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Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
1. Company Details.
(a) The category of the Company, whether
Large/ Medium/ Small or Start Up/ DPSU/ CPSU.
(b) Years of existence (Established in
(c) Annual turnover of the Company in crore
for last three financial years (FY).
(i) FY 2019-20.
(ii) FY 2020-21.
(iii) FY 2021-22.
(d) The Credit Rating of the Company and
Net Worth in Crores for last three financial years
(i) FY 2019-20.
(ii) FY 2020-21.
(iii) FY 2021-22.
(e) Annual Profit in the last three financial
years in Crores.
(f) Is Ownership Indian or Foreign or Joint
(g) The Shareholding Pattern of the Company
(Indian and Foreign) in percentage to be stated.
All details to be provided.
(g) Whether the Company is OEM,
Manufacturing Agency or System Integrator!
(h) Experience of the Company in related
fields in years.
(j) Whether similar equipment has been
supplied to any other government agency (Type
of equipment, quantity, cost & year of supply to
be highlighted).
(k) Whether Company has existing patents/
IPR/ filed any patents (pending approval) related
to Drone based Minefield Detection and Diffusion
System or similar equipment. Details to be
(l) Whether Company has patents/ IPR/ filed
any patents (pending approval) of any critical
components/ sub-systems related to the
(m) Whether the Company has any tie-ups/
Joint Ventures with any foreign firm for producing
similar equipment.

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
2. Infrastructure.
(a) Does the Company have adequate
infrastructure to develop, integrate and
manufacture? If yes, details to be provided.
If not, what would be the procedure and timelines
to establish the same?
(b) Does the Company have adequate
infrastructure for carrying out trials and testing of
(c) Availability of explosive lab testing facility
for checking the efficacy?
3. R&D.
(a) Number of employees working in R&D of
systems related to the product.
(b) Whether Company has produced any
product for government agency? If yes, details of
product with quantity, cost & year of supply be

4. Cost.
(a) Cost of the prototype (Specify component-
wise e.g Mapping Drone, Detonation Drone with
explosives, Explosives, Ground Control Station,
any other component cost) without taxes.
(b) Total cost of approx 50 Numbers of
equipment with one year warranty without taxes.
(c) Recommendations for AMC/ CMC or to be
maintained by the Army with adequate training.
(d) In case of AMC/ CMC, yearly cost of
maintenance in % of Total Cost without taxes.
(e) Taxes in % (Type of taxes to be
(f) Quantity of prototype recommended for
user trials.
(g) Likely life cycle cost of the system.
(h) Minimum quantity economically viable for
5. Indigenous Content (IC).
(a) Likely achievable indigenous content at
prototype as well as at production stage in %.
(b) Details of IC of important sub-systems and
enabling technologies.
(c) Critical/ core technologies identified which
are not likely to be available in India, to be
sourced ex-import (in cost percentage terms).
(d) Critical/ core technologies being
indigenised or not being indigenised.

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(e) Sub-systems/ equipment manufactured by
the company and details of outsourced
equipment along with details of the
(f) Percentage of use of military grade
Indigenous components.
6. Time for Manufacture.
(a) Likely time for development of the
prototype (in weeks).
(b) Manufacturing of the product (per year
7. Drone Licences.
(a) Any existing technology partnership/
applied for partnership with Drone manufacturing
(b) Details of defence licence for
manufacturing companies to be provided.
8. Explosive Licences.
(a) Details of explosive licence for
manufacturing companies to be provided.
(b) Details of defence licence for
manufacturing companies to be provided.
(c) Any existing partnership/ applied for
partnership with Explosives manufacturing
9. Sustenance.
(a) The ability of the Company to sustain the
product through the lifecycle of the equipment
(including spares and upgrades).
(b) How will you ensure continuous supply of
spares especially for components procured ex-
(c) How will continuous supply of spares be
ensured from sub-contractors?
(d) What measures would be taken to
mitigate the effects of extreme cold climate on
the equipment.
(e) Are you willing to provide Engineering
Support Plan (ESP) comprising of Manufacturer’s
Recommended List of Spares (MRLS), Special
Maintenance Tools (SMTs), Special Test
Equipment (STE), Test jigs and fixtures and
Technical Literature.
(f) If you are willing to provide ESP then
provide the recommended requirement of MRLS,
SMTs, STE, Test jigs and fixtures and Technical

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(g) Warranty period of the product.
(h) Product support What is the period
for which you will commit product support for
sustenance of the system in terms of supply of
spares/ Calibration etc?
10. Training.
(a) Details of initial and refresher training
required in days.
(b) Details of training/ operating manuals
(Quantity) to be provided.
(c) What are the training requirements for
Maintenance Personnel to be able to carry out
Component Level Repair?
(d) Is your entity willing to offer a
comprehensive package for training of
maintenance personnel to undertake repair and
maintenance of equipment along with tools and
test jigs as required?
(e) Requirement of training of operators on
existing system without going in for simulators.
11. Quality Certification.
(a) Details regarding quality certification like
ISO 9000 etc, if so, details of date of certification
with validity and certification agency.
(b) Measures and capability to meet
environmental specification as per laid down
12. Broad Concept/ Design.
(a) Proposed Configuration.
(i) Is it based on two drone concept?
(ii) Is it based on three or more drone
(iii) Is it modular in construction?
(b) Mapping Drone.
(i) Configuration of the Drone.
Multi-copter/ Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing/
Hybrid with details of airframe.
(ii) Launch Mechanism - VTOL/Tube
Launched/ Canister Launched and retrieval
(iii) Power and propulsion system of
the drone (IC engine/battery/hybrid), its
rechargeability and life to be specified.
(iv) Approximate dimensions in mtr.
(v) Maximum take-off weight in kgs.
(vi) Maximum operating range in km
(vii) Endurance of drone in mins.

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(viii) Maximum take-off altitude (in mtr
(ix) Maximum operating altitude (in mtr
(x) Temperature ranges in which drone
can operate.
(xi) Video freeze frames and recording
of live feed.
(xi) Does the drone operate at night?
If yes, please specify the endurance.
(xiii) Payload Capabilities.
(aa) Details of camera for
mapping including size, weight, pan,
tilt, resolution, zoom and field of
vision (wide & narrow).
(ab) Details of sensors i.e
Ground Penetration Radar (GPR)/
EO/Thermal/ Magnetometer/ Metal
Detector or any other sensors to
detect anti tank and anti personnel
mines, with specifications planned
in design of product.
(ac) Detection depth of the
sensors i.e Ground Penetration
Radar (GPR)/ EO/ Thermal/
Magnetometer/ Metal Detector or
any other sensors below ground
level in mtr.

(ad) Minimum detection size of

buried mines (… x ….cm) and
height of sensor antenna above
ground in mtr.

(ae) Swath capability in ….. mtr x

..... mtr and scan speed in km/ hour.

(c) Follower Drone (Detonation Drone with Explosives).

(i) Configuration of the Drone.
Multi-copter/ Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing/
Hybrid with details of airframe.
(ii) Launch Mechanism- VTOL/Tube
Launched/ Canister Launched and retrieval
(iii) Power and propulsion system of
the drone (IC engine/battery/hybrid).
(iv) Approximate dimensions in mtr.

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(v) Maximum take off weight in kgs.
(vi) Maximum operating range in km
(vii) Endurance of drone in mins.
(viii) Maximum take off altitude (in mtr
(ix) Maximum operating altitude (in mtr
(x) Temperature ranges in which drone
can operate.
(xi) Video freeze frames and recording
of live feed.
(xii) Is there any preparation time in
placement of explosives as pay load? If
yes, how is the preparation of explosives
being done
(xiii) What is the safety distance for
initiation of explosives & mines?
(xiv) Payload Capabilities.
(aa) Number of diffusion of
explosives carried.
(ab) Type of explosive to be
(ac) Mechanism of placing
explosives on the locations
identified by the Mapping Drone to
be specified.
(ad) Shelf life of explosive.
(ae) Safety aspects like built-in
Safe Arming Mechanism.
(d) Ground Control Station (GCS).
(i) Sub-components of GCS.
(ii) Technical specifications of GCS.
(iii) Weight and dimensions of GCS.
(iv) Remote Video Terminal to monitor
mapping & follower drone.
(v) The compatibility of the system with
the Defence Series Maps and the map
formats used (Raster, Digital Terrain
Elevation Data -2 or Vector DGN).
(vi) Auto mapping & auto detection of
buried landmines with geotags on the
(vii) Flight/ telemetry data recording.
(viii) How many operators would be
required to operate the system including

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(ix) What is the maximum operating
range from GCS to drones?
(e) Explosives.
(i) Type of explosive used?
(ii) Will there be a requirement of
service explosive? If yes, specify the
(iii) Is there any provision of self
destruction mechanism in the ordinance/
ammunition being employed for diffusion
of mines
(f) Detonator.
(i) Whether in-service or specially
designed detonator to be used?
(ii) Type of fuse for detonation?
(g) Software.
(i) It the software should be
restorable in field along with provision of
future upgradation.
(ii) Availability of provision for future
upgradation of software.
(h) Built In Test Equipment (BITE).
(i) Is BITE facility available in the
(ii) If yes, can BITE facility diagnose
fault up to sub assembly/ Module/ PCB
(j) Batteries
(i) Is it indigenous battery?
(ii) Does it have provision for low battery
(iii) Is there any battery charging facility
being provided with system?
(k) Technical Literature
(i) Will you be providing Technical
literature as specified in JSS 0251-01:
2015 (Revision No 2) prior to
Maintainability Evaluation Trials.
(ii) Will you be providing Interactive
Electronics Technical Manual (IETM)
prepared by OEM?
(iii) Recommended list of Technical
Literature / Manual.
13. Other Aspects
(a) Details of frequencies being used for the
(b) Details of security measures like data

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
encryption, anti jamming and anti spoofing.
(c) Does it have Protection/ provision to
prevent reverse polarity fitment for all PCBs/
Cards/ Cables / Batteries.
(d) Any counter available to display the
cumulative usage to facilitate preventive/ periodic
(e) Any specific requirement in terms
of Infrastructure etc for setting up repair facilities
at field and Intermediate/ Base workshops?
(f) Does the system work on master-slave
concept/ sensor-shooter concept or do the
drones remain completely independent of each
(g) Compatibility of the navigation system with
GPS/ GLONOSS/ NavIC and capability of the
system to operate in GPS denied/ degraded
(h) Antenna specifications and possibility of
interference with existing communication
systems of tanks/Infantry Combat Vehicles.
(i) The life of GCS in usage hours, years and
battery charging cycles.
(k) The life of drones except GCS, in terms of
landings/ hours, years and battery charging
(l) Capability of the drones to operate under
adverse weather conditions and wind speeds.
(m) The navigation system and capability to
operate in adverse jamming environment.
(n) Various flight modes to include fully
autonomous, semi auto mode, loiter mode, target
following mode, camera guided mode, manual
mode and Return to Home (RTH) mode.
(o) Detail of casing for the drone and
protection level which can be provided against
Small Arms and splinters.
(p) Artificial intelligence enabled target
recognition and identification capability and
capability of transmitting the coordinates to the
RVT and loiter munitions.
(q) Noise levels (in db) on ground while flying
at various altitudes above ground level.
(r) Capability to abort the mission and reuse
(s) Fail safe alerts in case of link-cross and
low battery.

Ser Response by Prospective

No Development Agencies
(t) Compatibility with other similar equipment
(u) What is the assurance of successful
clearance of mines post employment of the
14. EMI/EMC Compliance.
(a) Has the equipment/ system been tested
for conformity to EMI/EMC compliance?
(b) Information as per Appendix attached be
provided with technical literature to include
system details connectivity diagram, list of cables
and connectors of the system and internal test
15. Assistance Required During Prototype Development.
(a) Any requirement of access to firing range
during prototype development phase. If yes,
specify the duration of access required per day
and total no of days.
(b) Any requirement of military equipment
including mines during prototype development
phase. If yes, specify the equipment and quantity
required and period of requirement (in days).

16. Any other information relevant to the project and not included in this
‘Questionnaire’ may also be forwarded. Separate sheets to be attached, in response
to the queries, wherever required.

17. Contact Details.

Colonel S P Pradhan
Directorate General of Combat Engineers/ CE-5(A)
Room No 91
E-in-C’s Branch
Kashmir House
Rajaji Marg
New Delhi - 110011
Tele : (011)23019604
Fax : (011)23019675
E-mail :

(Refer Para 14(b) of ‘Questionnaire’)



1. Has the equipment/product/ product family been tested for conformity to MIL-STD-
461 (version E or later) at the sub system level - Yes/ No/ Not Applicable.

(a) If Yes, please give details of the tests conducted, copy of reports along with
the date and name of the lab with accreditation certificate.

(b) If No, what other EMI/ EMC standards does it comply to? How adherence to
EMI/EMC standards was achieved at design/development stage? Provide details
with justification.

2. Has the equipment /product/ product family been tested for conformity to MIL-STD-
461 (version C or later) at the sub system level - Yes/ No/ Not Applicable.

(a) If Yes, please give details of the tests conducted, copy of reports along with
the date and name of the lab with accreditation certificate.

(b) If No, what other EMI/ EMC standards does it comply to? How adherence to
EMI/EMC standards was achieved at design/development stage? Provide details
with justification.

3. Has the equipment/ product/ product family been tested for conformity to HERO/
HERE/ HERP? - Yes/ No/ Not Applicable.

(a) If Yes, please give details of the tests conducted, copy of reports along with
the date and name of the lab with accreditation certificate. What is the classification
for the same?

(b) If No, state valid reasons, thereof.

4. Is the equipment / product/ product family been tested for conformity to EMP. If Yes,
please give details of the tests conducted, copy of reports along with the date and name of
the lab with accreditation certificate.

5. Is a shelter being offered by the vendor? If Yes, what is its electromagnetic shielding
(in dB) in the frequency range of 10KHz to 18 GHz? Please give details of the tests
conducted, copy of reports along with the date and name of the lab with accreditation

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