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The Spiritual Mass

1. The Spiritual Mass
2. What is the spiritual mass?
3. The Investigative Mass
4. Why is the spiritual mass used in Santeria?
5. The coronation mass
6. How is a spiritual mass done?
7. Benefits of the Spiritual Mass
8. Prayers of the spiritual mass
9. Prayer to invoke the spirits in the spiritual mass
10. Songs used in Spiritual Masses
11. Be the Blessed
12. Oh come
13. Saint Hilary
14. Work Half Unit

The Spiritual Mass or seances, refers to meetings in which the manifestation of the
spirits is sincerely expected, using as a resource to achieve that connection
"mediums" developed for the perception of their spiritual fluid and power.

What is the spiritual mass?

It is necessary to understand that being together and manifesting that it is done in
the name of God is not enough for the spiritual energies to converge and this
becomes a spiritual mass, however, the first step for it to happen is the

That meeting goes beyond a material meeting. Participants must establish invisible
links, products of feeling, and genuine thoughts in common, which should be
oriented towards the good. It is there that the mystical process of "the spiritual
mass" begins when several individuals meet in pure and sincere invocation, without
a doubt, there will be access to spirits, which even vibrate at different energy levels,
the ideal of course is to aspire to the presence of spirits of the highest lights.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst
of them" (Matthew, Chap. 18 V. 20) As long as at least one of the pure spirits
manifests through a congregation or spiritual meeting, we are before the blessing
of God. That's what spiritism is all about
about, the learning through which the spirits
come to our call and can be among us.
The Investigative Mass

This type of spiritual session sIt

It is performed mainly to invoke the spirits that
are part of the spiritual guide table. of a particular person. This is done in order
to clearly identify their characteristics and abilities, as well as listen to their advice
through which the initiate will have a guide for the development of their spiritual
path and the unfolding of their situations in the earthly world.

Why is the spiritual mass used in Santeria?

Spiritism is another of the most deeply rooted popular religions in Cuba. In this
country, as we already know, from the beginning it was not possible to establish an
orthodox Catholicism. Therefore, it enjoys all kinds of believers who mix different
religious cults. This is why they are known for their multiple belief systems and
At present, spiritualism in relation to Afro-Cuban practices and beliefs has an
enormous cultural wealth, even being mixed with other traditional Cuban religious
practices such as Santeria, the Rule of Palo, Ñañiguismo and popular Catholicism,
giving rise to what is known as "cross spiritism."

For the practitioners of Santeria, a descendant of the Yoruba culture,

death is interpreted as another way of life. When individuals have
fulfilled the objectives proposed by coming to this plane, both material
and spiritual, accompanied by their respective funeral rituals, they will be
able to transcend to other dimensions that will turn them into a "ku" or
luminous spirit, which will allow them to reincarnate into the essences
that are related to it.

Now, if he does not satisfactorily meet the aforementioned conditions,

his death causes him to transform into a "ba" or wandering spirit, which
can only manifest as negative energy, since it will not contribute to
increasing his spiritual purification, or what is the same, it will not bring
ashé to embodied beings.

The soul of beings who reach the hierarchy of "ku" will reach "Ode Orun"
(world of the gods). In addition, on the way to reach that spiritual degree,
Olofi entrusts him with a variety of tasks of collective benefit. As in the
Spiritist doctrine, it is understood that spiritualities carry out various
charitable missions to reach a higher spiritual level.

Death is such an important theme in Yoruba culture

culture, which in fact,
represents a spirituality in itself, and has great relevance, as the following story
pertaining to its culture refers to:
It happened that When Olorun was looking for the right material to create the man,
all the Orisas participated in his search. Many of them brought different materials,
but none were appropriate. It was then that death appeared with his hands full of
clay, it is said that he had no mercy on his crying, which was manifested thanks to
the water that he distilled. He moved that clay to where Oloddumare was, who
originally gave it to Orichanlá and later himself, breathed life into it.

Olorun ruled that since Ikú (death) had been the one who chose the appropriate
material for the creation of man, he would be the one who would have the privilege
of returning it at any time to its place of origin ”. This is the explanation by
which, it is understood that Ikú's work is to take us back to the mud. This
speaks of a regression, the goal is to return, as indicated by the spirits. It
is well stated by the Ifá oddu Irete Kutan: "What the earth gives, the
earth takes away."

This is one of the many explanations that show why Santeria has learned
to live with spiritual practices, even using it as a complementary resource
for the initiation of the alleys in their consecration through the
coronation mass.

The coronation mass

Is a spiritual investigation that is done before the consecration in
Kariosha of the neophytes to start in Santeria. Their goal is to obtain the
appropriate recommendations and blessings from the spirits that guide the person
before taking that important spiritual step in their life.

It is also carried out to recognize the importance of those spiritualities that have
accompanied the individual since birth and convey gratitude for their mission, at
the same time, that they are notified of the ceremonial that is intended to be
carried out.

It is given the term "coronation mass" because this session culminates with a
coronation performed on the initiate by means of which the blessings of his
spiritual guide cadre and the entities that have labored during that meeting settle
on his head.

The consecration mass of the spiritual vault

For practitioners of spiritism, the Vault is an altar of vital importance

where different missionary spirits with a great variety of interests are
concentrated. The energetic power of this instrument can be invoked by the
devotee for his benefit, that of his family, or others whom he wishes to help in some

The spiritual mass of consecration of the vault is done with the intention of
channeling the spiritualities that accompany the initiate through the energetic
concentration of the fluid of those entities.

To achieve its proper consecration, during that spiritual meeting a medium with full
knowledge of these spiritual sciences invokes his spiritual guide picture, supported
by a series of elements necessary for its foundation (glasses, cup with water, a cross
or crucifix, flowers, candles, among others) configuring what will become from that
moment on your spiritual portal of work.

How is a spiritual mass done?

A Spiritual Mass begins with the congregation in front of a spiritual vault or portal
of people interested in such work. After a brief meditation, the medium proceeds to
recite the respective prayers of love to the Heavenly Father and other invocations
to the spirits, whom he invites to participate in that meeting.

Once the first prayers accompanied by various songs have been completed, and
fresh flowers have been placed, the candles lit, all the elements are in place and
communication is considered established, consent is received for the opening of the
conversation with the spiritualities that They will manifest according to your
energy level and elevation.

The advice provided by the spiritualities that come to the call will be listened with
respect and solemnity, attending to any requirement that they manifest until the
session is ended, which will be culminated by farewell songs and thanks to the
participating entities and to God Almighty for allowing them to come to our calling.

Bene=ts of the Spiritual Mass

The benefits of the spiritual masses are countless, but definitely its magnitude and
effectiveness will depend on the capacity of understanding and practice that the
initiate makes of the advice received.

God will always place good spirits at our disposal for our guidance and help.
Everyone is apt to ask for good advice, but is also free to follow or stop following it.
God wants it to be so, since we have full responsibility for our actions, we are free
to choose between good and evil. Not for nothing do we enjoy free will.

Prayers of the spiritual mass

Spiritism teaches us the essence of Prayer. It is a way of transmitting thought, in
order to ensure that the being who is asked can come to our call, or failing that, that
our thought can reach it. This occurs because all beings, both incarnated and
disembodied, are part of a whole that constitutes universal balance, and therefore,
we are connected thanks to the fluidic current that transmits thought, in the same
way that it does. air when transmitting sound.

That is why the Prayer is heard by the spirits wherever they are, and in turn, they
communicate with each other. Thanks to this phenomenon, the importance of
prayer is given and in addition, spirits can transmit their inspirations to us and
establish distance communication with those incarnated.

As has been mentioned in other articles, there are a variety of Prayers to attract
spiritual influx but, the most important thing during this action will be the faith and
sincerity with which that call is made.

You can read: What is a Spiritual Vault?

Prayer to invoke the spirits in the spiritual

In the name of Almighty God, I request that evil spirits stay
away from me and that good spirits serve as a shield against

Evil spirits that inspire evil thoughts in men. Cheating and

lying spirits who deceive them, mocking spirits who abuse
their credulity, I reject them with all the strength of my soul
and I close my ear to their suggestions; But I want God's
mercy to be poured out on you.

Good spirits who deign to assist me, give me strength to

resist the influence of evil spirits and the necessary light so
as not to be the mockery of their evil intentions. Guard me
from pride and conceit; separate from my heart jealousy,
hatred, malevolence and all feelings contrary to charity.

Songs used in Spiritual Masses

Be the Blessed

"Be the Blessed Sacrament" this song is usually used to start the meetings and
spiritual mass. It consists of a praise of God and the Virgin Mary, where reference is
made to the three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity, the fundamental basis
of the Spiritist doctrine.

Be the most holy.

Chorus: Sea

Be the most holy.

Chorus: Sea

My Mother of Charity, help us, protect us, in the name of God. Oh God!

Be the most holy.

Chorus: Sea

Be the most holy.

Chorus: Sea

My Mother of Charity, help us, protect us, in the name of God. Oh God!

From heaven the mother of God has come down, let us sing a bird at her

Chorus: Hail, hail, hail Mary. Hail, hail, hail Mary.

Oh Maria! Oh my gosh! Heavenly comfort shelter us and guide us to the heavenly


Chorus: Hail, hail, hail Mary. Hail, hail, hail Mary.

Long live Mary, long live José, long live this spiritual work. She is Mary conceived
without original sin.

Chorus: Hail, hail, hail Mary. Hail, hail, hail Mary.

If in heaven three stars illuminate the truth. It is faith, it is hope and it is Sister

Chorus: Hail, hail, hail Mary. Hail, hail, hail Mary.

Oh come

This song is used to invoke the guiding beings and protective spirits to bless the
spiritual coronation that is taking place or to invoke their blessing before some
spiritual consecration that takes place during the mass. In general, it is used in
coronation masses or channeling of spiritual vaults.
Oh come, protector, oh come. Be the Guide of this mission. Oh come protector to
this earth, to this beautiful coronation.

Chorus: In coronation, in coronation beings descend (bis).

You left the earth, my brother, now you come to do charity I ask the Father for
mercy so that you come seeking peace.

Chorus: In coronation, in coronation beings descend (bis).

How distant these beings are, and yet we keep them in mind they come from the
infinite watering flowers in a jiffy.

Chorus: In coronation, in coronation beings descend (bis).

Saint Hilary

The song "San Hilario" is used to invoke the spirits of various spiritual courts calling
for them to be present at the spiritual mass that is being performed and through
which, it is intended to make a connection with them to achieve the reception of
their advice.

Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary. Where are those congos?

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

Where are those dead?

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

I call them and they don't come.

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

African Commission.

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

Where are the gypsies?

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

Where are those Indians?

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

In the name of the Father.

Chorus: Saint Hilary, divine power, Saint Hilary.

Work Half Unit

Saint Mary on the Moon, Saint Elizabeth in the Sun. I don't want any disturbance
around us.

Chorus: Saint Mary on the Moon, Saint Elizabeth in the Sun. I don't want any
disturbance around us.

I call a being and it does not come, I call it in the name of God. I call the seven
powers, I do not want disturbance.

Chorus: Saint Mary on the Moon, Saint Elizabeth in the Sun. I don't want any
disturbance around us.
Saint Mary Mother, Saint Teresa of Jesus, a Missionary is coming around and
looking for light.

Chorus: Holy Mary Mother, Saint Teresa of Jesus, a Missionary is coming around
and looking for light.

Oh, work, work, hey, work half a unit; by working you receive faith, hope and

Chorus: Work, work, work half a unit working you receive faith, hope and charity

But work, work, hey, work half a unit; by working you receive faith, hope and

Chorus: Work, work, work half a unit working you receive faith, hope and charity

That by working you receive faith, hope and charity.

Chorus: Work, work, work half a unit working you receive faith, hope and charity

With the dead we receive faith, hope and charity.

Chorus: Work, work, work half a unit, working you receive faith, hope and charity

Hey, work, oh, work, hey, work half a unit; working you receive faith, hope and
charity, you see.

Chorus: Work, work, work half a unit working you receive faith, hope and charity

Work, work, work half a unit working you receive faith, hope and charity.
What is Works (Ebbo) Works (Ebbo)
Cinnamon with Eggun with Oya to beat
Incense and what enemies, money
is it for? and love

Ebbo with Inle for Works with Ebbo (Works)

Health, money, Ochosi for with the
bathroom, adimu Justice, Trial, Jimaguas: money,
and more Health and More prosperity,
protection and

Sweetened with Feeding the Ebbo with the

honey and Earth: What is it? Orishas to start
cinnamon Bene=ts, the new year
ceremony and
Works with 7 Works with 8 Works with
Shango: Money, Oshun for love Yemaya: Good
Prosperity, luck, Money,
against enemies Cleaning,
and more pregnancy and

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