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Plot of masala kulangwa

Once upon a time in East Africa, the monster or ogre Shing'weng'we swallowed the entire
planet, along with all domestic animals, with the exception of one pregnant woman who hid
under a heap of chaff. Masala Kulangwa (which means "the brilliant or clever person who
understands swiftly") was born to this woman later. "Mother, why are there only the two of
us?" he inquired as he got older. What happened to the rest of the group? "My darling one,
everyone else was eaten by Shing'weng'we," she replied. We're the only two survivors."
From that day forward, the young guy began his search for the monster. He killed a
grasshopper one day and sang to his mother,

"Mother, Mother, I have slain Shing'weng'we." "Rejoice and shout for joy," his Mother said,
"but this is just a grasshopper, not the monster." "Let's roast him and eat him," says the

"Mother, Mother, I have slain Shing'weng'we up in the hills," he sang one day after killing a
bird. "Rejoice and shout for happiness," his Mother said, "but this is just a bird, not the
monster." "Let's roast it and eat it," says the narrator.

"Mother, Mother, I have slain Shing'weng'we up in the hills," he sang one day after killing a
little gazelle. "Rejoice and yell for joy," his Mother said, "but this is just a tiny gazelle, not the
monster." "Let's roast it and eat it," says the narrator.

"Mother, Mother, I have slain Shing'weng'we up in the highlands," he sang one day after
killing an antelope. "Rejoice and shout for joy," his Mother said, "but this is just an antelope,
not the monster." "Let's roast it and eat it," says the narrator.

Finally, Masala Kulangwa, a cunning young man, tracked down Shing'weng'we, defeated
him, and sliced open the monster's back. His father, along with his relatives and the rest of
the crowd, emerged. Masala Kulangwa accidentally hacked off the ear of an elderly woman
when he broke open the monster's back. This woman became enraged and verbally abused
the young man. She attempted to enchant him. Masala Kulangwa, on the other hand,
discovered medicine and was able to treat the elderly woman. The people then crowned the
young man as chief and seated him in the Chief's Chair. Masala Kulangwa rose to become
the world's chief, while his mother rose to become the Queen Mother. (Summary of the
Sukuma, a Tanzanian song version of a traditional African myth)
Similarities of both story
-They are both talking about the monstrous thing. They were talking that they were attacked
by a monster in their town or city. And they are hunting some food for their family and town
to some far forest or place.

Differences of the both story

-The masala kulangwa and the monster SHING'WENG'WE are about the ogre that
swallowed their entire planet along with all domestic animals, except for one pregnant
woman who hid under a heap of chaff.

-And the Rawera (the Comforter) and the Monsters we’re about the people with a king in
their village and their living things like having a child and marrying. And their child is the
one who killed the monster.


Masala kulangwa(young guy)
-A guy that a brilliant or clever person
The -a guy who keep killing animals that he thought it is a monster for his mother

-The exception of one pregnant who hid under a heap of chaff

Monster and rawera

-was living in the village of funtu.
-Because she was barren, men refused to marry her.
-She was forced to marry to jater

An old man who forcefully married Ng’uono

-the born child of jater (the comforter)

Similarities of the both story

They have someone on their side.

All villagers in the denouement respected the main character.

The differences are

In the masala kulangwa are only talking about killing the monster.
And in the monster and rawera are also talking about marrying Ng’uono

setting of the story

The masala kulangwa are living at East africa
And the Monster and rawera are at funtu village.
They both have a village or city.

Conflict of the story

In the Masala kulangwa the conflict here is to get revenge at shing'weng'we, and defeat him.
In the monster and rawera the conflict is rawera knew that monsters ate his people, he knew
because when the bird is flying to his forehead the bird said they are the one who ate your
ancestors now go home they are many monsters living here and rawera said there are
monsters here? And asked the bird You say these monsters ate my people?. In that case,
rawera said I will kill them all show me where they are. And the bird guides him.

The similarities
They both fighting monsters for people who died because of monsters that attacked their

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