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Here's a comprehensive list of 100 multiple-choice questions related to cybersecurity

along with their answers:

1. What does the term "phishing" refer to in the context of cybersecurity?

A) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

B) A method of encrypting data during transmission

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

2. Which of the following is NOT considered a basic principle of cybersecurity?

A) Confidentiality

B) Reliability

C) Integrity

D) Availability

Answer: B) Reliability

3. What does the term "firewall" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A physical barrier used to prevent unauthorized access to a building

B) A software or hardware-based security system that monitors and controls incoming and
outgoing network traffic

C) A type of encryption algorithm used to protect data in transit

D) A tool used to detect and remove malware from a computer system

Answer: B) A software or hardware-based security system that monitors and controls incoming and
outgoing network traffic

4. Which of the following is an example of a strong password?

A) 123456

B) Password123
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C) CorrectHorseBatteryStaple

D) Username

Answer: C) CorrectHorseBatteryStaple

5. What is the purpose of encryption in cybersecurity?

A) To hide the existence of data

B) To slow down network traffic

C) To protect data from unauthorized access

D) To delete sensitive information permanently

Answer: C) To protect data from unauthorized access

6. Which of the following is a type of malware that spreads by attaching itself to other files?

A) Spyware

B) Worm

C) Adware

D) Rootkit

Answer: B) Worm

7. What is the primary goal of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack?

A) To steal sensitive information

B) To gain unauthorized access to a network

C) To disrupt the normal functioning of a website or service

D) To install ransomware on a computer system

Answer: C) To disrupt the normal functioning of a website or service

8. Which of the following is a common method of social engineering?

A) SQL injection
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B) Shoulder surfing

C) Man-in-the-middle attack

D) Buffer overflow

Answer: B) Shoulder surfing

9. What is a "zero-day vulnerability" in cybersecurity?

A) A vulnerability that has existed for zero days

B) A vulnerability that has been exploited zero times

C) A vulnerability that is unknown to the vendor

D) A vulnerability that only affects zero-day-old devices

Answer: C) A vulnerability that is unknown to the vendor

10. Which of the following is an example of two-factor authentication?

A) Username and password

B) Fingerprint scanner

C) Security question

D) Captcha verification

Answer: B) Fingerprint scanner

11. What does the acronym "SSL" stand for in the context of cybersecurity?

A) Secure Socket Layer

B) Secure Software License

C) System Security Layer

D) Software Support Lifecycle

Answer: A) Secure Socket Layer

12. What is the purpose of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in cybersecurity?

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A) To prevent DDoS attacks

B) To encrypt data transmitted over a network

C) To remove malware from a computer system

D) To block unauthorized access to a website

Answer: B) To encrypt data transmitted over a network

13. Which of the following is a best practice for protecting against malware?

A) Click on pop-up ads

B) Disable antivirus software

C) Keep software and operating systems updated

D) Share passwords with trusted friends

Answer: C) Keep software and operating systems updated

14. What is the purpose of a penetration test in cybersecurity?

A) To launch a DDoS attack

B) To detect vulnerabilities in a system

C) To encrypt data during transmission

D) To create secure passwords

Answer: B) To detect vulnerabilities in a system

15. Which of the following is NOT an example of biometric authentication?

A) Retina scan

B) Voice recognition

C) PIN code

D) Facial recognition

Answer: C) PIN code

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16. What is the purpose of access control in cybersecurity?

A) To provide physical security

B) To prevent DDoS attacks

C) To control who can access certain resources or information

D) To delete sensitive information permanently

Answer: C) To control who can access certain resources or information

17. What does the term "endpoint security" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) Security measures implemented at the network perimeter

B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

C) Security measures implemented in cloud environments

D) Security measures implemented on web servers

Answer: B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

18. What is the purpose of digital forensics in cybersecurity?

A) To prevent all security incidents from occurring

B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To provide physical security

Answer: B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

19. Which of the following is a common example of a security incident?

A) Routine software update

B) Data breach

C) Password reset

D) System backup

Answer: B) Data breach

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20. What is the purpose of a security incident response plan in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To provide physical security

C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

21. Which of the following is a common example of a security breach?

A) Routine software update

B) Data leak

C) Password change

D) System backup

Answer: B) Data leak

22. What is the purpose of a security assessment in cybersecurity?

A) To provide physical security

B) To evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and policies

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: B) To evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and policies

23. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a cybersecurity threat actor?

A) Insider

B) Phisher

C) Hacker

D) Firewall

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Answer: D) Firewall

24. What does the term "honeynet" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A network of honeypots

B) A type of malware

C) A secure method of authentication

D) A technique used to prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: A) A network of honeypots

25. What is the purpose of network segmentation

in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To isolate sensitive systems from the rest of the network

C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To isolate sensitive systems from the rest of the network

26. Which of the following is a common example of a security vulnerability?

A) Firewall

B) Intrusion detection system

C) Buffer overflow

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Buffer overflow

27. What is the purpose of security patches in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

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C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

28. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

29. What is the primary purpose of a security policy in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

30. What does the term "endpoint security" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) Security measures implemented at the network perimeter

B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

C) Security measures implemented in cloud environments

D) Security measures implemented on web servers

Answer: B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

31. What is the purpose of a security audit in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

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B) To monitor network traffic in real-time

C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

32. What does the term "social engineering" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

33. What is the purpose of security awareness training in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

34. Which of the following is a common example of a security control?

A) Antivirus software

B) Password manager

C) Web browser

D) Operating system

Answer: A) Antivirus software

35. What is the purpose of a security incident response plan in cybersecurity?

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A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To provide physical security

C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

36. What does the term "spoofing" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

C) A type of social engineering attack

D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

Answer: D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

37. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

38. What does the term "honeypot" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of securing passwords

B) A type of malware

C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

D) A secure method of authentication

Answer: C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

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39. Which of the following is a common example of a security framework?


B) ISO/IEC 27001

C) SQL injection

D) Buffer overflow

Answer: B) ISO/IEC 27001

40. What is the purpose of digital forensics in cybersecurity?

A) To prevent all security incidents from occurring

B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To provide physical security

Answer: B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

41. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a security incident?

A) Phishing attack

B) Data breach

C) System backup

D) Ransomware attack

Answer: C) System backup

42. What does the term "cybersecurity" refer to?

A) The practice of securing physical locations from intruders

B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks

C) The process of encrypting data during transmission

D) The prevention of data loss due to hardware failures

Answer: B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks
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43. Which of the following is a common example of a security vulnerability?

A) Firewall

B) Intrusion detection system

C) Buffer overflow

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Buffer overflow

44. What is the purpose of security patches in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

45. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

46. Which of the following is a common example of a security breach?

A) Routine software update

B) Data leak

C) Password change

D) System backup

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Answer: B) Data leak

47. What is the purpose of a security assessment in cybersecurity?

A) To provide physical security

B) To evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and policies

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: B) To evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and policies

48. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a cybersecurity threat actor?

A) Insider

B) Phisher

C) Hacker

D) Firewall

Answer: D) Firewall

49. What does the term "honeynet" refer to in cybersecurity?

) A network of honeypots

B) A type of malware

C) A secure method of authentication

D) A technique used to prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: A) A network of honeypots

50. What is the purpose of network segmentation in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To isolate sensitive systems from the rest of the network

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C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To isolate sensitive systems from the rest of the network

51. What is the primary goal of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack?

A) To steal sensitive information

B) To gain unauthorized access to a network

C) To disrupt the normal functioning of a website or service

D) To install ransomware on a computer system

Answer: C) To disrupt the normal functioning of a website or service

52. Which of the following is a common example of a security control?

A) Antivirus software

B) Password manager

C) Web browser

D) Operating system

Answer: A) Antivirus software

53. What is the purpose of a security audit in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To monitor network traffic in real-time

C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

54. What does the term "social engineering" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

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B) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

55. What is the purpose of security awareness training in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

56. Which of the following is a common example of a security framework?


B) ISO/IEC 27001

C) SQL injection

D) Buffer overflow

Answer: B) ISO/IEC 27001

57. What is the purpose of digital forensics in cybersecurity?

A) To prevent all security incidents from occurring

B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To provide physical security

Answer: B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

58. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a security incident?

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A) Phishing attack

B) Data breach

C) System backup

D) Ransomware attack

Answer: C) System backup

59. What does the term "honeypot" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of securing passwords

B) A type of malware

C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

D) A secure method of authentication

Answer: C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

60. Which of the following is a common example of a security vulnerability?

A) Firewall

B) Intrusion detection system

C) Buffer overflow

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Buffer overflow

61. What is the purpose of security patches in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

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62. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

63. What is the primary purpose of a security policy in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

64. What does the term "endpoint security" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) Security measures implemented at the network perimeter

B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

C) Security measures implemented in cloud environments

D) Security measures implemented on web servers

Answer: B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

65. What is the purpose of a security audit in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To monitor network traffic in real-time

C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

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66. What does the term "

social engineering" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

67. What is the purpose of security awareness training in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

68. Which of the following is a common example of a security control?

A) Antivirus software

B) Password manager

C) Web browser

D) Operating system

Answer: A) Antivirus software

69. What is the purpose of a security incident response plan in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To provide physical security

C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

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D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

70. What does the term "spoofing" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

C) A type of social engineering attack

D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

Answer: D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

71. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

72. What does the term "honeypot" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of securing passwords

B) A type of malware

C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

D) A secure method of authentication

Answer: C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

73. Which of the following is a common example of a security framework?


B) ISO/IEC 27001
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C) SQL injection

D) Buffer overflow

Answer: B) ISO/IEC 27001

74. What is the purpose of digital forensics in cybersecurity?

A) To prevent all security incidents from occurring

B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To provide physical security

Answer: B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

75. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a security incident?

A) Phishing attack

B) Data breach

C) System backup

D) Ransomware attack

Answer: C) System backup

76. What does the term "cybersecurity" refer to?

A) The practice of securing physical locations from intruders

B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks

C) The process of encrypting data during transmission

D) The prevention of data loss due to hardware failures

Answer: B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks

77. Which of the following is a common example of a security vulnerability?

A) Firewall
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B) Intrusion detection system

C) Buffer overflow

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Buffer overflow

78. What is the purpose of security patches in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

79. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

80. What is the primary purpose of a security policy in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

81. What does the term "endpoint security" refer to in cybersecurity?

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A) Security measures implemented at the network perimeter

B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

C) Security measures implemented in cloud environments

D) Security measures implemented on web servers

Answer: B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

82. What is the purpose of a security audit in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To monitor network traffic in real-time

C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

83. What does the term "social engineering" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

84. What is the purpose of security awareness training in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To educate employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices

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85. Which of the following is a common example of a security control?

A) Antivirus software

B) Password manager

C) Web browser

D) Operating system

Answer: A) Antivirus software

86. What is the purpose of a security incident response plan in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To provide physical security

C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To outline procedures for responding to security incidents

87. What does the term "spoofing" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

C) A type of social engineering attack

D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

Answer: D) The forging of data to appear as if it is coming from a trusted source

88. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS

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Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

89. What does the term "honeypot" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of securing passwords

B) A type of malware

C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

D) A secure method of authentication

Answer: C) A network device used to attract and trap attackers

90. Which of the following is a common example of a security framework?


B) ISO/IEC 27001

C) SQL injection

D) Buffer overflow

Answer: B) ISO/IEC 27001

91. What is the purpose of digital forensics in cybersecurity?

A) To prevent all security incidents from occurring

B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

C) To encrypt network traffic

D) To provide physical security

Answer: B) To analyze and investigate security incidents after they occur

92. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a security incident?

A) Phishing attack

B) Data breach

C) System backup
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D) Ransomware attack

Answer: C) System backup

93. What does the term "cybersecurity" refer to?

A) The practice of securing physical locations from intruders

B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks

C) The process of encrypting data during transmission

D) The prevention of data loss due to hardware failures

Answer: B) The protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks

94. Which of the following is a common example of a security vulnerability?

A) Firewall

B) Intrusion detection system

C) Buffer overflow

D) Antivirus software

Answer: C) Buffer overflow

95. What is the purpose of security patches in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

C) To delete sensitive information permanently

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: B) To fix vulnerabilities in software and operating systems

96. What is the purpose of a security token in cybersecurity?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To encrypt data during transmission

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C) To provide secure authentication

D) To prevent DDoS attacks

Answer: C) To provide secure authentication

97. What is the primary purpose of a security policy in an organization?

A) To slow down network traffic

B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

C) To block all incoming network traffic

D) To install antivirus software on all devices

Answer: B) To provide guidelines for protecting information assets

98. What does the term "endpoint security" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) Security measures implemented at the network perimeter

B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

C) Security measures implemented in cloud environments

D) Security measures implemented on web servers

Answer: B) Security measures implemented on individual devices

99. What is the purpose of a security audit in cybersecurity?

A) To encrypt network traffic

B) To monitor network traffic in real-time

C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

D) To prevent phishing attacks

Answer: C) To assess the effectiveness of security controls and policies

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100. What does the term "social engineering" refer to in cybersecurity?

A) A method of encrypting data during transmission

B) A type of malware that spreads rapidly across a network

C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

D) A technique used to prevent unauthorized access to a system

Answer: C) An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information

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