash; hives; itching; shortness of breath; wheezing; cough; swelling of face, lips, tongue,
or throat; or any other signs. If you have any of these health problems: Bleeding
problems or low platelet count during past use. If you know that you will not take the
drug as you have been told. If you are pregnant and have had a heart valve replaced.

When do I need to seek medical help

If you think there was an overdose, call your local poison control center or ER right
away. Signs of a very bad reaction to the drug. These include wheezing; chest tightness;
fever; itching; bad cough; blue or gray skin color; seizures; or swelling of face, lips,
tongue, or throat. A fast heartbeat. Very bad dizziness or passing out. A fall or crash
when you hit your head. Talk with your doctor even if you feel fine. Swelling, warmth, or
pain in the leg or arm. Change in thinking clearly and with logic. Very upset stomach or
throwing up. Very bad headache. Weakness, numbness, or tingling. Any bruising or
bleeding. Any rash. Side effect or health problem is not better or you are feeling worse.

1. Kishore Gym Snap Fitness

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o Enter the name of the user or group and click OK.
o Click Next.

Step 4: Choose Tasks to Delegate

1. Select the tasks you want to delegate:

o For adding/removing users from groups, choose "Create a custom task to delegate".
o Click Next.

2. Choose the objects to delegate control over:

o Select "Only the following objects in the folder".
o Check "Group objects".
o Click Next.

3. Choose the permissions to delegate:

o Check the following permissions:
 Read Group Membership
 Write Group Membership
o You may also need to select "General" and then check "Write" permissions if not already
o Click Next.
Step 5: Complete the Delegation

1. Review the selections and click Finish.

Step 6: Verify Delegation

1. Test the delegated permissions by logging in as the user or group member and attempting to add
or remove users from groups within the specified OU.
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Pulmoclear Tablet is used to treat and prevent asthma and symptoms of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disorder (a lung disorder in which the flow of air to the
lungs is blocked) such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It helps
relax the muscles of the air passages thereby making it easier to breathe.

Pulmoclear Tablet is taken with or without food in a dose and duration as

advised by the doctor. The dose you are given will depend on your condition and
how you respond to the medicine. You should keep taking this medicine for as
long as your doctor recommends. If you stop treatment too early your symptoms
may come back and your condition may worsen. Let your healthcare team know
about all other medications you are taking as some may affect, or be affected by
this medicine.

The most common side effects are vomiting, heartburn, stomach upset, rash,
itching, and nasal inflammation. Most of these are temporary and usually resolve
with time. Contact your doctor straight away if you are at all concerned about
any of these side effects. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine as
that may cause excessive drowsiness.

Never support self-medication or recommend your medicine to another person.

Before you start taking this medicine it is important to inform your doctor if you
are suffering from liver or kidney disease. You should also tell your doctor if you
are pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding.


 Treatment of Asthma
 Treatment of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
 Treatment of Pneumonia


In Treatment of Asthma
Pulmoclear Tablet is a combination of two medicines that can help prevent the
onset of an asthma attack if it is taken before exercise or exposure to some
“triggers”. These “triggers” may include house dust, pollen, pets, and cigarette
smoke. This medicine relaxes the muscles of your airways which makes the air
easier to get in and out. It will therefore allow you to exercise more freely
without worrying about getting symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and
shortness of breath. This enables you to live your life more freely without
worrying so much about things that set off your symptoms.

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Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your
body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re
worried about them

Common side effects of Pulmoclear

 Vomiting
 Heartburn
 Stomach pain
 Upset stomach
 Rash
 Hives
 Itching
 Nasal inflammation

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