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Exercise (1 Separate the unit step sequence u[n] for —5> >> Ni T0301 SS >> N72 = 03o00l38-5 2 4, = lneawiside Un) s> ho = \neauiside M2) 2 Xysoi5= kz Se a's even funebion > BS = = a = =< S >> > < o> oS 88 Exercise (2 Check ifx(t) = 2u(t—1), and y(t) = 6(¢) are energy or power signals or not. Script Fite 3 X= 2* heawisidelt-\) mer tees = gouspuls lb) : 2 Taitenerch = KT (abSIMZ cb ran) 1 a i inf ) eau a> FY = Vist (intega% UV cin) [ZZ Pye a7 vinit VOH))™ integer XAT = 2 ivtever_y =ivb labs uF 7 by VT) >> [ZZ Ey= Vint Omtegery Tint) = > Bye \imart ("41 inteoery (Tin®) s = > = Ss es 3S Conclusion In conclusion, the Properties of Signals in MATLAB experiment introduces students to the basic properties of signals in signal processing and provides hands-on experience using MATLAB to analyze and visualize these properties. ‘The experiment covers topics such as signal energy, power, periodicity, and symmetry. MATLAB can be used to generate and manipulate signals, calculate their properties, rd visualize them using various types of plots. Department of Electrical Engineering (Communications &-Electronics Engineering) Lab Manual ELE 271 — Signal Analysis By: Eng. Amel Mohamed Mahmoud Experiment 7: Basic Operations on Signals Student Name | Ahmed Moacumed » 202\ BOE Spring 2023-2024 0 Exercises Exercise (1) Given x(t) = 2 cos(xt). Plot x(t) & x(—t), using 2 different methods, where 0 y = Bt O) Ss Subpot (3.211) >> P\ob (b1\) > Nobel Chime!) ss Ylobel C'Xcts’) >> bite Cyn) SUbPICE C3, 2) Ss PloDC-Bi¥s'—-) >> Xabel C'time’) >> ylabel C' XC-0)) = bite C'K(-D) subpiobC3, 4:3) SF pieb (tao) >> ylobel Cre!) 2 grabel C1 4-0) a> BBE CED) using Hitiy 98. reise (2 Given x{n] = 2 5m], Plot x[n] & x{n— 3], where -5 > Sub ebC2.\\\) >> stem MN NY) >> Y\obel C'h') >> u\abel(' AAT J 2 title CAINS >> Subprel QW S> Stomdns3 hi) >> \ aloed Cn) ‘ Ee pond Ub 33 ) >> t 2 ay >> $i Ae G tiv 33 Zorid >> 7 >> T= oFowl Slo aul = Y= USQ#T) SS subploT (2.1) >> Plot bh) a Kabel CLimed ZF vlabal CO Kb} ) So pibVe & kcoy) 35 subpioh Li0) Ze PICT EIB) K a) SS Ylobdl Lye’) >> yore U AGT) >> SS title CVRD) SS ay sc grid >> > > > >> > > > Conclusion In conclusion, the Basic Operations on Signals in M. r x 1 fd foundation for students to understand the meee creas provide 9 time reversal, time shifting, and time scaling. These operations pee icy yy S Various applications in signal processing are eeaer negates avg See lnderstanding of signal processing concepts. ave a strong Exercises Exercise (1) Sk i Pee 2 periods of the following signal using MATLAB, then regenerate it using rat Series at n = 15 harmonics, and sketch the output with the original plotted x(t) ie ss Ty awl sat k= -\% o0l8o gt 6 oV0\ Ot Ky = Ve ools 2 Yy = ones(site (Ki) Vp =anes(Sirekr)) yg =ones Size)) YA = ones site Ku) Wal a kg kad 3=04. Yo ¥5 Gu) Ry SS Pre CK9) Syms WE C=? > reat x ag 2 Pty eGnb A 10 AV) Et Fast 4,2)) SS On= COIR QIT EOS CHD TOM ayall Fe >> COS Wk WHT) ee te =\2 Pye QSL ES OD) bea) vay Ura in Qe WEEN) = eo \=\ Sg ee ie et GY GSE) aintdssinie wk) end ure Pol Qa *) Conclusion jin MATLAB experiments provide students with a comprehensi and its applications in signal processing. Thes MATLAB to compute and ts the Fourie

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