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NIGEL NHAU C22149111A BEMC5 3.1



Experimental Research Proposal: Mitigating Crop Loss using Autonomous Spray
Drones in Zimbabwe

Chapter 1. Problem and Research Question

Introduction and Background

Agricultural productivity is crucial for food security and economic stability, particularly in
developing countries like Zimbabwe, where agriculture forms a significant part of the
economy and livelihood. However, crop losses due to pests and diseases present a
formidable challenge to farmers, undermining their efforts and reducing yield. Mitigating
these losses is essential to ensure sustainable agricultural practices and food security.
This experimental research proposal aims to evaluate the efficacy of autonomous spray
drones in mitigating crop loss in Zimbabwe. By comparing traditional spraying methods
with drone technology, this study seeks to provide empirical evidence on the potential
benefits of adopting autonomous spray drones for sustainable agriculture in Zimbabwe.


Agriculture at Kushinga Farm which is located in Wedza District, Mashonaland East

Province, Zimbabwe faces numerous challenges, with pest and disease infestations
being among the most persistent and detrimental. According to the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), up to 40% of global crop production is lost to pests
annually, with significant economic and food security implications. In Wedza District,
staple crops like maize, wheat, and vegetables are particularly vulnerable to various
pests and diseases, such as the fall armyworm, maize stalk borer, and fungal infections.
Traditionally, farmers at Kushinga Farm rely on manual monitoring to control pests and
diseases. While effective to some extent, this method has significant drawbacks.
Manual monitoring is labor-intensive, often inaccurate, and inefficient.
Research Question: Can autonomous spray drones effectively and safely apply
pesticides to small-scale farms in Zimbabwe, thereby reducing crop loss compared to
traditional spraying methods?

2. Literature Review
 Prevalence of crop loss in Zimbabwe: Research by the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) highlights the significant crop losses in Zimbabwe due to
pests and diseases [1].
 Efficacy of drone spraying: Studies have shown the effectiveness of drone
spraying in applying pesticides precisely and efficiently [2].
 Challenges of drone use in Africa: Research by [3] explores the challenges of
implementing drone technology in Africa, including regulatory issues, user
training, and infrastructure limitations.

3 Methodology: Design of the Experiment

3.1 Variables:
 Independent Variable: Spraying Method (Traditional vs. Autonomous Drone)
 Dependent Variable: Crop Loss (percentage)
3.2 Methods:
 Select two comparable fields with similar crops and pest problems.
Using the spraying method for pest control
Traditional ( Plot A) Autonomous(Plot B)
Effectiveness 2 5
Cost 5 3
Sustainability 2 4
Total 9 12

The best solution is the autonomous method.

 Train a group of farmers on safe and effective operation of the autonomous
 Apply pesticides using both methods (traditional and autonomous drone) to
designated areas within each field, ensuring consistent application rates.
 Monitor crop health throughout the growing season, recording pest infestation
and crop yield at harvest.
3.3 Equipment:
 Autonomous spray drone equipped with appropriate sensors and spraying
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) for farmers using traditional spraying
 Tools for data collection (measuring scales, pest identification kits).

3.4 Procedures:
 Obtain informed consent from participating farmers using questionaire.
 Train farmers on the operation of the autonomous drone, emphasizing safety
 Calibrate spraying equipment for both methods to ensure consistent application
 Apply pesticides following recommended schedules and guidelines.
 Regularly monitor fields for pest infestation and crop health.
 Harvest crops from designated areas and measure yield.
3.5 Ethical and Safety Considerations:
 Obtain necessary permits for drone operation.
 Train farmers on safe handling and operation of the drone.
 Ensure adherence to pesticide application guidelines to minimize environmental
 Conduct the experiment in a controlled environment to minimize risks to
neighboring farms.
4. Data Analysis
Calculation of the percentage of crop loss for each plot using yield data.

Percentage crop loss

Traditional Autonomous
Maize 30% 9%
Groundnuts 20% 5%
Beans 18% 10%
Tomatoes 35% 10%

5. Interpretation of Results
Using the table above, Autonomous drones have a less percentage crop loss which
makes it more effective than the traditional method.

6. Conclusions and Discussion

 Based on the data analysis, autonomous spray drones are more effective in
mitigating crop loss than traditional methods

Limitations of the Study on Pest Control Using Drones

Sample Size
1. Limited Sample Size:
- Explanation: A smaller sample size can limit the generalizability of the study’s
findings. If only a few fields or crops are studied, the results might not be
representative of broader agricultural contexts.
- Impact: This limitation can affect the statistical power of the study and the
ability to detect significant effects or differences. Small sample sizes can also
increase the margin of error and reduce the reliability of the conclusions.
2. Geographic Constraints:
- Explanation: Conducting the study in a limited geographic area may not
account for regional variations in pest populations, climate conditions, and
agricultural practices.
- Impact: The findings might be specific to the study area and not applicable to
other regions with different environmental conditions or pest control needs.

Environmental Factors
1. Weather Conditions:
- Explanation: Weather conditions, such as wind, rain, and temperature
fluctuations, can significantly impact the effectiveness of drone-based pest
control. Adverse weather can affect drone flight stability, pesticide dispersion,
and overall operational efficiency.
- Impact: Inconsistent weather conditions can introduce variability in the data,
making it difficult to attribute observed effects solely to the drone-based

2. Pesticide Drift and Environmental Impact:

- Explanation: Drones can cause pesticide drift, leading to unintended
dispersion of chemicals beyond the targeted area. This can affect non-target
organisms and ecosystems.
- Impact: The environmental impact of pesticide drift must be considered, as it
can compromise the safety and sustainability of drone-based pest control
practices. Regulatory compliance and public perception issues may also arise.

3. Soil and Crop Variability:

- Explanation: Variations in soil types, crop species, and growth stages can
influence the effectiveness of pest control measures. Different crops may have
varying levels of susceptibility to pests and pesticide uptake.
- Impact: These factors can complicate the assessment of drone-based pest
control efficacy, as results may vary across different agricultural settings.
Standardizing the conditions for comparison purposes can be challenging.

Technological and Operational Limitations

1. Drone Battery Life and Range:
- Explanation: The limited battery life and operational range of drones can
restrict the area that can be covered in a single flight. Frequent recharging or
battery changes may be necessary.
- Impact: These limitations can reduce the efficiency of pest control operations,
especially in large agricultural fields. They may also increase the time and labor
required to complete pest control activities.

2. Sensor Accuracy and Calibration:

- Explanation: The accuracy of sensors used in drones for detecting pests or
assessing crop health can be affected by calibration issues, sensor degradation,
or environmental interference.
- Impact: Inaccurate data from sensors can lead to suboptimal application of
pesticides, either through over-application or under-application, potentially
reducing the effectiveness of pest control and increasing costs.

3. Regulatory and Safety Concerns:

- Explanation: Regulatory restrictions on drone flights, especially in populated
or sensitive areas, can limit the use of drones for pest control. Safety concerns
related to drone operations must also be addressed.
- Impact: Compliance with regulations and ensuring safe drone operations can
increase the complexity and cost of implementing drone-based pest control
Mitigation Strategies
To address these limitations, the following strategies can be employed:

- Increasing Sample Size: Expand the study to include more fields and different
types of crops to enhance the generalizability of the findings.
- Geographic Diversification: Conduct the study in various geographic regions to
account for regional differences in environmental conditions and pest
- Weather Monitoring: Use weather forecasting tools to plan drone operations
during favorable conditions, and develop protocols to mitigate the impact of
adverse weather.
- Pesticide Management: Implement precision spraying techniques and buffer
zones to minimize pesticide drift and environmental impact.
- Standardization: Develop standardized protocols for drone operations across
different crops and soil types to ensure consistency in data collection and
- Technological Improvements: Invest in advanced drone technologies with
longer battery life, extended range, and high-accuracy sensors to improve
operational efficiency and data reliability.
- Regulatory Compliance: Stay updated with local regulations and ensure all
drone operations adhere to safety standards to mitigate legal and safety

By addressing these limitations and employing appropriate mitigation strategies,

the effectiveness and reliability of using drones for pest control in agriculture can
be significantly improved..
 Propose recommendations for future research and development of autonomous
spraying technology for small-scale farms.
[1] Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). [Insert citation about crop loss in
Zimbabwe]. [2] [Insert reference on the efficacy of drone
spraying] [3] [Insert reference on challenges of drone use in Africa]

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